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Weirdest/ Worst injury?

Seaweed-Headed Dragon

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Mine is when I got a bone infection in my left foot and every time I stepped down it felt like my foot was on fire. They still have no idea how I got it but I had to get checked out by like 10 doctors and 3 bone doctors. I had to get several X-rays, an MRI, and so many blood samples :P I had to live at the hospital for like 3 days 


What are some of yours?


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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My worst injury ever was 4 - 5 months ago where I fell down some concrete steps on my own and in the middle of the night >_> Landed awkwardly on my left leg and felt a crack, I couldn't stand for about 30 mins, eventually I managed to limp back to my house, my parents were asleep so I told them the next day, they were mad as hell I didn't wake them up :P 


Got it checked out in hospital immediately that morning, turned out I fractured the fibula bone in my leg and tore several ligaments / tendons in my ankle, had to use crutches for 3 months or so, came off them about a month ago, now I just wear a support bandage, it all seems pretty much normal now, though I still get the odd few weird twinges :P


Was my first hospital experience too, it was all rather horrible lol  

  • Brohoof 1



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






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Lots and lots unfortunately.
From having my face get ripped to shreds by a dog (one of the reasons my face is as ugly) to going down a mountain in one of these: 41CRPBE550L.jpgand ending up at the end of a 5 metre blood-trail pretty much everything is there. Funnily enough have I yet to break a bone *knock knock knock*

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I'm trying to go my entire life without getting a broken bone. It'll be hard, but I have faith!


My worst injury was a while ago. It was in school, seventh grade Gym. We had free-time, so my friend and I got a flat pad with wheels called a scooter and a rope to pull. He didn't see where he was going as he pulled the scooter, and well, let's just say that my knee and the wall became good friends. My pants were soaked with blood and I was rushed to the nurse immediately. Two people had to carry me since I couldn't stand on that leg at all. After a day or two, the knee healed and I was walking normally, however I have a flat but elevated lump of skin on that area of my right leg. Scar, maybe?


Since that day, I avoid walls at high speeds.

Good thing it had a soft padding, or I would've broken a bone! I'm trying to NOT do that, btw.

  • Brohoof 2
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I was in Australia a few years back with my ex and he wanted to go to this beautiful area called the Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains are temperate rain forest, and everything was wet. It was 1000 steps down into the area he wanted to go, which would have been fine, except that the steps were metal. And wet. We got about halfway down the steps, and I fell. I went down seven steps putting most of my weight on my left thigh. I dropped trow on the middle of a trail to look at the injury. It was already turning black with bruise. Worse, we were on a day tour, and that was only the first stop of the day.


The following week I was sick with the worst flu of my life (104F degree fever ((40 if you use metric))) and went to the doctor. I also showed the doctor my bruise, which was about the size of a cantaloup (rock melon?). You know you're doing something wrong when you can surprise a clinic doctor. Anyways, he said I was lucky I hadn't broken a bone, and if it had been anywhere but the strongest bone in the body, I would have broken it.


Ahh, good times.

  • Brohoof 1


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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I'm trying to go my entire life without getting a broken bone. It'll be hard, but I have faith!


flat pad with wheels called a scooter

Aren't we all?


Also, I thought my school was the only place that had those scooters :D


Anyway, my worst injury was when my dad pushed me I fell on top of my dog's tooth, and I had to get stitches. That was a fun day. I still haven't broken a bone, but I stubbed my toe pretty badly once and now it's all messed up.

  • Brohoof 1

Hey you! Hey! Do you have Flash? Wanna animate ponies?


Pony Puppets for any version of Flash!


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I haven't had any really bad injuries - I'm not athletic enough for that - but I did sublux my right knee several times in my life. The worst time was when I was 11 - brace, crutches, everything. Not fun. The worst part was that it happened completely randomly every time, and to this day whenever my knee feels weird I'm afraid it will just go right out from under me.

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My weirdest injury was a while ago... At least 2 years ago. I was riding my bike up and down this large hill (training purposes) and this dick in a pickup just about hit me. I had pretty much turn 90 degrees to miss him. Almost right after I turned I ran into a tree hand first (don't ask how it was hand first, I still don't know lol), and I bent my hand all the way back. It didn't hurt but I couldn't use it for a couple weeks, because all the muscles on the bottom of my wrist were tore..

My worst injury was 5 years ago. I was doing something stupid (I think I was build a snow fort or something) and out of nowhere a snow plow comes and hits me. Let me tell you that hurt LIKE HELL. The blade of the plow cut down to the bone in both my legs. I was taken to the hospital by the same guy who ran me over, and the doctor said if he would've been going any faster he would've severed an arterie in my leg... Fun right? Wasn't able to walk for a month and a half. Then I was fine :P

My weirdest incident was when I was riding my bike down a small mountain (large hill?). I lost control of my bike and ended up ramming head-first into a tree (stupid me didn't have a helmet, but I'll tell you the reason in a second). The tree broke in half (it's shocking because the tree was almost 2 feet wide)... and I pretty much flew for about 10 feet (after hitting the tree). Amazingly, the only 'injury' I had was a mild headache. And that was when I discovered I have pretty much an indestructible head. Since then I've probably ran into about 20 tree's. (I swear none of them were on purpose :unsure: )

  • Brohoof 2

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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I once bashed my nose against the metal frame of my scooter when I was younger. It was totally accidental and it hurt, A LOT! My nose bled for a while and I needed to keep a bag of ice on it. Never rode a scooter again after that.



IF is best girl.

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i got hit by 10.000kv from a bucking transformer... it left a nice tatoo on my left shoulder.... btw it looks like my body loves electricity... my left hand shaked for about 6 months.. but now i'm ok... the medics thought i was dead... i simply stood up... mah... my friends usually say that i'm electric proof...

  • Brohoof 1


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Living on a farm I have hurt myself so many times at one point or another, never broke nothing that I know off though, lets see  fell off a barn, sore for a few days, not seriously hurt though, cut my hand open with a damn circular saw, wrapped er in electrical tape and called it good, Dropped a 300 pound bar bell on my knee, left me with my whole thigh bruised up and a limp for about 3 weeks, slid the riding mower into an electric fence, got shocked about 20 times before I got free, got hot slag from welding in my boot....so yea, funny thing is I actually am not bs'ing at all!


"Lifes hard, it's harder when your stupid" I think this quote applies to me pretty well.. :blush:


Lol, just thankful I haven't REALLY hurt myself to the point where I had to be hospitalized!


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The weirdest is that when I was really young (I think second grade) I managed to break my middle finger (as well as tear the finger nail off... ew). It somehow happened with a block. It wasn't one of those alphabetic blocks for really young children, it was a larger more solid block for math or something like that.


The worst was even younger than that... We were on a vacation and I was dropped off at a daycare. There I managed to climb up some stairs (or something) and fall several feet on the ground right on the back of my head.


So, when people ask if I was dropped on my head as a child... I kind of was...

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I find it so hilariously ironic that this thread comes up just after I get yet another knee injury at work, to date I have had 4 of them (not counting the ones that only took me out for a day or so) but the absolute worst of them as well as my worst injury ever was my first knee injury. It happened when I was moving heavy pallets of product (mostly water and gatorade) onto the sales floor to set up displays and I moved my right leg in some awkward ways to make the displays look right and after moving my last pallet I felt a sharp pain in my right knee. I figured it would only take a few days to recover from it but it actually took an entire month of going back a forth from the doctor and physical therapy. My latest injury is not nearly as bad as that one but it is worse than my last injury.


The weirdest injury was last year when I woke up, I apparently moved my head in an awkward way far too quickly when I tried to get up and ended up getting a neck injury. Nothing was broken and there wasn't any joint damage, thank god but it was a muscle sprain that did take me out of work for a few days. It scared the shit out of me because though I have felt pain far far worse than that I have never felt any neck pain and was wondering if I had to go to the hospital. Luckily I didn't, but it was still very frightening for me.

  • Brohoof 1
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My weirdest injury, was when I was playing Paintball a few months ago. Twas a fun game, but I forgot to wear my cup during the game. In the middle of a round  I turn a corner to find an enemy, and get point-blanked in the genitals. Needless to say, the pain was some of the worst I have ever felt, and I had to deal with a nice bruise for a week.

  • Brohoof 2

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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A guy in my class I hate broke my middle finger when we were playing freeze tag last year (We are a little too old I know but whatever~). I enjoyed showing him my cast.

  • Brohoof 1
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Weirdest injury I've ever had?


Well when I was 7 or so, we had a plastic alligator that you could throw in a pool and use it to float on. But my family was really poor so, when we could, we would get together with some friends and go to the river. My parents would sit at the side of the river and drink beer with their friends while we played in the river with their kids. Looking back, I kind of miss that alligator lol


But that's off topic. Anyway, around that time frame, my mother got the great idea of tying a rope to the back of her '93 Ford Taurus. We would sit on the alligator and hold on to the rope while she drove in circles (slowly, of course...it was like 8 miles an hour, tops) around the backyard. It was pure redneck fun, I guess. Well, my little brother went first and he looked like he had a lot of fun. So I went next. I was pretty nervous. So we got the car moving slowly but as soon as it got a little speed, I got nervous and my grip slipped. 


I fell off the alligator and rolled over a few times where we kept our dog. So I rolled in dog poop (thank you, physics) as I broke my left collar bone. It sucked :(

  • Brohoof 1

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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I was jumping on my Nana's bed when I was five or six, and I hit the corner of my eye... it was either on the fan or the corner of the bed, I forget which.


Anyway, the weird part about it is that the stitches used to patch up the injury left a permanent scar on the side of my eye, in the exact shape of a star. Weird, but true.

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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Earlier this year I came down with internal bleeding. I felt absolutely fine if not really happy because I was set to graduate in a couple of weeks and my final grades were really good. It turned out to be nothing really serious but it gave my friends and I a really big scare (they were more worried than me though. They were screaming at me to go to the hospital :( )

"Needs a little moar DERP..."

OCs: Titania , Dusk 

"When people get too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don't really care about them."

-Ron Swanson

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