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Everything posted by Yakamaru

  1. Eating cookies over here called "Chocolate therapy". They are REALLY good and are made by Café Bakeriet. Oh and sipping a Mango Loco 'cus I am about to start work.
  2. I tend to check it once or twice a week at best.
  3. Does this goes for IRL or does it count for online? IRL I don't really consider anyone close enough to be considered a "best friend" unless you like include a couple of family members that I am close to but don't always talk with. Over the internet though there's someone named Kim. We've known each other for like 6 years now and he's one of the best things that's ever happened to me.
  4. Doing what I do now but with more forklifts I guess. And for an even higher pay.
  5. Didn't learn that much in school to be honest due to having several teachers who were more interested in telling fun and/or interesting life stories, so I had to learn all the English I currently know and understand over the internet through day-to-day usage. I use a mixture of British and American English and is something I've grown accustomed to.
  6. I would not go to a high school reunion. There's a reason(well, plenty, but you get the idea) that I've not kept in touch with any of these people. Hmm, on second thought, it would be fun to see how fucked up people have become.
  7. Why hello there, interesting thread. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.
  8. I hate waking up, period. :> I mean, who wouldn't want to sleep in on weekdays even if you have work?
  9. Some yoghurt. Good to have some for starting a weekday and get before work.
  10. Hmm. Not sure. Both genders have pros and cons for sure and I only have experience with being a guy, so..
  11. Aw shucks, now you're making me all giddy and fuzzy inside. *hugs back*
  12. *hugs @The Wife of Arataki* Right back at you, love.
  13. Christmas was pretty nice. Ate lots of good food, relaxed and watched some movies. Got to drive around too now that I have a car and the sheer independence/freedom I have is just amazing.
  14. Apparently I have 11,000? Do they count as unique views or just views?
  15. I am definitely an introvert. I prefer to keep to myself 99% of the time, and all my social needs are met through work and over the internet. Though I do see the benefits of being social for sure, and have come a long way in being able to socialize over the years.
  16. I am not satisfied with my current weight, no. I've gained a couple kilos due to 2 weeks of pure laziness(vacation from work) and no energy to do anything, and I want to get down to 85kg which is my current goal. Currently sitting at 102 which ain't good, but I am getting there. My goal is 1-2kg a week at bare minimum as I also have a bit of a bet going on with someone else for hitting our weight goal first. Still. To 102kg from 123kg is an improvement, but I want to hit something closer to the kind of BMI I actually should be at even if I am 183cm tall.
  17. Manual all the way, baby. Automatic is useful as hell for sure when driving in the city, but manual feels a lot better. That you're actually driving and not being just a passenger in your own car. My baby's manual, and I will keep driving manuals until the day I die.
  18. "The LGBT"? I kinda have to question the wording here, but I digress. Technically I am part of this demographic, so yes I suppose.
  19. Regardless of what I think of him as a person, he's got a good voice. He was young and thrust into a position of fame wholly unprepared while being young, one reason was Hollywood wanting money(fuck Hollywood, but I digress). Was a bit of an ass for an extended period of time as the fame all went to his head, though fortunately he's gotten a lot more grounded as he's grown up, which is nice.
  20. hands over an Epic Energy drink

    1. EpicEnergy


      *drinks it* Yum! Thanks!

  21. Women are just as prone to sociopathic and/or anti-social behaviour/actions compared to men, so no, they are not more balanced.
  22. is hyper beyond hyper drives around like a maniac in his new car
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