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REALLY ANGERED today- (Michael Morones related)


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Well I had to talk to idiot again. If they are trolling they got me and they suck, If not they are majorly screwed up.




"I understand your view [on suicide being wrong], BUT AGAIN the kid is 11. Sure his life could be worse like in a third world country. The problem with that is he is not in a third world country and probably doesn't think about that at his age.

The bullying may not seem as big a deal to you- but relative to him and his 11 year existence it probably was the worst thing he had experienced to that point and didn't know how to deal with it. What you don't or REFUSE to understand IS THAT A CHILD'S BRAIN IS NOT DEVELOPED. Then on top of that ADD "EXTREME" STRESS (in his perception) and you for sure aren't going to have adult level logic and reasoning going on. Also don't forget that the rate of brain development varies from child to child. We also don't know if he had any other issues. NOT EVERYONE THINKS THE SAME.

Have you ever taken classes on Psychology/Sociology/Child Development in college?  Being a Criminal Justice Major I have and have and to be honest I think they are some of the most useful classes I have ever taken when it comes to learning why people are the way they are. Ignorance is a big cause of A LOT of problems in the world.

The thing that makes this whole situation extra stupid and sad is that it is over him watching a cartoon- AND a CARTOON that really isn't what most ignorantly assume it to be. It isn't even like the stupid old one.

This disturbs me especially- "I would not blame them if they abandoned him like he did to them." WTF- Is that what you would do?!? They are his parents. Clearly you have no children.

I don't know your life story, but all I can say is that you seem to be one very cold uncaring person. You seem to be the one who doesn't seem to think of how you might be hurting others. I hope you eventually see that and change your ways.

However If you are only trolling for "fun" or whatever twisted reason- you're a sad excuse for a person and I hope you get yours one day. Maybe Hurricane Karma will come around- I heard sailboats don't do very well in those. They convert into shuttles to Davy Jones' locker."
[the person is into sailing]

  • Brohoof 1



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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This story makes my heart hurt. I feel so terrible for that little boy there are hardly words. 

All I can say is that person who is judging him for his actions should be ashamed of themselves. They have no humanity as far as I'm concerned. 

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This is the gleaming example of kicking someone when they're down.  Only this is worse.  Much, much worse.  :(

I'm the uber-conservative one.
Rainbow Dash x Kitchen Sink OTP
A great man once said, "ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS BSNS"
20% Chance I'm on my Wii U while posting this.


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Well... I'm pissed. I rarely use this term, but yes, I'm pissed.


Looks like we've found a candidate for Worst Human.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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Holy fucking shit! What an asshole! (the commentator, not you, I agree 100% with everything you said, and I commend you for not going off the deep end about it, if it were me, I wouldn't have been able to control my anger and become like a COD twelvie..)

That's why you never read youtube comments. Unfortunately, some people are just that way. However wait until that person becomes a parent. Then ask what they think. I guarantee you the answer will be very different.

I certainly hope he never becomes a parent, I'd hate to see how he would treat his kid/s if they ever get bullied. As some who had to endure being picked on, criticized, bullied and beaten up at school from grade 3 all the way to grade 12 (so that's 9 years) then cyber bullying, I know what it can do to someone, especially a kid. I now have no motivation to do anything, very, very poor self confidence and very very low self esteem, severe depression and anxiety and a few on here (Tangent, FlashGear, Serious Sam, SkyHeart and a few others) will tell you I constantly threaten or think of suicide if things get really bad for me. But my point is, I can see this guy being the type of 'parent' to tell his kid/s to 'toughen up' and 'get over it' if they ever get bullied.

  • Brohoof 3


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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The person that posted that comment should be ashamed to call him/herself a human being. To look down so low on someone who is physically incapable of defending himself. Thats just hitting the bottom, there is no chance for salvation.

I agree, that person is a (vulgarity warning)


sack of motherfucking shit



Edited by Nymphia
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aromatisse is the sass master

i <3 rwby, game grumps and homestuck. uwu

obey submit consume

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And that is why I always download a Hide Youtube Comments extension every time I download Chrome. Seriously, the majority of Youtube comments are both predictable and vile. But this comment? Clearly, this terrible bully doesn't have a heart and should get out more.


I just hope for the best that Michael is okay. No one should get bullied for what they like. No one. Gender roles don't exist, and I just wish people understand this by now. D:

Edited by Sawk
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Well, well...


It's nearly 1 am and I need to go to bed but I saw this thread and it intrigued me (story of my life) so I had to read. OP, i am not disappoint. 


I've been through some rough shit in my life. Been beaten silly by an abusive father, been homeless for a while, and never had a decent pair of shoes or set of clothes until I was about 15. I was also bullied a lot in elementary/junior high. I've hated myself and wanted to kill myself in the worst ways before because I felt so entirely worthless. Thinking about that time of my life makes me emotional. I was never bullied because of MLP because I didn't get into MLP until I was like 19 or 20 and by that time I was in college and people don't really bully one another in college. Or at least in the colleges I've attended. Everyone just minds their own. Regardless, I can understand why Michael tried to take his own life. 


It's sad that someone so young was so burdened by something like suicide. I didn't start having suicidal thoughts until I was about 14 or 15. By that time, I had thought about it enough that I was no longer afraid of dying. I don't like to talk about it, but hey, I can relate.


It's taken a lot of letting go of my past to exit that phase of my life. I've had to change a few things about myself. Chiefly, I'm not one to wish harm on another. This person included. But I think you hit the nail on the head. This person is a special brand of ignorant. When you're 11 years old, the kids starving in 3rd world countries aren't things you think about. You think about being cool and fitting in with the other kids. When you like something like MLP at 11 years old, you're not really accepted into anything. I mean, hell. I've had trouble finding any bronies at my college and we're all at least 18 years old (but everyone in my classes are between ages 20 and 40). If there are bronies here, they're all closeted like myself. Fitting in with people is something we enjoy. Even more so at 11. The people we hang out with when we're kids helps to shape who we become in the future. if you don't have any friends at all because you're being bullied for enjoying something society deems you shouldn't, then even though it's not fair, you're probably going to be spending a lot of time alone or being picked on. It's just the cold hard truth about the world. :(


Poor Michael. I mean, at this point - and in retrospect - I think suicide is stupid. But i didn't think it was stupid when I was thinking about it all the time. I've been wondering how he's been doing. Glad to see that he's awake now. I mean, he probably won't be able to do things the same way ever again. But that doesn't mean that he can't recover. After all, he's only 11. There's still lots of development to come so let's hope that he continues uphill. I just hope that he's learned that there are ways of dealing with problems besides offing yourself. Because, ya know, if it works, there's no going back. 


I'd love to give Michael a hug and try to mentor him. I'm happy for Michael's recovery. And kinda sickened by this person's blatant ignorance. 

Edited by Space Woona
  • Brohoof 4

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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Seriously? wow that just totally kills faith in humanity. What kind of inconsiderate person would say such?. Sounds like this person should be put in the position to where support is needed and then have everyone turn their backs to them. I hope micheal's parents set that person straight or go 'ternal on 'em. Seriously that person needs a good lesson in having a heart.

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I have come to the conclusion that the person actually IS being serious. I don't even know what else to say to them. They refuse to accept that an 11 year old does not think like an adult.




"Going to college does not make one smart, or correct. Thinking of others can happen long before this child's age. I know familys who do not have gifts on Christmas. Instead they decide where the Christmas money will be spent to help others. Some give shoes, school supplies, Clothing to others in need, locally, or internationally. Thats how you raise a child, to be selfless.

Your right, they would not be right to abandon him. They have done more damage to their own child already.

Cold, uncaring? perhaps. I offer a less compassionate view. One that is full of logic and reason. My logic tells me the child had a messed up upbringing, And was not trained by his folks to THINK. yes, you can think as soon as you can talk. Where were the parents in all this????

Who is their right mind lets a little boy wear, and take girly things to school? Is it his right? you bet. Is it smart? a good choice? NO. He should have left his girl wear at home.

Then he was insulted.

He had to make the decision to kill himself. Did the parents not notice anything when he came home? Of course I do not know the events of that day. All I can say again, is let this serve as an example of what a selfish coward can do to their family.
#personalresponsibility  "



:( ???? Some people... I just don't get it.

On a side note the whole Michael situation - and my worse mood now from "Captain Jackass" makes me think of a song by my favorite band that I never really liked much but I think it kind of fits.




Edited by steve88
  • Brohoof 1



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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 Girl wear? He claims he's a brony and yet he calls it that? If he doesn't want to wear it fine, but other do. His whole idea of blaming someone for attempting suicide is stupid. People who have attempted suicide don't need to feel any worse for it. He's been through enough already. Maybe he was thinking, maybe he was so tormented he thought his family would be better off without him. That thought alone could drive someone to suicide.


 This guy can go fuck himself.

Edited by BasementPony

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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Wow... I swear, Youtube has the worst community ever. His attitude is nothing but toxic.


Cold, uncaring? perhaps. I offer a less compassionate view. One that is full of logic and reason.


Well, logic is fine, but emotions are just as important as logic, if not, more. What this commentator doesn't truly understand that emotions DO exist.


Who is their right mind lets a little boy wear, and take girly things to school? Is it his right? you bet. Is it smart? a good choice? NO. He should have left his girl wear at home.


There's nothing wrong with him taking 'girly' stuff to school. What's wrong is that the bullies are being close-minded and not realising that gender roles are absolute nonsense. You're being close-minded and not realising that gender roles are nonsense. It's his choice for him to enjoy and tell others his love for FiM. It's no way a dumb choice.


Oh, and the way you call his stuff 'girls wear' is quite sexist, but that's a different story...

He had to make the decision to kill himself. Did the parents not notice anything when he came home? Of course I do not know the events of that day. All I can say again, is let this serve as an example of what a selfish coward can do to their family. #personalresponsibility  "


Clearly, you have never been in a situation like this. Selfish coward? There's no way that Michael is selfish, or cowardly. Suicide is not in any way or from cowardly. Wanna know what's cowardly, Mr. Commentator? The bullies who treat others so badly that the victim wants to end their life.


...Yup, this person is the worst person I've seen since a certain fanfic writer. I hope karma strikes back to him.

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Having learned sufficient Psychology jargon and stuff, I must say, this guy is hahahahahahyahahahahahahaha...


Sorry, but I must say, I have to relate this guy to pre-17th century conservationists who thought children are faulty small adults and should be marrying and having kids!


Research has shown that kids think VERY differently from adults. According to the social development theory proposed by Erik Erikson, developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst, Michael is in the Industry vs Inferiority stage, which ranges from 6 to12 years old. Kids in this stage should be gaining a sense of accomplishment and pride in their being in order to properly develop psychologically, which means this time is THE WORST POSSIBLE TIME FOR BULLYING TO OCCUR!!! Successful resolution of this stage will result in a sense of competence, and the child can go in further into the next stage into adolescence and adulthood.


Why is this important? Because this is THE WORST POSSIBLE TIME FOR BULLYING TO OCCUR!!! Bullying's purpose is obvious, for one to lose his/her sense of competence, to basically make him/her self believe that he/she is nothing but a dirt bag filled with mouse remains. What happens next? Predictably, thoughts of suicide, unless you are a mentally over matured individual with an overinflated sense of pride.


It's hard for certain adults that are willing to abandon their dignity for money and power to understand that kids during this age EXTREMELY value their sense of competence and well being. This is why bullying around this age range occur in the first place, for the bullies to establish a sense of competence and power.


My conclusion, think in a child's perspective. Let me give fellow adults an analogy. Getting bullied everyday in school, to an average 11 year old, is equivalent to getting fired from a job and have every single of your colleagues pointing their fingers at your face and go "baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha."


Strange? Horrifying? Welcome to the world of an 11 year old, and stop posting stupid adult comments to criticize kids who lost their key to living a life.

  • Brohoof 5
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Haven't you figured out that he might want to do it to put a bad light on the whole MLP fans community? You know, the old trick: pretend you're one and act like a total douchebag, so that others could think that all MLP fans are like him.


That's some devious shit.

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Sorry, but I must say, I have to relate this guy to pre-17th century conservationists who thought children are faulty small adults.


Research has shown that kids think VERY differently from adults. According to the social development theory proposed by Erik Erikson, developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst, Michael is in the Industry vs Inferiority stage, which ranges from 6 to12 years old. Kids in this stage should be gaining a sense of accomplishment and pride in their being in order to properly develop psychologically, which means this time is THE WORST POSSIBLE TIME FOR BULLYING TO OCCUR!!! Successful resolution of this stage will result in a sense of competence, and the child can go in further into the next stage into adolescence and adulthood.




Exactly. I remember discussing Erik Erikson's theories in a Child Development course.

Edited by steve88



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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Exactly. I remember discussing Erik Erikson's theories in a Child Development course.


I'm in AP Psych, and I'm really passionate about Psych in general :3

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oh my god...are you serious?! that's just horrible!!! how can this guy even call himself a human being?! honestly how can this idiot say things like that about a child?! and i'm glad you stuck up for Michael :3

This disturbs me especially- "I would not blame them if they abandoned him like he did to them." WTF- Is that what you would do?!? They are his parents. Clearly you have no children.

wait...are you saying that this...this...MORON (and i don't usually say that word) is saying that he pretty much expects that this 11-year-old boy's parents will or should abandon him for his suicide attempt?! because that's the impression i'm getting about that sentence and that is really disturbing for someone to think that!! i certainly hope that this guy doesn't have or ever will have children :okiedokielokie:

EDIT: so...this guy claims to like the show...and calls it...girl wear? ugh...moron...also if he calls this 'logic' he has some pretty messed up sense of logic in my opinion, and that Michael had a messed up upbringing from his parents?! yeah right!!! the fact that his parents allowed him to wear mlp stuff to school instead of insisting he leave it at home shows they are fine with him liking the show and are open-minded.

Edited by Summer_Breeze
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"Going to college does not make one smart or correct."


Again, he/she/it shows his/her/its ignorance in spectacular form. 


While this sentence is true, going to college does makes you educated and credible. I, as a regular person, am much more likely to take for face value the word of someone with a college education over that of someone with a high school diploma. 

Anyway, I just can't take 'em seriously. It's a load of shit that people like this exist. He has no reason to go about spouting his hypocrisies away. He pretty much says (without blatantly saying it) that he's a Christian, taught to love others as himself. I can reach four possible conclusions based on his arguments:

  1. This person believes they must be the exception - the one person who doesn't have to show love for someone
  2. This person has never been bullied and simply cannot understand why someone would do this
  3. This person must haaaate his/her/itself but just doesn't know it.
  4. This person is not a Christian

Allow me to expand on #2 as 1 and 4 are pretty self-explanatory and 3 would explain how he could be a Christian to use "Love your neighbor as yourself."


They seem to be unable to understand why someone would take their own life. I think it's pretty clear that they've never been bullied much because they seem to lack the mental processes that go on when you're bullied. Being bullied isn't a one-time treatment. They don't normally just move on to another kid. As a victim of bullying myself, I know that it's an everyday thing. They didn't pick on him just once one afternoon and decide to move on to a different kid whilst Michael decided, "Welp, that's it, I'm gonna go off myself!" No. Michael had probably been bullied over time and was sick of it. On top of that, this isn't the 1990s/early 2000s and back. There have been laws passed that limit what a teacher can do to a misbehaving student. Chiefly, paddles aren't allowed anymore because parents think their kids are perfect little angels who don't deserve to be paddled. That's bullshit. I think spankings work wonders when done right, but that's for a different discussion. Maybe Michael had considered talking with his parents/teachers about the bullying, but knew there wasn't that much they could do. Even if they could, it's pretty easy to come to the conclusion that it would probably make the bullying even worse now that they know he would rat them out. It would just give them even more of a reason to torment him. In any case, I don't think this person has ever been in Michael's position before as they seem to be unable to comprehend why someone would do this when I think it's pretty obvious as to why one would do this. 


In the same way, I don't know why people become alcoholics. I think alcoholism is stupid. But I don't sit here and assume that I know what it's like and offer up my "advice" because I'm not an alcoholic and I never have been. I don't know what it's like. 


You can't understand someone's situation if you've never been there, and you're probably best off not assuming you know what it's like when you really don't. 


Anyway, I'd just leave this alone. I think it's pretty obvious that this person is a straight up a-hole who has no idea what they're talking about. This cat's a Christian? How about a little Matthew 7:4 and 5? 

"Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye"


*throws papers in the air* 


I'm done.

Edited by Space Woona
  • Brohoof 5

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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I can see this stallion being the type of 'parent' to tell his kid/s to 'toughen up' and 'get over it' if they ever get bullied.


Which then he'll take it to the next level and become a coward himself.   

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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Well, I think we may have found the absolute bottom of the barrel from the fandom. Seriously, the guy sounds like he has a stick shoved so far up his ass that it's poking into his brain.

Haven't you figured out that he might want to do it to put a bad light on the whole MLP fans community? You know, the old trick: pretend you're one and act like a total douchebag, so that others could think that all MLP fans are like him.


I wouldn't put it past him, but he didn't go out of his way to make people believe he was a brony in the first post, so I'm a little skeptical.

Edited by DryColt84
  • Brohoof 1

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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Scooby's Scoop: WOW, He is basically screwed for life because he chose to try and kill himself. I cannot feel sorry. For one, because everyone gets bullied in school. That's what school is, a reflection of life ahead, and time to learn. This boy learned he does not have what it takes to take a little criticism. That is weakness.This boy should not be an example of what happens when people get bullied, this child should be a wake up call for all those who think they should try and kill themselves because they think life sucks. If you try and kill yourself and mess up, your basically at risk of being messed up for life! When you think your life is so bad from being bullied, stop. Think. What if you didn't have food to eat? What if your parents beat you mercilessly? What if your brother just joined the guerrilla army and killed your mother? These are facts of life for children outside America. Stop being so selfish, stop thinking of yourself all the time. When someone tries to bully you, SMILE at them. Say i love you. Yes, they will call you a homo, but oh well, be a happy homo, and move on. Love you all, but this kid is a loser. A selfish loser.


Me: ...


Edited by Anti-Villain
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I can't believe it. I mean looking through the comments, I can tell this community would never get really mad at someone and just insult them. It's just amazing how even handed and not lead by emotions you guys are. I'm in awe.


In case you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic.

Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain.

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This must be a troll, who posts "Kill it with Fire" on disfigured people. He just put much effort in it.

Otherwise that guy may be bullied and shunned on all his workplaces for the rest of his happy first world life. I'd wish this tough guy a lot of fun dealing with it.

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