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Everything posted by Fluttershy4life

  1. Currently I am reading an university textbook (even though I am in grade 10...) for sociology called Introduction to Sociology. Since it's exams I'm not really reading any books, but once exam season ends I plan on reading Rules of Life.by Richard Templar, I also want to read Rules of Love which I'm gonna buy at work :3
  2. Currently I am reading an university textbook (even though I am in grade 10...) for sociology called Introduction to Sociology. Since it's exams I'm not really reading any books, but once exam season ends I plan on reading Rules of Life.by Richard Templar, I also want to read Rules of Love which I'm gonna buy at work :3
  3. I hate Tumblr I couldn't care less about Sherlock, Glee, Homestuck, Vampire Diaries, A Very Potter Musical, CSI, American Idol, Corpse Party, etc. etc. I think dance is an art that should be more appreciated. I find John Green to be a horribly genetic author Ed Sheeran is overrated. When people talk about their pets like they're the best thing on the planet, that annoys the hell out of me. Saying "cats" randomly isn't funny. Not everything a cat does is hilarious. I think celery has the most strong and awful scent ever. PewDiePie, Smosh, Cry and all those really aren't that funny. I will never like Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest
  4. It depends really. If I sleep in I must shower afterwards or else I feel dirty, if I wake up early it's fine though. However if I don't shower that night I am breaking my cycle which causes me to shower that night too. I always feel like I have to be clean or else I can't do anything and I can't function. Nobody seems to understand in my household so they always get really angry at me.
  5. It's a hit or miss for me, sometimes it can be pretty decent but it has to be executed well. Some dubstep remixes are just horrible and make me wonder why people consider that music. However it's all just a matter if opinion.
  6. X&Y- Coldplay Night Visions- Imagine Dragons Dark Side of the Moon- Pink Floyd It's really hard to chose a favorite album, because most artists have their goods and their bads in each one!
  7. Even though I never was a huge fan of the Harry Potter series, Hedwig's death was incredibly sad. The first book too make me cry probably was Silverstream's death in the Warriors book Forest of Secrets. I felt horrible for Graystripe's character and it was probably the most depressing death scene in the entire series, even worse than Firestar's death itself. When Stan and Wendy broke up in South Park, I felt insanely depressed afterwards too.
  8. His little sister was more intelligent than he was... In my opinion South Park....I used to adore this show when I was younger, and I still love it to this date. However I kind of feel like the show is jumping the shark and they should stop it before it's too bad to watch. I don't want it to become something that eventually needs to be put out of it's misery. With that I will put in the new episodes of Spongebob. 6Teen never appealed too me, it just seemed so...boring. Penguins of Madagascar
  9. Hmm...to be honest there actually is a lot...... Ed Sheeran- everyone seems to love him, I just don't like him. At all. Skrillex-All his songs just really get on my nerves. fun. - I just hate them.... Taylor Swift- WE-E ARE NEVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER. All her songs are about them same thing. I want all her ex's to write a song about her called YOU'RE the problem. Nicki Minaj- I'm ashamed that I once liked her two years ago.... Lil Wayne, Two Chainz...just any rappers like them-They shouldn't be famous. There are actual rappers out there who are way better and deserve the money and fame that these garbage rappers get. Maroon 5 Nickelback (tho i don't think it's abnormal)
  10. This is what happens when the siblings come home: 6 hours of endless bickering o.O

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      *is left out of the Fluttershy party*

      Yeah well I'm right smack dab in the middle of 2 younger siblings and 3 older ones.

      They all argue! I'm never really away from bickering.

    3. Fluttershy4life


      The whole family was last night XD it was pretty brutal and hilarious at the same time!!

      And awww it's okay Colon :( You can be a Fluttershy at heart ;)

    4. ~SadisticFluttershy~


      I'd totally be like Arnold Schwarzenegger and say the one line he's said in several movies *Ahcem*


  11. 1000 songs on iTunes <3 :D

  12. Thank God...I have so much to tell you. Message me?? Are you not allowed 2 talk to us forever??
  13. Are you going to be allowed to talk to me again soon? I miss you more than you can possibly imagine.
  14. Just had a bad case of the munchies...haven't had that in forever

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      COLON!!! :D I'm like currently writing you a novel in PM :3 I have so much to tell you


      And oh wow Colon you would do that!!! :D I just got really randomly hungry and invaded our kitchen like a maniac XD

    3. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      Then again... I was on a certain substance that is infamous for giving one the munchies! ;)

      Oh my partying days! :P

      But can't wait to see what you have to say in your PM! :D

    4. Fluttershy4life


      Yeahh that would explain it!!! ;) I got mine on...nothing! XD


      And I hope so!! :D Goodness so much to write..my fingers hurt from typing so much! :D

  15. I loved Rainbow Factory, i found it to be really well written and I liked the plot of it. Rainbow Dash's picture at the end though did make me jump!
  16. Apparently I am actually a natural at soccer, if I actually try.

    1. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      Well do you want to play soccer?

      I'm sure be fine if you put your mind yo it!

    2. Fluttershy4life


      Lol it actually was kind of fun to be honest XD I don't think i could go into it but it was fun to discover something new about myself! :D

  17. Arthur Madeline The Simpsons Family Guy Angelina Ballerina Angelina Ballerina was a boss show just sayin...it was dancing mice
  18. I study textbooks in the summer. and my main ambition is to get into Harvard. While most my age is not exactly the same.
  19. I own South Park shot glasses now, *wants to get hammered*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      *lifts Cartman glass* let's do this colon! :D

    3. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      *lifts bucket* okay!

    4. Fluttershy4life


      YEAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D This is gonna be a fun day

  20. Going to be in the newspaper wearing my Rainbow Dash shirt! :D

  21. Going to be in the newspaper wearing my Rainbow Dash shirt! :D

  22. When I'm sleeping and my Mom turns on the light just to ask me something -.-
  23. Haven't really slept/ate for weeks..now i'm seeing things and it's hilarious

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      @Filly Pinkie Pie Dude they went INSIDE Ralphie! Now that's pretty magical.

    3. Chigens and Kay
    4. Filly Pinkie Pie

      Filly Pinkie Pie

      @Fluttershy4Life You might have beat me there... wait, have you ever heard of a MAGIC LIBRARIAN and a time-traveling treehouse with two ordinary kids who go on adventures? And spells?

  24. The thing that really got me into the show was the fact that I had a crush on Rainbow Dash
  25. Ugh just one thing? Probably my addiction of my cell phone, I go insane without it
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