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How do you use music to help with your feelings?


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Hm, I'm not really much of a fan of Dubstep, I think that it's more of 'crowd' music, something to be enjoyed with others at a concert or something. 


Emotional? What's that? O.o

Emotional as in like, sad. :P I don't know...haha. 


For example, this one that's on SuicideSheeps's channel: 


It is very sweet and calm for when I am sad. :)

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I pretty much describe myself with the music I listen to, as I have a difficult time describing myself in any other way shape or form. I feel music is an easy way to identify yourself. Even as your tastes begin to change, you as a person begin to change as well. 

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I really like lyric-less music, to be honest. It really has a way of evoking emotion out of me that lyrics don't; probably because lyrics will generally steer you into feeling one way, while just music by itself just flows through you and gives you more freedom, man.


K. Just thought I'd share that. Now for how I use it.


I use music to indirectly cope with my feelings; to directly cope, I use writing and poetry, the like, but  I usually have some music going in the background. I don't preplan anything I write, really; I try to, honestly, but I always end up swaying away from what I want to write to something entirely different because of the music I'm playing while I write. But, it always turns out better than what I do without music playing in the background; the music finds a way to tap into my inner emotion, which I thrust into my plotlines; More often than not, my fanfics are dictated by what I feel myself, and they're channeled into the characters and a plotline.


But, that wouldn't be the case if it weren't for the music I played while I write. The music sends me into a zone; it's almost surreal, as if I'm not me while I write, like my subconcious takes over for a bit, and  it lets me use my favorite characters as a canvas to paint all of my sadness and anger I feel into a story.


So, music is like the key to the locked door of my emotions, and without it, I probably wouldn't be any good at expressing how I feel.

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
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Well, since I don't feel my emotions, listening to music is the only way for me to know how I feel (It's weird, I know). I tend to pick songs that fit my mood. If I'm angry, it tend to go toward hard rock, sad it's smooth prog rock, etc. And I went through a depression with the help of music.



It as been proven that music (and sounds) can help you go through many stuff; depression, physical pain, mental illness, etc. So yay for music.



So, music is like the key to the locked door of my emotions, and without it, I probably wouldn't be any good at expressing how I feel.

This. Totally this.

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The music sends me into a zone; it's almost surreal, as if I'm not me while I write, like my subconcious takes over for a bit, and  it lets me use my favorite characters as a canvas to paint all of my sadness and anger I feel into a story.


So, music is like the key to the locked door of my emotions, and without it, I probably wouldn't be any good at expressing how I feel.

Oh yes. Music sends me into a zone quite often as well. 


When I draw, music helps a ton. It's like my mind comes up with ideas from the beats of the music. (Depending on what I am listening to, of course.) I drew a sad scene once because a song I was listening to just gave me pictures of some of the memories from a younger age. It really helped a lot. 


My parents fight constantly, so music really influences the strength I have inside of me. It keeps me going every single day of my life. I don't know what I could do without it.

It as been proven that music (and sounds) can help you go through many stuff; depression, physical pain, mental illness, etc.


Oh definitely. If it weren't for music. I'd be in a depression for a long long while. It really fills me up with joy. Especially when I once in a while listen to "The Smile Song."  :)

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Oh definitely. If it weren't for music. I'd be in a depression for a long long while. It really fills me up with joy. Especially when I once in a while listen to "The Smile Song."

The Smile Song helped me go through my second depression. (Along with Gentle Giant).

So well, I'm planning to buy all of the Gentle Giant albums to thank them.


Anyway, I'm glad we had somewhat the same experience, it makes it easier to understand.

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For me, I love to listen to music, and depending o  what mood I'm in, I'll choose the music. Like if I'm sad, I'll play the Smile song. If I'm faced with a big challenge, I'll play Behold a Pale Horse from Halo 3. All in all, I use music to somewhat guide my emotions sometimes.

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I listen to a lot of different music.

When I am sad it is usually something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXYM6-X8c3o

When I am bored I often go through monstercat and Suicidesheep.

When I am happy I listen to....... okay pretty much anything.

The rest of the time it is stuff like this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMGWuTn6Ncw

Metal when I need to relax.

Music is magic. (JUST LIKE PONIES :D)

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Music is situational for me, as for most people.


When I'm really torn up (in a sad way) about something, I listen to the most intense, head-eating, heart pounding music I can to get myself pissed off. As you get more and more frustrated and completely rage-filled at something, you feel less sad about it.


So that's how I get over things that I don't like to think about. I get smashed and pissed off at them. Then I just get pissed off at whatever when I think about it, as it's easier for me to flip around when I'm frustrated than it is when I'm sad.


Really emotional musical pieces calm me down, and make me think a lot deeper about topics and issues that I normally wouldn't really think about.


Cheers on the topic, and all the great posts in here!



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Music is situational for me, as for most people.


When I'm really torn up (in a sad way) about something, I listen to the most intense, head-eating, heart pounding music I can to get myself pissed off. As you get more and more frustrated and completely rage-filled at something, you feel less sad about it.


So that's how I get over things that I don't like to think about. I get smashed and pissed off at them. Then I just get pissed off at whatever when I think about it, as it's easier for me to flip around when I'm frustrated than it is when I'm sad.


Really emotional musical pieces calm me down, and make me think a lot deeper about topics and issues that I normally wouldn't really think about.


Cheers on the topic, and all the great posts in here!



Haha, yeah. I didn't know this topic would have this many replies. 


Sometimes I like to get a little angry, or cry out everything when I'm upset. It makes me feel way better after I get it all out. Some emotions I don't want to keep sometimes.

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Haha, yeah. I didn't know this topic would have this many replies. 


Sometimes I like to get a little angry, or cry out everything when I'm upset. It makes me feel way better after I get it all out. Some emotions I don't want to keep sometimes.

I wish I could do that because I always hold in all my emotions to keep people from hurting me emotionally. Also music is one of the only things from me connecting a persons head to a wall brutatly. I'm speaking figuratively though.
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I use music as thought creator a lot. I love music and use listen all sorts of it, but my mood doesn't always effect it. When I am in bad mood I don't listen to happy music much though. Music really inspires my thought process and I come up with images for stories and worlds I have created in my mind, as well as many different visualizations of all sorts of things. Sadly, these are all just in my mind, they are things that I probably could never make a reality.


Music really helps in that area, almost like seeing a dream play out.

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Music is great. There isn't a day I don't go without at least listening more than 3 hours to music.


Music puts me in a mood when I need it. It strengthens emotions, stimulates relaxation, provides escape. Whether you're listening to blackened doom metal or UK Garage, whether you like stoner rock or hard EDM, doesn't matter. We all enjoy our own music and we all love the feeling it gives us.


Music is a social activity, it brings people together for all sorts of reasons. Music has healing effects, allowing people to deal with situations easier. It makes you think, or at least helps you do so. It helps you release pent-up feelings. Motivating you to pick up your life, never stopping. Music is something that goes far deeper than just words and sounds, it vibrates and lives within a person, whether you make music or just listen to it.


Yea, I love music a lot, it's a major part of my life. It makes life so much more brighter.

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This is a good question. I use music to help me write. (if I'm writing a sad scene, I usually listen to stuff like JoaftheLoaf) But if I'm feeling down because of life in general, then I'll listen to music to lift my spirits. I love to listen to my music in a dark room, it always puts a smile on my face.

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Music is a powerful thing. The other day, I noted that when I play single notes on my guitar in slow progression, I can make myself feel really sad or really lonely.


I also like to listen to music to either get me moving (like Gonna Fly Now from Rocky or some kind of thrash metal like Psychosocial) or to slow me down (usually, classical does the trick, but ballads work as well).


If I need to concentrate, I listen to really, really long songs. Usually, it's theme music that's been extended to thirty minutes or so.


If I'm happy, I'll listen to something like Walking on Sunshine.


If I'm in a general mood, I enjoy rock and dubstep. A couple of my favorite rock bands include Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, and Collective Soul. As far as dubstep is concerned, I'll listen to nearly anything that makes my headphones shake.


Really, more often than not, music doesn't control my mood. It just emphasizes the mood in which I already find myself. Usually, my mood dictates what music I'll listen to so that my mood is amplified. That way, it'll help put a jump in my step or make me cry or get me to focus better...the list goes on lol

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Music is a powerful thing. The other day, I noted that when I play single notes on my guitar in slow progression, I can make myself feel really sad or really lonely.


I also like to listen to music to either get me moving (like Gonna Fly Now from Rocky or some kind of thrash metal like Psychosocial) or to slow me down (usually, classical does the trick, but ballads work as well).


If I need to concentrate, I listen to really, really long songs. Usually, it's theme music that's been extended to thirty minutes or so.


If I'm happy, I'll listen to something like Walking on Sunshine.


If I'm in a general mood, I enjoy rock and dubstep. A couple of my favorite rock bands include Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, and Collective Soul. As far as dubstep is concerned, I'll listen to nearly anything that makes my headphones shake.


Really, more often than not, music doesn't control my mood. It just emphasizes the mood in which I already find myself. Usually, my mood dictates what music I'll listen to so that my mood is amplified. That way, it'll help put a jump in my step or make me cry or get me to focus better...the list goes on lol

I'm exactly the same with dubstep. It really puts a huge smile on my face when I'm upset. I just get super huge amazing vibes from it. 


Music really connects to people. But for some, music doesn't control their feelings.

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I felt really angry this morning because a quiz I was set to do well on was cancelled during the middle because the printing was shoddy. I was going to literally blow during the class because my quiz grades needed improvement. I stormed off the class after it was done and I rushed to the piano where I could play angry Beethoven pieces in piece. After I was done, I had felt so much better... it was nearly... magical.


Take this piece for example. Very angry and a perfect haven for me to vent. It's like what a conductor said a long while ago... "You can express the most heinous of thoughts, the most controversial of topics, and the most dastardly of deeds through music, and none would be the wiser..."


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I felt really angry this morning because a quiz I was set to do well on was cancelled during the middle because the printing was shoddy. I was going to literally blow during the class because my quiz grades needed improvement. I stormed off the class after it was done and I rushed to the piano where I could play angry Beethoven pieces in piece. After I was done, I had felt so much better... it was nearly... magical.


Take this piece for example. Very angry and a perfect haven for me to vent. It's like what a conductor said a long while ago... "You can express the most heinous of thoughts, the most controversial of topics, and the most dastardly of deeds through music, and none would be the wiser..."


First off, I'd like to tell you how cool you are for liking classical. Lol.


That's a very nice piece there. I can really feel the emotions in the song. Beautiful.

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I use music for everything. If I'm bored, I'll just hit shuffle on my phone and jam away. I'll listen to some hard rock or metal to pump myself up for work. To come down from work I'll put a record on the turntable and close my eyes. Some of my favorite songs are instrumentals. Music can convey feelings and emotions that words cannot. It clears my mind and allows me to think and work harder.

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I listen to a ton of music everyday. I'll listen to happy, sad, angry, etc. music regardless of what my mood is really. I also get this really good feeling of superiority when I listen to a really super obscure band lol.

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I use music for everything. If I'm bored, I'll just hit shuffle on my phone and jam away. I'll listen to some hard rock or metal to pump myself up for work. To come down from work I'll put a record on the turntable and close my eyes. Some of my favorite songs are instrumentals. Music can convey feelings and emotions that words cannot. It clears my mind and allows me to think and work harder.

I love instrumental music as well. :D I just love to kick back and hear the mood of the music, too feel the emotion. It's really nice.

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i use music for pretty much everything, but it all depends on the style/genre.
for example; whenever i work out i tend to listen on Metal and punk, such as Alestorm, Dropkick Murphys, Skiltron, Raised Fist etc.
when i just want to calm down and think there is chillstep and classical, when i feel like i want to draw or animate it really depends on the moment.
if i want to get in character when playing D&D or just voiceacting, Two Steps From Hell is the path to go.
and then we have the few songs that just, REALLY hit the spots, some always cheer me up and some can break me down to a pile of gross sobbing in seconds.
TL;DR: pretty much for everything

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i use music for pretty much everything, but it all depends on the style/genre.

for example; whenever i work out i tend to listen on Metal and punk, such as Alestorm, Dropkick Murphys, Skiltron, Raised Fist etc.

when i just want to calm down and think there is chillstep and classical, when i feel like i want to draw or animate it really depends on the moment.

if i want to get in character when playing D&D or just voiceacting, Two Steps From Hell is the path to go.

and then we have the few songs that just, REALLY hit the spots, some always cheer me up and some can break me down to a pile of gross sobbing in seconds.

TL;DR: pretty much for everything

Hey, my mom listens to the Dropkick Murphys. They're pretty great. :P 


Music makes me break down sometimes too, so I can relate to you. If you listen to MrSuicideSheep on YouTube, there are chillsteps, dubstep, and some of those emotional songs that make you break down lol. 

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