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Do the Mane Six have weak character?

Blue Storm

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   So with Season... -I forgot,but... I have no end to that sentence- wrapped up all nicely and Season Again,out of the loop a bit- coming up,what,next year? Really!? Oh well... What was I saying? Oh yeah,the name of the topic. I've been thinking back to the Mane Six,and,to greater extent,their personalities. I mean,yeah,they've been working on developing them,but with six main characters,atleast one or two of them are gonna be a little weak. Their already a bit cliche already! You got the Nerdy one,the Shy one,the Cool one,the Quirky one,the Dependent one,and the Diva/Dramatic one. Pretty much covering all the different angles,which is good,but trying to juggle them all at the same time... that's not as good.


   If their's two characters that I think have weak personalities,it's Fluttershy and Applejack. Fluttershy because she's got nothing other then her shyness,and Applejack because... well,same thing but with her "Honesty". Every challenge for them to overcome is basically what their Aspect is,which is okay to a point,but when it's every character episode?! It gets watered down. Next in line has got to be,though I say this with a sink in my heart,Rainbow Dash. "She's cool,carefree,doesn't have a care in the world! But over the course of this show's run time,she'll have to learn valuable life lessons on when she has to take responsibility and step up." Sounds like an intro to a sitcom or something,doesn't it? Twilight and Rarity are all fine and good to a point,but if their's one character that's got the most character development behind her,it's Pinkie,oddly enough. She's learned that there's a time and place for partying,that she's not always gonna be the center of attention,she can't always be the one making people smile,et cetera et cetera...


   I really feel like they were trying their hardest,but by the -I think we're at the fifth season? Yeah...- fifth season,it's not really showing. I don't know,if you have a different look on it,go ahead and say below.

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~ In before everyone else! I hope! Yes. I'll be the disagreeing response unfortunately...  :eww:

I'm going to keep it sweet and simple, but I don't think MLP would be as popular as it is today if the Mane Six had weak characters! Sure they have their shortcomings, but they are supposed to be working hard to make up for it! 


Edit: I'll give you credit for posting such an unpopular opinion. Bold move.

Edited by TheGoldenCross
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They all have their flaws, if they didn't, they would all be very boring characters.
Dashie: She can be brash and overconfident 
Twilight: Well, lets face it, she is OCD.
Rarity: She can come across as greedy and selfish 
Pinkie: Can be annoying and stupid
You have already listed the other two.
The flaws themselves don't make them weak, because of every flaw, there is a good trait, so they are balanced out.

Edited by Kurai
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Strongly disagree.  It's very easy to just dismiss the characters as cliches if you don't actually look that deep into them. 


Twilight isn't just "the nerdy one", she's also learning how to be more secure in her place in the world and how to deal with people.  And as she learns to become more secure, she's becoming more of a mentor type to others- look at Testing Testing 123, Twilight Time, even Rainbow Falls.  If she was just "the nerdy one" she'd be no different than she was in the first season.


Rainbow Dash, though she's regressed a tad this season, has become much more mature and sure of herself.  Look at her in Wonderbolts Academy or Sleepless in Ponyville.  When was she ever the mature voice of reason in the first two seasons like she was in those episodes.  And she's not just "cool", that coolness has always been at least partly false bravado, masking her own inner insecurity. 


With Fluttershy, I unfortunately agree, and that's why she's my least favorite character.


And again, with Pinkie Pie, you're spot on, though she's not alone. 


Applejack's strength as a character is her subtlety.  She has one, maybe two glaring flaws (depending on how you look at it)- her stubborn pride and her tendency to take on too much responsibility.  But more than anything she's also a strong voice of reason in the show.  She has a great sense of integrity which not only guides her in the right way to do things, but also lets her see through others' bullshit.  her strength of character is in how sensible she usually is (when it comes to others, at least).


Rarity... where do I start... she, to me, represents the essence of why the show is good.  Like the show itself, she really represents the idea that "feminine" does not equal "crappy and two dimensional". Like how most shows for girls (unlike MLP) would not make an effort to make the show interesting and entertaining for all ages, most shows would take a character like Rarity and make her either a total bitch or an airhead.  But the fact that they went in another direction and made her a hardworking artist with some diva-like qualities makes her much more interesting.  Episodes like Suited For Success and Rarity Takes Manehattan show that this isn't something that she just does for fun, but rather that fashion design is *really hard work*, and that's something that you never see from most "fashion diva" characters. 


Also her relationships with other characters have evolved.   Her friendship with Applejack is *much* stronger now than it was back in season   1.  Hell, in Sisterhooves Social, she actually *takes advice* from AJ, which she would never have done before.  Hell, it's gotten to the point that in Trade ya they're fighting over who's better friend.  And her relationship with Sweetie Belle has grown too- at first she was really only seen as something of a distraction, particularly in season 1 and the beginning of Sisterhooves Social, But ever since Sisterhooves Social, she's seemed like much more of a nurturer and realy is more involved in her life.  Look at For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, where Rarity is very grateful for her help, as opposed to Sisterhooves Social, where she really didn't want her to do anything.

  • Brohoof 7


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While Pinkie Pie has had some sufficient development through the series, I think Twilight Sparkle has had the more deeper and interesting character development. Throughout the first three seasons, she was always learning something valuable about friendship, which pulled her out from under that rock she'd been living in. Then, she would overcome challenges such as (ironically) facing rejection and self-control over her obsessions. On top of that, she's had to now take on the brutal task of being a princess and the responsibilities that come with the title. 


On to character flaws, they seem to only be serious issues when learning the same lessons over and over again. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have done this countless times throughout the series, and its really annoying. Aside from that, however, character flaws are what make up a good story. They're there so they can be worked on and molded.


Also, I'm pretty sure you're not going to find two shows that haven't used one of the same character archetypes. It's how those archetypes are given dimensions and developed that make a difference in the story. And so far, there have been plenty of layers and unique conflicts for the characters in this show that it goes beyond stereotypes.  


P.S: We just finished season four. 

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If their's two characters that I think have weak personalities,it's Fluttershy and Applejack. Fluttershy because she's got nothing other then her shyness,and Applejack because... well,same thing but with her "Honesty"


Whaaat? AJ only had one episode really about her honesty (Leap of Faith), and even that one, though I disliked it, did focus more on Applejack's devotion to her family and how she wanted to make them happy than just flat out "don't lie peeps". 


Does Apple Family Reunion have anything to do with honesty? Nah, but it does have a lot to do with Applejack's numerous other character traits:


Who is Applejack?


The pony who tries so hard to do everything for everyone and is so stubborn about it that she'll do nothing right for anyone.

Applebuck Season


The one who is cheerfully pragmatic, always wanting it her way, treating problems with the delicacy of a sledgehammer.

Look Before You Sleep


The one who wants to one-up all the events of this sort held before and be the best.

Fall Weather Friends


The one who claims so much responsibility that messing up devastates her.

The Last Roundup.


The one who believes that hard, honest work will speak for itself.

Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.


The one who gets locked into tunnel vision when something's dear to her heart.



The one who wants a more perfect family than reality.

Pinkie Apple Pie


The one who can be a very silly pony when she wants to be.

Simple Ways


The one who maaaaayyy be a bit too controlling of previously mentioned family.

Somepony to Watch Over Me





And the one who in the end can get back up on her hooves and make the best out of the worst because she's Applejack dangit and that's the Apple way. It's frequently referenced in discussions about AJ for good cause.


Applejack's episodes as a whole relate more to her overwhelming desire to be responsible. This is supported by her home life and backstory (parents are dead or otherwise missing) along with her very independent, "I can do it by myself" attitude. It's something that is less often seen, but I always love it when I do. Take Robin from Teen Titans as a good example of how being the "responsible" character can be plenty conflict-generating on its own. 


In Applejack's case, while it can often be a positive trait, it combines with stubbornness to create a whole host of problems for the character. Applejack gets an extremely high concentration of character episodes in Seasons 3 and 4, and that's because she has a lot of character to explore.


Applejack has grown and changed. Back in Season 1, she was more stubborn and competitive, less of the mature straight mare we know today. But she learnt from her lessons that season, and now she tends to share the "grown-up" role of the Mane 6 with Rarity. It's not just relation to her little sister that caused her to be the only Mane 6 with a major role in One Bad Apple. Speaking of Rarity, they appear side-by-side all the time now. They wouldn't have even dreamed of it in the first season.


Applejack is a strong-minded mare with a strong personality that can't be boiled down to "Honesty", no way no how. It's practically an accessory. 

  • Brohoof 7

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I agree Fluttershy's character is a bit weak. She lacks of character development, but we're only at the end of the season 4 and they have to make more episodes like Filli Vanilli.


Regarding Applejack, I disagree: @Stellafera explained very well why.

Edited by Blobulle
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I agree Fluttershy's character is a bit weak. She lacks of character development, but we're only at the end of the season 4 and they have to make more episodes like Filli Vanilli.



Rarity: [sighs] Come, Fluttershy, you will join the group, making the Ponytones quartet the Ponytones quintet! Fluttershy: No.  


Being assertive and stage fright are two different things.   

Edited by ThePreciseClimber
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None of the Mane 6 are weak characters. While an unbiased case can be made that the writers have plumbed the depth of some characters more than others, each one has had a more than a handful of moments in the sun. In the past month or so, I have compared MLP to Star Wars in that it leaves gaps allowing the fan to add depth to the tapestry. I've also compared the characters and story elements to AA Milne's creations making the point that the surface simplicity is deceptively accessible -- then you get to know the characters as the show progresses.


All of them have depth, but retain an accessible quality that works on a simple level as well. This is why that I'll go mad trying to pick one that is my favorite.

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Fluttershy is only shy? Really?


She is kind (kinda sorta her element), caring, soft-spoken, timid, shy, mood-swingy (probably has some serious social disorder). She has also demonstrated that she can be firm but also a pushover. She is understanding and forgiving (with discord). She also has shown to be brave in times of crisis (dragonshy, staremaster, any adventure episode). She is supportive. She has shown determination and passion


Fluttershy is NOT a one trick pony so to speak :D

She is a pretty fleshed out character, although she is due for something new next season (like a goal she is actively pursuing perhaps?)

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   If their's two characters that I think have weak personalities,it's Fluttershy and Applejack. Fluttershy because she's got nothing other then her shyness,and Applejack because... well,same thing but with her "Honesty". Every challenge for them to overcome is basically what their Aspect is,which is okay to a point,but when it's every character episode?! It gets watered down. Next in line has got to be,though I say this with a sink in my heart,Rainbow Dash. "She's cool,carefree,doesn't have a care in the world! But over the course of this show's run time,she'll have to learn valuable life lessons on when she has to take responsibility and step up." Sounds like an intro to a sitcom or something,doesn't it? Twilight and Rarity are all fine and good to a point,but if their's one character that's got the most character development behind her,it's Pinkie,oddly enough. She's learned that there's a time and place for partying,that she's not always gonna be the center of attention,she can't always be the one making people smile,et cetera et cetera...


   I really feel like they were trying their hardest,but by the -I think we're at the fifth season? Yeah...- fifth season,it's not really showing. I don't know,if you have a different look on it,go ahead and say below.

I have to disagree.

Pinkie has not really had much character development: all of what you described is really two episode's worth of lessons and are really all the same lesson.


I would say Dash has the most development or at least a well defined arc.


But I won't speak for her. Instead I will speak for Rarity whom I believe has been the best at learning her lessons.


Relationships with others.


DQ and SoME showed a growing relationship with Spike. Not how he wants to be treated but still more than what he was in Season 1.


From Sisterhooves to Sweetie Toils we see she has become more patient with her sister and has made her a higher priority.


With Fluttershy in Filli Vanilli we see she still wants Fluttershy to come out of her shell but doesn't force her.


With Applejack in Trade Ya (and even Simple Ways as she says the Apple Family is the core of Ponyville and some other lines which show a fondness for AJ) we see that they are both more understanding of one another. A change which has been long time in the works (epoisodes such as It's About Time paying lipservice to it)


And in general she is more affectionate and supportive of her friends: power ponies, Crystal Empire, Hearth's Warming Eve with helping Twilight get ready)


Other things.


She is less persnickety about getting dirty as she has been willing to do dirtying things to do the right thing (Sisterhooves, camping, helping Aj in IAT, the hippies in her micro)


She has seen greater success in fashion, whereas in S1 she was an oft underestimated up and comer.


And, if Fluttershy's micro is any guide she has also grown more astute to the problems with High Society.


Less attention crazed- S&E's Becoming Popular shows her getting attention but remaining gracious and grounded, unlike SR


So while she lacks a well defined arc she is indeed developed I say. 

What say you?


Pretty much all of her episodes covered: LBYS, SR, Green, Sisterhooves, S&E etc etc

Edited by Whatevs
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I think Fluttershy has come far since Season 1, she certainly is evolving as a character same as the rest of the mane 6. I honestly relate to all of them simply because they have certain traits or qualities that make me see myself in what they do and how they interact with others.


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Whaaat? AJ only had one episode really about her honesty (Leap of Faith), and even that one, though I disliked it, did focus more on Applejack's devotion to her family and how she wanted to make them happy than just flat out "don't lie peeps". 


Does Apple Family Reunion have anything to do with honesty? Nah, but it does have a lot to do with Applejack's numerous other character traits:




Applejack's episodes as a whole relate more to her overwhelming desire to be responsible. This is supported by her home life and backstory (parents are dead or otherwise missing) along with her very independent, "I can do it by myself" attitude. It's something that is less often seen, but I always love it when I do. Take Robin from Teen Titans as a good example of how being the "responsible" character can be plenty conflict-generating on its own. 


It's still dominated by one set of traits and her family. That's where the malaise comes from. I think.

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and Applejack because... well,same thing but with her "Honesty".


I like Applejack very much because of her "Honesty" as you put it, and I think she has more to herself than that. 

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   If their's two characters that I think have weak personalities,it's Fluttershy and Applejack. Fluttershy because she's got nothing other then her shyness,and Applejack because... well,same thing but with her "Honesty".

Actually Fluttershy has come a way since season one. a hard example is kicking out those breezies, season 1 fluttershy wouldn't have done that. Another, look at Bats, she has the courage to stand up to AJ over the Bat issue, Season one fluttershy wouldn't have done that.


AJ has a decent personality aswell. She can get jealous, as evidenced in Fall weather friends. This is debatable 'cause it happened so long ago. A more recent example, she owned up to a big mistake in leap of faith. She "endorsed" that bogus tonic, and then had the guts to own up to a lie. Owning up to a lie is difficult, especially if people know you as an honest person. She makes mistakes, though her personality could be handled much better. That being said, for what we do have it speaks volumes of her moral fiber.


So I completely disagree with your notion about fluttershy and AJ.

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No, I wouldn't say they have weak character. They seem a lot like normal people to me. They have personalities, and flaws. None of them are perfect. The way they act is more or less consistent most of them time. 


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Well, you can say the mane 6 have weak character, yeahh. You'd essentially be ignoring the vast amounts of development each of them have had if you're going to say so, but feel free to think that way.


Compare them to other cartoons in this era filled with cheap laughs and what not. Long gone are the days of "Hey Arnold!" and "The Powerpuff Girls" and now we have shows like "Adventure Time" and "Breadwinners" and New Spongebob. Those are the cartoons of today, and all they are is a mix of cheap laughs for childrens, poor dialogue, silliness, and lack of much of a story.


Personally, I think Fluttershy has lacked in development some due to the fact she hasn't really learned her lesson after a few shots at the shyness thing, and they continue to overplay that aspect of her character. Nonetheless, she's still likable and relatable to many people.


Other than that, development for each of the mane 6 has been excellent :D Not just in terms of their personality, but their relationships with other characters as well. Rarity learned to value her friends over the Canterlot elite in "Sweet & Elite," but she also learned how much her sister really means to her in "Sisterhooves Social." There's stuff like that for all of the mane 6, and there's plenty of development to be had in each of them - they can develop themselves, develop relationships with other ponies, etc. 

No, I don't think they're weak characters and they still have a LOT of development to go after 4 seasons of development already (well, I'll just say 3 for Twilight ;)

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
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Yes, just need to watch Sisterhood Social and then For Whom the Sweetue Belle Toils to see how much Rarity had evolved over the seasons.


Same with Rarity and AJ and Fluttershy and RD. Those interpersonal friendships started out with one or both characters not understanding the other ... and later episodes demonstrate how just these one on one friendships evolved.



The show does need to have some less seen pairings of characters in season 5.


I don't watch TV with one note characterization. So if I MLP didn't I would be a fan. That is exactly what happened in 2011 to me. To be fair to to OP my first attempt to watch the show centered around some of the weaker S1 episodes so I just shrugged and walked away thinking that the characters were simplistic by design ... big mistake since I missed out on three crazy years. If I had seen Suited or Winter Wrap Up ... sigh


But that is a story for another day

Edited by Jeric
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Yes, just need to watch Sisterhood Social and then For Whom the Sweetue Belle Toils to see how much Rarity had evolved over the seasons.

Well, I think that's more of an evolution of Sweetie Belle and Rarity's relationship than anything, not just Rarity...


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

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I don't ever try to hype up My Little Pony as some brilliant example of cartoon writing, but to honestly suggest that the characterization on the show is weak is absolutely silly, especially if you compare it to most other cartoons out there on the market.


The characters have all had time to grow, heck, even the non-Mane Six characters, like Spike and the CMC, have grown over the seasons. Sure, some characters had more obvious flaws that makes it seem like development was larger for them, such as Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash, but they all have developed over time in many different ways.


One thing I'd like to point out is just because a character learns a lesson about something, like Fluttershy learning lessons about being shy, doesn't mean they'll completely lose that trait. I've learned plenty of lessons throughout my life about treating people fairly, yet sometimes I'll slip up every once in a while and be an asshole to someone. It's just life.


Honestly, it would actually be more unrealistic if Fluttershy was suddenly the walking epitome of confidence or if Rainbow Dash was suddenly Ms. Humble.

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Weak character? nah. They've all had great development since Season 1, some more than others. But they've all had a lot of character development over the past 4 seasons, they've grown. :squee:


For those saying Fluttershy is weak. How? I've watched her intently this season, like all other seasons, and she has seen quite a bit of character development this season. Most notable in "Filli Vanilli" where she's trying to conquer her stage fright. And in the Bats! Episode, she  stood up for the bats in Applejack's orchard when the others were all against her.She's become more naturally assertive, like in "Testing 1 2 3" she broke up the argument Twilight and Rainbow were having. She also showed it in The Breezies episode. In the first season, she stood up to a damned fire breathing dragon and made him cry. That was also the episode I fell in love with her. :wub: Hurricane Fluttershy, she got over her fear of flying, and the name calling. In Keep Calm and Flutter on, she was the ONLY one who had faith in Discord being reformed, other than Celestia.Even still, Fluttershy is the only one that trusts him.Maybe in season 5, the other 5 will learn to trust him as well.  Fluttershy is not a "doormat" like some like to believe. Sure she's shy at times, but so what? That's just her. Just like how Rainbow is brash or AJ is blunt.

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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Wow,for something I typed up while bored and tired of people raving about Fluttershy being cute,this sure has gotten a lot of attention. Also,it was only my opinion. I'm not saying their weak characters,I'm saying that I don't see them getting too much DIVERSE development. It's really only building on what's there,only ever now and then expanding off of it. I will say that it was fun to read on the minds of those who dig deep into the show and analyse carefully. I don't do that myself,(I mainly watch it because Rainbadurr. ^3^) but I do see very valid arguments and decent points,but it just doesn't really work for me. While,looking back,Rarity does have very... intricate development as a character,the others are lacking. Fluttershy has come a whole two steps: Be assertive,which she isn't,and don't be afraid,which she still is. I don't think you could ever find a way to make Fluttershy look like a decent character to me unless they started to really build OFF of her shyness,instead of piling on it.




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