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Do you ever regret being a brony?


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No not really... Well, I've spent a lot of time on the show and the fandom, but if I had never discovered the show I'd have spent my time elsewhere anyway...

  • Brohoof 2
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"I have no regrets. I wouldn't have lived my life the way I did if I was going to worry about what people were going to say."

-Ingrid Bergman


This holds some truth, but I do have regrets. I would guess one would be that I actively avoided posting and drawing things for this community sooner. My drawings get pretty well ignored now. So at the same time I would use this other quite to describe my regret about being a brony.


"Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh."

Henry David Thoreau


Because I didn't get loads of followers who expected more artwork of fanfiction from me. I could come and go as I pleased when it interested me and that is a great freedom to have. Other people still have their things, but part of them are stuck doing the same fan art because of demand despite their interests shifting. So what I regret, I also hold pretty close.

  • Brohoof 1
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Do I regret joining a fandom that quite literally saved me from a lonely and otherwise depressing life? Definitely not.


Both the show and the fandom helped me get through a rough time in my life, I'm proud to belong to such a welcoming and amazing fandom. I don't advertise the fact that I'm a brony, but I'll be damned if a single persons opinion makes me regret being a part of this community. True, I'll be a little bothered if someone bashes me for belonging to the fandom, but really, that's their opinion; one that I couldn't care less about.


(Sorry if I sound a little, well, "cocky" here lol.  :blink: )

  • Brohoof 2


Sableye is best... whatever he is, diamond demon thing. He's still awesome. 

(I know he's a Pokemon, psh)

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Honestly, no. I'd be a very different person today if I wasn't a brony, as I would not have learnt the communication skills that I needed to learn so badly.

  • Brohoof 1

Zeusking19 - Poniverse Developer and SysAdmin


"No DDR machines were harmed in the making of this post."

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Since I watched the show at begin 2013, I never regretted it. I got some trouble here and there, but nothing that changed my decision to love little colored equines. And it wont change in the future neither. :yay:

  • Brohoof 1

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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No I don't think I will regret it. 


I have actually done a lot better after having watched the show :). The community has also been really helpful ;)

  • Brohoof 2
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Every. Single. Day.


I like the show, but enjoying it and being a part of the fandom unfortunately, seems to invite a lot of people to become vitriolic and even it seems like even if you don't fit into the negative preconceptions and stereotypes they have for the fandom-you're still guilty by association.


That's why I'm constantly tempted to leave, but I can't bring myself to do it because there are a lot of parts of this fandom that I enjoy.


It doesn't help when you're insecure about what others think of you.

  • Brohoof 1
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I guess it depends on how I look at it. On one hand, I am embarassed (even offended) by the way some fans behave, but on the other hand, since I see them in another league, I'm happy enjoying a fandom I love. Hate some of the fans, love the show, but that applies to all fandoms! Also not a strict rule, some fandoms can be pretty safe and not so dramariffic :)

  • Brohoof 1
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The only thing i regret is to spend large amounts of money on any of my interests i have over $500 worth on mlp march that i bought last year at bronycon all in one day when the goad was to save up for an $1000  PC now its around the same time of year before this years bronycon and i have $900 saved up.

Add me on skype: jfatula01

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Yes, I do regret doing so. With the pressures of higher education and adult life looming ahead, what's the point of being a geeky nerd who wastes his time laughing at colourful ponies, their fans and haters, and all their ilk?

Why should all sorts of clashes and drama ensue over anything Hasbro does to its girl's show about magical horses, when there are more serious responsibilities and disasters ahead in the world?

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I don't want to leave the fandom, and going "back to the closet" leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I have a right to express myself. But I just can't shake the feeling of "Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into?" whenever I read about all the horrible nasty things people say/do to us for liking a bloody television show. I feel like it can't be worth the stress.

I understand perfectly what you want to say.All of this is inevitable. It said that people tend to be very intolerant of those who do not fit into the normal canons dictated by the society, so you just need you to do even just a lifestyle different from the others to be targeted. There are those who conforms to the mass to protect himself and those who remain what he/she is, with all that goes with it, unfortunately. I do not know, now, what can I say to you, because I am living the same thing. For the moment I don't call myself anything ... nor Brony or otherwise... I'm just a person who finds this show and I consider it nice, including characters .. stop. And maybe that's okay.In the end everyone lives a passion in his own way. I think you should only do what makes you feel safe, without necessarily repress what you like. For example, you may wear the shirts only in specific situations and not everywhere...or something like that.Unfortunately we live in a bad world, believe it or not. Your concerns are more than fair.

Edited by Shadow Ghost
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No, not one bit. I really don't regret being a Brony. I started watching the show in 2011, and it's now a big part of me. Why would I want to change me? I'm a Brony, and proud I still am.

Edited by Silver Staff
  • Brohoof 1


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Yes.... sometimes....


The that fact I want to be romantic relationship with a pastel alien pony has made me even crazier than I already am.


I would never have known about The Conversion Bureau... It would have saved me the vision of someone turning sweet, compassionate and beautiful ponies into monsters.


Only because you let it bother you. I've read the same and I'm just as hopeful for the fandom, Hell if anything I owe that fanfic because it's what finally convinced me to start writing and set me down the path of being a writer professionally.


You just have to take a negative and turn it into a positive, even if that means burying it and never looking at it again.

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Honestly joining this fandom has been one of the blessings of my life, and I have yet to find any regret in doing so. So many wonderful people have become friends of mine, and it has brought me quite a lot of happiness.


So yeah; no regrets. :)

  • Brohoof 2

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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I havent regretted it even once. my only regret is not becoming one sooner. I wouldnt exactly say im "out of the closet". sure my folks know, and seem fine with it... at least they dont openly object. But i dont thinkim anwhere ready to just go "marching downtown, shouting it to the world." ok, bad example, but wanted to give the worst example i could thinkof. ;)

Edited by mysticalnight
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I do right now. I wished I never became one and here's my honest response:


Ever since I became a fan I had high hopes of making friends. That was a mistake because I've never made friends since I live a totally different lifestyle than most of people in my age group. It made me live a lie, I kept trying to change that and pinpoint how to change myself to be happier. Now I believe in fate. I will always be like that and nothing will change it. Upon joining this community, I realized that truth. I simply don't belong but I do love the show. I can't say I've been welcomed warmly. Stating this many times, I've been in trouble plenty of times. That only proved my point in not belonging.


I can simply leave, and I have before. It's either me leaving or getting into trouble I don't need in my life. If people can't help other than name-calling and ignoring my messages, then I should move on. The world needs more exploring than living a lie and full of people wondering what I'm saying. Friendship cannot be found here. It's the internet. Anonymous hatred.


I'm not interested in debate.

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No and I have even less of a reason too. My dad sees it and doesn't care my brother jokes around with me and my mom noticed some plushies she never remembers getting for me and told me she wouldn't ask where they came from respecting my privacy and interested in to the names of ponies they were. And the only two times people have noticed my one shirt one was just like you a brony? And never went any further with it and the other gave me a brohoof of sorts. Everyone I know is ok/supporting of it so there is no reason to not. I know my situation is not necessarily representative of what every brony's but it's nice to not have to worry about it.


For everyone else that's gets flak stay strong my friends. Don't be afraid to admit it to yourself and don't be afraid to ignore people you know and let them stop you from enjoying what you like/enjoy

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My only regret is that I'm a brony and I don't have any friends nearby to talk about it with. A few times a month, I sometimes think about whether I should stay a brony, and the answer has always been yes so far.

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