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I don't like the idea of Derpy being used as a symbol for accepting differences/being a symbol for stuff like autism or whatever.

It's like using Rainbow Dash as a symbol for LGBT pride, something that I don't feel is necessary to do so, seeing how there are actual animated characters this day and now that are actually established as being LGBT and don't require the use of headcanons or arbitrarily assigning sexual orientations to characters that don't have any established yet.

For Derpy it is just relying on what people put in fanfictions, rather than anything in the actual show that would indicate her as being mentally handicapped or being anything other than clumsy and maybe a little bit ditzy.

Plus the show already has a character who actually has a canon personality that can be used as a symbol for accepting differences due to actually being disabled in the show itself with Scootaloo.

When watching the show, parents or causal fans, or people who just don't care about the fandom period wouldn't get this whole thing about Derpy being some kind of positive symbol for accepting differences, all they would see is some random pony with derp eyes in the background, and wouldn't think much of her.

However given how Scootaloo is actually and established character with an actual personality, when it comes to her that would be a different story.

You wouldn't need to have any background knowledge on the fandom in order to get the message of Flight to the Finish being about disabilities.


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The MLP Youtuber I agree with most is Lily Peet. What this entails is:


1. Background ponies are not interesting. At all. Most of their stories are not interesting. I do not care about ~ generic reference to geeky television show ~. I do not.

2. Mare Do Well and 28 Pranks Later are both underrated episodes. The latter was highly topical due to the furore over 'political correctness' hitting its climax at the time. The moral that saying "it was just a joke bro" doesn't absolve awful behaviour - and that one should take into account who they are pranking before doing so - was highly refreshing and one I'd like to see more often.

3. 'Derpygate' was laughably overblown. DHX should not have showcased bland characters to the audience to begin with, because it would have confused 80% of the audience. Furthermore, it overshadowed one of Applejack's few decent episodes. 

And is the remaining 20% worth it? To quote Lily: "I'm biased against placating fans, because if you give them an inch they will take a mile." This point straddles 1 and 2.

4. Slice of Life was an atrocious episode. See 1 and 3.

(may include more in this thread in the future)

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I'm getting tired of people constantly saying Twilight should be replaced as the mane character.

It was never specifically said that Starlight is more powerful than Twilight.

The Everfree Forest hasn't been visited much these days.... Wait. Besides seeing Zecora... why would anyone want to go in the Everfree Forest?

Edited by heavens-champion
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This week's episode being one that I knew ahead of time wasn't really popular among fans is one that I actually like along with other controversial episodes such as Magical Mystery Cure and the first EQG movie.


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5. Sunny Flare is the best Shadowbolt.

6. I prefer 'What About Discord' to 'Dungeons and Discord'. He was genuinely evil in the latter, not the 'ambiguous force' the fandom keeps typecasting him as. He tried to seriously harm Spike and Big Mac.

Not to mention that they don't enter the board game world until 2/3s through, so there was little time to explore THE PREMISE OF THE EPISODE. Even before then he was insufferable - the writers can't seem to decide if he's intelligent, or a bone-headed jock who is easily blinded by the urge to please others.

The former episode lacked direction, but I believed it helped. Discord episodes are usually a built-up 'event', so to see something more mundane was a treat. He was just...hanging...with the Mane 6, and it was great considering he doesn't fraternise with them much other than Twi and Fluttershy. Underrated episode.

7. Starlight is more interesting than the Mane 6. That's not to criticise the writers: I actually think they're doing a swell job keeping them relevant, and still moving forwards in their lives (besides Applejack and Pinkie Pie).

I'm just bored of their archetypes, full-stop.

With Starlight you have a character that's more unpredictable. It's a treat when she shows up. The other week she fixed a friendship problem between the princesses, and earlier still she was having a breakdown because her friend accidentally teleported the castle map. That's what happens when you combine abrasive personalities and magic.

8. Most of the brony fandom's 'beloved' fan projects are not good.

9. I really enjoy the new Changeling designs; my only qualm is that we didn't see the older ones more before they disappeared. I suppose Chrysalis could still return with an army of the original changelings.

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On 5/24/2017 at 9:59 PM, PinkiePie97 said:

Concerning the upcoming episode with Applejack's parents, I really don't care if they're alive or not. Doesn't really matter to me either way.

I agree, I just want to see her parents. 




I'm gonna throw my two cents in here.

To be honest, I don't ship any of the mane 6 characters. They should all remain single. The show's theme is about friendship not love. If you want to ship them, that's fine by me. I only ship secondary or supporting characters, like Dislestia or Strixie, even LyraxBonBon. 

I don't mind if someone made an Alicorn oc, regardless if it's a Mary Sue or not.

I won't be surprised if the mane 6 all turn out to be Alicorns. I know it's gonna happen one of these days. 

*run and hides in pillow fort, gets beaten up anyway, pillow forts are useless, unless you're Flufflepuff*

Edited by FemaleIntrovert1995
Didn't mean to merge other reply



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Ok here goes: 

1. I loathe Derpy 

2Pinkie Pie is my least favourite pony in the mane six

3. Starlight being better at magic than the physical embodiment of magic was complete and utter bullshit especially because it still hasn't been explained why she's so equal/superior to Twilight. 

4. Cadence deserves episodes that focus on her not her stupid baby.

5. Mary Sue and overrated are just terms used by people to describe characters they don't like; see Twilight and Rainbow Dash. 

6. The Crystal Empire is easily one of my favourite episodes. 



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On 5/31/2017 at 8:41 AM, RulesofRarity said:

Cadence deserves episodes that focus on her not her stupid baby.

I love the baby but PLEASE. 

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On 5/28/2017 at 10:11 AM, FemaleIntrovert1995 said:



To be honest, I don't ship any of the mane 6 characters. They should all remain single. The show's theme is about friendship not love. If you want to ship them, that's fine by me. I only ship secondary or supporting characters, like Dislestia or Strixie, even LyraxBonBon. 

I don't mind if someone made an Alicorn oc, regardless if it's a Mary Sue or not.

I won't be surprised if the mane 6 all turn out to be Alicorns. I know it's gonna happen one of these days. 


I get annoyed with shipping in general, because is so arbitrary and just thrown in for whatever reason. Seriously, fandom logic sometimes dictates that two characters are shipping material just by being in opposite sides of the same room :dry: 

I don't like the average alicorn OCs for usually being mary sues, but I have better things to do than throw fits over them and I'm not an OC seeker. I only know OCs of fics I've read

Actually, I've started to thing that chance of alicorn Mane6 happening is next to zero, but it's still on my wish list. I mean, who wouldn't want to see this beauty?


On 5/31/2017 at 10:41 AM, RulesofRarity said:


4. Cadence deserves episodes that focus on her not her stupid baby.



Why u insult McFlurry?



Anyway, that's not a problem with just McFlurry, Cadance is such a classic disney princess that she's solely dependent on interacting with other characters to stand out. She can't do it on her own legs


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5 hours ago, Steve Piranha said:

Why u insult McFlurry?


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I'm not a big fan of Flurry Heart being an alicorn. It should be something that a pony has to earn not something they are born with + she almost doomed the Crystal Empire!


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1. Starlight is a likeable character

2. I don't care for Maud or Pinkie's family

3. Putting your Hoof Down was a good epiosde

4. Mare Do Well was a good episode

5. Lauren Faust was a below average writer

6. The Dazzlings and Sunset (despite my avatar) sucked as villains.

7. Rainbow Rocks isn't that much of an improvement over the first EQG movie

8. Friendship Games was boring

9. I don't like some of the earlier character designs, the Diamond Dogs especially.

10. Best Night Ever was a good finale

11. The Equestria Girls' songs suck massive balls except for maybe 3 or 4.

12. Magic is explained poorly in some instances, especially Starlight's background and the "ponying up" in the EQG films.

13. The theme song is awful

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19 hours ago, Odd Ball said:

Slice of Life is one of the best episodes in the show.

Twilight is a terrible friendship teacher to Starlight.

Twilight isn't a very good friendship teacher in general since getting her wings. She's tried to prevent more friendships than she's tried to create.

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1. Flurry Hearts is cute.

2. I'm actually fine with Starlight Glimmer being eventually included into the Mane Six, or more aptly, the Mane Seven. Starlight Glimmer is an interesting character and is much Twilight at the start of the show. Plus it sort of works because the Mane Seven would comprise of 2 Unicorns, 2 Pegasi, 2 Earth ponies and an Alicorn.

3. I'd actually be fine with the introduction of humans into the main show outside of the Equestria Girls brand. Some humans could enter the world of Equestria through one of the portals. Maybe it could be a two-parter in which humans attempt to conquer Equestria. That would be really cool.

4. I like Discord better as a good guy than as a villain. Or at least as an anti-hero of sorts. His affection for Fluttershy is really cute. :fluttershy::umad:

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Let me see.

1. I hate Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. They're actually pretty annoying characters to sit through.

2. Applejack episodes are the best. Especially when it involves her family issues. So well developed yet nobody cares. :lol: 

3. Discord should've never been brought back and remained stoned in the first place.


And other things that I don't have in mind right at the moment. 

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On 6/16/2017 at 9:58 PM, ZethaPonderer said:


2. Applejack episodes are the best. Especially when it involves her family issues. So well developed yet nobody cares. :lol: 

Because she's boring as hell and isn't developing at all. At least Rainbow Dash actually has had development (which you apparently ignore for some reason).

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50 minutes ago, bluseymoe said:

Because she's boring as hell and isn't developing at all. At least Rainbow Dash actually has had development (which you apparently ignore for some reason).

Uhh, I'm just stating an unpopular opinion, but I see your point of why I'm being ignorant about Rainbow Dash so let me elaborate further about her as a character kind sir/mam.

She is the catalyst that started the foundation of the Mane 6 characters of the show during their time as fillies. It was mentioned in an episode I forgot where she's in her filly and performed her Sonic Rainboom. That Rainboom occurred at the same time the other 5 fillies along with Dash have earned their Cutie Marks.

Either way it doesn't matter how good her character development may be to me because by the end of the day, she is an arrogant jock with a heart of gold type of character. I hate those type of characters anyway.

Your passive aggressive attitude of Dash makes me appreciate the Mysterious Mare Do Well episode even more. ;)

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