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Best feeling of relief

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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And by relief, I dont mean relief as in "you are hiding something and someone almost finds out and you find out they didnt find out and its like...whew or almost getting in trouble and you dont and its like..whew." 


The relief I mean is, like bodily relief. 


For example, mine are...


-Having bad stomach aches or cramps and they finally go away


-Getting out of the shower after feeling gross and having a long day


-Relaxing in your bed after not being in it for so long


-Bad scratches and massages


- (Sorry if this offends anyone) Having bad bloating or gas and it finally gets relieved


- Having a bad sun burn and you put soothing lotion and aloe on it and it stops burning


Thats pretty much it. Anything that makes you feel so relieved and so relaxed?

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Taking a long bath after a long, stressful day feels amazing to me. I also like exercising after eating as it makes me get rid of stomach aches and makes me feel a bit better about myself. 

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Sitting in your bed with your lamps on pillows all around you, a chocolate frappuccino and some other foods in your lap with your laptop, and just forgetting about everything seems to do the trick for me unless I'm sick. The food and coffee will just be replaced with ginger-ale if I'm feeling ill. ^^

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Coming home after a long day at school and...Um, I probably should keep this safe for work, shouldn't I? 


In that case, I'll go with snuggling up in a bed with warm blankets, and being all comfortable. It's so relaxing.

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The first sip of coffee in the morning, peeing after waiting for too long, releasing excess gas (lesson learned: snacking on an entire tub of dried fruit is a bad idea), branding after a bad day, and the full body crack (neck, back, elbows, knuckles, wrists, knees, ankles, toes).

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When your teacher calls your parent...


Commence clench.


To tell them that your their child is doing a fine job.


Immense relief.

Edited by Teller
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