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If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

Ninja Derpy

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My three wishes are as follows:

1. To go to Equestria.

2. To be a Time Lord

3. To control time

Because I'm a greedy little boy, that's why. >:D

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It's so hard! If there wasn't a rule about wishing for more wishes I would wish for that. Anyways, onto the wishes.


1. Teleport into any fictional world(Anime, Tv shows, etc.)


2. To create anything using my mind.


3. To be skilled in every weapon

I love Supernatural! :D

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Oh, I can do this.


1. World Peace. At least in scale of countries fighting countries and anything possibly beyond that. Admittedly, I don't entirely want hostility to completely go away... (I'm a terrible person... T_T)


2. To be able to teleport into and out of any fictional medium at will.


3. The ability to shapeshift.

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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  • 3 months later...

Time to revive a topic :D

  1. Rarity
  2. A house made out of Waffles
  3. All of the Pepsi in the world.

I'd essentially live with Rarity in a house made out of waffles where we drank nothing but Pepsi.


It'd be the dream life.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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This is kinda easy for me

1. to turn me and all my good friends into our OCs

2. Transport us to equestria

3. give all of us enough bits to get started :P


Worlds biggest batpony fan                                                   Signature by me :3

If you're reading this I've got one thing to say to you.....


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1. I'd wish that I could wish for more wishes, (HA!)

2. I wish for more wishes. 

3. Cake


And if that doesn't work


1. I wish that what was ever granting me the wishes forgot how many wishes it had granted me at the final wish, so that it would think it hadn't granted me any.

1. Cake

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Three wishes eh? I recently did an essay on this for school, funnily enough. Anyways:


1. Permenant world peace.


2. The ability to go to Equestria whenever I wanted.


3. More wishesThe ability to not die until I choose.


So, basically, the exact same thing as everybody else. Originallity shines through.

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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I'd wish that there would be no pain, suffering and murder in this word. ~ It's a wish right? 


If I had or have ever hurt someone in the past that they would accept my apology I would wish so that is. 


I also would wish for a chance to see old loved family members who have passed away.

  • Brohoof 1



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1) Shape shifting

2) Bones made of Wolframite, lead organs, muscles made of steel, blood made of pure iron, and skin made of magnesium and that pain felt like a soft vibration so i know I'm hurting somewhere, but doesn't feel that bad.

3) Ponies that are like our followers where ever we go. (that includes any and every body)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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I actually would only ask for two things...


1. To morph into any video game character or any character or thing from animation or 3/D animation from old and recent media, and have all their powers. At will.


But the second wish would be...


2. To be able to take responsibility of my first wish with all my power. To not use my gifts always for personal gain. But to provide and help others than myself with my gifts. Because... and as funny as it may seem lets not make a joke out of this line from the Spider Man titles... "With great power comes great responsibility"... I in my mind know that if this power were to be possible. That I could not lose grasp of its responsibilities. Therefore responsibility over my first wish is the second and final wish I have over the two.


But the topic does say pick three so my third would be...


3. Not being a celebrity. (You don't want to know how serious I actually am with this... I mean it...)

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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1. Love


2. To have the ability to change into my Pegasus OC and back to human form at will


3. To create beauty wherever I go. Like a super power, in a way. I could flick my wrist, and flowers would grow and sprout upwards in a waterfall of color. Blossom trees. Change the color of the environment at will. To be...like Jack Frost! I could fly and have my own little staff, but instead of just snow, it'd be abilities that creates life and color. Made fall, or spring, or summer! I could control nature to make anything I wanted to. Live the fantasy of finding those mythical places that are just magical, and it'd be me that creates it all.

Edited by FeIix


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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1. i wish mlp was real, 2. unlimited money, 3. i wish i had magic

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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1. Id wish that the no wishing for more wishes rule didnt exist, 2. I would wish for infinite wishes, 3. I would wish to be reborn as a unicorn in the MLP:FIM universe.

Religion nor science can explain the start of the universe, because it is infinite, and nothing can explain infinity.

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Well, three things I would wish for would be:

1) MLP to be real (of course xD)

2) Gain powers similar to ones from Dragon Ball Z

3) Time travel xD


Add me on Steam! Nightbound Glaceon~ :ph34r:

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I think I posted here before but I'll just post again because I want to make new wishes


  • I'd like to be a real life Queen Elsa from Frozen
  • I want my cats to leave healthily until I die
  • I wish I was really, really smart
  • Brohoof 1


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