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Do you Have Any Imaginary Friends?

Photon Jet


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  1. 1. Do you have imaginary friends?

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Hello everypony!


I'm gonna ask a simple question that might seem out of the blue for some ponies.


Do you have any imaginary friends? They're basically friends you thought up in your mind. For me, I sure do since I have a big imagination. I usually imagine Rainbow Dash or Twilight hanging out with me as we have a chat and go out on adventures together. I know this sounds childish but that's how I roll back then and now. Of course, using your imagination does have benefits when it comes to making stories and creating OCs like we ponies usually do.


So, do you have any friends that either you thought up or originally came from certain media (like Friendship Is Magic of course)?



  • Brohoof 3
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I don't, but if I am alone, I tend to talk to myself a lot as if I am talking with someone there. So I guess I am my own imaginary friend as it were. XD I use to speak to my plushies that I had when I was little.

  • Brohoof 2
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I sometimes actually pretend, that i speak with Mesme Rize when i don't have anybody with me at the moment.

  • Brohoof 3
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I had imaginary Friends as a kid, mostly Furry and fantasy Creatures i did draw at the time or some Characters from Shows and Anime.


And now, i have...lets call them imaginary Villains or Enemies.

Which basically means, i do so, like i was someone else and insult/troll me.

Trolling myself is surprisingly fun and nobody gets hurt, if i call myself a Noob. 

Yeah, im bored.

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I used to, kind of, not really. His name was "Rex", although I really only mentioned him when I was playing alone in the playground and people would ask what I was doing,... I guess I didn't want to say I was playing/running/whatever alone.


Having said that, I never really pictured him or did anything else with that thought.

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Naah... Well, I do imagine holding my characters hands and stuff when I'm scared so I don't have to feel so lonely. However; when I'm not in a panicy state I usually don't make up anything.XD But I used to imagine all kinds of Pokémon running alongside the car when I was like, 12.

Edited by darkwingmare
  • Brohoof 1
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Naah... Well, I do imagine holding my characters hands and stuff when I'm scared so I don't have to feel so lonely. However; when I'm not in a panicy state I usually don't make up anything.XD But I just to imagine all kinds of Pokémon running alongside the car when I was like, 12.

Wouldn't it be nice if Pokemon do appear in our world?

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Sometimes when i'm alone and feel active i kind of go into a mode where i speak perfect english to myself like i would record something. That often happens when i'm thinking about important stuff and need to kind of make notes to myself.


I also sometimes, when i'm laying in bed, imagine my pillow is some pony i'm cuddling and talking with. But other than that i don't have any  :adorkable:

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