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Which would you choose?



84 users have voted

  1. 1. Which Pill would you choose?

    • Yellow Pill
    • Green Pill
    • Blue Pill
    • Orange Pill
    • Red Pill
    • Pink Pill
    • Grey Pill
    • Black Pill

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Personally, I would go with the "Grey Pill"....why? Well, to me, personally, I think the ability to control machinery or electronics would be quite fun.


How about you all?



  • Brohoof 8


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Green pill sucks, as does pink. Pink doesn't clarify what sort of love it would be (adoration or just simple romantic love).


Orange pill takes the fun out of life.


Black would be cool, up until your death, in which case, that would suck a huge amount.


Red is boring.


Blue and grey are pretty damn cool, though I would take blue were it not for...




God damn, that is OP. As long as I can see them, I can win any fight I please. 


Even if it's a picture, too? Jesus christ! Just give me a picture of any worldwide known terrorist and they'd be captured within the week, because I'd know exactly where they are, what defenses they've got, and what they've done. Any connections, every damn thing imaginable. I'd render the FBI completely useless.


Granted, if I'm blinded by anything, yellow is rendered useless, which would suck a lot.

Edited by HandMan
  • Brohoof 3


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I chose grey because:
- Yellow Pill: what people think is really personal and I kinda don't want in people's business. 

- Green Pill: I was going to choose this but if I suddenly transformed into an animal and couldn't find a place to transform back then my parents would think i had dissapeared or something! 

- Blue Pill: This would be really helpful... maybe i should have changed it ...  :huh:

- Orange Pill: Do I want to be counted as some freak of nature for my whole life? No.

- Red Pill: same as orange.

- Pink Pill: it wouldn't really be love if i made then, would it? If I am ever that desperate I'll be like YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!  :angry:

- Black Pill: I wouldn't want this one the most. I would be just like Twilight in that one episode and freak out over something in the future. I mean like what happens if I see something really bad happen? I'll spend forever trying to fix it instead of enjoying the time I have. 


I chose grey because electronics seem to hate me. I mean like really. And I could shock my enemies and blame it on ... whats that f word? Friction. I could blame it on friction. "Oh soooorry wasn't me. >:3 " (bwahahaha) 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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Black pill. I will become the Master of time and...  daily planners or something.


But seriously, with some foresight into the future it's hard for anything to go wrong and, as long as you curb your curiousness, you can still enjoy a few surprises along the way. Like, if you made really important plans that absolutely could not afford to go wrong, just take a peek into the future to make sure everything turns all right and if something does go wrong, make a slight adjustment to get things back on track.


Yellow would be my second choice, but it feels like such a violation of privacy. Plus, some secrets are best left secrets.

  • Brohoof 2
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Haha, my cousin asked me this same thing once, with the same chart too. My answer is the red pill. Why? Cuz i love to fight, wrestle, and do other stupid things! Having the red, I could even help the world by beating the living G3 out of terrorists and other bad people. But it'd all depend on how fast and strong it makes me, and how good the healing is. But I might choose the blue too, since I could help people with that also.

  • Brohoof 2


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Blue I always wanted to fly feeling the wind through my hair an stuff as long as I don't fly to high it should be fine. Black would be helpful but it would take some of the surprise out of living life if you knew what was going to happen IMO.

  • Brohoof 2
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Orange pill, hands down. I would be set up for life... I'd probably go into professional baseball and ride the incredibly high salary for a while. Having fun + having gobs of money = win win.


Pills I don't like would be the pink and the black. The pink one... It just wouldn't feel right, like it was fake. The black one... If you can't actually alter the future, what's the point?

  • Brohoof 2


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I would for sure choose the yellow one, as long as you could just pick and choose what you wanted to read about the other person. I want to know why my math teacher hates life, but I dont want to know her life story, yknow what I mean?

  • Brohoof 1
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Probably the blue pill, the idea of being able to teleport to travel anywhere is always cool and pretty convinient. I'd go for the yellow one, but it's actually kind of scary

Edited by Godot
  • Brohoof 1
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I choose red becuase:

  • I would do some of the stuff in the video that I am able to do, and it will be awesome: 
  • It'd be fun to run really fast and stuff.
  • I'd be so overpowered, I could probably take down a small army and I'd as well probably could be able to topple a dictatorship or two.
  • I don't need to go to the hospital if I'm severly injured, since I'll quickly recover anyway.

My opinion on others:

  • Yellow: The reading minds part pulled me away from deciding that. I don't want to nose in the minds of other people.
  • Green: Boring.
  • Blue: It'd be really cool to have and I almost chose it, I had to think over which one I would definitely want more: red or blue. But teleporting would be the boring part.
  • Orange: That takes out the fun in learning.
  • Pink: Love is in the back burner for me, and plus it wouldn't be real love if I manipulated a mind to love me.
  • Grey: That'd be really cool, but it doesn't really interest me.
  • Black: It'd be useful, but I'd rather be in a surprise than know the future.
Edited by Roman Bellic
  • Brohoof 2
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Green because, I'd stay a dog, Forever.  Or a mouse, or a cat, or... I don't know!  I would try to be everything at once!  I could do everything!

  • Brohoof 1


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  • You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%)
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  • You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)
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yellow, mind control is awesome, and people can be stupid. also, i could get anyone to do whatever i want (mostly through blackmail) and if i do get in a fight i will always win.

  • Brohoof 1


I'm a bomb. . . made of fire.

So I bomb things. . . with fire. . . and do nothing else


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Personally I would choose the red pill since I'm not very strong nor am I very fast. I'd love to be strong so I can protect those I care about. As well as be fast enough to save them.

  • Brohoof 1

*Siggy Made by Me*

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I can see myself using the green pill often. Becoming any animal I so choose and causing mayhem. Then, when I need to make my get away, I return to my human form. Definitely the one I would pick. Also, I laughed when I realized that the pill that lets you shapeshift into any animal is green just like Beast Boy, and he shapeshifts into animals :lol:


But can I keep the pink pill as a backup? Just in case, you know, it doesn't go well for me. :blush:

  • Brohoof 2



IF is best girl.

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Yellow pill because I think it would be interesting to see peoples history and life events. Its like looking into a history book every where you go, instead of seeing a face you would see a story and that would be awesome. Not to mention the yellow ha potential to over power the pink pill, you would be able to find that same persons interests and hobbies etc. and relate to their personality, making them fall in love with you.

  • Brohoof 2
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The blue pill... why? Because being able to fly is something I always wanted also teleporting is cool. And if not the blue then the red I guess.

  • Brohoof 2



Been a brony since Oct. 28 2011 (On year four)"I'm a member of the old guard."- Life Giver "If tears had flavor ones of joy would taste sweet while ones of sorrow would taste sour."- Life Giver "My only purpose is to serve the holy light. "-Life Giver
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I'd choose the green pill, shape shifting seems to have the most practical uses, after all. there are animals with many powers that could be useful, for example, lobsters live forever if not killed by an external thing. I would be unstoppable, mwahahaha.


Also, I could be a great spy by becoming a small animal.


The proverbial "I could be anywhere and anything" would be quite literal.



And if I need to be destructive, well..

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 3


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Orange Pill all the way!

Because to be good at anything you want! well that's just kick ass. I would do any job I wanted! I could build anything! I could just about do anything sure only that a human can do but lets face it we can do a lot! I could learn how to fight, I could learn how to teach peace a bit better, I could know how to fix a car(once and for all).


oh yeah and here is this!


Edited by xPrincess Celestiax
  • Brohoof 2


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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