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mega thread Do you have any headcanons/theories?


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Sheesh, I don't want to monopolize this, but it does seem to be working that way.  Hopefully, last Head Canon for a while


IRL, the laws of physics work the same everywhere in the universe (AFAIK), but differing people can do different things with them.  For instance, AM & FM radio work in vastly different ways.  FM radio wasn't even invented until decades after AM was.  Or, take electricity has the same laws everywhere, right?  So why do you need an adapter to use your devices in Europe?  Not to mention the difference between AC & DC.


My Head Canon is that in Zefrica (saw somebody call Z's homeland that & it makes sense to me), they use magic in vastly different ways than they do in EQ.


In EQ, they've got unicorns & all the unicorns use their horns to channel their magic to use Telekinesis.  It is just too useful to them & too easy.  (well, Sweetie Belle, it is a lot easier for you than it is for nonunicorns to use their magic, although they can learn).  The Cake baby was using it within a month of being born & lifting more w TK than she probably could by sheer strength.  Thus, when Unicorns learn to be wizards, they learn to channel their spells through their horns because that is what they are already doing.  Look at Rarity's gem finding for instance (in episode 23).  She wasn't even trying & she got a fairly complex spell to work on auto pilot, so to speak.  Horn magic is the AM radio of magic


In Zefrica, they have no  unicorns & no horns. Their magic is more internalized, like Earth Ponies.  BUT, since there are no Unicorns to discourage them from trying (by so easily out doing them), a few persist & learn to cast spells.  Z's magic focuses more on the "low power" end of things.  Potions & such (many of which we wouldn't think of as magic at all).  In Bridal Gossip, T thinks such things are too nonsensical to even be worth checking out as a possible cause of their problems, never mind a cure.  IMO, the 1st thing a shaman does is check out the area & see what plants there are.  & the 1st thing they do when finding a new type of plant is research what magic uses it may have.  Z's scratching in the dirt, looking for ingredients is a long formed habit, all shamen do this.  They are the FM radio of magic


As to Z's chanting, she fibbed a bit.  She said it was a nursery rhyme (well, maybe if you stretched the point.  She probably did learn it when young).  However, IMO, it was a memonic, a rhyme to make it easier to remember potion ingredients.  If you are old enough to remember School House Rock, like that.  Or, the witches in Macbeth, Double, Double, Toil and trouble... 


Zebras live on the veldt (an African prairie).  They had few trees & thus little paper.  + their ancestors, at least were nomads.  They had few spell books & had to memorize their spells.  This tradition has continued into modern times.  In their defense, they would never have had anything like It's About Time, Magical Mystery Cure, or the Micky Mouse Sorcerer's Apprentice happen & Z probably can't believe they are so careless with magic


Oh & Z just why did you have all that potion you gave to T in Princess Twilight?  It takes a while to make a potion, you had it on hand before T was even an alicorn & it could only be activated by alicorn magic.  What, exactly, did you plan on doing with it?  (Or, does it have other uses when unactivated or when activated some other way?)


FINALLY  Does anyone know the significance of Z's cutie mark?  What does the symbol mean? 

Edited by sweetolebob18
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I commented on the first page, but never actually listed my own head canons.

So here I go. I'm sure I'll forget to add some though and be back later. XD


- The falcon that lost to Tank was adopted by Fancy Pants. (got that from some art on DA)

- The Sonic Rainboom that led to it's legendary status happened centuries ago, had few witnesses or anyone to chronicle it, and was performed by a young Celestia.

- Suri Polomare is Diamond Tiara's mother. She and Filthy Rich are divorced.

- Celestia and Luna can do each other's jobs, but don't have the artistic flair for it; ie, Celestia's night's aren't as pretty as Luna's, and Luna's sunrises and sunsets aren't as pretty as Celestia's.

  • Brohoof 2



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I only have one and I need to think about it a little more.


My headcannon is that the lines on unicorn horns somehow represent age (like a tree stump), which would make Rarity older than Twilight. Alicorns' horns are taller and have more lines because they are immortal.

  • Brohoof 1



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Well, it has been stated that they are not immortal, just incredibly long lived (like Elrond in LOTR).  There are some animals that grow, very slowly, their entire life. I believe Alicorns are among them. This makes sense because Princess C is larger than Luna (&they are both so much larger than Cadence or Twilight)


Ponylaces, I was trying to quote you, but I can't seem to get this cursed thing to do that.  Why do they let Satan run the Internet? :(

Edited by sweetolebob18
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Well, it has been stated that they are not immortal, just incredibly long lived (like Elrond in LOTR).  There are some animals that grow, very slowly, their entire life. I believe Alicorns are among them. This makes sense because Princess C is larger than Luna (&they are both so much larger than Cadence or Twilight)


Ponylaces, I was trying to quote you, but I can't seem to get this cursed thing to do that.  Why do they let Satan run the Internet? :(

I have no idea why it isn't working, but good thing I checked this topic :P


Does that mean they will eventually die, but slower than other ponies? It looks like Luna and Cadance are the same size, I'm not really sure though.

  • Brohoof 1



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Well, yes, EVENTUALLY. (It's canon) But, "some day" does not necessarily mean "some day soon". I mean, C has been ruling alone for over 1000 years (+ who knows how long before that?).  Now, IMO, she could sing a rousing chorus of "The Old Grey Mare", but she is a long way from the Granny Smith stage


So, if Luna was younger than C to start with & spent the last 1000 years in suspended animation, well that's a long time before either Cadence or T has to worry about her eulogy.  As for Princess C, if she stops getting in bar fights with villains at weddings, she's got a good many years left, too. 


As to the quote function.  It obviously only works if you know how to use it.  Life is so unfair, that way :wacko:

Edited by sweetolebob18
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Too lazy right now to search the thread if someone already posted this one.


Episode S103 happens about a year or half a year later after the first two episodes.  Maybe a month later, I'm not so sure.  I just find it hard to believe that AJ, Pinkie, Rarity, Dashie and Fluttershy's didn't talk about how their lives drastically changed since Twilight moved to Ponyville. Time MUST HAVE passed between S102 and S103.

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, I might as well get mine out of the way.  Here are my head canons.


1) Tirek and Scorpan has an even younger brother(A tribute to G1 Spike and Scorpan) named Onius.  He resembles Spike in some way, except he's an Oni and not a dragon(Onis are based off of Japanese Myth).  Scorpan taught Onius the ways that the ponies of Equestria taught him hence he's seen as a nice child.  But when he sees his new friends get hurt, he unleashes his true power(Hulking out) to repel the invader.  Unlike Tirek and Scorpan, Onius cannot absorb magic.


2) Cybertron exists in the Pony Universe.  It's actually in the same solar system as Equestria


3) Following the event that lead to her sister being banished to the moon, Princess Celestia fell to the same darkness that took Princess Luna.  It took one brave pony to give Celestia the strength to break free from this darkness.


4) As I stated, there are also Japanese Mythologies within alongside the Greek and Roman Myth that inhabits Equestria.


5) It is extremely rare that a pony is born an Alicorn.  However, rumor has it that an Alicorn foal is sometimes bullied by his/her peers.


6) The mane 6 are mortal incarnations of the Elements of Harmony.

Edited by SaburoDaimando
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As to your last Head Canon (#6).  I'm not sure about that.  But, I am pretty sure they were secretly recruited by Princess C & sent to Ponyville because they were the best examples C could find -and she put a LOT of effort into looking (IMO, she knew Nightmare Moon was due to get out.  If I knew that, I'd look pretty hard for help to defeat her) 

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Well, yes, EVENTUALLY. (It's canon) But, "some day" does not necessarily mean "some day soon". I mean, C has been ruling alone for over 1000 years (+ who knows how long before that?).  Now, IMO, she could sing a rousing chorus of "The Old Grey Mare", but she is a long way from the Granny Smith stage


So, if Luna was younger than C to start with & spent the last 1000 years in suspended animation, well that's a long time before either Cadence or T has to worry about her eulogy.  As for Princess C, if she stops getting in bar fights with villains at weddings, she's got a good many years left, too. 


As to the quote function.  It obviously only works if you know how to use it.  Life is so unfair, that way :wacko:

That makes sense. Celestia should have another 1,000 years to live, but not technically immortal right?


I wonder why the quote button isn't working. Are you on mobile?

  • Brohoof 1



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I have a new headcanon about Flash Sentry.



My headcanon states that Flash Sentry's father are dead, and that's why he plays the guitar.


How does that make any sense? Well... Let me tell you!


His dad had a passion for guitar. He loved to play his guitar for his son. But then one day Flash's father died. How, you may be asking? I don't know and I don't really care. 


And so, Flash Sentry plays the guitar to remember his father. He does it to remember all the good times he had before his old man pass on.

Edited by DJ Shy-3
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Here are my head-canons about the annual events through the main Canon show and Equestria Girls films and how I see some conflicting testimonies about them. Each Head-canon is put in a spoiler box due to large walls of text.


READ FIRST: The length of a "Moon"


I believe the time length of a "moon" in Equestria is 1 month.  As that's where the word month come from to begin with in our world: How long it takes for the moon to go through a full cycle of new to full and back again. Jayson Thiessen of the MLP staff said that "there's no human equivalent for the length of a moon unit", but I'll do my best to keep my head-canons consistent. Also, "years" are mentioned, so I go with the idea that are 12 months in a year. So 30 moons is about 2 years and 6 months and 100 moons is about 8 years and 4 months.



Winter Wrap-up and Founding of Ponyville


In Winter Wrap-up, there's what Twilight said about how "Ponyville was founded by Earth Ponies, so for 100's of years, they've never used [unicorn] magic to clean up winter. It's traditional." This apparently contradicts Granny Smith's story in Family Appreciation Day about being a young filly (I go with the name Franny Smith when referring to Young Granny Smith) when Ponyville was founded. With those 2 statements, you'd think Granny Smith is hundreds of years old. I say she is not. What Twilight meant by her line is that Earth Ponies have traditionally wrapping up winter their way with Pegasi help and no Unicorn magic, even before Ponyville was founded.


Head-canon Summary: Twilight meant Winter Wrap-up being a tradition older than Ponyville and Granny Smith is not hundreds of years old.



Apple Family Reunion


I believe the Apple family have their official reunion every "100 moons" or "8 and 1/3 years" When the Apple Family Reunion episode played out, we didn't see ALL the family photos of past reunions, so there could have been more than the 4 onscreen Annual Family Reunion Photos. The 1st AFR could have happened around the same time Ponyville was founded, so at the least 33 and 1/3 years would have passed between The Founding of Ponyville and the Apple Family Reunion episode.


When Twilight first came to Ponyville, the Extended Apple Family wasn't there for the official reunion. They were there because it was the 1000 year of the Summer Sun Celebration. In Applebuck Season, when Applejack told Twilight about the Apple Family's presence when Twilight first come to Ponyville, she was mistaken that the family was there for the AFR and not for the SSC, due to being tired from working herself too hard. 


Head-canon Summary: AFR is every 8 years and 4 months. The Extended Apple Family's presence in the Pilot was for the 1000th SSC, not the Reunion.



Summer Sun Celebration and the length of the Seasons 1-3


Speaking of the annual Summer Sun Celebration, we've seen two SSCs onscreen in the show. Some Bronies believe that all of the 1st 3 seasons took place in one year. I don't believe so. Nowhere in the Princess Twilight Sparkle episode did they ever said it's been a year since the last SSC. They just pointed out how it was on the SSC that Twilight first came to Ponyville and met the Mane 5. There could have been more SSCs that have happened.

As TVTropes Headscratchers pointed out: Celestia's exact words are:
"I must admit that it is wonderful to actually be looking forward to the Summer Sun Celebration. For my subjects, it has always been a celebration of my defeat of Nightmare Moon. But for me... it was just a terrible reminder that I'd had to banish my own sister. But now it has become a wonderful reminder of her transformation back into Princess Luna, and our happy reunion."
This does not say that it is Celestia's first Summer Sun Celebration with Luna in over 1000 years. The language can be interpreted to mean that is simply a relatively new state of affairs. Consider an ordinary person saying "It's wonderful to actually look forward to going in to work. My job has always been soul-crushing and I dreaded waking up every morning. But now, with my new boss, my job has become a wonderful opportunity to use my talents and creativity." Nothing about that statement implies it's the first happy day, simply that the now-happy days are a recent turn. Likewise for Celestia, especially considering her age, "now" could easily refer to the past five Summer Sun Celebrations.


Head-canon Summary: There were more SSCs than what we saw onscreen and Seasons 1-3 could taken more than a single year.



About Sunset Shimmer's enrollment in Canterlot High


In the the 1st Equestria Girls film, there are 3 side-by-side photos of Sunset Shimmer winning the Annual Canterlot High Fall Formal Crown. With each photo, Sunset goes from an gueine happy smile to a smug smile to an evil "I rule this school" smile.  Assuming the time flow between the world of CHS and Equestria is the same, the photos seem to strongly imply that by the time the first Equestria Girls film happened, Sunset's in her "Senior Year" at CHS.


Before Rainbow Rocks, the rule about the portal connecting the "Human World" of the films with Equestria is that the portal opens every 30 moons or 2.5 years. They didn't specified directly in the EQG1 film nor the novelization of it how long the portal stays open. It's implied in the novelization that Sunset Shimmer arrived in the Crystal Empire before the Mane Six did and was spying on them before they even made it to the castle. If Sunset Shimmer is in her "Senior" Fall year by the EQG 1, the last time the portal was open was during Sunset's "Freshman" Spring year.


Rainbow Rocks is said by Megan McCarthy in the Blu-Ray commentary that it has been 6 moons (6 months by my scale) since the Fall Formal of the 1st film. So Rainbow Rocks could have happened shortly the off-screen Spring Fling during Sunset's Senior year.


If they do make an Equestria Girls 3 and want to stay consistent, it should about Senior Graduation for Sunset, assuming she passed each grade level during her "enrollment".


Head-canon Summary: Sunset Shimmer is in her Senior year at Canterlot High School in the "Human World" throughout the Equestria Girls Films


This head-cannon is the one most likely to break first out of all these in this post.


That's all my head-canons involving the annual events and a few other events for now. Feel free to agree or disagree with me. If you do disagree, I'd like to hear your opinion on them.

  • Brohoof 2


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In Canterlot Wedding, Cadence & T have that "...clap your hooves and do a little shake." routine.  Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon have their "Bump, bump, sugar lump, rump." bit (Was that Call of the Cutie?)

My Head Canon   These are NOT isolated incidents.  IMO, young foals often have these little rituals.  It is the EQ equivalent of a High 5 & serves to show "we are such good friends we share a secret."  The Mane 6 don't have 1 because they were too old for this.  IDK why the CMCs don't.  Although, Sweetie Belle was writing them a theme song (Call of the Cutie?)  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember when cryogenics was hot (so to speak).  My head canon would be "Why not use a cockatrice to freeze terminally ill patients until they can be cured?" Or, perhaps, crippled patients until better treatments are available.


In "Putting Your Hoof Down", Fluttershy throws some tourist over a water tower for making her drop her mail.  There were a lot of witnesses to this.  My head canon "She got a court ordered Anger Management Class for this"

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Here are my head-canons about the annual events through the main Canon show and Equestria Girls films and how I see some conflicting testimonies about them. Each Head-canon is put in a spoiler box due to large walls of text.


READ FIRST: The length of a "Moon"


I believe the time length of a "moon" in Equestria is 1 month.  As that's where the word month come from to begin with in our world: How long it takes for the moon to go through a full cycle of new to full and back again. Jayson Thiessen of the MLP staff said that "there's no human equivalent for the length of a moon unit", but I'll do my best to keep my head-canons consistent. Also, "years" are mentioned, so I go with the idea that are 12 months in a year. So 30 moons is about 2 years and 6 months and 100 moons is about 8 years and 4 months.



Winter Wrap-up and Founding of Ponyville


In Winter Wrap-up, there's what Twilight said about how "Ponyville was founded by Earth Ponies, so for 100's of years, they've never used [unicorn] magic to clean up winter. It's traditional." This apparently contradicts Granny Smith's story in Family Appreciation Day about being a young filly (I go with the name Franny Smith when referring to Young Granny Smith) when Ponyville was founded. With those 2 statements, you'd think Granny Smith is hundreds of years old. I say she is not. What Twilight meant by her line is that Earth Ponies have traditionally wrapping up winter their way with Pegasi help and no Unicorn magic, even before Ponyville was founded.


Head-canon Summary: Twilight meant Winter Wrap-up being a tradition older than Ponyville and Granny Smith is not hundreds of years old.



Apple Family Reunion


I believe the Apple family have their official reunion every "100 moons" or "8 and 1/3 years" When the Apple Family Reunion episode played out, we didn't see ALL the family photos of past reunions, so there could have been more than the 4 onscreen Annual Family Reunion Photos. The 1st AFR could have happened around the same time Ponyville was founded, so at the least 33 and 1/3 years would have passed between The Founding of Ponyville and the Apple Family Reunion episode.


When Twilight first came to Ponyville, the Extended Apple Family wasn't there for the official reunion. They were there because it was the 1000 year of the Summer Sun Celebration. In Applebuck Season, when Applejack told Twilight about the Apple Family's presence when Twilight first come to Ponyville, she was mistaken that the family was there for the AFR and not for the SSC, due to being tired from working herself too hard. 


Head-canon Summary: AFR is every 8 years and 4 months. The Extended Apple Family's presence in the Pilot was for the 1000th SSC, not the Reunion.



Summer Sun Celebration and the length of the Seasons 1-3


Speaking of the annual Summer Sun Celebration, we've seen two SSCs onscreen in the show. Some Bronies believe that all of the 1st 3 seasons took place in one year. I don't believe so. Nowhere in the Princess Twilight Sparkle episode did they ever said it's been a year since the last SSC. They just pointed out how it was on the SSC that Twilight first came to Ponyville and met the Mane 5. There could have been more SSCs that have happened.


As TVTropes Headscratchers pointed out: Celestia's exact words are:

"I must admit that it is wonderful to actually be looking forward to the Summer Sun Celebration. For my subjects, it has always been a celebration of my defeat of Nightmare Moon. But for me... it was just a terrible reminder that I'd had to banish my own sister. But now it has become a wonderful reminder of her transformation back into Princess Luna, and our happy reunion."

This does not say that it is Celestia's first Summer Sun Celebration with Luna in over 1000 years. The language can be interpreted to mean that is simply a relatively new state of affairs. Consider an ordinary person saying "It's wonderful to actually look forward to going in to work. My job has always been soul-crushing and I dreaded waking up every morning. But now, with my new boss, my job has become a wonderful opportunity to use my talents and creativity." Nothing about that statement implies it's the first happy day, simply that the now-happy days are a recent turn. Likewise for Celestia, especially considering her age, "now" could easily refer to the past five Summer Sun Celebrations.


Head-canon Summary: There were more SSCs than what we saw onscreen and Seasons 1-3 could taken more than a single year.



About Sunset Shimmer's enrollment in Canterlot High


In the the 1st Equestria Girls film, there are 3 side-by-side photos of Sunset Shimmer winning the Annual Canterlot High Fall Formal Crown. With each photo, Sunset goes from an gueine happy smile to a smug smile to an evil "I rule this school" smile.  Assuming the time flow between the world of CHS and Equestria is the same, the photos seem to strongly imply that by the time the first Equestria Girls film happened, Sunset's in her "Senior Year" at CHS.


Before Rainbow Rocks, the rule about the portal connecting the "Human World" of the films with Equestria is that the portal opens every 30 moons or 2.5 years. They didn't specified directly in the EQG1 film nor the novelization of it how long the portal stays open. It's implied in the novelization that Sunset Shimmer arrived in the Crystal Empire before the Mane Six did and was spying on them before they even made it to the castle. If Sunset Shimmer is in her "Senior" Fall year by the EQG 1, the last time the portal was open was during Sunset's "Freshman" Spring year.


Rainbow Rocks is said by Megan McCarthy in the Blu-Ray commentary that it has been 6 moons (6 months by my scale) since the Fall Formal of the 1st film. So Rainbow Rocks could have happened shortly the off-screen Spring Fling during Sunset's Senior year.


If they do make an Equestria Girls 3 and want to stay consistent, it should about Senior Graduation for Sunset, assuming she passed each grade level during her "enrollment".


Head-canon Summary: Sunset Shimmer is in her Senior year at Canterlot High School in the "Human World" throughout the Equestria Girls Films


This head-cannon is the one most likely to break first out of all these in this post.


That's all my head-canons involving the annual events and a few other events for now. Feel free to agree or disagree with me. If you do disagree, I'd like to hear your opinion on them.


Your theory on events was a great read and I agree with everything you said. :D


But I will say that in my opinion Twilight has been in Ponyville for a year and a half, or perhaps even two years. The reason for this is in Magic Duel, one of Spike's lines was "Aww, don't worry, Fluttershy, Twilight's magic has gotten a lot better since she accidentally crushed me and Applejack with a giant snowball.", which heavily implies that Twi has been in Ponyville for, well, a year. It's just something that popped in my head while reading your headcanon, however.


I also thought about the inconsistencies of seasons, such as how Fall Weather Friends aired two episodes after Winter Wrap Up. What are your thoughts on that?

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Scootaloo being either disabled or orphaned (or related to Rainbow Dash) is a VERY popular fanfic.  However, Hasbro has specifically said all 3 are wrong.  Officially, S is just slow to learn, like Fluttershy was.


I am hoping for more backstory on her in season 5.  IDK why, but almost nobody seems to think she might be related to Fluttershy (did see 1 story, S was secretly her illegitimate child)

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Scootaloo being either disabled or orphaned (or related to Rainbow Dash) is a VERY popular fanfic.  However, Hasbro has specifically said all 3 are wrong.  Officially, S is just slow to learn, like Fluttershy was.


I am hoping for more backstory on her in season 5.  IDK why, but almost nobody seems to think she might be related to Fluttershy (did see 1 story, S was secretly her illegitimate child)

I do know about Scoots being nor orphan (she has a home as seen in Flight To The Finish), and related to Dashie was obvious, but I don't recall an official word from the staff that she's not disabled.


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Rainbow Dash was raised by her older brother, Rainbow Blaze. He sacrificed himself to save Dash.


Applejack's parents died from a curse called "lights out". Granny Smith is next.


Rarity was once a Pirate, in search of treasure to get out of poverty.


Pinkie's best friend was Minty, who fell to the corruption of dark magic.


Fluttershy comes from a very large family of circus accrobats, she was the punching bag of the family and her father was a deadbeat dad. She also inherents traits from her siblings such as her singing and sewing talents.

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