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mega thread Do you have any headcanons/theories?


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Twilight is actually just a regular unicorn in a coma, and the show happens in her dream. Oh, and she's dreaming in her last seven minutes of brain activity after death. 

  • Brohoof 2
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My theory was that Queen Lauren Faust directly created Celestia and Luna. Before that, she followed an older alicorn was known only as "Empress Bonnie", wandering in the voids before she and Lauren created the universe, and possibly sent the Two Princesses just after Equestria was founded in ancient times by the Three Races.

There, Lauren was worshiped as their main goddess, if Celestia or Luna are not prayed towards.

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I have a few about the Crystal Empire, and in particular why there are hardly any Crystal Pegasi or Unicorns. (We've seen evidence for both in the show, including an actual Crystal Pegasus guard with Cadence, so there's no doubt in my mind they exist.)




The land which became the Crystal Empire was first discovered by a group of ponies fleeing from the great freeze in the North, around the time Equestria was first founded. They were mostly Earth Ponies whose farms and towns had been taken by the freeze, but they were defended by a regiment of Pegasi who kept the worst of the weather at bay, and led by a small number of Unicorns who could feel the warmth of a strange magic deep within the blizzard. Stumbling through the freezing conditions, they eventually came upon a fertile land where the storm seemed to calm, and which sparkled with the unusual magic the unicorns had sensed. The Unicorns harnessed this magic and, by fuelling it with the hope and kinship of the ponies they’d led, created the Crystal Heart which protected them from that moment forward. They named their new land the Crystal Empire, and they became known as the Crystal Ponies.


The Unicorns, responsible for finding this new land and weaving the magic to protect it, became it’s Royal Court, dedicating their energy and magic towards creating a city and culture where all could be happy. The Pegasi, who had boldly sheltered the group from the ravages of the blizzard as they traveled, became the Royal Guards, vowing to defend the Empire from any and all threats. The Earth Ponies, free from the threat of the freeze destroying their livelihood, tended the land and created shops and markets. They thrived with the assistance of Unicorn magic to create and repair tools and Pegasus weather control to grow crops. And the Unicorn who had first sensed the magic which led them to this haven became the first Queen of the Crystal Empire, guiding her ponies toward a future of harmony and peace.


The Crystal Empire was so peaceful that not much had changed in hundreds of years. Almost all the Pegasi were Royal Guards. Nearly the entire Royal Court were Unicorns. And their numbers had always been few. When King Sombra rose and attacked he fought and destroyed waves of guards, and since upon claiming the throne the next logical step would be to eliminate political threats...


...suffice to say, Crystal Unicorns and Pegasi weren’t terribly common in the first place, and in the aftermath of Sombra’s rule they're even less so.




Of course, there are still a few Crystal Pegasi and Unicorns around... I'd bet Sombra would have kept them locked underground, and they were finally set free when the Crystal Heart was restored. But they're a tiny percentage of the whole Crystal Pony population which is why we still almost never see them.


(Also, if you like head canons, there's a great tumblr blog called askscholarlytwilight which is full of very detailed ones. Some I like and some I don't, but regardless, it's a fun read.)

  • Brohoof 3
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I don't know if these are theories or headcanons, but I'm going to list them anyway.

1. Twilight is a descendent of StarSwirl

2. The rest of the main characters will become Alicorns.

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-pinkie pie suffers from manic depression disorder/bipolar disorder and/or ADHD

-twilight blew up in MMC and the rest of the series is her final dream as she ascends into heaven. (Or I'm just being mean)

-pinkie pie was adopted

-the "crystal princess" title and powers over love are an inherited thing, and celestia had to protect the crystal royalty line for 1000 years.

-the season finale villain will be the Smooze (this is more of a hope of mine. They say it's an "old enemy" and it's something very powerful)

-sombra is part dragon.

-discord is star swirl (I want it to be true SO badly!)

Edited by crazitaco
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-Changelings can walk on walls, turn invisible, and morph their limbs into weapons.
Headcanon partiallu accepted... ((invisibility and limbs into weapons doesnt sound right.))


They are also empathic, meaning they can sense the emotional states of those around them.
Glad we do have the same headcanon :D 
  • Brohoof 1
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  • Bat ponies aka thestrals used to have their own kingdom, until they had to migrate to the caves in the Everfree Forest.


They had to? Why? What happened to all those in Everfree? Is it still dangerous?

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They had to? Why? What happened to all those in Everfree? Is it still dangerous?

They had to because, they felt that finding some solitude in the forest could keep them away from a war that occurred during their time in their kingdom. It's still dangerous for them to go back to their kingdom, so they stayed in the caves.

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Headcanon partiallu accepted... ((invisibility and limbs into weapons doesnt sound right.))


Glad we do have the same headcanon :D 


Don't see why it wouldn't make sense. If they can change their shape, why not part of their body and why not forge it into an offensive appendage. I'm not saying they turn their hooves into machine guns or chainsaws, but things like sickles, claws, talons or bludgeons work.


Invisibility might be a misnomer. Camouflage would be more accurate. Again, why not change their colors to match their environment?


But it's nice that we do see eye to eye on empathic sense.  

  • Brohoof 1
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-Firefly is Rainbow Dash's mother.


-Sunset Shimmer was raised by aristocratic, but ultimately neglectful parents and turned bad as a result.


-The pursuit of knowledge and magical power corrupted Starswirl and turned him into King Sombra since Princess Celestia said that he didn't understand friendship and they are both powerful unicorns, plus I think Starswirl is a bigger jerk than we're being led to believe because ponies want others like Twilight to be inspired by the idea of him than the monster he actually was.


-Spitfire and Soarin are in a relationship.




Scootaloo is not an orphan and has a loving mother and father Rainbow Dash has a single father for a parent


AJ's parents died as soon as Applebloom was born(I assume the mother died during child birth, I still haven't come up with anything for the father)



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Sorta but I have not made a video of it since I need to start doing so




and such as:



Who was the real bad one (Celestia or Luna think about it they both made just as bad as a mistake as each other and stuff yeah when I make it you will get it



a similar of are changelings/chrysalis really evil?


Discords ruler ship before the sisters


where human had gone since G1



What is the actual connection over Firefly and Dash?







ones I am thinking about:



are Celestia and Luna born alicorns or once not?


digging into Cadances backstory


how exactly was Equestria itself created (not found)


was Discord the first ruler?


and how does unicorn magic work different from a alicorns?  




I am starting them pretty soon though :3

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Unless they are kept in check, headcanons usually end up ruining or completely altering a fictional universe by fusing it with a popular established one and making up new material that makes no sense for the ultimate benefit of the creator's ego (having their characters be all powerful is one way). Might as well make up a unique world entirely.



What is the actual connection over Firefly and Dash?

Is that the pony with the same design? So I guess the connection would be a lack of vision/creativity and nothing. At least Daring Do had a reason to be the same design.

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@@Scootalove,And? Thoughts? I mainly draw inspiration from games or shows i watched but mostly Greek Mythology. 

I think it's an interesting headcanon, where it dives more into the Changelings' history.

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