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mega thread Do you have any headcanons/theories?


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I think Pinkie Pie might be a bit of a whore.  Maybe not a full fledged prostitute but I think she's at least more inclined towards sexual affairs then the rest of the main six.  let's look at the evidence.  In "Over a Barrel", she dressed up like a hooker.




Ok, so maybe that might have just been a one time gag and nothing more.  But in "Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1" she said a line that's a little questionable and could easily be taken the wrong way.




Also, In "Rainbow Rock's" her human counterpart had an entire refrigerator full of nothing but whipped cream.




 That's probably being used for more then just cupcakes if you know what I'm saying.  


I'm convinced, Pinkie Pie is a whore.

I think she likes to keep people guessing. Feeding the rumor mill can be fun when you're in control of the rumors, and I think that's the game Pinkie is playing here. Heck, I did it once myself, had everyone in my grade convinced that I'd made out with every girl in the high school when in fact I was still a virgin! :lol: So no, I don't think she actually did anything, she just puts on a good show because she finds it fun to see other ponies try and guess if she is or not.


My head cannon- because ponies don't typically go to any sort of education beyond High School (if that) I think most parents set their children up with a roommate to live with until they either marry or move out by choice. This is my way of explaining Lyra/Bon Bon, Vinyl/Octavia, and Derpy/Carrot Top living with each other without shipping.

  • Brohoof 2



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Pinki Pie FTW! :pinkie:

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I would call this a headcanon, but I've got a feeling that this might become canon.


Starlight Glimmer possibly being Twilight's long lost sister.  I know it sounds kind of impossible, but it wouldn't be the first time they did this in a cartoon, and they could come up with an explanation for it.  Think about it.  Starlight Glimmer sounds eerily similar to Twilight Sparkle.

Edited by SBaby

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Some of my headcanons or obvious statements:
Canon of show:
-Everyone in Equestria is heterosexual unless there is unquestionable evidence (such as Applejack winking at Rarity making "Rarity" statement is not evidence enough).
-Luna's revolt was a result of either an evil spirit taking over her or centuries of feeling neglected rather than simply one day being angry about it herself.
Expansion of universe:
-King Sombra considered crystal ponies as lower form of existence and not only used them as slaves but perhaps also committed genocide.
-Crystal Empire used to be a large and powerful empire which has been reduced to a city state.

-Above may have been result of King Sombra making mass invasion of Crystal Empire.

If the comics are to be believed, that's now canon  :o

I don't have source now, but I believe it was said that comics are based off of show but is separate canon.

Edited by Tsaritsa Luna
  • Brohoof 1

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Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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Some of my headcanons or obvious statements:


Canon of show:

-Everyone in Equestria is heterosexual unless there is unquestionable evidence (such as Applejack winking at Rarity making "Rarity" statement is not evidence enough).

-Luna's revolt was a result of either an evil spirit taking over her or centuries of feeling neglected rather than simply one day being angry about it herself.


Expansion of universe:

-King Sombra considered crystal ponies as lower form of existence and not only used them as slaves but perhaps also committed genocide.

-Crystal Empire used to be a large and powerful empire which has been reduced to a city state.

-Above may have been result of King Sombra making mass invasion of Crystal Empire.


I don't have source now, but I believe it was said that comics are based off of show but is separate canon.

Well, it's the best we have, I doubt the show will ever adress the villains again 


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In Pinkie's Pride, Dash says she moved to town on her birthday.  In Episode 1, Dash is in charge of weather for the Summer Sun Festival.  IMO, Dash turned 18 shortly before joining the Wonderbolts in season 3 & was thus 17 during the pilot. 


It is my head canon that Dash moved to Ponyville when she was appointed head of the local weather bureau at age 17.  How likely is this?  Well, almost all Pegasi can fly well enough to work in the weather bureau.  IMO, it is like working in a fast food joint -the job you get when you can't get a better job.


School probably lasts until you are 14 (8th grade).  This was the standard in the USA & most of the rest of the industrial world until shortly before WW II.  Thus, Dash probably got a job pushing clouds for the Weather Bureau at 14 & learned on the job well enough to be promoted by age 17.  (She has problems with book learning but is NOT stupid, especially about flying)


In my Head Canon this would be roughly the equivalent of being made Assistant Manager at McDonalds.  A sign that you are doing OK, but not so insurmountably vast a step up as to be unbelievable for an experienced worker.  Especially because it is likely that Ponyville is considered an undesirable posting.  (Hey, it's an Earth Pony hick town, with bad weather & bad critters from the Everfree blowing in all the time.  I wouldn't want to go there.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just found out that the bows they use for violins and cellos and whatnot are made from horse hair. 




Here's my head canon.  Every time Octavia gets a mane cut, she saves some of the hair clipping to use just in case her bow string breaks.  Of course, that's only true for pony Octavia not her human counterpart.

Edited by Serenade
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My (probably one and only) headcanon is that Vinyl Scratch may be mute. We know good and well why she doesn't have a voice (because the fandom would implode if anything that came out of her mouth wasn't 100% Nowacking), but in-universe, she just suffers muteness. Because she doesn't a voice, she uses gestures to speak, and at other times, her music as well.

  • Brohoof 1


I does the chiptunes.

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  • 1 month later...

-Firefly is Rainbow's mother.

-AJ's parents died in a timberwolf attack. They were having a reunion and rode in the woods, but those two protected the rest of the family as they escaped the scene for safety.

-Not all changelings abide by Chrysalis.

-Rainbow secretly knows things about fashion. (LoI, had to. C'mon, every girl knows some info. XD)

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Did i post in this thread? I thought I did....maybe its my imagination..

So here are my headcannons:
-Derpy is the Seventh Element which is acceptance. In all friendships we have to accept some parts of our friends that are annoying or weird.
-Sunset Shimmer MAY be the eighth element which is the element of forgiveness...i mean, we forgive our friends for doing some wack ish to us.
-Im actually the only human in equestria and the ponies are all amazed by me 
-King Sombra is actually Star Swirl the Bearded. He just dabbled into some dark magic and it took over his body(I actually wrote a fan-fic about this)
-Equestria is actually earth if humans never existed and dragons are highly evolved reptiles while the ponies are highly evolved equines.

-in season 6 it will be revealed that Lauren Faust returns as a god in the show.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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I got a new headcanon, that actually seems very reasonable. The reason why Moondancer was so depressed and nearly ruined her social life after Twilight left without saying a word, is because she happens to have feelings for her. It makes alot of sense, because that's a VERY common cause for ending up retreating into your shell, and forsaking any social contact. She had four other friends, but Twilight is the one that nearly ruined her social life.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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-Tatzelwurm larvae look like snake kittens.

-Dr. Caballeron is actually Daring Do’s publisher and makes more bits off of her books than he ever could off of moderately rare artefacts.

-Of all the Wonderbolts, Spitfire is the best maple syrup chugger. She is all that is mare.

-Zecora and Curio are a part of a secretive and shady-ish item trade. Incidentally, Alicorn Amulet recipe and Instant Cutie Potion cost precisely 322 bits.

-Giant wolpertinger wool is the best for smooth, warm, airy, and firm clothes with just a pinch of magic resistance. The critters are also good for delivering mail.

-Parasprites, changelings and breezies are related.

-Celestia’s favorite cake is Black Forest Cake with sour cherries. Luna likes Tiramisu better (with lots of coffee).

-EQG is all in Sunset Shimmer’s head. Upon entering the mirror, she had arrived on Zendikar and witnessed the rise of the Eldrazi. She was later picked up by Chandra Nalaar and now serves her as a 2/1 red unicorn.

-Also goats are actually very awesome.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can see it now.  Equestria  makes contact w humans.  The humans have trouble accepting that Celestia raises the sun.  Celestia lets them watch.  She says "Let there be light!"  Next thing you know, the humans are running around screaming "BLASPHEMY!" & mailing her the large economy size Anthrax Sampler


I just got the Windows 10 upgrade & Jesus Christ it does NOT want to play nice w my computer!  Took 15 minutes to get it to post & found out it wouldn't let me use emoticons, for instance

Edited by sweetolebob18
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I have a couple. Had more, but I forgot most of them.


The first is that pre-banishment Luna was never really ignored or under-appreciated - instead, it was a fear in her head that spiraled out of control and turned her into Nightmare Moon. There's hints of it in Sleepless in Ponyville, if very vague.


I had a slightly convoluted "Gilda did nothing wrong" headcanon about her philosophy and take on life and others which got kinda demolished after Griffonstone that I still kinda like.


And also, that "you're only as old as you think you are" is literal in Equestria, or at least for ponies. After all, the only character we've seen age since Season 1 was Spike, and that was brought on by his birthday. In fact, we've repeatedly seen ponies physically change under strong emotion or suggestion, that if body properties are malleable by self-perception, why not age?

Current project: The Olden World audiobook

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I have one headcanon that may seem weird, but it seems more and more true. 


Rarity is a human who went through the mirror to go to Equestria. Perhaps the pony Rarity is the human Rarity now? 


Yes, I now Rarity was one of those who wondered what hands were, but if I was someone trying to blend in with everyone else in another world, I probably would act confused.


First, Rarity has human articles of clothing. (socks.)


Second: Rarity has mentioned hands a few times  (Not very good evidence considering they all say it...) 


Third: Rarity has a sense of indecency which is shown twice. 


Fourth: When Discord sucked Rarity's clothes off, Rarity covered her chest as if her breasts were going to be there. (Ponies don't have breasts on their chest.) 


So while it's a crazy headcanon, It seems more and more true. 


Fluttershy is probably also human who switched places with her pony version. They probably did it together considering how close they are.


I have a couple. Had more, but I forgot most of them.


The first is that pre-banishment Luna was never really ignored or under-appreciated - instead, it was a fear in her head that spiraled out of control and turned her into Nightmare Moon. There's hints of it in Sleepless in Ponyville, if very vague.


I had a slightly convoluted "Gilda did nothing wrong" headcanon about her philosophy and take on life and others which got kinda demolished after Griffonstone that I still kinda like.


And also, that "you're only as old as you think you are" is literal in Equestria, or at least for ponies. After all, the only character we've seen age since Season 1 was Spike, and that was brought on by his birthday. In fact, we've repeatedly seen ponies physically change under strong emotion or suggestion, that if body properties are malleable by self-perception, why not age?

You said since season 1, so I'll ignore Pinkie. 


Twilight (Suited for Success)

Rainbow Dash (Pinkie Pride) 


There is a concept of age considering that Fluttershy says she's a year older than Pinkie Pie.

Edited by RarityFan01


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Nope, I don't ever really think about head cannons because I think people will classify me as "stupid".

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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I have a main headcanon and another headcanon that's dependent on it.  


My first headcanon is that most ponies that have a human counterpart (or vice versa) are psychically linked to their counterparts.  This would explain why the humans in EqG often have the cutie marks of their pony counterparts sewn into their clothes and bags and stuff. It's possible that every now and then, they might see bits and pieces of their counterparts lives in their dreams.  Now, I don't know about you, but most of the time, I myself either don't remember my dreams at all or, at the very least their kind of fuzzy.  Perhaps the same can be said about many people from the EqG world.  See, a cutie mark is supposed to be a representation of a ponies identity.  It's basically their very soul made manifest.  Therefore, even if they only ever really remembered it on a subconscious level, if any human saw their counterpart's cutie mark in their dreams, it would undoubtedly be significant to them.  If any of them consciously remembered what the mark looked like, they might endeavor to sew it into their clothing and other personal items.  Even if the memory is only subconscious though, they'd still be inclined to buy anything that resembles their counterpart's mark.  This psychic connection might not necessarily always be there though.  For example, on everything owned by human Granny Smith, I've seen nothing that resembles an apple pie.


As for my second headcanon, I believe that Sapphire Shores true special talent has something to do with the ocean.  First off, just look at her name.  Sapphire Shores.  Seeing as, for whatever reason, most ponies seem to have names that reflect their cutie marks (the reason why is a completely different can of worms that I'm not going to delve into) It's kind of odd that her name has nothing to do with being a pop singer.  What evidence do I have to back up my claim?  I give you exhibit A.




Despite being a grown mare and an icon in Equestria's pop culture, Sapphire Shores is still a blank flank.  How do I know her true talent involves the ocean?  Well, her name is one indication.  But beyond that, in the episode "For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils", we found out that dolphins of all things are significant to Sapphire and they "swim with her in her dreams".  Now why might that be??? That's where this second headcanon ties into my first one.  What if, unlike her pony counterpart, human Sapphire Shores has already found her calling in life.  Maybe human Sapphire works at Sea World or some other kind of aquarium or ocean exhibit.  If that's true, she would literally "swim with dolphins".  Going along with the other headcanon, pony Sapphire would see bits and pieces of her human counterpart's life in her dreams and that is why dolphins significant to her.  

Edited by Serenade
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It's more of a notice than a headcanon, but mine is that Equestria is heavily based on ancient history. I mean the references and names are just so numerous.


BlueBlood is a bastard Prince.


Luna and Celestia, speaking in real terms and not magical pony lands, don't move the sun and the moon. I don't have anything for it, but perhaps Celestia and Luna rotate the planet? Moving a sun would completely ruin the entire galaxy, unless the sun revolves around the planet the other planets. 


The Gryphons aren't native to the planet, and somehow came from another nearby one.

Don't be a dweeb


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I only have one that really stands out: Fluttershy is a closet metalhead.

For obvious reasons.

  • Brohoof 2


"The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there...and still on your feet." - Stephen King


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I only have one that really stands out: Fluttershy is a closet metalhead.

For obvious reasons.

Has heavy metal music even been invented in Equestria???  I know they have dubstep (because Vinyl Scratch) but that's a completely different genre.  

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Has heavy metal music even been invented in Equestria???  I know they have dubstep (because Vinyl Scratch) but that's a completely different genre.  


I would like to think so. It would be cool if it did exist in Equestria.


"The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there...and still on your feet." - Stephen King


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