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mega thread Your favourite pony and why?

Twilight Sparkle ✨

Who is the Best pony  

224 users have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Main Pony

    • Applejack
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Fluttershy
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Rarity
    • Starlight Glimmer
  2. 2. Favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Scootaloo
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Big Macintosh
    • Cheerilee
    • Braeburn
    • Granny Smith
    • Hoity Toity
    • Mayor
    • Photo Finish
    • Sapphire Shores
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin'
    • Pegasus Royal Guard
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Trixie
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Other
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Maud Pie
    • Marble Pie
    • Limestone Pie
    • Cranky Doodle
    • Matilda
    • Discord (as a non-villain)
    • Flurry Hearts
    • Sunburst
    • Prince Rutherford
    • Coco Pommel
    • Pear Butter
    • Bright Mac
    • Grand Pear
    • Autumn Blaze
  3. 3. Favorite Tertiary Background Character

    • Derpy Hooves
    • DJ P0N3
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Twist
    • Pipsqueak
    • Bon Bon
    • Lyra
    • Doctor Whooves
    • Octavia
    • Hayseed
    • Lotus
    • Aloe
    • Berry Punch
    • Seafoam
    • Ace
    • CHUNKY!!!
    • Other
  4. 4. Favorite Student Six Character

    • Smolder
    • Sandbar
    • Yona
    • Ocellus
    • Gallus
    • Silver Stream

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Rainbow Dash has been my favorite pony since day one. She's obviously 20% cooler than all the other ponies lol.

Edited by Neighvana666
  • Brohoof 1
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My favorites have changed...yet again. Hopefully for good....


1) Twilight Sparkle/Sweetie Belle

2) Spitfire/Rainbow Dash

3) Pinkie Pie

4) Princess Luna

5) I guess Vinyl Scratch if I had to pick a tertiary background character.

  • Brohoof 1
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Here goes my top 10 of favourite ponies, no matter if they're main, secondary or BG. And because I have a lot of free time, I'll say why:


10. Princess Luna


Some will say "heretic!" for putting a royal princess in the last position, but the lack of character development made me choose that. I know you'll say "but Berry Punch doesn't even talk, so character deveopment is no excuse", but the lack of Luna during the Royal Wedding gives me enough reason to say that.


9. Octavia


She's in ninth position for a single reason: her color scheme and her fancy style makes me want to see her speak at least for once. Of all musician ponies, she's the best in my opinion (yes, even better than Vinyl Scratch. Don't judge me, bronies)


8. Rarity


How come the fanciest mane pony ended up in 8th place? It's simple: She had too much screen time in S2 in my opinion, thus leaving the others (except for the Cutie Mark Crusaeders and Rainbow Dash) with less chance to have character development.


She has a good personality, she's generous, she's fancy and looks after her friends, but selling her plot for more plot was unforgivable.


7. Queen Chrysalis (not a pony, but I still put her in the list)


I'll be honest with you: She's the best antagonist so far in my opinion. Why? She physically looks like a decompsing pony (like a zombie), she used an army, or swarm, to invade Canterlot (the swarm looked like a zombie horde), and most importantly: She has her own song.


I know her motivation was a bit cliché and overused, and I know Discord has more fans because of his personality and John deLancie, but her attack on Canterlot is the losest thing in the show that resembles a zombie apocalypse. You may not know, but I'm kinda obsessed with zombies even more than I am with ponies.


6. Derpy Hooves (Ditzy Doo for those who have been bronies long enough.)


How could I dare put such a cute charachter, the favourite among the fandom, in the sixth position? She's the pinacle of fan service: her name, her first lines, her derped eyes, etc. Don't take me wrong, but fan service is not always good.


Do not misunderstand me, though. I'd also like to see an episode focused on Derpy as long as she's not portrayed like a pony who causes nothing but accidents. I like to portray her as a clumsy pony who just have bad luck and is naive. You like Derpy? I like Derpy, but that doesn't change the fact she's a fan service pony.


5. Fluttershy


What can I say abou ther that you don't already know? She's kind, she's cute and she can forget her shyness when her friends are in trouble. The problem is: most episodes focused on her are similar: make her be more assertive. You don't believe me? Then rewatch Dragonshy, Putting Your Hoof Down and Hurricane Fluttershy


4. Berry Punch


Why is a background pony in 4th place? Easy answer: the fandom. She's either portrayed as an overprotective mother or a drunken pony (mostly the second), and I like that. It's not that I like to see a pony being drunk, but it's the jokes that come up with it. It's tough to explain clearly why I like this BG pony so much, but I do and this is just my opinion, bronies.


3. Trixie (aka The Great and Powerful Trixie)


She just showed up in a single episode (and was mentioned once in another episode), she caused nothing but trouble and she apparently didn't learn a lesson about not being boastful. Even though, she's my third favourite pony and I can explain clearly why.


She has unique personality and color scheme; she speaks in third person most of the times; she has strong magic and fandom loves to make her either confront or befriend Twilight Sparkle. You got to admit she has more personality and character development than most one-shot antiheroes like Flim and Flam.


2. Pinkie Pie


I'll say why she's in second place with just a couple of reasons: she breaks the fourth wall and she's an unconventional pony. Also, she sings one of my favourite songs: The Smile Song.


One more thing: I truly dislike the fanon personality she was given because of an infamous fan fic. She's not phsycotic, for goodness' sake, she's the type of pony who always want to have fun with friends.


1. Twilight Sparkle


My highest priority pony since I became a brony, that's a fact. There are tons of reasons why she's in first place, so I may miss some:


She's smart, she's surely the most magical unicorn, she's a bookworm and she's extremely organized. Some will say: "so what?" Well, what I don't often say is that her personality strongly resembles mine and because of the show I also found more bonding and the little thing that is called "friendship".


Belive it or not, this show changed my life, and Twilight Sparkle had a lot to do with that change.

  • Brohoof 2
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I am disappointed that Golden Harvest isn't in the background character poll... that really sucks :/


Luckily Aloe and Lotus are :D

Edited by bagelbass


Credits to Cloud Chaser for the signature and avatar.
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My favorite pony: Scootloo :wub:

My favorite out of the the main 6: Pinkie Pie


My favorite background character: Octavia


My favorite stallion: Big mac

Mini-me loves ponies, SCOTTY DON'T!!! :angry:

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My favorite Mane 6 isn't really even fair to say because I love Twilight and Rarity equally the same. They are both very lovable ponies, and I could never honestly pick one over the other. Twilight because our personalities are almost exactly the same and Rary because what personality traits I don't have from twilight I have from her, so I can relate to both ponies. I can relate to the loneliness that Twilight felt, and I can relate to the generousness of Rarity.


My overall Favorites though are Cadence and Luna. Cadence mainly because she was so easy on the eyes to look at and everything she did was adorable. Ye, I know that there wasn't a whole lot of Character Development for her in the show, but still Luna's the same way. I've loved Luna since the very first episode. She's a night pony, and 75% of the time that I'm awake, it's night time. Not to mention the Mysteriousness behind Luna is what makes her so intriguing, and I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing her again in season 3.


Princess Luna is best pony

Avid Twilicorn Supporter

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I cry alittle when I see that the most popular is rainbowdash or fluttershy. People usually pick them for their looks or atitude. Isn't one of the many great lessons we learned from MLP is to never judge a book by its cover. Obviously you can guess that I choose rarity from my profile pic, but I feel as if rainbowdash and fluttershy are overhyped because of their looks.

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I couldn't choose which of the Mane 6 I like. I love them all! :wub: but for the heck of it I chose Twilight. Because she's just so caring and clever, then again some of the other characters are like that too (e.g. Princess Celestia).


But fave background characters are definitely Derpy Hooves and DJ- PON3. Who wouldn't choose them?

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff. " - The Doctor  :comeatus:   


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I cry alittle when I see that the most popular is rainbowdash or fluttershy. People usually pick them for their looks or atitude. Isn't one of the many great lessons we learned from MLP is to never judge a book by its cover. Obviously you can guess that I choose rarity from my profile pic, but I feel as if rainbowdash and fluttershy are overhyped because of their looks.


You can't really argue with popularity. Besides, most Rainbow Dash fans like her brash, can-do personality, not just her rainbow colours, and most Fluttershy fans like her for being so shy and gosh darn it, just such a nice pony, that they can relate to, rather than for her looking cute. You just have to accept that people might not like your own favourite, and that's okay. No need to try to trivialize it as being based purely on looks. And attitude has nothing to do with looks, anyway, so is a perfectly valid criterion on which to measure somepony.


Personally, my favourite is also Rarity, and I don't like the fact that she is the least popular of the Mane 6. But that really is just bias on my part. If she's less popular, that just has to be accepted. We know she's the best, but if others can't see that, it's their problem. I feel that Rarity is very much an "acquired taste", as it were. For evidence, I point out the large number of bronies who have posted something along the lines of "I didn't like Rarity much at first, but..." on this forum.

Edited by Full Spectrum
  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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Hmmm... I can't choose between Spitfire or Rainbow Dash... I don't know why but I guess I just have a big obsessional with the whole Wonderbolts scene. Probably because I guess I would consider myself pretty athletic, so Rainbow Dash and Spitfire connect with me pretty well. I really hope that they will eventually have a Wonderbolts episode. :wub:

  • Brohoof 1
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It is really hard to decide! I do love Twilight and Pinkie Pie, but Rarity reminds me of myself (I love fashion!). I also really like Fluttershy, and I think Rainbow Dash has the best color scheme of all.

  • Brohoof 1
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Pinkie Pie is best pony, but unicorns are master race.

Sweetie Belle is best filly and Derpy is best background character.

Come at me darlings.

Signature goes here

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Belive it or not, this show changed my life, and Twilight Sparkle had a lot to do with that change.


I am right with you on that. I'm glad to see other people have been affected in such a positive way.

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It's a tie between Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Princess Cadence, Twilight and AJ because they to be least obnoxious ponies to me and they're smart, And I don't know why I love Cadence, She's just awesome in my opinion.

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I was born a Pinkie man! :) I've always been the oddball among my friends who does the "randomest" things. If you showed them an episode, they'd associate her with me. I'm sure of it.


Favorite CMC: Sweetie Bell

Background Ponies

Earth: Berry Punch

Pegasus: Derpy. Was there ever any doubt? :P

Unicorn: Vinyl Scratch/DJ PON-3!!! B)


Holy crap! Pinkie is my fav too and Sweetie is my second!

Princess Kenny is best princess.

What? Kenny?! I said Twilight, silly. Check your ears.

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