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mega thread Last Movie You Watched?


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I last watched what I thought was one of Alfred Hitchcock's greater films: "The Wrong Man". I feel so sorry for the husband, and yet there's that sense of confusion and wonder about why the wife suffered the way she did.



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My room mate made me watch The Shrine. I dislike most horror movies and this one was an especially bad one.


I have to agree there with horrors,

they don't make them the way they used to its all predictable now and they've lost their scare factor.

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I saw Prisoners today starring Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal. I thought it was very good. It was a bit long, but it was incredibly suspenseful and well-acted. There were some really disturbing parts, but it kept me on the edge of my seat for sure. The ending had a bit of a twist to it too, so it was definitely not predictable. I'd give it a thumbs up. 8.5/10

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Manderlay - An interesting little Indy film from an interesting Danish director by the name of Lars Von Trier to say the least. Starring Bryce-Dallas Howard and Danny Glover, it follows the story of a 1933 gangster's (who is played by Willem Dafeo, BTW) daughter by the name of Grace (Howard) as she stumbles upon an Alabama plantation where slavery still exists. After the elderly plantation owner (portrayee by Lauren Becall) dies, Grace (in her very liberal mindset) is left to education the now ex-slaves in how to function within an American democratic society. To put it brutally honest, this film is weird. Twist and turns is the master plan, only to find the plot back where it began. The movie is filmed on a purposefully barely furnished sound stage, with only minimal set design to help the audience to visualize the most basic setting. As odd as it sounds, it actually works, leaving the viewer to end up imagining forests and cotton fields that aren't actually there. Very ingenious. Unfortunately, Von Trier is more of a philosopher than a director and his mind games with his actors leads to ineffective acting. The actors feel like they're far too scripted and gives a sort of staged feel to the film, moreso than the soundstage backdrop. Also, because its a bqrely dressed soundstage, it's unfortunate that most of the lines the actors read have to be kept low, effecting the emotional ranges that could be reached. Truthfully, I can't decide if its a bad movie or not, or if I even like it in general. It's one of those movies that you'll have to watch to decide for yourself.

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I saw Prisoners today starring Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal. I thought it was very good. It was a bit long, but it was incredibly suspenseful and well-acted. There were some really disturbing parts, but it kept me on the edge of my seat for sure. The ending had a bit of a twist to it too, so it was definitely not predictable. I'd give it a thumbs up. 8.5/10

Just cause this the other day.


OOooooo.  It was unique.  It was one of the few movies "movie bob" reviewed that he didn't have his head up his ass the whole time.

there alot poor choices made by the cast in that movie that make watching it a real treat.

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I can't even remember, but my favourite films are Paul, Avatar and lee evens comedy road shows! omg they are the best :D I also really enjoyed Warm Bodies its a really good film and it really funny i would recommend anyone to see it :D

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Spring Breakers. Was really excited to see this one, since the trailer made it look like a neo-Clockwork Orange directed by a drugged up Terrence Malick. Kinda disappointed in the result though. It's in no way a bad movie, but it was dull at times and if you cut out the boring Selena Gomez character and all the repetitive party scenes it would easily be half as long as it is now. The scene with Franco orally pleasuring a gun was good though.

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The last movie I saw was Lilo and Stitch. That movie is the best! It always makes me in a better mood. Some of the humor in there is down right hilarious. (Post spoilers)























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Watched Shaun of the Dead the other day for about the 50th time, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are one of the best acting duo's out there!

Hotfuzz and The Worlds End are brilliant as well, so funny XD Can't wait for The Worlds End to come out on DVD later this year.

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The new Diamond Edition of The Little Mermaid!

I watched it both normally and with audio commentary!


They sure had to cut out a lot, but it was for pacing purposes, so i can't blame them.

They did a great job with the songs as well!


I sometimes find myself singing or humming songs from this movie now.


This movie is still awesome even after 24 years ago!

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I re-watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World a couple nights back, that is the last one I can remember. In fact I think I'm behind schedule, I really need to star re-watching that movie more often!

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I believe it was Kaze Tachinu (The Wind Rises.) I was less than impressed. It definitely didn't meet my expectations. I enjoyed the animation, but that was about all I enjoyed. The main problem was that I had a hard time suspending disbelief, especially about the character Naoko. If you thought Twilight was Mary Sue... Yeesh.


To be honest, I think it's been quite some time since a good Ghibli movie has come out. In recent years, I keep feeling like I go in with high expectations only to be let down with Ghibli. Does anyone else feel this way...?

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The most recent movie I watched was The Hunger Games because I'm reading Catching Fire now. Bit of a recap I guess, I also much enjoyed the movie Hancock.

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The Amazing Spider-Man.


Truth be told, I loved it and I even loved the OST. The new guy makes a nice, new Spider-man...

It's probably easily one of my favorite movies...not my favorite, but one of my favorites.

I had low expectations going in which is probably why I enjoyed it so much; it was certainly enjoyable to me.

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I watched a movie that was on TV recently, it's called Vikings, and guess what...





...It's about vikings.


But yeah, there's not really much to tell about it, it's about vikings and viking stuff they do, there's some love in it too of course. But it's actually very good, I like it. :)

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