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Are you passionate about writing?

Sugar Pea

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If so, what is it you write? 
Do you write Fan Fiction, Poetry, Memoirs...?

If not, what's your favorite story? 
It can be anything...it can be Cupcakes for all I care. 

I'm not a writer, but seeing that a lot of people seem to put so much effort into their writing on this site.


Edited by Nature Of Fluttershy
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I love writing. I used to do a bit of writing of stories and poems, but I haven't done that in awhile. MLP Forums is actually a great place for me to express my love for writing, when I don't feel like coming up with a story or a poem. There's always plenty of topics to participate in, that give me the opportunity to write in response to a topic created by someone else. 


I do want to start writing more poems and stories again, as well as MLP fanfictions. I've written two complete ones so far, but that was awhile ago.

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I recently got into writing, you know random fan fictions and the likes. However I don't think I have actually finished a story in months now. I've started plenty, but just never find the time or have enough driving power to finish them.


I really want to get back into a point where I can write and actually finish writing and keep my ideas down. I have a ton that all seem to disappear when I either pic up my pencil or open Google Docs.

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I love to write. I have written some fan fiction. mainly final fantasy X, but most of my writing these days is just in RP. I do write poetry too.

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I write when I feel like writing.


That means I write different things. Poems, short stories... One time I started a play and I still have my novel floating around here.


I also try to write fanfiction. The problem with that is that I'm not a native english speaker, but I want to get the biggest possible feedback. When I write in german it feels like I can simply focus on precisely expressing what I see in my mind. I can "literally" play with my language. But when I write in english it feels... mechanical, not natural and I fail to express what I want.


But the most effort I ever put into something is in my novel. I love to at least collect ideas and write the concept, but I simply fail to write more than just a few chapters before I withdraw them again.

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I guess I can be considered a writer. Just a bit though. I usually write when I'm extremely bored or feel like the ideas I have would make a good story. I love writing mainly fan fictions about Ponies. Stories about depression and romance.

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I don't consider myself self a good writer, but a decent one. I started back in January, maybe, and wrote a few, but I left them at my friends house, because we were planning to make a comic for DA, and I guess his mom or brother threw them away, I really don't care/ know. 


But I do have a couple, one that is gruesome, and one that is romantic? Either way, the romantic one is not finished, in fact, I forgot about it, and completely forgot to finish it. The other one, the "gruesome" one, is the one I need to trash/burn.


But yes, I am quite passionate about writing. Mainly fanfictions about ponies, though.

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I do a lot of poetry.  I try to write stories but I eventually lose interest and abandon them.  Short stories is about the only thing I can do and upload.  If not I feel bad for not finishing what was supposed to be a long story.


The poetry I write is normally dark, but there's the occasional happy one. ^^  The short stories can be about anything from something that's actually happened to me to completely fictional.  I write more about ponies nowadays than anything else.


So in a way I'm passionate about writing, I just don't have the patience for long stories.

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I did a lot of poetry, not so much anymore as I sort of lost my motivation. It just felt like all I was doing was putting words together that sound good together rather than really writing with passion like how it started out. I did get one poem published though and even took a university level class in high school called Writer's Craft.

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I rather enjoy writing, yet I prefer not to post anything that I do write on the net. I'm going to answer your second question any ways. My favourite story would have to be, The Masque of the Red Death, by Edgar Allan Poe.

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I've been writing for as long as I can remember, and in any field that I can. While my main focus is poetry and song lyrics I also work heavily in short fiction and novellas. It's been a few years since I completed my second novel but I haven't had the time or effort to get it properly edited.

I also write scripts for plays and video games (the latter which I hope to get out someday, even though I am not going into the video game field), as well as any news updates for the sites I work on and for my school pamphlets, etc. I just really will write anything!

Currently my main project is a massive scaled fanfiction, spanning the point of views of about thirty characters in three countries (nine provinces in total) with side stories based on ideas and events presented.

I am also planning on completing "On Blackened Wings I Soar The Sky", a semi-introduction to this series (related by one link), which is a graphic horror. Once it is completed I hope to, due to the nature of the writing, make it into a "drama CD" of sorts. (Has anyone here read "RANT: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey" by Chuck Palahniuk? Yeah, that's how it's written.) :-)

Edited by PinkieDaShy
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I can get really passionate about writing, but it depends a lot on what kind of writing. I have a hard time with non-fiction because I can't get interested. Reality is too boring for me, so I stray more toward fiction and fantasy. I've been writing for at least nine years; short stories, fanfictions, series and other random things that I've never really done anything with, mostly out of self-consciousness. I've been told my writing is pretty good, but I can never work up the nerve to try and publish anything or look for something public to do with my writing. 

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I have written poetry, if you ask me most of them suck.
I have thought on writing a book, but I really am not sure exactly what I'll write.

I actually did recently write some fanfiction for Team Fortress 2. (Mine was only on the terms of 4 or 5 pages)

I like writing shorter stories, because I hate just writing on and on on the same thing.

Edited by Gamer P0N3
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Yes, I'm definitely passionate about writing. I write fanfiction for MLP, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings etc. but I also like to write my own original stories and I hope to become a successful author when I'm older. It's my ambition. :)

As for fanfiction, I don't write or read anything gory or sexual cos that's just not me. But I do love adventure, friendship, romance, crossovers and AUs. They're the best! :D

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Heh... It's stupid question. Of course I LOVE writing... I write fanfictions, books and others. Basically I write 5 books(now first, then the rest of my ideas). One of them is story over which I work since May ^^ It's very important thing for me. I hope I will wonderful writer when I'll older :3 


I write books as Andrew D. Hawkins(first step in my "transformation" into American ^^). 


I write mostly fantasy stories, but one of my books is  story about detective. I hope I will be able to show you my books. And hope you will enjoy it. :) 

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I am passionate about writing what I think! I don't write fanfics or anything, but if my teacher gives me an assignment that interests me enough, then you'll see me write my heart out.


I enjoy writing, but I can't make you a story.

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I love writing! I've written a lot of fan fiction belonging to other fandoms, I can't wait to write a fan fiction about MLP: FiM. :D

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I really do love writing, so I would say that I am pretty passionate about my writing. I'll be working on some fan fictions, if I don't get distracted.

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I've always loved writing.  I've been writing since I was seven.  I used to write a lot of fanfiction but I'm now trying to focus on this epic fantasy idea I have.  Since it has multi viewpoints, I've been trying to figure out good ways to write it.


I would even enjoy writing essays o.o  But after this one college English teacher nearly broke my spirit, it's not so enjoyable.

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I write long stories. Really, REALLY long stories. My current baby is currently at four lengthy novels long. It's still in early planning. xD


I can't write short stories. I love developing worlds and backstories more than I do writing the actual plot. World design is sorta my forte.


But back on topic: yeah, writing is one of the few true talents that I have. I'm very passionate about it.

Edited by Scoutaloo
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Oh, yes, I'm very passionate about writing...









In all seriousness, I used to be quite into writing when I was in high school, with my interest arising in freshman year and lasting all four years. I wasn't prolific by any stretch of the term - in fact, I’ve found many cringeworthy moments upon re-reading some of my old stuff – but I enjoyed myself, and it was how I spent a majority of my free time back then.


Originally I started off writing some pretty cheesy Star Fox fan fics shipping Fox and Krystal (SFAdv had just been released), and I’d soon come to write even worse fics intermixing Final Fantasy and Star Fox characters. Eventually, I began to “humanize” the SF characters and gave them personalities based on mine and my best friends’, which saw the birth of my very first (not so original) OCs. In time, I stopped with the fan fics and started writing my own book based on these characters, whom I would develop over the years as my own, distancing them from their original inspirations…though the book still drew heavily from SF, Star Wars, and various other things influencing me at the time. The book eventually grew to over 200 pages before I decided to end it.


Nowadays I like to think I have a much better sense of how to write a narration-driven story (as opposed to dialogue-driven, which was mainly how my book went down), as well as write more believable characters with less Mary Sue-ishness. Unfortunately, I just don’t have the will to sit down and write anymore, even though I have a lot of headcanon material floating around my brain to build my own MLP-based world.


I don’t know what to blame for this recent lack of will to write – maybe my musical ambitions are just a resource hog – but I really hope to get around to putting some of these ideas on paper one of these days.


*le sigh* -_-


On that note, relating back to music, I do write a majority all of the lyrics for my band's songs, so you could say I'm a poet. Lyricist, poet...really the same thing, if you think about it.

Edited by Lowline Thrash
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