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Last movie I watched was "Have Dreams,Will Travel" with AnnaSophia Robb.
After seeing "Bridge to Terabithia" I really liked Robb and started to watch all films where she was starred.
Really beautiful actress and almost all films with her are great:)

Edited by ArtemYegorov
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I watched the original 80's Friday The 13th on, well, Friday the 13th and I must say it have actually aged surprisingly well. Everything that most characters in slashers would do out of sheer stupidity was actually given good reasons here, for example going alone, because the killer was being sneaky and the other kids didn't actually know anybody had died. It manages to be quite suspenseful at times, and even if the characters are a bit foolish they are still likeable enough to be dragged into the film and feel sorry for them when they die. Also I won't spoil the ending for those of you who haven't watched it yet, but I will say the twist is really interesting. Worth a watch for sure.

Edited by Nightmare Lyre
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Elysium, gory and sciency

Pacific Rim, reminds me of Gundam

World War Z

Halo: Forward Unto Dawn, quite good I guess; nice prologue movie for the game


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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Everyone Says I Love You. Woody Allen goes musical in Venuce. And it's worth it.


Coarline. I remember how I ranted about this movie on Toonzone way back then. But now it's my favorite movie from that time.

Edited by Ulrik Raben


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It's about a person who works at an art auction. He conspires with criminals to steal this one amazing painting, like a total awesome inside job. But instead, steals the paining himself by tricking his partners in crime. His partners find out and kidnap him, torture him and decide to force him into hypnotherapy because he can't remember where he left the painting.


It's a really cool concept and really well done. Acting is great, music was beautiful. And c'mon, hypnosis is just too cool.

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I've seen several movies lately that I enjoyed tremendously. I watch a lot of movies, but it is not often that I am greatly impressed with one beyond just enjoying it. I have seen four movies lately. I would not consider the first three among my favorite movies, but I would consider the fourth one to be. 


In this post, I will give brief plot descriptions in addition to what I personally thought of the movie, as well as advisories concerning their content, so that anyone who would be offended by certain material would know of its presence in the movie beforehand if they chose to watch it. I will go ahead and say now that I do not recommend any of these movies to children. I do not necessarily define child as a person under 18 in this context - rather, as someone who may not be ready to view some of the content presented in these movies. The actual age at which someone would be emotionally ready to see any of these movies varies from person to person. However, as a general rule, I do not recommend any of these movies to children under 14. If I feel that a particular movie in this list is particularly oriented toward adults or those close to adulthood, I will specifically state that fact. I am almost 17, so if I say that I do not recommend a movie for children under 17, I am including people such as myself who are almost at that age.





Beyond The Black Rainbow 

This was an interesting science fiction movie that was set in the 1980s. It involves a corrupted search for spiritual enlightenment that employs the use of hallucinogenic drugs. Not surprisingly, this produces results quite contrary to spiritual enlightenment: drug addiction and insanity. The majority of the movie takes place in a quasi-futuristic facility in which a sixteen year old girl with special mental powers is being held captive. In terms of content, it is rated R for some bloody violence, disturbing images, a graphic sexual illustration, language and drug content. So, I would not recommend this movie to children under 17, or to anyone who would be offended by such material. Personally, I found a lot of the content in the movie to be deplorable, morally reprehensible, and severely offensive. However, I did not at all feel that the movie was promoting the kind of content and behavior it depicted. Quite the contrary, the director openly stated that he had a dislike for what he referred to as the spiritual ideals of the baby boomer generation. I do not know what his stance is on an alternative but healthy quest for spiritual enlightenment, but I most certainly agree with his dislike toward those who dabble in the dark side of occultism, including the employment of hallucinogenic drugs. Overall, I found it to be an extremely interesting movie. It is a stark reminder that disregarding the health, safety, and well-being of yourself and/or others to reach any sort of goal, whether or not it is a spiritual one, is destructive.





The Speed of Thought

This was a science fiction/romance movie. The story was centered around people who had the ability to communicate telepathically, which included being able to listen to anyone's thoughts without their knowledge, unless they also had telepathic abilities. Two people who have these abilities meet and fall in love, and they have to overcome hurdles involving government corruption. I found this movie to be enjoyable, and it did feature from intriguing content. A particularly interesting scene was when a person with telepathic ability entered into his "mind space," for lack of a better term, and confronted a being wearing a clown mask that remained no matter how many times it "took it off," and a modulating voice that sounded deep to the extent of being inhuman one moment and a female voice the next. It told the individual that it could think of it as I think either his subconscious or his conscious, I do not remember. In terms of content, it has some nudity, sexual content, and language. I don't recommend it for children.





Astronaut: The Last Push

I love this movie. The basic idea of the story is that a NASA probe photographed whales on Europa, a moon of Saturn, which led to a private company developing its own space program and technology to send a vessel manned by two astronauts to see the whales in person. Their flight required them to swing around other planets in the solar system to gather momentum. It would take them six years to arrive, and they were supposed to be asleep for the entire trip. However, a small meteor impacted their craft, damaging the room that they were sleeping in. It caused them to wake up, but one of them was killed. The other was alone, trapped in a small main cabin area that did not have any windows. He was able to communicate with mission control, but not live. They had to send pre-recorded videos to one another. The rest of the movie is about how he not only survives but maintains his sanity alone in that cabin, and what happens regarding the mission. It was an extremely positive movie, with great messages about the human spirit, perseverance, love, and a quest for the unknown, in this case specifically involving humanity's passion for exploration. In terms of content, the movie does contain some intense and frightening hallucination sequences when the astronaut struggles to maintain his sanity, as well as some language and brief nudity. This is a wonderful movie, but I do not recommend it for children.






This was a very intriguing movie. It was actually supposed to be the pilot for a TV series, but no further episodes were ever made. Subsequently, it was just released as a movie. While I would love to see the story continued further, I was content with what was in this movie. It is a futuristic movie in which humans are on an interstellar flight. The movie focuses heavily on the fact that they use virtual reality technology to nullify the monotony of being on a spaceship for ten years. The movie raised very interesting questions about the philosophical question of reality. How do you separate reality from unreality? Moreover, what is reality? In terms of content, the movie contains some sexual content and language, as well as violence including sexual violence. While most of the sexual violence that took place was not shown, it was still very disturbing. I do not recommend this movie for children under 17. I did not like the fact that they included sexual violence in this movie, but I'm pretty sure I understand why they did - to further develop the idea that what they considered a virtual reality was very much real, as the sexual violence took place in the virtual reality. The psychological impact upon the victim in the movie was certainly real. However, they could have made the same point without having to include that kind of content. Overall, though, I greatly enjoyed the movie, and found it to be highly thought-provoking.

  • Brohoof 1



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The Conjuring.


It was average. It's not even remotely as scary as the adverts and reviews made it out to be. In fact, the theater was laughing at its over-the-top silliness during most of the "scary" parts. I definitely have a hard time believing it's a true story, but I do have a lot of interest in paranormal stuff. That said, it's a decent horror flick. It's a heck of a lot better than the Paranormal Activity movies, which isn't saying a great deal, but it was entertaining enough. 7/10

Edited by Sugar Cube
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The last movie I watched was Fullmetal Alchemist: Star of Melios. My sister wanted to watch it(She's a big fan of Fullmetal Alchemist and I like it too). It was about this brother(His name is Ashley) and sister meeting each other after a ton of years. I don't remember the rest cause I fell asleep.

I love Supernatural! :D

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The Conjuring.


It was average. It's not even remotely as scary as the adverts and reviews made it out to be. In fact, the theater was laughing at its over-the-top silliness during most of the "scary" parts. I definitely have a hard time believing it's a true story, but I do have a lot of interest in paranormal stuff. That said, it's a decent horror flick. It's a heck of a lot better than the Paranormal Activity movies, which isn't saying a great deal, but it was entertaining enough. 7/10


I have not seen it yet, but sadly I had the feeling that it would be something like this. Maybe I'll consider not seeing it at the theaters and watch it at home whenever I can "100% legally" get it online sometime instead.



The last movie I watched was Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter which was on TV a couple of days ago. I've already seen it long ago and I think it's decent. I suppose most of you have already seen it.

Edited by Jokuc
  • Brohoof 1


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The World's End


My god was that movie good. Definitely not for people who like clean/comfortable movies though. Also has one of the oddest yet awesome endings that I have seen.

  • Brohoof 3
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The World's End


My god was that movie good. Definitely not for people who like clean/comfortable movies though. Also has one of the oddest yet awesome endings that I have seen.


I just saw The World's End today.  I also thought that it was good.  I like how we spend a lot of time just hanging out with the characters before we get to the main action of the story.  With some movies, I wish they would just hurry up and get to the point.  But in this one, I enjoyed the extended prologue portion.  I will have to see the movie again before I can decide where I would rank it with the Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.



The ending was pretty unique. The aliens just say "screw it" and leave. Then the world becomes like the TV show Revolution. I think it is a nice change of pace when these types of movies decide to have the world as we know it come to an end, rather than saving it.


  • Brohoof 2

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Watched Apollo 13 for the first time in a few years. Still a very powerful film, even if they did overdramatize some of the details. Even if you knew what happened to the original crew, you could still feel the tension between them, the families, mission control and all the staff at NASA. Spaceflight is all about precision, and if you're off by even the tiniest amount, you're done for. And it definitely showed in this movie.


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Just seen RUSH! It was awesome! (Just written a reveiw)!


Don't think I have had that may feels from a film in a long time! Great film!


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I just finished watched Dredd today.  I thought that it was pretty good.  I have never read any of the comic books.  I was only familiar with the character from seeing the older Sylvester Stallone movie.

Edited by Shawn Parks

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I just watched Argo and that was a fantastic movie. I was motivated with the movie the entire time. Although, I still don't get why it won best picture.

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I was just watching a movie called Arachnophobia from the year 1990. It was awesome and all, only one problem now I just got reminded of how much I dislike spiders.. They're creepy.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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I was just watching a movie called Arachnophobia from the year 1990. It was awesome and all, only one problem now I just got reminded of how much I dislike spiders.. They're creepy.


That's an old favorite of mine.  I have been thinking about watching it again recently, but hesitate because I have been seeing a lot of spiders around the house lately.  I hate those things.  And when I watch that movie I get extra paranoid about spiders. 

  • Brohoof 1

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