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gaming Pokemon X and Y Discussion Thread


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Man, this game is beautiful. The lack of the 3D effect is a little dissapointing but it still looks really good. It's awesome how many Pokémon you can catch early on as well. Plus the battles flow almost as fast as 5th gen which is excellent. Overall, I'm really impressed so far, can't wit to dig in deeper. :yay:

Edited by ~Chaotic SBB~
  • Brohoof 3


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I have to say... Horde battles against 5 pokemon that all know Sand Attack are really frustrating.


Anyways, this is the first game where I'm actually aiming to catch ALL the Pokémon; normally I only catch ones I like unless I really need a certain type for a particular gym, but now that you can get all the EXP anyways I can catch everything and still train everything as well.


And the new Experience distribution system makes leveling weaker pokemon go much faster, almost too fast considering I've got several level 20+ pokemon and wild pokemon are still below 12 (though I could go train some of the other pokemon I've caught instead of just my Charmeleon, Braixen, and Combusken).

  • Brohoof 1

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I have to say... Horde battles against 5 pokemon that all know Sand Attack are really frustrating.


I agree, those damn scraggy's know how to piss you off.


So far the game is good. I got the game yesterday and managed to get a head start. My friend has no life and somehow passed me. I'm going to get my second gym badge right now. Gameplay and music is awesome. I'm really glad they threw in a lot of references to past generations. Nice work Nintendo.

Edited by PonyBoy15
  • Brohoof 3


Rarity: Generous, Classy, and Sophisticated...

My OC:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/torque-subject-to-change-r4587

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I've been playing the game for an hour or two now, it's pretty good. I'm in Lumiose city right now, and boy is it confusing at first. I'm changing my trainers hair at the moment. The game is pretty awesome so far. I got my Bulbasaur a few minutes ago, so I'm happy! biggrin.png


 The clothing store people won't let me in as apparently I'm not dressed well enough. The nerve! Those posh bastards!




Edited by Seibutsu Akuma
  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I got Pokemon Y and i'm so happy :D.


I'm not that far in frankly, but i already love the game, the graphics are nice, the battle's are fast even in 3D, and look nice. The animations are cool, the pokemon you can get early on even is pretty large, the beggining intro is cool, the thing with your friends giving you a nickname made me laugh(I'm so lame, but it did ok?, btw i had them call me Z and I like it ;p.)


Many little things i like, but overall am enjoying the game. Even if i'm only in the first forest right now.


I hope to only continue to be impressed! Loving the experience so far!

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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All right I got Pokemon X today. Like the 3d look and walking diagonally. Also I keep thinking of Fluttershy whenever one of them uses the move play nice.

Current badges: 1

current team:

Froake nickname: Frogger level 13

Fletching nickname Rainbow dash level 15

Pikachu nickname Thunderlane level 12

Charmander nickname Toothless level 10

Guys I think I got stuck on route 8. The only path I can find out of it is a strength bolder and i don't have strength. What do I do to get out of it?

  • Brohoof 2



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All right I got Pokemon X today. Like the 3d look and walking diagonally. Also I keep thinking of Fluttershy whenever one of them uses the move play nice.

Current badges: 1

current team:

Froake nickname: Frogger level 13

Fletching nickname Rainbow dash level 15

Pikachu nickname Thunderlane level 12

Charmander nickname Toothless level 10

Guys I think I got stuck on route 8. The only path I can find out of it is a strength bolder and i don't have strength. What do I do to get out of it


Is that the zubat cave? If I remember correctly, there are two ways to get through the cave. Just south of the first entrance, is a way to get by it.


Rarity: Generous, Classy, and Sophisticated...

My OC:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/torque-subject-to-change-r4587

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Currently i'm having so much fun. I got that Torchic thingamagic, and i'm currently trying to beat that d%$# 3rd gym leader. Also, your rival that likes to battle is a total jacka#$. 


Currently, this is muh team.


Eris the Eevee (Someday it'll be a Sylveon) lv. 26

Loki the Braixen (I couldn't resist with the nickname) lv. 28

Shadow the Absol (Only girl on my team so far) lv. 27

Discord the Roselia (I'll change the nickname to Fluttershy the second I get the chance) lv. 31

Reinbow the Amaura lv. 25

Fractured the Bagon lv. 14 (HM Slave everypony tongue.png)


I have X.


Also, a psychic I ran into made a 'IT'S OVER 9000!' joke.



Edited by ~Chaotic Shift~
  • Brohoof 3

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I would love to get one of these games, but sadly I don't have a 3DS, but I a saving up for one......

Guess i'll just have to play blue in the mean time

Across the stream with wooden shoes 
With bells to tell the king the news 
A thousand misty riders climb up 
Higher once upon a time.......


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Well, so far I have no complaints about that game, here is my status so far:


Just beat the third gym leader (my friend just beat the 6th gym O_o)



Frogadier Lv 35

Charizard Lv 37

Alakazam Lv 37

Lucario Lv 32

Crobat Lv 34


Rarity: Generous, Classy, and Sophisticated...

My OC:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/torque-subject-to-change-r4587

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You got a Lucario?




Also, Team Flare is best villainous team. Please make 'Team Flare always dresses in style' or sometihng along those lines a meme. Seriously, they are the best villainous team for a lot of things.


1. Best uniforms since Magma (Magma still has the best because hoodies, but seriously, they look awesome. Hands down to the designers.)

2. Admins look cool.

3. Grunt theme is awesome.

4. They are pretty much the Pokémon mafia. Which is awesome.

5. They have a ridiculously in-plain-sight hideout (Because they are silly like that), and a really predictable boss. (That guy talking with Diantha in the café is totally their boss, I called it NOW.) Also, the boss has a really badass haircut like Goku.

6. They make people look like idiots.

7. They make THEMSELVES look like idiots.

8. The entire team is full of idiots. And they are ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. 

9. They don't have a clear goal, making you second-guess yourself. I mean, all of the other guys had predictable goals (Except Galactic, but stare me straight in the face and say you knew they were going to make a world... INSIDE OF THE WORLD.) but Flare wants to make a 'beautiful world'. I still honestly have no idea what they are planning, I am very, very good at predicting the outcome of games.

10. How they keep on saying how their uniforms look stylish and fabulous was hilarious. Especially the first time.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I've been enjoying Y so much so far. About 9 hours in with one badge (spent a lot of time catching pokemon and I'm playing with the exp share thing turned off)

My team:


Lv. 20 Amaura


Lv. 23 Charmeleon


Lv. 19 Honedge


Lv. 22 Butterfree

Lv. 23 Frogadier

Lv. 19 Scraggy


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I'm not sure if there are far too many clear references to Ruby and Sapphire to NOT indicate remakes in the near-ish future, or if I'm just missing references to other generations and R/S are mentioned in only similar quantities.


Anyways, I'm still looking for a sixth pokemon to round out my team. I don't exactly think that I absolutely need to have it all figured out by now, but looking at the type charts made me realize that despite having 3 fire type pokemon I can actually end up having a pokemon which gets STAB with super effective attacks against every type in the game, as long as that sixth pokemon is Rock/Ground. Admittedly, I could also vary the other pokemon in my team (I have a plain grass for my fifth right now, and offensively dual types only get more STAB so I could switch it for something else), and like I said I could end up changing everything... Except keeping all three of the fire starters I already have, that's definitely not changing.

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I like that they updated the cries for the older Pokémon , the byte sounds may be classic but it's certainly a welcome change. What I don't like is how hard it is to find a male Litleo, ugh I don't even know if I want to use one but still.

Well, so far I have no complaints about that game, here is my status so far: Just beat the third gym leader (my friend just beat the 6th gym O_o)Team: Frogadier Lv 35Charizard Lv 37Alakazam Lv 37Lucario Lv 32Crobat Lv 34

Whoa, you're really blazing through it. :o

I always take it slow with a new Pokémon game personally, but to each their own. :P



You got a Lucario?




Also, Team Flare is best villainous team. Please make 'Team Flare always dresses in style' or sometihng along those lines a meme. Seriously, they are the best villainous team for a lot of things.


1. Best uniforms since Magma (Magma still has the best because hoodies, but seriously, they look awesome. Hands down to the designers.)

2. Admins look cool.

3. Grunt theme is awesome.

4. They are pretty much the Pokémon mafia. Which is awesome.

5. They have a ridiculously in-plain-sight hideout (Because they are silly like that), and a really predictable boss. (That guy talking with Diantha in the café is totally their boss, I called it NOW.) Also, the boss has a really badass haircut like Goku.

6. They make people look like idiots.

7. They make THEMSELVES look like idiots.

8. The entire team is full of idiots. And they are ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. 

9. They don't have a clear goal, making you second-guess yourself. I mean, all of the other guys had predictable goals (Except Galactic, but stare me straight in the face and say you knew they were going to make a world... INSIDE OF THE WORLD.) but Flare wants to make a 'beautiful world'. I still honestly have no idea what they are planning, I am very, very good at predicting the outcome of games.

10. How they keep on saying how their uniforms look stylish and fabulous was hilarious. Especially the first time.

Riolu can be found on the route to the right of the town with the first gym in it.


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Just another update:


Current Location: 5th Gym Leader Battle



Lucario Lv40

Greninja Lv40

Charizard Lv42

Alakazam Lv41

Crobat Lv40


You need to try the random battle thing. It's fun! Beat some trainers/slaughtered others, and got my ass handed to be because people like to use legendaries in their teams dry.png  I took down a Yvetal with my Crobat though.


Rarity: Generous, Classy, and Sophisticated...

My OC:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/torque-subject-to-change-r4587

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I hate having to work on a day that a good game is released... got X version by the way.


Might as well post things, I beat the first gym and am currently, as far as I know, near to the second. Trying to avoid really reading though this topic in case of spoilers...


Anyways, I've already decided on my team for the end, or at least all but one.








All will be evolved much further by then.


So far I love the game, I'm taking my time and doing everything I can and catching everything I can. Can't wait to see where the story goes. Guess that is it for now but I love the Kalos region!

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I have only made it to the first gym, but I almost have chespin evolved. I plan on nicknaming every pokemon that will be on my final team. Can someone tell me where the name rater is in X and Y?

Edited by Charcoal Embers
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So Super Training is pretty fun actually. Managed to max out Torchic's Attack and Speed in it, it's not quite as fast as the 'ol vitamins/Pokérus/battle method but it gets the job done, and I'm surprised that it's this easy to EV train Pokémon as soon as you start the game basically.

Will probably do the same with Charmander, I don't think I'll use either in the story though because I'd rather use all new Pokémon.

Anyway, it's looking like that I'll want to make my team something along the lines of Froakie, Litleo(the best one I could find was female, and I got tired of looking for male ones, so I decided to go with it, sigh), Tyrunt, and Sylveon, dunno what'll be my last 2 yet though, perhaps Honedge and some new Grass type(Gogoat maybe). :huh:

Oh, and does anyone know when/where you can breed in this game? Or/and if Ditto is in it somewhere?

Edited by ~Chaotic SBB~
  • Brohoof 1


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Oh, and does anyone know when/where you can breed in this game? Or/and if Ditto is in it somewhere?


on route 7 there is a daycare where you can drop them off there.


I myself have stopped my adventure to EV train my team before they reach level 50. Looks like the ol griding days are over with this technique which is a HUGE time saver. I wish I tried it out much earlier in the game though.

  • Brohoof 2


Rarity: Generous, Classy, and Sophisticated...

My OC:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/torque-subject-to-change-r4587

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My friend probably restarted his game like 5 times by now, he has a bad habit of being a perfectionist hes been trying to catch the perfect latias for like 4 months now


Worlds biggest batpony fan                                                   Signature by me :3

If you're reading this I've got one thing to say to you.....


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caught a honedge! :D

two actually. got a breeding pair. does anybody know what the shinies for the honedge line look like


and since we're posting teams I have

honedge lv. 12 (working on leveling this guy up)

combusken lv. 21

wartortle lv. 21

kirlia lv 21

quilladian lv. 21

pikachu lv. 22

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I reststarted my game I didn't like my skin color.


...it's a really bad excuse I mnow, but I did manage to get a badass hairdo so HELL YES.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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