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Parents telling little girls to NOT watch MLP?


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We don't ask to be stereotyped. We're not stopping anyone from doing anything or forcing people to do things. They're stopping their kids from watching a TV show because people who aren't in the "recommended" age group enjoy this show.

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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Hmm. I'm just saying that they're looking for someone to blame. People blame "video games" for causing IRL violence and "music" for things like gang violence and all of that is pure bullshit. They're not targeting us because we're bronies, they're targeting us because they want someone to blame for kids growing "messed up" etc.

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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Hi well I don't know why they hate us I want on a school tour to Hasbro factory Ireland I ask question about this Hasbro said to me that adults worry that there

Children will be copying the things on are art and fan fiction and that why they want to take down are art and that all I know gtg

Your classical lover friend


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What the flipping hell. Do parents really think their kids shouldn't watch a show because there are older people who watch it too? They apparently don't even know the definition of 'pedophile.' I mean, there are even 12/13 year olds who watch the show. Can they even be actual 'pedophiles'? The petion also doesn't make sense at all. Take down SFW art? Why can't they just learn to parent and turn on Google safe search, or look alongside their children, to be sure that they don't search up NSFW art?

Don't forget, the parent who this petition must have watched so much parental videos and taught their kids the wrong way. I mean who cares about Common Sense Media, IT SUCKS.

Fours words, one goal: DROP DA BASS MAN. ~ soniccam1

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I wouldn't be too surprised that conservatives are freaking out about our fandom, we do take a very politically liberal slant after all with out acceptance of LGBT and with our relaxed views on gender roles (in liking MLP in the first place). I do take offense that they would want to meddle in takedowns or painting us a pedos. Watch the show or don't.  You don't get to decide who gets to watch a show. Honestly at this point we're hasbros cash cow, not them.   

Edited by Freewave

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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I wouldn't be too surprised that conservatives are freaking out about our fandom, we do take a very politically liberal slant after all with out acceptance of LGBT and with our relaxed views on gender roles (in liking MLP in the first place). 

Socially liberal for many of us yes though I think much of that also has to do with the fact the fandom (as in the members of it) are relatively young typically ranging in age from mid to late teens to mid twenties and the younger generations due to tend to be more socially liberal anyway. That dosen't always mean liberal all around though, there are quite a few libertarians on here with yours truly being one of them.



Herp, yup, you're gonna get a lot of shit done with a whole 66 signatures, Soccer moms. Add another six though, and I'll give you some props for making me laugh.

That has to be the most hilarious thing I have heard you say yet, but I think it would be more likely and probably also hilarious if they got 3 more signatures. The inner smartass in me wants to add my own signature to make it happen, just to troll them a bit.

  • Brohoof 1
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I would not believe this if not for the fact that I personally have seen a "mothering" blog where she openly wondered if bronies had any ulterior motives when it came to children. And she had the gall to be offended when bronies attacked her for the insinuation.


To me, MLP is no different than Pixar movies. But ones acceptable for adults to watch, and the other raises questions about our sexual interests. Why is that?

Edited by hawkflame
  • Brohoof 2


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To me, MLP is no different than Pixar movies. But ones acceptable for adults to watch, and the other raises questions about our sexual interests. Why is that?

I think that says alot more about their sexuality than ours if you ask me, statements like that just scream insecurity to me which makes me laugh at them and wonder if Mommy and Daddy would calm down if they just had a bit more alone time.

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Socially liberal for many of us yes though I think much of that also has to do with the fact the fandom (as in the members of it) are relatively young typically ranging in age from mid to late teens to mid twenties and the younger generations due to tend to be more socially liberal anyway. That dosen't always mean liberal all around though, there are quite a few libertarians on here with yours truly being one of them.



should bump that mid twenties to about mid thirties.

TMK the brony crowd is almost similar to that of the major portion of the "gaming" community, and those of us born in the 80's up.

TBH i think we've taken a much more open minded stance, and its often why the 1980's is oft called the "Gay 80's" after so many began to come out of the closet, and with the various color variations we enjoyed (never even thought about how much pink was over used back then till i looked back...)

It's also marked as when the LGBT communities really started to pickup their movement, and theres honestly no denying the connection between the brony community and the LGBT one in many regards. Sorry if that offends, given the stereotype that is often thrust.

But much like the "All trekkies are thick glasses wearing nerds" stereotype, its just something we'll always have.

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theres honestly no denying the connection between the brony community and the LGBT one in many regards.

Yes and no, society makes a big deal out of both when it really shouldn't but some gays are actually killed for being gay in some countries while bronies though they may endure some bullying which sucks does not even begin to compare. One thing I have noticed about this fandom as well as quite a few others is that it does attract people who are considered social outcasts and I think this is in large part because these people want an escape and see cartoon ponies as one. There is of course nothing wrong with this so long as it is not taken too far which most bronies realize and it is actually healthy to have a little bit of escapism. So because of this the "nerd" stereotype does have a great deal of truth to it for MLP and many other fandoms but I personally think there is nothing wrong with being a little nerdy.

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I'm almost 100 percent sure this was a troll petition.  There are only 66 signatures after the petition was closed, last year.  So I doubt very much that Hasbro will even see it.


But yeah.  You get troll petitions every once in awhile.  If you think this is bad, you should check out some of the Pokémon-related petitions on that site.  As it is, it really isn't that bad.


In fact, there are more pro-brony petitions than there are anti-brony ones.  And I've noticed more signatures on the ones in favor of bronies.

Edited by SBaby

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I understand the kind of stuff parents don't want their kids to see, but wanting to to take down an entire show because of about 1% of cloppers is just simply PREPOSTEROUS!!!

I wish more people would call me ,"sir"....without adding, "You're making a scene".

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I remember I predicted this happening in another thread. Idiot, looney "parents" trying to get the show taken down because they're on their periods and don't feel like doing any actual parenting.


Little children should not be allowed on the internet without parental supervision. Simple as that. And if for some reason you trust your kid enough to let them surf alone, don't blame a TV SHOW if they find something they shouldn't have. The internet is not a fucking babysitter. It is your fault, and your fault alone, if your children are exposed to gore or porn on the internet.

  • Brohoof 2

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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I've been snooping around on some "parenting" websites and you'll never guess what I keep finding when I look into MLP discussions. Parents keeping posting threads how they tell their daughters to not watch MLP. Apparently they're doing this to "protect" their loved ones from us bronies because somehow, we're simultaneously a rape, pedophile, bestiality and LGBT crowd.


Those are SOME bronies. Not all. It's not the show that's creating porn, it's some of the fans. People will always do that. There's a rule on the internet that says, "if it exists, there is porn of it." Just keep your kids off the internet, and stop blaming Hasbro. It's probably one of the most innocent shows out there nowadays.


I don't have kids, but I'm put in charge of my younger sister and our niece quite a bit, and we're all fans of the show. We've went to cons together, watch the show together, and draw fanart. And they're the two most innocent little girls I've ever seen.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well here's the first comment I saw.




Either this person is a troll or they have an IQ somewhere in the negative digits.


Anyways I'm going to tear this thing up.


"To the parents: For the love of God, do not let your children search for "My Little Pony" on the internet...These bronies twist the cartoon in ways to suit themselves and their disturbing desires...Such as making violent or pornographic pictures or videos featuring the characters (sometimes even including the children characters,) some of which can easily be found on YouTube or even image searches! The searches may vary from place to place, but I can assure you, violent and pornographic content that children shouldn't see will be found. Included at the bottom of this petition are several links as proof, one to a disturbingly violent MLP video, I STRONGLY suggest you do not have your children in the room if you decide to view these links."


Obviously this guy's new to the internet. I mean come on, websites like Pornhub are just a few clicks away if you're a nine year old on a computer with internet.


"This brony following grew out of 4chan..."


Honestly, who REALLY takes 4chan seriously? I mean, it 4chan everyone is screwing around on there. Idiot...


"They are by far the worst thing to ever happen to the internet. Don't get me wrong, there are some good ones, perhaps many...But the majority of this "fandom" is made up of many, many terrible people, including pedophiles and people who like bestiality."


Obviously, he's not familiar with furries either. Clopping/yiffing is NOT bestiality. What you do in your free time is no one else's business.


"The only way to end this "My Little Pony" fad, is to get the cartoon "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" cancelled and taken off the air. How such disturbing behavior has gone under the radar truly baffles me...Please, sign the petition and spread the word."


I use this saying when describing vegetarians; just because you don't like chicken, doesn't mean you have to blow up the whole kitchen.

  • Brohoof 3
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This is stupid. We only watch the show for one reason - it is a legitimately good show. Yet somehow parents are twisting it around, making it look like we watch it, taking down notes on what we could manipulate into porn/gore stuff. Although, I have to admit, some of the stuff that the dude posted on the bottom of the change.org page was pretty disgusting. And, in the case of the Cupcakes video, disturbing. Though I guess some creepy ass people have pony fetishes, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. It's things like pony porn that parents see, and then criticize bronies for. And Cupcakes shouldn't even exist.

  • Brohoof 3



                                                         "They may take our lives, but they will never take our ponies!"

                                                                          DerpyMail: Exanime32@derpymail.org

                                                                   Soulfire - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/soulfire-r3945

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You know I wonder how many of these Moms are dedictated fans of shows like Dance Moms, Wicked Moms etc( in which the parents try to life their life through their kid, and even when their child is a baby make treat it like its their own little puppet that they can do whatever they want with it)you get my idea, and then they tell their kids not to watch something like MLP? Well then they shouldn't be allowed to watch any children T.V. shows because I for one have seen some pretty disturbing cartoon stuff drawn, and written by older fans of different shows. So yea its just parents being over protective of their child. Just like how some states have banned dodge ball because it to violent  :umad:  

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This is stupid. We only watch the show for one reason - it is a legitimately good show. Yet somehow parents are twisting it around, making it look like we watch it, taking down notes on what we could manipulate into porn/gore stuff. Although, I have to admit, some of the stuff that the dude posted on the bottom of the change.org page was pretty disgusting. And, in the case of the Cupcakes video, disturbing. Though I guess some creepy ass people have pony fetishes, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. It's things like pony porn that parents see, and then criticize bronies for. And Cupcakes shouldn't even exist.



What's the Cupcakes video? I've heard of it, but, based off of the, "It's disgusting," comments that I've seen it get, I don't want to look it up.

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What's the Cupcakes video? I've heard of it, but, based off of the, "It's disgusting," comments that I've seen it get, I don't want to look it up.

It is a horrible video of Pinkie Pie torturing and mutilating Rainbow Dash. Trust me, I thought before I watched it "It can't be that bad". I was proven wrong by the nightmares that I had that night. It was TERRIBLE. DO NOT WATCH IT unless you are some sort of creepy sadist brony. It is top level horror film material.

  • Brohoof 1



                                                         "They may take our lives, but they will never take our ponies!"

                                                                          DerpyMail: Exanime32@derpymail.org

                                                                   Soulfire - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/soulfire-r3945

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This seems like it is made by a hater, or a misinformed mom with nothing else to do. Really people, monitor your kids while they are on the internet, and you will have no problems.

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Obvious troll is obvious. But it did provide me a good laugh, especially some of the comments. The fandom is always going to have opponents, more than likely until the series ends. The Brony fandom is just unexpected phenomenon that no one saw coming. But we are here. Yes there are the cloppers, with their r34 material, and the grimdarks with their horror, gore, and blood. But I'm sure every fandom has that, if you don't believe me, you're not internet-ing right.  :derp:  It just goes back to gender stereotypes, and how the Brony fandom challenges them. If we keep love and tolerating, and respond to opponents with, yes the cloppers, grimdarks, and even the rabid bronies are a part of the fandom, but they do not represent all of the fandom. It's like how Westboro Baptist doesn't represent all of Christianity, and the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't represent all of Islam. 


I say we still hold ourselves with poise and decency, and we'll endure through the end. Besides simply canceling the show would not stop the fandom. We would continue creating our OCs, and writing fanfics, and art. So the advise I offer is this simply "Keep Calm And Canter On". Also "Stay Classy".

Signature By: ~Sassy Dashie~



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I think that's just stupid. Why don't you blame yourself for ruining your children with your stupid ideologies instead of society or a group of people.


The one thing being a brony has taught me is about discrimination. Nothing to the point of being a black person in the 17th century, but we still have to deal with the fact that people honestly hate us. Some people think we're "rapers", "pedophiles" and "not even human". And dealing with that has been one of the tougher parts of being in this fandom.

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