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Your recent "WTF" moments in life


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haha this tread is already swarming with epic!


i once had one where my broter was walking domn the stairs,just to turn around and walk up the stairs again, and repeat this cycle for about 30 minutes.. that was kinda a wtf moment to me


turned out later he was doing it for 'excersize'..

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Let's say I was visiting a friend's house. Said friend has a cat. A particularly...unintelligent cat. We're setting on the couch playing some Little Big Planet 2. I jump up to get something I forgot about, which scares the cat. We hear a loud thud followed by a dull "meeeeooowwrrr". ^_^


Another cat related WTF moment was when my own cat was sound asleep. I was playing my Xbox, minding my own business. Suddenly I heard a loud meow and looked down at my cat. He just jumped up, sneezed about four times and fell over, flat as a board, and was fast asleep again. I had pain in my jaw from all the laughing afterwards.


And, since I recently became a brony, of course Fluttershy's rage made me go WTF...  XD

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Ha, my mom just told me about how one of her friends, who works at a bank, had a guy come in to withdraw money or whatever, and it turned out he was the pallbearer at Marilyn Monroe's funeral. The WTF moment comes when I tell you that the guy actually keeps photos of Monroe's autopsy in his wallet. Just let that sink in for a moment.


Also, just remembered a whole series of WTF moments from a few months ago when some friends and I took a trip out to Frisco and got smashed at a brewery. Once we were done there, the six of us drunken nitwits wandered around town aimlessly. WTF #1: We went into this secondhand store and as we looked around, we came across an old lady hunched over in a chair, still as a statue, staring intently at a TV screen with nothing but white static. We were creeped the hell out and left immediately. WTF #2: We stepped into McDonald's for some apple pies, and encountered a total crackhead-looking dude passed out at one of the tables. There was what appeared to be a long popsicle stick jutting out of his clearly exposed buttcrack. WTF #3: Before leaving Mickey D's, I saw this sign:






Now...correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't that be flipped around? Or is it implying that any adult who enters the Kiddie Zone without a child is to be suspected of intent to molest children? I just...don't get it. ohmy.png

Edited by Lowline
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I was sleeping in my bed nice and comfy when in my dream I heard what sounded like a jet plane fly right over my house why hit by a firework. When I woke up, the noise continued. 

It just laid in bed shivering from being startled.

Whats worse was that it was 4:00 AM.

I have a large member....

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At the end of the year at my school, during gym we always play games. We were playing capture the flag when a guy from the other team came to my team's side. A girl on my side tagged him (It happened clearly) and he was like


"Noooo you didn't tag me." I went behind him and tagged him for sure. He said "What the heck. I'm already tagged." And he went to jail. No not real jail. The jail in the game,


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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The other day at school I was hanging out with some friends in lunch break. One of them was drinking an energy drink, which are extremely disallowed at my school. So, we were just  chatting, playing 'Would You Rather', when this teacher came up behind us. My friend had the energy drink clearly in her hand; she didn't have the time to put it away before the teacher saw. So the teacher asked what we were doing, and we said just chatting. She said 'Okay', and walked away like nothing was the matter. 

She just disregarded the blatant energy drink. WTF? :P

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I had a real WTF today riding my bikealong the riverside boardwalk in my town....I was freaking clothes lined by a fishing line. Some fisherman was yanking at his fishing pole to get it unstuck and jsut as I happened to ride by,ducking slightly as to not get hit by the fishing pole, I feel the fishing line get caught around my neck. I was like wtf is this? Then quickly clued in "oh it's the fishing line."


At least it wasn't the hook end. blink.png The guy said sorry in his attempt at cutting my head off. dry.png

Edited by Flutter Dash
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Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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back on high school, i had a math teacher who just hated me, and i hated him back. eventually he even gave me bad grades on test that should have at least been b's.

so when he gave me another F i couldn't take it anymore.

he soon left the class to do some paperwork,leaving his cup of coffee standing on his desk.

i got up, gathered as much spit i could in my mouth, and let it drop in his coffee.

i swiftly mixed my massive puddle up spit in his coffee and sat back down.

when he came back, he took a very large gulp from his coffee and said the next thing:


i quote: "wow, this coffee really tastes amazing!" 


he then prceeds to drink the whole cup in one swift motion.


i was like : dafuq just happened?

Edited by repsol rave
  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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In class one day, Well the teacher was Setting up a projector for a power point and while waiting everyone was chattering away, so as soon as he got the projector to work, he opens up Google Chrome, and his History Came up, Well, lets say I wont mention the sites, but by the way I'm Describing them you should figure it out, those sites. oh god, everyone just started laughing, People wouldn't think that teachers would attempt to go on those sites, it was just a crack up, and it wasn't like he was covering it up, he just left it, so very funny and dirty And left a lot of students wondering wtf.

Edited by Luminescent Dawn


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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I have this physics project where i need to drop a raw egg from a height of 2 meters and have it not break. I built this super cool structure out of toothpicks and it was really strong. I thought it was going to work perfectly. So I put the egg inside it, stood on a chair, raised the thing way above my head and then let it fall.


The egg broke in the weirdest way. The tip of the egg popped off and the innards poured right out of the egg: yolk totally whole. Looks like my protective structure needs some adjustments, eh?




  • Brohoof 2


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Another one from University:


I sit there. Lecture: Evolutionary Psychology.

This times Topic: human's reproductive behavior.


Right when the lecturer talks about increased success rate of... *cough* copulation in the context of female climax, I notice something in the room.


A few rows before me sits a woman with two Girls; maybe 3 and 5 years old.


And I thought "Hmmm, okay... intersting..."


I mean, I know that a lot of studying mothers don't have someone to watch for their children or maybe they didn't even care, but...yeah...

"If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences."

- W. I. Thomas & D. S. Thomas



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Last week, I'm teaching a group of 3 kindergartners. There was, like, a piece of fuzz or something on my class folder. It was bright pink, so it was kinda hard to miss. I brush it off my folder. Suddenly, before I have any time to react whatsoever, one of the kids picks up the piece of fuzz and sticks it in his ear. And it wasn't anything like, "Hm, fuzz... what can I do with this..." kind of thing. It was, like, an immediate, instantaneous reaction. Wtf? Like, how do you even think to do something so stupid? I just absolutely do not understand. I was so annoyed.

Edited by Clover Heart
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maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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I had a dream recently where this Turkish (for some reason that was understood in the dream) girl was putting cake frosting on my face. It seemed so normal there, but when I woke up and thought about it, it was a wtf for me

Edited by AnonyPoni
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Hahaha.... ok.... i really.. really... REALLY should warn you guys. This...is........ PHUCKED UP BEYOND BELIEF.


I was in 9th grade, and it was somewhere in November. I had just used my 1 bathroom break our ruddy English teacher allots us per week. I walked into the bathroom, and there were 3 guys... um... Having sex with each other. Not like "Making out", No, full blown SEX....  And the worst part of it was, one of them was (And still is) a good friend.... i didnt talk to anyone for over a month after that..... 

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Hahaha.... ok.... i really.. really... REALLY should warn you guys. This...is........ PHUCKED UP BEYOND BELIEF.


I was in 9th grade, and it was somewhere in November. I had just used my 1 bathroom break our ruddy English teacher allots us per week. I walked into the bathroom, and there were 3 guys... um... Having sex with each other. Not like "Making out", No, full blown SEX....  And the worst part of it was, one of them was (And still is) a good friend.... i didnt talk to anyone for over a month after that..... 

i dont know.........that.......that is bucked up just bucked up........in school even what is our world going to. I dont know whether i should brohoof this or not. gwadi feel horrible just thinking about it........  

Im just one hell of a butler.

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I was sitting outside on a bench texting when a small brown bird flew out of no where and landed on my foot (I was wearing sandals). I tried shaking my foot a little to scare it off but it wouldn't move. I am scared of birds and I was getting a little panicked so I kicked my leg up and it finally flew off but then it instantly came back and sat back on my foot again. Then another bird soon came and sat on my other foot so I was sitting there with two birds on my feet just chirping at each other. That's when I freaked out. I shook the birds off, jumped up and ran away, but the birds kept following me. It took a while before I finally lost them. I still have no idea why the heck that happened.

Edited by Pinkie4eeeever
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Last week my mother and I rolled out of bed in search of coffee, since it's our tradition to get Dunkin' Donuts coffee when it's pouring rain. We went to our usual place only to discover that it was temporarily closed, so we went on the highway in search of coffee. We took an exit that said it had McDonald's, KFC, and - behold! - Dunkin' Donuts.


Unfortunately, the DD in question had been closed for many years. When we got back on the highway, we saw that someone had spray-painted a black X through the Dunkin' Donuts; either they accomplished the act of vandalism within ten minutes, or we completely missed it the first time.


It felt very WTF'ey.

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My Driving WTF's recently:

Do people not know how to drive?  Yellow line White line over Yellow line.   (EVERYWHERE)

Ooo lets turn into this cop here  (In Madison, red car)

There's a Don't Turn This Way/1 Way Sign ... lets turn that way into traffic waiting at a stop sign and honk like a jerk at them   (Madison, idiot at Capitol 1 way mess)

There is a car coming, I'm not going to look that direction and take off at a stop sign then look angerly when they start honking and locking up their brakes to avoid your stupidity. (old guy in Buick did this to me)
Lets go as slow as possible to leave the driver in a mess of traffic or the guy wanting to turn to wait longer  (EVERYWHERE)

Pull out in front of you causing you to brake hard... while doing the speed limit  (Where doesn't it happen)

Guy who parks over the line so no one can park in the next spot.  



At My Job:

Ask for acct # and get their C Card #.  -_-

I don't have my acct # or Order # & refuse to give their other info to the point you can understand them

Oh I didn't read TOC or return guidelines/information yet I am going to demand S/P on every order even after 1x courtesy is given.. twice.

Rambling info off so fast when they know you are trying to type it & you asked twice before for them to please slow down and speak more clearly

Screaming when they know the person on the phone isn't at fault, sometimes it is actually not the company's fault at all & that screaming will get nothing done.



Someone not knowing they had seat controls on their car for 2 yrs of ownership


My sister at my cousin's wedding... thank you for 1 1/2 hrs notice that I am driving you van home b/c you can' hold you're alcohol .. and I had more than twice as much and drank soda the rest of the night and had many wedding mint things and drove home fine... then you slept in your van AT WORK and opened at 6am.   yea... WTF

  • Brohoof 1


Old Name was Dekanogi'a

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I made a thread that discusses the wierdest dreams that I had with one that I thought was gonna get me kicked off the forums, but then I found out somepony else made one forum. View my merged thread in before Artemis's comment. http://mlpforums.com/topic/14201-your-weirdest-dreams-and-nightmares/page-16#entry155835

Edited by Raiden_Opsaidoun


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I am someone who lucid dreams a lot, but sometimes I also get a sleep paralysis. I recall falling asleep in high school a couple times where I woke up but my dreams started to mesh with what I was seeing, it was awesome. One took place in a planetarium where I was watching star wars on the ceiling, but then I fell asleep. When I woke up I was in a house with star wars in the background until I finally woke up for real and saw I was still in the planetarium. The other time I thought I woke up and suddenly I was in the classroom but it was empty and I felt a strong breeze, the windows had bright lights blasting through them, it only lasted a few seconds until I woke up for real.

Do dreams count?




2 nights ago I had a dream that I was working undercover for the CIA on a case. At one point I had to infiltrate a high school and find the guy we were tailing. I was about to confront the suspect in the lunch room only to have the whole school go on lock-down due to a hostage situation. The suspect was the leader of the cult and a kid I went to high school with, he was in the show choir, fantastic singer. The group of cultist, who believed that by sacrificing the people in the lunch periodically they would appease their god and save every on Earth, separated everyone into groups, except me. I was group 4, just me. I watched and listened as the groups before me were lead into to be burned in the ovens. When my time came I was taken to meet with the cult leader, he said I was destined for great things in the next life and that I would be a great leader. He had aged greatly, looked about 60. I told him this was ridiculous and he waved away his guards. We continued to talk and at one point I said 'sorry this isn't for me. I'm leaving' I left the room and began walk towards the exit. I was shot from behind 3 times. I saw a glare and then blacked out. When I woke up I was outside surrounded by people and news crews. 8 kids and me had made out alive some how. My phone rang the number was 000-000-0000 I answered said 'hello' and awoke from my dream.


This really freaked me out because it was so vivid.




if not then anything my brother says would work. He's one of those people that constantly asks questions and talks during a movie and then complains at the end when he didn't get it. For every movie. Even if he's seen it before.

Are you sure you didn't just wake up from the Matrix?

Edited by The Oneiromancer

Divinator Of Dreams

Youtube Channel



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So last night, I was working overnight at McDonald's, as usual. These people came through who were too drunk. And when I say too drunk, I'm not doing it nearly enough justice. These people spent five minutes laughing, and then just started shouting shit like "Bacon! Smoothie! Shake! Biscuit! Pancakes!" Needless to say, the order taker and the manager (well, and me) all got pissed off pretty quickly. They kept on being loud and obnoxious, so my manager asked them to please stop shouting into our headsets. As soon as she says this, the car door opens and we see this big black guy get out, take his shirt off, and walk into the other drive thru lane. (Couple things: my McDonald's has two drive thru lanes because we're a busy store, and YES, WE CAN SEE YOU WHEN YOU'RE ORDERING. We have a camera positioned right on the drive thru. All stores do.)


Now, I'm uncomfortable because this guy's out of his car, and he's drunk. So he starts shouting at my manager. "You have no right to tell us not to laugh. This is America, and we can laugh all we want! You're rude and disrespectful!"


She was like "Okay, either you get him in your car, or I'm calling the police. I ain't got time for somebody who's gonna be actin' the fool."



By the way, if you have ever gotten wasted/stoned and gone to McDonald's in the middle of the night, the employees of the McDonald's you went to hate you. Trust me.

  • Brohoof 1

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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