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Apple      Bloom

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Tapdancing Christ, Kirby. That post took up more than half of the page. Still gonna go through it and quote everything you said to me before I have to leave to go eat shittons of turkey, though.


, all those brohoofs are making me feel nostalgic, despite those posts being only from a few months ago.


'syrup' is what you boys are calling it these days?

And dammit! Didn't I tell you to scoot back from the keyboard when doing that?!


I syrup'd all over the place, not just on my keyboard.


Lol 'chan-tard'

Surprised I'm just now hearing that one.


That's like, the universal name for anyone who posts on chans. Doesn't have to be limited to 4chan either, I used to lurk so many different ones...


I haven't.

Not that I can think of at least.


Don't lie, you probably did it the first time you quoted me.


Searching for artist now.


I don't wear any of that and don't always wash up afterwards...


I already did. He's actually pretty good.


And you're going to get the AIDS.


Congratz. Welcome to the club


I haven't had waffles in quite a while.

I should eat some.


Well at least I'm in good company on this one.


And you should. I was eating them because we have like, 4 boxes of them in the freezer for some unholy reason...


That's usually where I eat.

Except its on my bed with it near me.


I used to eat on my bed when my computer desk was pushed up against it, but I moved it back along the wall because I was tired of sleeping in a bed full of crumbs from various foodstuffs...


I know how you feel in that rant. They act as of you planned it and didnt care at all.


I wish my mom would go by that logic. I still lose my stuff even though I mostly sit on them whether its gaming or chatting in here. You'd think she would like and encourage the socializing.


I know, right? That shit pisses me off.


My mom knows I don't get out a lot, so I'm convinced she lets me keep the computer so I don't fall into a depression or something if I didn't have it. Because I'm pretty sure I would go into an existential crisis or something if I didn't have access to my computer and/or the internet.


And stop calling it 'syrup'!

Doesn't hide it at all! :l


i do wat i wunt


Sucks our brony name didn't win...


Wasn't it something incredibly simple, like "Applejack" or something? I mean, it makes sense since it was green apple flavored, but still.


I really want you to go back to Weyland. NAOW!


I liked the name Weyland too. Just saiyan.


Really? What are they saying? I haven't seen anything.


There was a thread here with people running around saying "The end is nigh" and shit like that.

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Hai, Arcy!

I'm good and how you be?


Also, Did you see my giant wall 'o quotes a few pages back? ;)


I had see your gigantic Wall of GCT Quotes, but the hype had died down by the time I saw it. Ergo, sorry I didn't acknowledge your "master piece", but hey, nothing lasts forever. :P And hai Haven! :) Edited by Arcanel
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It told the story pretty good, but I never saw the other ones that were presented. Our movie was about 12 minutes long, and my friend that turned it in said the other ones were 3-5 minutes long with worse acting than we had. The teacher had to have graded it down for too much blood, I don't think we just any "gore" at all for that one.




The one day of the year you'll regret what you ate today for the next 3 weeks.


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I have no idea what lingonberry jam or even lingonberries are. :)


Not yet. Haven't been able to sneak on my computer. :x

Will get it either today or tomorrow though!


Lol speaking of diapers, I totally could have used one yesterday at work. I had to go SOOOOOOO bad, but one guy drove off in the work truck without saying a word to me or this other worker leaving me with no way to a bathroom.


Onto the Doom mapping, how do you do that? That would be a neat thing to learn considering my want to be a game programmer/slight designer.


lingonberries is a type of berries frequently found here in the Nordic. it's a common element mixed with the well-known meatballs, because, unlike raspberry or strawberry jam, lingonberry jam is a bit sourish, which gives the food a nice sting to it.


it's vey delicious to eat, but don't EVER mix it in with a glass of milk... it tastes horrible. X_x


tell me if you need the files again.


as long as you're okay with getting rid of the mess afterwards, so... :D


mapping is basically how Doom levels are built upon. instead of actual 3D geometry, you draw maps on a grid, assign them various functions and features, add things to the maps, and in advanced source-ports, even scripted sequences. in order to map, you need a map editor. Doom Builder 2 is usually the most common one nowadays, and then you assign IWADs to specific game seyups to get resources such as textures and monsters in the game. say you're making a map for vanilla Doom 2, you use the Doom 2 IWAD and make the map with its resources.


i'm not all that knowledged with how it works, though, so don't expect much help from me now. :x



to further add-on, here's a map-view of how E1M1 is built up:


Posted Image


it doesn't show where all the things and vertices are placed, but this is how a Doom map is built up as.

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My family likes to bar people from eating all day until the food is ready. This another reason I will be very happy to be out of this house.


T minus twenty-three days...


Holy...THAT'S CRUELTY! :angry: How dare they! But is your family really that bad? :blink:


By the way, I don't know if you saw my mention before, but I ask again, have you done something about psychology or psychoanalysis or have a degree in it? Since you seem to work and tell about that a lot, I was curious.

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Holy...THAT'S CRUELTY! :angry: How dare they! But is your family really that bad? :blink:

They are. It's a tradition. A very irritating tradition. I could, of course, violate it, but it's not worth the aggravation of dealing with everyone shouting at me.


By the way, I don't know if you saw my mention before, but I ask again, have you done something about psychology or psychoanalysis or have a degree in it? Since you seem to work and tell about that a lot, I was curious.


I don't think I saw you mention before.


To answer your question: I do not have any schooling in the subject. I know a lot about psychology as a result of trying to understand my own emotional issues. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, probably have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and have had quite the traumatic history of crushing psychological events. I'm suffering from depression on a daily basis and generally am not as cheerful or stable as I might sometimes appear. As a result I've had a vested interest in figuring myself out for the purposes of trying to rein in that behavior and bring it all under control, or at least as much control as I can manage.

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They are. It's a tradition. A very irritating tradition. I could, of course, violate it, but it's not worth the aggravation of dealing with everyone shouting at me.



I don't think I saw you mention before.


To answer your question: I do not have any schooling in the subject. I know a lot about psychology as a result of trying to understand my own emotional issues. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, probably have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and have had quite the traumatic history of crushing psychological events. I'm suffering from depression on a daily basis and generally am not as cheerful or stable as I might sometimes appear. As a result I've had a vested interest in figuring myself out for the purposes of trying to rein in that behavior and bring it all under control, or at least as much control as I can manage.


Well, crap...I'm not the rebellious type, but even I would start complaining a lot.


And...I see...personaly, I've never tried figuring out if I ever had something (I'm refraining myself from outloud panicking and going "OMG I HAVE X AND X AHHHHH!" because it not only would be an insult to those who do have them, but I might as well be wrong), but I understand the need to understand oneself. I'm very self-conscious, so I have a lot of knowledge about myself (even though I choose to ignore it sometimes), and it also happens to be that I have low self-esteem and I bash myself. A lot. I have gone to three different psychologists. The first two were about anger issues and the fact that I needed to not take it so seriously sometimes, and remember the fact that people were trying to make me mad, because that made them laugh. The third and current time however, was different. I had a traumatic event around 8/9 years ago (that, somehow, indirectly led me to discover ponies), that I had avoided trying, because I was blissfully unaware. But of course, self-consciousness tends to be a conniving bastard, and I started feeling bad for those previous events. So, finally I mustered up the courage and went to tell the next psychologist all of the things that had troubled me so far. And it went rather well. Hell, I could not be more glad that I went there (and I'm still going), because when that matter was resolved, we started seeing all of the other little things that had always bothered me, and tried to give them reason. University, since I failed it so badly this year and will restart next year, was tearing me apart, but I finally managed to put it past myself. I had always had worried about little things or couldn't stop thinking about them (which sometimes led me to have insomnia). Only this recent months I have learned to have a more "lassez-faire" attitude, AKA letting go sometimes, that has seriously worked for the better.


I actually liked psychology and philosophy, but I was afraid of what I could find. I KNOW I analyze a lot when it comes to myself, and the moment I start seeing ALL those things...I might as well stop everything else and start figuring out what I have and don't have and I know I would never stop. And that's NOT what I would follow a career for. But I've also come to terms with a few things.


For one, there will ALWAYS be a part of yourself that will remain in the dark. I don't know what, but there always is a part. And I know it's there. And I believe it's part of what makes you human. If we did know ourselves fully, nothing would be at random anymore. And we would turn ourselves into a robot, so to speak, which we know is impossible.


I'm totally glad that you are fighting back that which makes you umcomfortable. That which makes you unhappy. It means you are strong enough to be willing to change that. To not let it overtake you. Which is what people should always strive to do. IT's possible you'll never get under full control, but making it as best as possible is always the better idea. Don't make full control your mission. make it your mission to each day making it better. :)

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I had seen* your gigantic Wall of GCT Quotes, but the hype had died down by the time I saw it. Ergo, sorry I didn't acknowledge your "master piece", but hey, nothing lasts forever. :P And hai Haven! :)


Lol ok, just making sure.

Any plans other than eating a lot today, Arcy?

Tapdancing Christ, Kirby. That post took up more than half of the page. Still gonna go through it and quote everything you said to me before I have to leave to go eat shittons of turkey, though.

, all those brohoofs are making me feel nostalgic, despite those posts being only from a few months ago.


I'm totes stealing that phrase!

Dammit. At least i know peeps actually read those. So much for hiding shit in there.


No fair, me wanna feel nolstalgia.

I syrup'd all over the place, not just on my keyboard.


Goddamn it! I hope you Atleast cleaned up afterwards.

That's like, the universal name for anyone who posts on chans. Doesn't have to be limited to 4chan either, I used to lurk so many different ones...



And other Chans? :wacko:

Didn't know there were more.

They as good as 4chan?

Don't lie, you probably did it the first time you quoted me.


I'm not liling.

I seriously don't think I have.

Maybe, idk.

I already did. He's actually pretty good.

And you're going to get the AIDS.


Oh? hopefully he has something worth saving.


No u

I need no protection from there.

Well at least I'm in good company on this one.

And you should. I was eating them because we have like, 4 boxes of them in the freezer for some unholy reason...



We have some somewhere around here, but I can't remember where and cant find them...


I used to eat on my bed when my computer desk was pushed up against it, but I moved it back along the wall because I was tired of sleeping in a bed full of crumbs from various foodstuffs...


I still do. Mainly cause I finally learned how to not fuck up everything with what I'm eating.


I know, right? That shit pisses me off.

My mom knows I don't get out a lot, so I'm convinced she lets me keep the computer so I don't fall into a depression or something if I didn't have it. Because I'm pretty sure I would go into an existential crisis or something if I didn't have access to my computer and/or the internet.


Me too oh so much.

I get out very little as well, but that doesn't halt mine from taking all mah shit.

I actually started freaking out one time she took my computer after I had joined here. I've never been so bored and anxious to get mah stuff back. The only punishment that actually had an effect on me.


Wasn't it something incredibly simple, like "Applejack" or something? I mean, it makes sense since it was green apple flavored, but still.



Still should have won. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


There was a thread here with people running around saying "The end is nigh" and shit like that.



Wish i had seen it.

Edited by Hven
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Well, crap...I'm not the rebellious type, but even I would start complaining a lot.


And...I see...personaly, I've never tried figuring out if I ever had something (I'm refraining myself from outloud panicking and going "OMG I HAVE X AND X AHHHHH!" because it not only would be an insult to those who do have them, but I might as well be wrong), but I understand the need to understand oneself. I'm very self-conscious, so I have a lot of knowledge about myself (even though I choose to ignore it sometimes), and it also happens to be that I have low self-esteem and I bash myself. A lot. I have gone to three different psychologists. The first two were about anger issues and the fact that I needed to not take it so seriously sometimes, and remember the fact that people were trying to make me mad, because that made them laugh. The third and current time however, was different. I had a traumatic event around 8/9 years ago (that, somehow, indirectly led me to discover ponies), that I had avoided trying, because I was blissfully unaware. But of course, self-consciousness tends to be a conniving bastard, and I started feeling bad for those previous events. So, finally I mustered up the courage and went to tell the next psychologist all of the things that had troubled me so far. And it went rather well. Hell, I could not be more glad that I went there (and I'm still going), because when that matter was resolved, we started seeing all of the other little things that had always bothered me, and tried to give them reason. University, since I failed it so badly this year and will restart next year, was tearing me apart, but I finally managed to put it past myself. I had always had worried about little things or couldn't stop thinking about them (which sometimes led me to have insomnia). Only this recent months I have learned to have a more "lassez-faire" attitude, AKA letting go sometimes, that has seriously worked for the better.


I actually liked psychology and philosophy, but I was afraid of what I could find. I KNOW I analyze a lot when it comes to myself, and the moment I start seeing ALL those things...I might as well stop everything else and start figuring out what I have and don't have and I know I would never stop. And that's NOT what I would follow a career for. But I've also come to terms with a few things.


For one, there will ALWAYS be a part of yourself that will remain in the dark. I don't know what, but there always is a part. And I know it's there. And I believe it's part of what makes you human. If we did know ourselves fully, nothing would be at random anymore. And we would turn ourselves into a robot, so to speak, which we know is impossible.


I'm totally glad that you are fighting back that which makes you umcomfortable. That which makes you unhappy. It means you are strong enough to be willing to change that. To not let it overtake you. Which is what people should always strive to do. IT's possible you'll never get under full control, but making it as best as possible is always the better idea. Don't make full control your mission. make it your mission to each day making it better. :)


You're certainly not wrong about all of that. Plus, everyone can benefit from seeing a psychologist at least once, regardless of whatever issues they may have. Our society tends to force people to internalize their problems rather than talking about them--especially men--so as a result, people could use more someone to talk to. (Just so you know, I'm certain I have BPD because of a diagnosis from a psychologist. The GAD hasn't been diagnosed and is simply my feeling based upon the research I've done, but I'm not going to claim for sure that I have it since, as you say, there's no way to know for sure. If there's one thing people are bad at, it's diagnosing themselves.)

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Lol ok, just making sure. Any plans other than eating a lot today, Arcy?

Not today! Tomorrow is a bit more filled however. And then comes Saturday. ALL of my plans are there. ALL of them. :D


You're certainly not wrong about all of that. Plus, everyone can benefit from seeing a psychologist at least once, regardless of whatever issues they may have. Our society tends to force people to internalize their problems rather than talking about them--especially men--so as a result, people could use more someone to talk to. (Just so you know, I'm certain I have BPD because of a diagnosis from a psychologist. The GAD hasn't been diagnosed and is simply my feeling based upon the research I've done, but I'm not going to claim for sure that I have it since, as you say, there's no way to know for sure. If there's one thing people are bad at, it's diagnosing themselves.)


Amen to that my friend. :mellow: I have a tendency to not let my true feelings out sometimes because I don't want people to worry. Hence why I go to the psychologist. If I can figure it out there, then all the better. :) But yeah, self-diagonosis is the bane of too many people. Let someone with experience do it. That should be a friggin motto of a pharmacist or similar, seriously!
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It's pretty normal for me today too, we just decided to cook a turkey, along with potatoes, gravy, and stuffing. The holiday is a bit diminished when you're having a meal with the same people you share a meal with on a daily basis.


I went to a psychologist once, the insurance said it would be covered. It wasn't and they keep billing us, I was unsatisfied with the guy there anyways. He wanted me to tell him my life story on the first visit, and he kept poking and prodding me. I told him I don't open up to people easily, that's how I found out he wasn't even listening to me anyways.


$270 for a half an hour visit, no thank you Mr. Psychologist.

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well, i can safely say now that today was a hell of a lot better than the disaster yesterday; for one thing, i got my keys back! turns out my assumption was right: i DID leave the keys at school. thankfully, someone turned in them to the teachers. and it wasn't as stressful a day, either.


I went to a psychologist once, the insurance said it would be covered. It wasn't and they keep billing us, I was unsatisfied with the guy there anyways. He wanted me to tell him my life story on the first visit, and he kept poking and prodding me. I told him I don't open up to people easily, that's how I found out he wasn't even listening to me anyways.


$270 for a half an hour visit, no thank you Mr. Psychologist.


i plan to see a psychologist myself, actually. if it hasn't been known here yet, my mood can be very volatile at times, and i want to be able to handle it, somehow. thoughts about stabbing people doesn't seem like a good mindset to me.
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I went to a psychologist once, the insurance said it would be covered. It wasn't and they keep billing us, I was unsatisfied with the guy there anyways. He wanted me to tell him my life story on the first visit, and he kept poking and prodding me. I told him I don't open up to people easily, that's how I found out he wasn't even listening to me anyways.


$270 for a half an hour visit, no thank you Mr. Psychologist.


$270?!?!?!?! :blink: WHAT THE HELL?! THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS! :angry: But just curious,did you went to the psychologist because you really wanted to or something else?


i plan to see a psychologist myself, actually. if it hasn't been known here yet, my mood can be very volatile at times, and i want to be able to handle it, somehow. thoughts about stabbing people doesn't seem like a good mindset to me.

I had been wondering about that Viscra. How's that coming along?




In other news, I just reset a page when I was finishing posting a topic that had a post of more than 10000 charcters, and now I have to write it ALL again.............AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSLDGFHOLNGÑSIHLSN :angry: :angry:

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haven't gotten a response yet. i've told my dad to call them again, and i'm going to get a scheduled time soon. hopefully.


Nice! Though this has been months ago. I'm surprised you haven't been able a meeting yet, to be comepletely honest. :huh:
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, here's how an editor shot of Doom Builder looks like: http://puu.sh/1t0g0


it's not my map, but it shows a few more things, like vertices (the blue dots), and things (the green arrows and pink dots).


Nice! Though this has been months ago. I'm surprised you haven't been able a meeting yet, to be comepletely honest. :huh:


i'm just as surprised as you are.
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lingonberries is a type of berries frequently found here in the Nordic. it's a common element mixed with the well-known meatballs, because, unlike raspberry or strawberry jam, lingonberry jam is a bit sourish, which gives the food a nice sting to it.



it's vey delicious to eat, but don't EVER mix it in with a glass of milk... it tastes horrible. X_x



I might have to come to Sweden to try some now.

lol, Ill keep that in mind

tell me if you need the files again.


Aight. Bout to go find them and see if the download still works now.


as long as you're okay with getting rid of the mess afterwards, so... :D


lol as long as I still had some underwear to use I could just throw it away into the woods.

If not, then I guess Id be screwed and would have to try and clean it...

mapping is basically how Doom levels are built upon. instead of actual 3D geometry, you draw maps on a grid, assign them various functions and features, add things to the maps, and in advanced source-ports, even scripted sequences. in order to map, you need a map editor. Doom Builder 2 is usually the most common one nowadays, and then you assign IWADs to specific game setups to get resources such as textures and monsters in the game. say you're making a map for vanilla Doom 2, you use the Doom 2 IWAD and make the map with its resources.


i'm not all that knowledged with how it works, though, so don't expect much help from me now. :x



to further add-on, here's a map-view of how E1M1 is built up:


Posted Image


it doesn't show where all the things and vertices are placed, but this is how a Doom map is built up as.


I might have to look into that map builder. Sounds pretty interesting.

Aaah, so the actual map you look at in game is the same map used to build it. Thats pretty neat.

Also, Thats Ep1M1 from Ultimate Doom: Knee Deep In The Dead, isn't it?

That level has many memories for me.

And dat music! :o

In other news, I just reset a page when I was finishing posting a topic that had a post of more than 10000 charcters, and now I have to write it ALL again.............AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSLDGFHOLNGÑSIHLSN :angry: :angry:


It didn't autosave what you wrote? Im not sure if it does when making a thread, but I know it does when posting normally.

Should check that first.


, here's how an editor shot of Doom Builder looks like: http://puu.sh/1t0g0


it's not my map, but it shows a few more things, like vertices (the blue dots), and things (the green arrows and pink dots).


Ooo, I like the way it looks. :wacko:


Is it hard to pick up and learn how to do?

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It didn't autosave what you wrote? Im not sure if it does when making a thread, but I know it does when posting normally. Should check that first.

No, I mean that, before I could finish and post the thread, I accidentally pressed Ctrl+R or E, I dunno, and it either reset or went to the previous page. I HATE IT WHEN MY FINGER PRESSES THE CONTROL BUTTON INSTEAD OF THE SHIFT BUTTON BECAUSE STUFF LIKE THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS ARGH! :angry: And no, it didn't autosave, as far as I know. How would I check that anyway? :huh:
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