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As we sit around and stew in our Season 4 preparation time (and the upcoming Equestria Girls movie) how often do you find yourself actually rewatching episodes? Most of the time in this fandom I figure we probably do a lot of things to stop ourselves from actually going through the show (IE: fanfics, artwork, music, the comic books, etc) only cuz we're antsy. However I just recently thought of this when it comes to MLP because it's probably not uncommon to cherry pick favorite episodes to watch, or just do a marathon of a whole season (as in my experience there usually isn't an inbetween: it's either one or the other)...so I have a few questions. :)



1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?


...and if you choose,


4) Favorite season?



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1. Return of Harmony two parter and pretty much all Applejack episodes especially Apple Family Reunion.


2. I watch the reruns almost every day.


3. Usually just watch the episodes that re run on the HUB I did do a marathon or two though when I got the season 1 DVD.


4. Season 2 though season 3 deserves and honorable mention for giving Applejack her due and for 2 awesome Rainbow Dash episodes that made me start to see how awesome she is.

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I usually don't re-watch episodes at all unless they are YouTube parodies or if I'm looking for something to analyze within them. I just to gain anything from watching it the second time because I know everything that;s going to happen and it's usually boring to me.


1: Hurricane Fluttershy

2: Never unless as said above

3. Single Episodes

4. Maybe Season 2

Edited by Lady Rainicorn
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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?


...and if you choose,


4) Favorite season?



1. Return of Harmony (Discord before he became whipped by Fluttershy)

2. I rewatch my favorite episodes on odd occasions, less than I used to nowadays.

3. I generally watch an episode or two, not really in long stretches.

4. Season 2 has been the best for me. Not that Season 1 or 3 are bad in comparison.

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I'm one to re-do a lot of things, not just re-watching TV. I can listen to the same piece of music over and over and still enjoy it, as well as re-read books much more often than other people. A lot of people I know find it weird/pointless, but the appeal is always there for me.


I've probably re-watched the entire series about three times. Individual episodes I like to come back to, in pursuit of a detail that might have occurred to me or just seeking out cute frames to make macros of. It's a show where you can do it easily, and I like that.


To answer your questions;

  • Too Many Pinkie Pies. I watch it almost daily. It's what the show is all about.
  • Very often; an episode a day mostly, sometimes more or less, I might have sprees some days. I have all of them downloaded, see.
  • Depends on my mood. If I feel up to a load of ponies, I'll watch a big string of episodes in succession. Never gets more than eight episodes in a row though, I go and do other things as well.
  • Season 3, it had a higher ratio of spectacular episodes. Episodes like Too Many Pinkie Pies, Wonderbolt Academy, Crystal Empire and Magical Mystery Cure.
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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

- Sleepless in Ponyville

- Wonderbolt Academy

- Hurricane Fluttershy

- Best Night Ever

- Feeling Pinkie Keen


2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

- I rewatch a few episodes from time to time, mainly the ones I liked


3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

- Again, only a couple once in a while


4) Favorite season?

- Despite popular opinion, my favorite is season 3, despite some bumps, it houses two of my favorite episodes in the show, and unlike the other 2 seasons, it doesn't house any episodes I outright detest. I will admit though, Magic Duel is overrated as fuck

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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

I don't think I've picked out a particular favorite yet, though I do enjoy the season endcaps a lot


2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

I'm actually in the middle of re-watching it for the fourth time right now


3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

I watch it in groups of episodes, in show order


4) Favorite season?

I would say season 2

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I think MLP has great replay value. In the few months since I began watching the show on Netflix I have watched it 2 full times and I am half way through my 3rd watch through. The episodes are always fun to watch and it has gotten to the point where I am reciting lines in the episodes before or as they are happening.


My Favorite Episodes in no particular order are:


-Feeling Pinkie Keen

-Too Many pinkie Pies

-Season 1 Finale

-Season 2 Finale

-Season 2 First 2 Episodes

-Season 3 Finale

-Season 3 First Episode

-Party of One

-Lesson Zero

-Sonic Rainboom

-Luna Eclipsed

-Mysterious Mare Do Well

-The Last Roundup


I know the list is large and honestly I love every episode and that's one of the reasons I watch it so much. Normally I will make sure I watch at least one episode of it every night, but most of the times I watch it in 3-6 episode minthons. I don't think I could do a whole season in one sitting though.

Edited by Wonderbolt_Spitfire
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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

- Keep calm and flutter on

​-Hearts and hooves day

-Hurricane fluttershy

-Wonderbolt academy

-Apple family reunion


2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

-The only way to get me to watch an episode again its watching other people reactions (brony or non-brony) to an episode that i like or that has shocking moments


3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

-Group of episodes


4) Favorite season?

-Season 3

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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

It's very difficult to pick favorite episodes... I have them, but I love all the episodes. It's a fine line between "favorite" and "not favorite", so I'll just name three that are certain favorites: Baby Cakes, Sisterhooves Social, The Return of Harmony (part 2)

2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

Honestly, not that often. I watch new episodes about 3 times on the days they come out, and after that I don't really touch them. I do watch it sometimes, but it's usually used as a "pick me up" or "relaxant". I basically re-watch the show when I'm having a rough time with something.

3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

I rewatch it about 4 episodes at a time. I've done singles and series marathons too, though.

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1.Sleepless in Ponyville

   Party Of One

  Lesson Zero

 Applebuck Season

 The Last Roundup

 The Rest of Season 2 and Season 3


2. I usually go back to watch the show in the morning on weekends.


3. I did it in a group of episodes.


4. Season 2. Season 1 and 3, are still decent seasons.

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I have season one on DVD but I'm itching for a season two rewatch. I mean season three is still pretty fresh in my brain but season two was my favorite season. The episodes just got better and better versus season one.

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I find the show insanely rewatchable and entertaining, really.

1. List on my profile is mostly accurate for this.

2. A few times a week, not every day though.

3. Whatever's on the Hub or on DVD, don't feel right about Youtubing it often.

4. Season 2 > 1 > 3. Season 2 has the best quality episodes within it but some stinkers, 1 has episodes that are mostly just good but at least a few great ones and some meh episodes that aren't quite as bad as some of 2's worst episodes but 2's great ones very much override them, and 3 has fewer great episodes along with a few good ones along with at least 2 stinkers, and being a half season certainly doesn't help it. All just my opinion of course... ;)

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I have to be perfectly honest, I'm not really sold on the idea of re-watching the series. I like the series and all, yes, but I always preferred the fandom that sprung up around the show to the show itself. I adore every episode when it comes out (except for Magical Mystery Cure because TOO MANY MUSICAL NUMBERS DAMN IT) but I don't personally think they have rewatch value. 

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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

         Hurricane Fluttershy


2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

         I actually haven't watched the show in a long time, due to lack of much spare time. One of my plans this summer is to marathon all the episodes again as soon as possible.


3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

        Depends on how busy I am, but generally the most I'll do is eight episodes in a day. 


4) Favorite season?

        Season 2

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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

S1,E16. S1,E21-23.

2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

About once every 10,000 years.

3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

I typically watch it when I end up on an episode of it on youtube, and I get bored a few minutes in. I only actually search for the episodes in other languages.

4) Favorite season?

Season 1. Season 2 was okay, and season 3 is hardly worth mentioning.

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I couldn't answer the questions as I'm not actually done watching through the whole series as yet (I'm working my way through season 2 now), but so far I'd say season 2 is becoming my favourite, and my favourite episodes tend to be any ones with the CMC's in it, or any Rarity-heavy episodes.


On the subject of the series being rewatchable, I think it is, at least for me it is. Mind you, I rarely rewatch a series unless I really REALLY like/love it, which is the case with this show. I feel the (generally) episodic nature of MLP lends itself well to rewatching, and I find the show is still lots of fun to watch again and again despite already knowing what'll happen.

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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

Magic Duel. This is the episode that was extraordinarily hyped because Trixie is slated to return, but given the nature of it being a twenty-minute episode, it was unknown how Larson could handle it. He did a fantastic job here by capturing Trixie's bloodthirsty, jealous desires, all of which were fueled by the corrupted Alicorn Amulet. Twilight's intelligence really came into fruition: The episodes centered her tend to focus on her physical magic, but in this one, they were focused on how to use her disadvantages to her advantage, manipulating Trixie into willingly taking off the Alicorn Amulet. Twilight delivered the friendship report verbally to Trixie, who took it to heart and became a better unicorn.




2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

Not all that often, honestly. I occasionally go back to watching episodes whenever I choose, but I concentrate on other hobbies, discussion, and keeping my techniques polished. I'll go back to watching the episodes whenever I feel like it or if I want to capture the characters' personalities better in the form of fanfic writing.




3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

I watch my episodes alone, and unless I'm at a brony gathering or convention, I prefer it to be that way.




4) Favorite season?

Season two, easily. While there were some average and bad episodes (The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well and the terrible writing of Rainbow Dash in the first half being obvious), there were so many excellent episodes: The Return of Harmony two-parter, Lesson Zero, Luna Eclipsed, The Last Roundup (original cut), Putting Your Hoof Down, Hurricane Fluttershy, Ponyville Confidential, Dragon Quest, Secret of My Excess, and the objectively good A Canterlot Wedding two-parter.

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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

Pretty much all of the two parters(The Crystal Empire is probably my absolute favorite). I really love Look Before You Sleep and the Cutie Mark Chronicles. 


2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

I watch it sporadically. Sometimes I'll just randomly want to watch it.


3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

Usually I'll just watch an episode or two that I want to see. I tend to go back to my favorite episodes or the ones I remember enjoying. I've rewatched Look Before You Sleep many times, but I've never rewatched The Mysterious Mare Do Well.


4) Favorite season?

I like all the seasons, and think each one has its strong episodes, but I would pick season one. It might be a bit of a nostalgia thing. I just find myself going back to the S1 episodes more than the other seasons. 

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I find it very re-watchable. Some episodes to me are more re-watchable than others; but all in all, I feel like I could sit down and watch the show any day.

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1. It's probably a Canterlot Wedding Part 1 and 2 my other favorites would be Sleepless in Ponyville, Magical Mystery Cure and Sweet and Elite.


2. Sometimes I just randomly watch an episode I like 


3. Usually I just watch one episode randomly but when it comes closer to season 4 I'll probably do a marathon :D


4. I enjoyed all the seasons but If I had to pick one I'd probably pick season 3. 

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1. Lesson Zero, Secret of my Excess, The Return of Harmony

2. I watch them all every few weeks.

3. As I said, all of them every few weeks. Four times now and counting. And I became a Brony in last February. So they are very present to me.

4. Season 2. My favorite episodes do tell that, don't they?


For me, FiM is one of the most re-watchable shows I've ever seen.

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its got pretty good re-watch capability , ive personally only watched every episode twice, my favorite episode is Luna Eclipsed, don't really have a favorite season i like them all.thinking about starting to watch them all again pretty soon, but not in a single marathon probably 1 season a day or something close to that.i spend more of my time reading fanfics, to the point where its hard to tell what is fanon/canon lol. I still keep finding myself placing Nyx into the actual show.   laugh.png

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) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

Sleepless in Ponyville, Ponyville Confidential, Luna Eclipsed, and Games Ponies Play.

2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

I watch a few episodes every day.  I've watched Luna Eclipsed like 45 times.  

3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

I usually go at the show one or two episodes at a time.


...and if you choose,


4) Favorite season?

Season 3 by far.

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