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Are you trolling us right now?



You also don't understand the definition of "free speech". Free Speech means being able to speak out against something, as well of being able to defend something. The Molestia supporters have no right to try to silence the people who dislike their blog with hate mail, as that would be suppressing free speech.

Freedom of speech goes both ways.

"Article 19 of the ICCPR states that "[e]veryone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression"" (from Wikipedia)


Saying that the Molestia Tumblr encourages rape and is harmful to women is an opinion (a pretty stupid one, but yes it is one).

Now if you post an opinion against something on the internet you have to expect and be able to handle some backlash.


If you for instance write under a MLP video on Youtube: "OMGZ MLP SUCKZ FUK TIS SHOW!!!!1!!11" You have sucessfull stated your opinion. But people will reply to your comment and say "Technically it's pretty good, it has even won prizes for it's good animation." (if they are intelligent) or "NO FUK U, MLP ROKS" (if they are fucking dumb)


These people are arguing with you by stating their opinion.

Now how big this backlash is depends on what you're saying and where you saying it. If you post your comment about how bad MLP is under an Anti-Brony video you will probably get a few or none negative responses to your comment.

If you post the same comment under an MLP video you will get very many negative responses, because people who watch MLP videos usually like them and therefore are much more likely to disagree with you.


So far nobody has done something wrong because everybody is only stating their opinion.


Now if you get many negative responses you've probably posted your comment in the wrong neighborhood or what you said was pretty fucking stupid or even both.

But nobody supresses you. If you can't handle that many people disrespect your opinion too fucking bad, maybe you just should have ignored the whole thing and not have started the arugment.

At the end of the day these messages are just text form strangers, nobody will hurt you no matter how dumb/unfitting/controversial your comment was.


Now taking down the content you don't like, just because you don't like it isn't just opinion stating anymore, that's the freedom of speech and expression.



Even though the Molestia supporters are defending themselves, that doesn't give them the right to send hate mail to the DWM supporters. They can still defend themselves without resorting to this deplorable E-war tactic.


Because telling people to stop being butthurt is E-war and forming a fucking movement to take down a Tumblr isn't at all.


Also, you're wrong about who started the Molestia drama. It began because a few tumblr users who disliked Molestia grew tired of the Molestia fans trying to silence them with excuses like "learn to take a joke." As a result, they spread the word and gained more supporters.



Seriously? Telling someone to "learn to take a joke" is silencing? That isn't even an excuse that's the fucking truth. Why would they want to excuse rape jokes, the Tumblr is called "Ask Princess Molestia" for gods sake.


Derpius, on 19 Aug 2013 - 12:58 AM, said:

If the Molestia fans would have been more mature with handling criticism, the whole drama probably would never have happened.


No, if the haters would have been more mature with handeling people criticising their criticism, that's when the whole drama would never have happened

Edited by hawkminusthree
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The problem with Molestia is that it is literally making fun of rape and sexual assault. That is pretty bucking insulting to survivors and it just shows how far rape culture goes when you can just write it off as a joke. So if that is how you want to dismiss the molestia blog, please, please take the time to read this. It was actually written in response to a comic on Penny Arcade, but I feel it fits in rather well with my thoughts on Molestia, and rape jokes in general.


Now I don't think the blog should be taken down. I think JJ should make a post apologising for offending people with rape jokes, and promise to stop with them. I don't care if it remains NSFW or anything, but in all honesty if you treat rape as a joke, you're a massive tool.



You actually opened my eyes by letting me think about the perspective of those who have been ahem, "molested" in the past.


By the way you are describing it, it is like making a 9/11 joke: although there doesn't appear to be anything harmful in a joke, it still has a sort of dark background and terrible story behind it.


Despite of that, here will always be plenty of things that will upset people who have had a traumatic experience before. Taking down a blog may not be worth it: just simply don't look up "molestia" and avoid it if it appears.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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The problem with Molestia is that it is literally making fun of rape and sexual assault. That is pretty bucking insulting to survivors and it just shows how far rape culture goes when you can just write it off as a joke. So if that is how you want to dismiss the molestia blog, please, please take the time to read this. It was actually written in response to a comic on Penny Arcade, but I feel it fits in rather well with my thoughts on Molestia, and rape jokes in general.


Now I don't think the blog should be taken down. I think JJ should make a post apologising for offending people with rape jokes, and promise to stop with them. I don't care if it remains NSFW or anything, but in all honesty if you treat rape as a joke, you're a massive tool.



I read the opinion. It could do better if it linked up to the supportive evidence to prove the claims it makes. It still doesn't change my opinion about the Molestia issue.  


I still see it as unfairly going after someone who was in no way involved with the actual crime.


If the content of the blog is offensive, then don't go to the blog. It's much easier to just spread the word about the facts of the content of the site so that people who could be offended can just avoid the site or know what to expect if they choose to look it up of their own volition.

Edited by Singe
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I for one find it to be bull shit, ponies can sit here and pick fun at Celestia all day and night, I seen soo many jokes about her when I try and find good pictures of her. but Luna? nope not one soul well make fun of her. Sure I love Luna but come on now she needs to learn to take a joke too if her sister has to well then she needs to as well..

  • Brohoof 4


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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That article is taking it waaaaay out of proportion. Seriously, I had to struggle finishing reading that because it makes me so angry and sick.


Yea, rape is fucking sick. They should be beat up, locked up in a cell for life and sterilized. But me, a rapist's comrade? Don't make me laugh, or was that article itself meant as a joke? The poster hardly understands how endogenous morphine forms opinion within a person, he's just blabbering some stuff he read and heard and thinks he's all such an "expert" on it.


Like with all jokes, jokes are funny because an activity or situation is made humorous or entertaining. This isn't just rape. There's dark humor, jokes about murder, poking fun at a race, making fun of each other's countries, jokes about suicide. There's no end to the amount of jokes that make fun of something. Plus, don't forget the satires, which balance completely on the border of jokes and insults. Yet people, the same ones that despise other jokes, are completely fine with satires. Heck, you probably joke with your friends about some activity you don't like, ranging from sports to music. I guess since you don't like football and make jokes about it that makes you the next person who's going to kill a football fan?


So what I'm really trying to say is, whatever you find acceptable or not, there'll always be another person that will find what you find acceptable completely wrong. Of course we know rape is completely wrong. But really, am I the comrade of a rapist for liking a joke? Oh, I guess, using the same bogus hocuspocus theory,  we're all comrades of murderers, rapists, neo-nazis and thieves.


Just because the rapist's opinion gets validated doesn't mean *I* was the one who helped him in his act. In fact, the rapist got the idea of committing the crime from somewhere else, not from me. Thoughts of rape sprout from a series of events and opinions, not from jokes.


But I guess while we're at it, whenever I make a joke about Germany, America or India that means I'm a fascist nationalist and the people who laugh with me are actually my followers! I guess that one joke I told about Canadians really did give me the idea of becoming a dictator! I guess since I'm such a dictator because of one joke, I am also (very, very) secretly a supporter of slavery, abuse and nationalization! Because hey, I made a joke about it! Or perhaps someone in the room laughing is the real dictator and I was actually (very, very) unconsciously accepting him as my new overlord!


See how retarded that sounds? Now use that, multiply it by a million and you get that article.


People complaining about a joke need to listen to this for the last fucking time, because I am completely done with this.




Like, I hear countless suicide and self-mutilation jokes, two subjects which are very close to me. Yet, do you hear me ruining someone else's fun? No. I know that jokes are jokes and nothing more but jokes. Heck, I can even laugh at them. However, whenever someone takes it too far, I'll point out that what the person is saying, is out of line.


Oh and before I'm done, I still need to post my opinion about Molestia:


Molestia is a joke, it's pretty damn funny, I'm totally okay with it. Come at me bro, I don't care what kind of negative opinion people have about me, especially considering the ones over the internet.


But hey, why should you listen to someone who's apparently "the rapist's comrade". 



Btw, comrade implies I've been with said fictional rapist through thick and thin. Which, since I don't even know any rapists, is clearly impossible. The use of the word comrade is completely wrong and it bugs me so I had to point it out.


It's pretty clear the piece flew way over your head. No one is accusing you of being the rapist's comrade. What they said was when you laugh about rape and you treat it as a normal thing, a joke, a real and true rapist would feel validated and see you as their comrade because making rape jokes and laughing at them normalizes rape. Sure, not to you (hopefully) because you're that decent guy who can just appreciate a good joke, but to the rapist it absolutely does. 


Now let's look at it from the victims point of view. 97% percent of rapists never spend a day in jail. (http://www.rainn.org/statistics) Most rapists never have to pay for their crime. Think how often we see "they were asking for it" or "well she shouldn't have gotten drunk with a group of guys! What did she think would happen?" just blaming the victim and not the rapist. Because of that how hard is it for a victim to go to the police with a rape case? Think how difficult it would be for the victim to have to take the stand in court, looking their attacker(s) in the eye and testify against them. Hard on its own, but now add in all their peers making rape jokes and laughing about it like it's not a big deal. Already they may thinking "Was it really their fault? Maybe I shouldn't have dressed like that. Maybe I did send signals. Maybe I egged them on. Maybe it was me." Think how that makes the victim feel. Now you may be "They were raped and that's a horrible awful thing but they can't get stuck on that. They need to move on." That is literally the equivalent of telling someone suffering with clinical depression to "get happier" or telling a soldier with PTSD to just "move on the war is over" and that is why you can't tell someone to just "get over yourself" because they're offended by rape jokes. 


That is the issue I have with Molestia, that is why people are angry about a simple little joke. Really why Molestia though? Why is it a problem to just make it Trollestia and make jokes that don't involve rape or sexual assault. Some of the strips on there already do! And you know what, they're funny. But why have rape jokes in there? Gamer Luna is cool, I love the gamer Luna meme. That's why I don't think the blog should be taken down, just changed a bit and JJ should apologise for making rape jokes. Like you said, this is over the internet and I don't know you so let me clarify my "you're a tool if you make rape jokes" bit. You may be a really cool guy. I don't know, I haven't met you. If you make rape jokes, you're a tool for doing so, but that doesn't mean I hate you. I think you have an immature and offensive sense of humor and I think you need to grow up and see how your "jokes" impact others, but I don't hate you, nor do I think you're a bad person. Hell I used to make rape jokes and laugh at them. 


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Cartoon pony joke rape=not real life actual rape. Suggesting a representation of a children's cartoon is directed at rape victims is not practical, realistic, or true. Those running Ask Princess Molestia have many fans and will continue to entertain them even if it indirectly offends a minority. After all look at Sarah Silverman, look at the family guy writers, look at a great number of far more popular forms of entertainment and see that the demand for 'politically incorrect' jokes is and has always been there. I will see you all for next weeks drama ;)

Edited by Gamer Twilight
  • Brohoof 1


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It's pretty clear the piece flew way over your head. No one is accusing you of being the rapist's comrade. What they said was when you laugh about rape and you treat it as a normal thing, a joke, a real and true rapist would feel validated and see you as their comrade because making rape jokes and laughing at them normalizes rape. Sure, not to you (hopefully) because you're that decent guy who can just appreciate a good joke, but to the rapist it absolutely does. 


Now let's look at it from the victims point of view. 97% percent of rapists never spend a day in jail. (http://www.rainn.org/statistics) Most rapists never have to pay for their crime. Think how often we see "they were asking for it" or "well she shouldn't have gotten drunk with a group of guys! What did she think would happen?" just blaming the victim and not the rapist. Because of that how hard is it for a victim to go to the police with a rape case? Think how difficult it would be for the victim to have to take the stand in court, looking their attacker(s) in the eye and testify against them. Hard on its own, but now add in all their peers making rape jokes and laughing about it like it's not a big deal. Already they may thinking "Was it really their fault? Maybe I shouldn't have dressed like that. Maybe I did send signals. Maybe I egged them on. Maybe it was me." Think how that makes the victim feel. Now you may be "They were raped and that's a horrible awful thing but they can't get stuck on that. They need to move on." That is literally the equivalent of telling someone suffering with clinical depression to "get happier" or telling a soldier with PTSD to just "move on the war is over" and that is why you can't tell someone to just "get over yourself" because they're offended by rape jokes. 


That is the issue I have with Molestia, that is why people are angry about a simple little joke. Really why Molestia though? Why is it a problem to just make it Trollestia and make jokes that don't involve rape or sexual assault. Some of the strips on there already do! And you know what, they're funny. But why have rape jokes in there? Gamer Luna is cool, I love the gamer Luna meme. That's why I don't think the blog should be taken down, just changed a bit and JJ should apologise for making rape jokes. Like you said, this is over the internet and I don't know you so let me clarify my "you're a tool if you make rape jokes" bit. You may be a really cool guy. I don't know, I haven't met you. If you make rape jokes, you're a tool for doing so, but that doesn't mean I hate you. I think you have an immature and offensive sense of humor and I think you need to grow up and see how your "jokes" impact others, but I don't hate you, nor do I think you're a bad person. Hell I used to make rape jokes and laugh at them. 


The opinion by the end is trying to be a guilt inducer using psychological manipulation and coercion to make the reader agree to the opinion.


The last lines attempt to guilt trip the reader if they have not agreed with the opinion by then.


"And, decent guy who would never condone rape, who would step in and stop rape if he saw it, who understands that rape is awful and wrong and bad, when you laughed?


That rapist who was in the group with you, that rapist thought that you were on his side. That rapist knew that you were a rapist like him. And he felt validated, and he felt he was among his comrades.


You. The rapist’s comrade.


And if that doesn’t make you feel sick to your stomach, if that doesn’t make you want to throw up, if that doesn’t disturb you or bother you or make you feel like maybe you should at least consider not participating in that kind of humor anymore…


Well, maybe you aren’t as opposed to rapists as you claim."

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Molestia is kinda funny, I guess. I don't really follow it, but every now and again I come across a strip and it's usually kinda funny.


How legit is this "DWM" thing? Because I've seen stuff floating around, and I find the concept both pathetic and hilarious at the same time.

Edited by Hansel

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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To be honest, I hate the actual Celestia that's in the show, Molestia however is one of the few pony tumblers that I even bother to follow, it's harmless sexual comedy.

This whole "Down with Molestia" thing reminds me of the moronic One Direction fans who had Rucka Rucka Ali suspended from Twitter because he made a song making fun of their beloved idol Zayn by saying that he did 9/11.

  • Brohoof 2

"Please, call me your little snow bunny" ~Mizore

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To put this whole thing in further perspective, I'm going to list things both thing that dark and normal humor has be derived from, to demonstrate why rasing WWIII about one potential trigger is stupid. I could understand if the joke is being made at their expense, or the expense of a specific person or tragedy, but it's not, it's fictional characters abusing fictional characters in a completely fictional setting:







Self-Harm(explanation, injuries a immortal character has to inflict on themselves being played for laughs is common)



Closed Spaces

Being Buried Alive



Any Kind of Injury






Crime In General



Death in General

Mental Illness in General.


and I could keep going, that logic states that any media including anything that could make anyone offended or uncomfortable should be censored. Hell, even MLP has joked about thing that might be offensive to someone. Pinkie's depression induced insanity, Twilight's OCD, the various injuries characters have incurred, CHRYSALIS FREAKING EATING A CUTE ANIMAL WHOLE IN THE COMIC COMPLETE WITH OBSCURED BLOOD SPLATTTER.  

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I personally dont like rape jokes and I think that if you tell a rape joke you just are one of the highest tiers of unfunny

however, molestia seems more of a sexual deviant than a rapist, the name is there because it rhymes.

I looked at a few of the posts and it could be worse, this doesnt make it okay though.

You're correct with if it goes down, nothing will really be accomplished.  In tumblr's eyes, it's telling everyone rape jokes are okay (which it is, in a way) but yeah tumblr just made an occupy wall street thing here

a lot of them could be spending their time doing better, instead of complaining about the blog and wasting your time on the computer, you could research some statistics and inform people about why rape is not okay.  start small, move up and maybe.  it's okay to say you think molestia isnt right, but instead of wasting days complaining about a blog that isnt as hazardous as it could be (still not saying it's a good thing), you could be doing something else

rape, sadly, will never stop.  but if people become active, the rates can lower.  

dwm isnt exactly an effective way.  the blog could be taken down by the staff, i have seen stuff like this happen.

tumblr is actually extremely backwards.

I see jokes that trigger me on tumblr, but i know by getting all uppity i cant stop it.  it sucks but i just gotta deal.


Also, I dont even see Molestia AS Celestia.  the celestia in the show is so different you have to be stupid to think that this is how people want celestia to be or how she is viewed.

Edited by FiretailFriesian
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To put this whole thing in further perspective, I'm going to list things both thing that dark and normal humor has be derived from, to demonstrate why rasing WWIII about one potential trigger is stupid. I could understand if the joke is being made at their expense, or the expense of the specific person or tragedy, but it's not, it's fictional characters abusing fictional characters in a completely fictional setting:







Self-Harm(explanation, injuries a immortal character has to inflict on themselves being played for laughs is common)



Closed Spaces

Being Buried Alive



Any Kind of Injury






Crime In General



Death in General

Mental Illness in General.


and I could keep going, that logic states that any media including anything that could make anyone offended or uncomfortable should be censored. Hell, even MLP has joked about thing that might be offensive to someone. Pinkie's depression induced insanity, Twilight's OCD, the various injuries characters have incurred, CHRYSALIS FREAKING EATING A CUTE ANIMAL WHOLE IN THE COMIC COMPLETE WITH OBSCURED BLOOD SPLATTTER.  


There will always be something that offends someone. It's unavoidable and is bound to happen.


Unless JJ is involved with the crime itself, making direct personal attacks on the victims, or is profitting off their plight; being offended doesn't give one side the right to start pushing someone else they see on the otherside around and making demands for that person to conform to their side.

Edited by Singe
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It's pretty clear the piece flew way over your head. No one is accusing you of being the rapist's comrade. What they said was when you laugh about rape and you treat it as a normal thing, a joke, a real and true rapist would feel validated and see you as their comrade because making rape jokes and laughing at them normalizes rape. Sure, not to you (hopefully) because you're that decent guy who can just appreciate a good joke, but to the rapist it absolutely does. 


Now let's look at it from the victims point of view. 97% percent of rapists never spend a day in jail. (http://www.rainn.org/statistics) Most rapists never have to pay for their crime. Think how often we see "they were asking for it" or "well she shouldn't have gotten drunk with a group of guys! What did she think would happen?" just blaming the victim and not the rapist. Because of that how hard is it for a victim to go to the police with a rape case? Think how difficult it would be for the victim to have to take the stand in court, looking their attacker(s) in the eye and testify against them. Hard on its own, but now add in all their peers making rape jokes and laughing about it like it's not a big deal. Already they may thinking "Was it really their fault? Maybe I shouldn't have dressed like that. Maybe I did send signals. Maybe I egged them on. Maybe it was me." Think how that makes the victim feel. Now you may be "They were raped and that's a horrible awful thing but they can't get stuck on that. They need to move on." That is literally the equivalent of telling someone suffering with clinical depression to "get happier" or telling a soldier with PTSD to just "move on the war is over" and that is why you can't tell someone to just "get over yourself" because they're offended by rape jokes. 


That is the issue I have with Molestia, that is why people are angry about a simple little joke. Really why Molestia though? Why is it a problem to just make it Trollestia and make jokes that don't involve rape or sexual assault. Some of the strips on there already do! And you know what, they're funny. But why have rape jokes in there? Gamer Luna is cool, I love the gamer Luna meme. That's why I don't think the blog should be taken down, just changed a bit and JJ should apologise for making rape jokes. Like you said, this is over the internet and I don't know you so let me clarify my "you're a tool if you make rape jokes" bit. You may be a really cool guy. I don't know, I haven't met you. If you make rape jokes, you're a tool for doing so, but that doesn't mean I hate you. I think you have an immature and offensive sense of humor and I think you need to grow up and see how your "jokes" impact others, but I don't hate you, nor do I think you're a bad person. Hell I used to make rape jokes and laugh at them. 


It's late and I'm tired, be warned for possible insomnia dyslexia


Again, exactly my point. Whether it's going to be a rapist that hears a rape joke or someone with the urge to kill hears a joke about murder or abuse, it really isn't my fault or problem. People get validation all the time, perhaps not severe as these cases, but we still are being influenced by our environment. Are you really going to blame commercials for trying to sell their product? Are you going to sue companies because you need money and they "made" you buy their product? Perhaps we should also blame the ones just doing their job in said company.


And the point really didn't fly over my head, I made sure my comment was making statements and arguments based on exactly what was said in the article. Therefore, me being the rapist comrade is a fact. It was what was said in the article itself, so who am I to think he meant something different? In fact, his whole wording tried to lead up to that one sentence "You. The rapist's comrade." which was used as a bang to end his article. The part after that is just another sophism, like most of the article.




As much as I feel sympathy for rape victims and disgust for rapists, it really isn't my problem. I mean, every single day I get to hear that my chronic depression is highly exaggerated, that I should "get over it." since "It's not a big deal, just be happier and be more open, look it's easy!", every time I enter my school all I hear is that I only hurt myself for attention and you think I like that? Going everyday to that one place where people see you as a fucking wannabe or pretender?  Might not be exactly as bad as being victim of a rape crime, but still, the intensity of feelings you feel is still quite the same.


Thing is, I can't sue them for it nor will I ever be able to do something about it. And you wanna know what my solution is? To simply deal with it, to soldier on. As much as it hurts, there's really nothing I can do about it, and neither can rape victims do much.  So really, you're not making any point, because it can be applied to murder victims, suicide victims, abuse victims or overdose victims as well.


Which brings me up to my next point,


Should Fallout:Equestria for using massive amounts of curse words and gore be taken down? Should Lil' Miss Rarity be taken down because she is the absolute incarnation of a masochist? Not really. I bet other people are shocked about those too, yet I hear no one actually starting a movement against it... yet.


Let's not forget Cheerilee's Garden for killing underaged characters or Rainbow Factory that talks about abuse until ponies are turned into rainbows in the most gruesome way. Or Cupcakes, which brings up the fun activity of limb dismemberment and processing your victim in the food you sell. Yet those (Cupcakes FO:E, SAM, TIG) are seen as milestones or historical events in our fandom. Something that's rather praised with a tint of black than opposed with full aggression.


See, if we put it in that perspective those seem a lot worse than our fandom makes them out to be.


Now that I have given you these examples, where exactly is the differences between them and Molestia? Besides its main focus, there really is none. I mean, torture victims will have a lot of problems with cupcakes and Cherilee's garden. While victims of a local genocide will have problems with The Immortal Game. Or incest, murder and rape victims will have a problem with Game of Thrones, something outside of the MLP Fandom. 


I can look from the victim's point of view all day long but it doesn't change the fact that I'm not the victim or that I simply don't give a damn when people joke about or insult the things that happened to me, or to others.



And that is exactly my issue I have with people who are against such things. People, whatever you think of them, really can do whatever they want within the law that binds them. That includes making jokes about rape. And no, the artist is not out of line, people who participate in DWM are.


But since it's not my problem, people can really go on with their little DWM parade and make the artist feel completely miserable like they did with Tiarawhy. Since hey, completely demonizing the artist and his followers because we don't like that he's doing something he wants to do is fine but not the other way around.


I'm also quite confused for you thinking that I'm a tool for making rape jokes, I mean, where exactly am I a try-hard or being used? Plus, everything has an impact on everything, that's simply how quantum events work, don't really see where I am immature for being a conscious quantum event myself, or how doing what I like to do makes me immature. I guess everyone is immature to some extent if we follow the theory.


Finally, the artist doesn't find rape acceptable, he said so a million times already (seriously, I suggest checking out his blog), plus, he doesn't need to apologize to anyone neither does he have to take down his tumblr and you wanna know why? 









Seems like people forget about this little highlighted, noticeable piece of text :|


Finally, I'm not really sure where we're going with this, seems like you and I both have our own reasons and majorly our own reasons seem to be the most logical to both of us. We can try to reason with each other but it won't lead to anything more than act as clarification why we both have our opinion.


In which case, I hope I've clarified my reason for not being against Molestia whilst being against the ones who are against it well enough.

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Well... I don't admire the presence of Molestia, as she's a bad spin-off of best pony. Sure, some jokes may be funny, but some are just flying way too high... 


I much rather enjoy a happy, good Celestia, than a mean, perverted Molestia.... :P

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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As much as I feel sympathy for rape victims and disgust for rapists, it really isn't my problem. I mean, every single day I get to hear that my chronic depression is highly exaggerated, that I should "get over it." since "It's not a big deal, just be happier and be more open, look it's easy!", every time I enter my school all I hear is that I only hurt myself for attention and you think I like that? Going everyday to that one place where people see you as a fucking wannabe or pretender?  Might not be exactly as bad as being victim of a rape crime, but still, the intensity of feelings you feel is still quite the same.



Pretty much this, when i see this sort of thing I'm also seeing this really bad undertone of "the horrible thing we went through is somehow worse then the horrible things other people of gone through." The people that are pulling this are making themselves, and more importantly the innocent victims that don't take their anger out on the world look bad.  

Edited by Shoboni



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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As a matter of fact, I actually like the Ask Princess Molestia tumblr. I find it very funny and the people who keep trying to shut it down are wasting their time. I mean, instead of actually doing something about this "surge in rape" by helping victims or getting people educated about it, they're focusing their effort on an adult comic about an Alicorn Princess why liked to **** with everything.


I mean, wtf.

  • Brohoof 2


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Personally, I think that Molestia is simply awful and the DWM supporters should be heard, but other people are shrieking garbage about how "IT'S NOT RAPE" and "SHE'S JUST FLIRTY"






Clock in your opinions while I draw DWM art. 

Since, well, you know this topic got popular, I decided to make a video. This is getting rediculous, so I am making a video. You will see soon.


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It's really awful how John Joseco has become the "face of rape culture" when his tumblr is the MLP equivalent of simpsons or family guy. Should we take those down because each of those shows do reprehensible things? No this is america and in case you've never read the tumblr its NOT overloaded with rape jokes, its loaded with an over-horny celestia. He doesn't need to apologize anymore than hotdiggetydemon for shed.mov, the guys behind rainbow factory, or anyone who ever did cupcakes or made pony porn. 


Art is art, its not real. Molestia is not real....Censoring art and speech is censorship and that's not something to be proud of. DWM took love & toleration and threw it in the trash and i guess consists of bronies who were asleep or not in the community the last 2 years.

Edited by Freewave
  • Brohoof 3

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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I took the time to make the Princess Molestia video. The link wont work, so, go on youtube, type my youtube channel name, WildStarofForestClan, and watch the video. I made it for this topic, since I just had the need to. Thank you for your time.


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The debate against Molestia isn't going to work by trying to guilt trip people for what they find funny. It's just going to create blowback from the other side by calling out those tactics.

  • Brohoof 4
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While all opinion are respected, i'm still going to put this here:

DWM is a waste of time. And I have a few reasons.

The first is simple. It is dark humor. Yeah, she molests ponies and yeah, she is creepy, but that is why I follow the tumblr. I'm not meant to be amused but I am. This is disgusted in real world but on tumblr? Bloody hilarious.

And second. It it a pony. If this was "Down with Deadpool" you could see why. He is a human being, he is crazy he constantly mistreats women. In one bit of the game he (Spoilers) pretends to squeeze a womans breats even though she is dead. And because he is human we relate more, we understand better because we have reaserched our own species more. Molestia is a pink pony princess who is a concept formed from a contavetial (however you spell that) fandom. Deadpool is a larger influence than a pink pony.

And lastly, what will this achieve? Getting Molestia down will simply get a few people mad. How about instead of wasting yoir time on the internet you put your time, money and effort into real rape victims. People who have suffered and are traumatised rather than bringing down a tumblr thing on the internet.

We are in a state of ecenomic crisis. Hundreds die every day, hundreds get sexually harrased and assulted every day. Stop worrying about the small things and help those who need it.

And I'm soey if you are mad at my masses of grammatical errors through spelling and other things.

  • Brohoof 6

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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It's also a waste since this is the internet. JJ can move his content to another site that will be harder for the opposing side to take down and the fans will follow.

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Anybody who is responsible for trying to take down Molestia is responding to a legitimately funny joke in a childish, unreasonable, and petty way. If somebody doesn't like something, they should ignore it, the world does not revolve around their ideals.


In fact, I think I should start posting Molestia jokes MORE now that people dislike it.


Down with down with Molestia. 


Censorship is not acceptable in any way, shape, or form, it violates basic human rights.


I think it's actually kind of offensive that people find Molestia to be a serious problem while there are people out there being murdered in the street. Could they not be devoting their time to fixing that instead of complaining about something that's really not a problem?

Oh, but I'm sure you can! The DWM movement is just now taking off, so join while you can. Even the smallest contribution helps. OuO

Sure, devote your time to taking down a blog while world hunger is still a thing. Meanwhile I've be over here not caring if people take problems with Molestia. Seriously.


There has been never been a better time to post this picture.





I fully plan to continue posting Molestia related-content no matter what. 


I hope DWM doesn't actually think people are taking it seriously.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 10


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I think people see it as making fun of their personal experiences or the experiences of loved ones.  It can be a touchy subject, but sadly getting rid of the blog wont do anything.
It could be remade or posted elsewhere, even on its own domain.

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