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This, pretty much.

Every time I play Talon and there's a Varus all I have to do is hop on him because half the time the people are like "what do :'D" and then they freak out and forget they have ult up and die. ^^;

Then again, I usually just play on low level accounts with noobs who have no idea what they are doing. ^^;

It's scary encountering an assassin with any adc lol :(




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But I did manage a win out of a cruddy team as top Vayne with a KDA of about 4. There was a Sivir top, but still.

Edited by BestVayneNA


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So, we've been playing new Hexakill quite a bit, but we've been having bad luck. So we played a rage game to compensate. I played Akali mid v Syndra. I got first blood. And then it all started:




And it's not like they were all new or "super bad" or whatever either





Aaaaand I just did it again. 40/9 Kat <3 I got a penta and a quad :D But, it's Kat, doesn't count >.<



Edited by Eavath

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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Hexakill is a rather hard mode. From my experience, it's just way too easy to get into teamfights; which actually makes it pretty interesting. I wish it was a permanent gamemode, though.

It's also interesting how hard it is to actually push a line, since they're pretty connected to the jungle. The sanctuaries add a pretty interesting advantage over the other team, too.

Anyways, I have a smurf account in NA that became level 3 recently. If anyone wants to add me, my summoner name is GearheadWilliams. My main and first account is level 17 and in LAS. It's name is just Gearhead.

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So I was in a game. As usual, I play Udyr (He's like the champ that can give me victories)


The ally was Fiddles mid, while enemy was Donger mid. Fid was pushed up, demand gank. Of course, Udyr gank was the least priority, so I ignore him, then for some precaution, I mute him. It worked, although he got pissed off and buy SotSW and proceed to take my jg for revenge of a sort. Fortunately, their Nasus was AFK/DC and the threats were only Donger and Jax. Tristana can be handled easily. Once I got my pace, I unmute and he's silent for the whole game.


We won, but part of me feel bad for him. 


Forgive me, stranger.



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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The key my friend is warding. I know people say this all the time, but it really is.


Say that after doing leblanch Jungle, I DOUBLE DARE YOU!!! I have nightmares enough from getting locked into wrong champs before >_>



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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Say that after doing leblanch Jungle, I DOUBLE DARE YOU!!! I have nightmares enough from getting locked into wrong champs before >_>

You could totally make that work if you just had to though.

First clear might be a bit slow, but once you're set up you'd you'd at least be able to half a person upon ganking. Snare them when they try to run to either secure or pull a flash.


Not practical, but it could work in such a situation. x)

  • Brohoof 1


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You could totally make that work if you just had to though.

First clear might be a bit slow, but once you're set up you'd you'd at least be able to half a person upon ganking. Snare them when they try to run to either secure or pull a flash.


Not practical, but it could work in such a situation. x)


I'm not saying it can't work, I am just saying that wards wont help you one but in that scenario :P

I have seen about most jungle scenarios, The really slow clear which always is stuck behind so you cant do much, the one which is really suspectible to coutnerjungling. and the one where wards wouldnt help one but because the guy had no mapvision. I was once really pushed mid by a galio as teemo and we had a hecarim jungle, he litterally ran past me while I was almost dying to galio and didnt even bother saying hi. 


Point is, presence is way more important than warding in the long run, presence can brush off people and create tense in certain lanes. Not saying vision isn't important, Its just more important to utilize the jungler you have and create openings in the game for lanes. (keep in mind that doesn't mean you actually have to gank, it might be in a lot of ways.)



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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I'm not saying it can't work, I am just saying that wards wont help you one but in that scenario :P

I have seen about most jungle scenarios, The really slow clear which always is stuck behind so you cant do much, the one which is really suspectible to coutnerjungling. and the one where wards wouldnt help one but because the guy had no mapvision. I was once really pushed mid by a galio as teemo and we had a hecarim jungle, he litterally ran past me while I was almost dying to galio and didnt even bother saying hi. 


Point is, presence is way more important than warding in the long run, presence can brush off people and create tense in certain lanes. Not saying vision isn't important, Its just more important to utilize the jungler you have and create openings in the game for lanes. (keep in mind that doesn't mean you actually have to gank, it might be in a lot of ways.)

Well vision is what gives you information on the enemy, which in turn allows you to either counter gank or gank another lane (since you're Le Blanc). Just buy a pink ward early after clearing and place it in your jungle either above dragon/baron or in the bush leading to the river. This normally keeps the enemy jungler from performing loop ganks and allows you to catch them out. If you're playing Le Blanc then just blow them up or get a lane to help by pinging on the enemy. Idk what division you play in, but I've noticed recently that players are playing like a team more and more.


Presence is important, but the reason presence is strong is because of vision. If you can deny the enemy vision then they can't find your jungler. Hopefully your jungler is good enough to perform simple ganks. 


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Well vision is what gives you information on the enemy, which in turn allows you to either counter gank or gank another lane (since you're Le Blanc). Just buy a pink ward early after clearing and place it in your jungle either above dragon/baron or in the bush leading to the river. This normally keeps the enemy jungler from performing loop ganks and allows you to catch them out. If you're playing Le Blanc then just blow them up or get a lane to help by pinging on the enemy. Idk what division you play in, but I've noticed recently that players are playing like a team more and more.


Presence is important, but the reason presence is strong is because of vision. If you can deny the enemy vision then they can't find your jungler. Hopefully your jungler is good enough to perform simple ganks. 


My joke with Leblanc is that she has terrible clearing speed, but you might have missed the point because of her assassin utility. I could have sayd something even worse like swain or caitlyn :P I actually did swain jungle by accident once, it is completely rubbish, Struggling to kill dem camps is painful, you either go oom or loose way too much health. Worst thing I probably did was Mordekaiser as a joke.


Anyway I dont play in any division because I learned last season the hard way that the longer I play the game and the more ranked I play the more depressed I get and I start getting just as toxic as every person harassing me in the end. mostly because it litterally killed everything fun with the game, and thats saying I went from bronze IV to Bronze II->I promo in about 1 week of playing, that was when I started meeting silver players, the nightmares are real. I know that statistically the trolls should be just as much on the other team, but thats not what it felt like. And since then I only play normals, because fun. Was trying to get friends to play TT ranked, but I only have one friend who is serious about it.



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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My joke with Leblanc is that she has terrible clearing speed, but you might have missed the point because of her assassin utility. I could have sayd something even worse like swain or caitlyn :P I actually did swain jungle by accident once, it is completely rubbish, Struggling to kill dem camps is painful, you either go oom or loose way too much health. Worst thing I probably did was Mordekaiser as a joke.


Anyway I dont play in any division because I learned last season the hard way that the longer I play the game and the more ranked I play the more depressed I get and I start getting just as toxic as every person harassing me in the end. mostly because it litterally killed everything fun with the game, and thats saying I went from bronze IV to Bronze II->I promo in about 1 week of playing, that was when I started meeting silver players, the nightmares are real. I know that statistically the trolls should be just as much on the other team, but thats not what it felt like. And since then I only play normals, because fun. Was trying to get friends to play TT ranked, but I only have one friend who is serious about it.

That sucks. Normally if I'm on a losing streak I just mute everyone at the start of the game, so I dont hit tilt as hard. I used to grind ranked all day a year ago, but I've mellowed out since and I only play ranked every few weeks. My idea behind it is "don't look for immediate progress". The game has a casual side, but that doesn't mean its easy to master. And o man do I remember my grind through silver. I was Silver 1 one day then Silver 4 the next XD. It's stressful. Just don't take it too seriously.


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So my friend asked me to help him get to gold.
He let me use his account and play ranked.
Soooo, I wanted ADC but nope I also wanted top but nope. (Last pick FTW)

Went jungle; they told me to pick a tanky champion and I went nope.
Went Yi, cleared both buffs then I noticed Vi try to gank mid without any of her buffs.
I stole both of her buffs and stole most of her jungle while killing her, Teemo and Yasuo several times. (Lol these guys.)

Nid was butt-hurt all game because I didn't pick what she wanted. So I denied her every single blue buff and she tried to afk/feed/leave etc. (Didn't work.)
Garen kept on blaming me because he lost lane to Yasuo and somehow died to a level 2 Vi when he was level 6.
I simply had Morgana blackshield me every fight and I killed everyone. Got a Penta and a baron steal too. (Vi tried to take baron when I was level 18 and she was level 13. My smite was stronger.)
All in all a very funny and interesting game.

Edited by Glaceon

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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If anyone wants to add me on EUW, my summoner name is Nukpana Kachada (I need to change it to something better soon, but I'm not creative ;~; ). I'm only Silver 5, but then again I only played about 5 or 6 ranked games out of provisionals, so expect me to be sorta sucky ;~;

Edited by Nukpana Kachada
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Oh snap Season 4 is almost over. I'm still in Bronze I and my target is too drag myself to Silver V. I just wish I have the time needed. 


Currently stuck at 0 points cos I've been back and forth winning and losing. ==



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Oh snap Season 4 is almost over. I'm still in Bronze I and my target is too drag myself to Silver V. I just wish I have the time needed.


Currently stuck at 0 points cos I've been back and forth winning and losing. ==

Funny, ive been the same exact way, except i was shooting for gold V from silver V just for Victorious Morgana. x)

Win 2 or 3 games in a row, get a nice 20 points or so, then lose one and lose 10 or more points right then and there. I really don't understand how one properly climbs without some ridiculous streak going on nor this ranking system in general. :/


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Hope S5 ranked goes as well as I think it will, because if it does, I might already get to Gold III or so in that time. I'm not ranked yet, but I have already outdone plenty of Silver-level players.

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper


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Hope S5 ranked goes as well as I think it will, because if it does, I might already get to Gold III or so in that time. I'm not ranked yet, but I have already outdone plenty of Silver-level players.

Beating *level here* players in normals means nothing half the time. Ive seen plenty of gold and higher people play like nothing special at all and even downright suck at times. You need them to be really trying for it to matter. Even then, rank still isnt much as any high level you beat could have bought that rank easily.



Regardless, silver people should be easy peasy lemon squeezy. Hell, Gold people usually arent much of anything to worry about.


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Beating *level here* players in normals means nothing half the time. Ive seen plenty of gold and higher people play like nothing special at all and even downright suck at times. You need them to be really trying for it to matter. Even then, rank still isnt much as any high level you beat could have bought that rank easily.

Regardless, silver people should be easy peasy lemon squeezy. Hell, Gold people usually arent much of anything to worry about.

True, I have seen pathetic players own in even plat level matches...


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Akali is now my Waifu <3




Laned against Veigar. Not so hard lane. Q harass, pop with E whenever, winning lane. Lee shows up, helps,  win lane, Roam. Like I normally do. Then things started going south when bot lane kept getting caught out. Yeah, I did my normal Akali Shenanigans and carried. However, this game was special. Note the ranks.




"Yeah, but it's a normal and they don't care" You had to be there to see the Draven trying to win. You don't get Spirit Visage on an ADC in a normal where you don't really care <.< Shush Haven, you don't count :P

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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I got demoted to Bronze II




I know the feel. I should've just stopped playing when I hit Silver V


Can't believe we won that:



Braum was mid and MF bullied her way to ADC because she would feed. Gragas was also supp or feed. First few minutes were flaming everywhere, then we started getting kills. :lol:

Edited by GlowingFlask




Awesome avatar from ask-drpinkieandmisspie Awesome signature by [member=~Sassy Dashie~]

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All I see these days is Ryze, Jayce, Yi, Syndra, Janna and Tristana. Its monotonous and obnoxious.

Welcome to people only playing what the pro's play. Except for the Yi, I mean. But I recently was watching a guy called GamingCurious on YouTube and he made a list of the most used champions in League World Championships, and it was; Ryze top, Jayce mid, Rengar Jungle, Janna support, and Corki ADC. Different ADC than the one you mentioned, but all of the others you mentioned are pretty powerful in their own right.


Also, finally back on League! Stupid thing wouldn't let me long on for the longest time, but with repeated discussions with the tech support I AM BACK BABY!!! :D


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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@@KokuraiNoSenshi, *Sigh* Its just seems like everyone and I mean everyone,is a sheep, following every single little thing the pros do.

And that wouldn't be a problem, really, except for the fact that is all anyone does and its monotonous like I said. All I have to do and am allowed to do in top is pick Yorick and Quinn. Boom! Instant crushed lane. No fun.

Edited by Kurai
  • Brohoof 1
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