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Cupcake Ice Cream

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Everything posted by Cupcake Ice Cream

  1. yeah he is a scumbag. I am so sick of steroids and "performance enhancers" So here is how I see it We watched for several years as Lance rocked the cycling world. Bagging championships. Whats more is he was a story of inspiration...cancer survivor turned amazing...I loved how he turned from illness to champion...oh wait I forgot...he wasn't...sure he is probably strong even without the steroids...but I will never know now
  2. good goddess..how does one answer this without going insane? So much amazing music out there so I will take my top 5 favorite bands and give my favorite song of theres 1. Genesis/Phil Collins - Two Hearts 2. Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps 3. Michael Jackson - Billie Jean 4. Hall and Oats - Out of Touch 5. Temptations - Papa Was a Rolling Stone
  3. no problem at all! But really that's all it is...and I think it's weird we celebrate something we have no control over and something we never did I think it's a bit humorous and dramatic to say I have somehow ruined it for you ...oh well! adios :-)
  4. well said agent...You sound like a person like me who wants to make people smile everyday. i'm the type of person who is FAR more impressed by a soul like you who spends EVERYday making a life better...not some arbitrary day where something that they had no control over happened to them well said...and keep up the good fight...make every day better for people
  5. Experience - This is my number one...even above love to be honest....Experience is how you learn, it can even help shape your identity Love - of course...and it can come in so many forms Wisdom - I don't mean so called intelligence as measured by the WAIS and Stanford Binet...I am talking about the ability and maturity we are all capable of that we can use to learn from our experiences so yeah this stuff is all far more important than the shallow things in my life
  6. wow...DnD started even before I was born... I started playing in the early to mid 90's...and I still play today. I played mostly ADnD 2nd and 3rd/3.5 editions. Though I now play 4th edition and still love the game...different rules though I am working on becoming a DM
  7. I celebrate friend's birthdays...but what a stupid thing to celebrate...congrats on emerging through the birth canal while your doped-up mother pushed for 48 hours to pop you out well done ole chap! people have forgotten my birthday...thank goddess
  8. I'll wholeheartedly disagree...with one caveat....allow me to explain (and yes I still respect your opinion) I am in my 30's. I WILL agree that growing up has it downsides such as maladies and new responsibilities...but I tell ya it's so nice to be able to mature and learn that you were pretty damn stupid as a kid...yeah I am saying that..I see kids these days (and yes in my time and every generation) that think they have life pegged...they don't...and allow me to let you in on a little secret...you don't know a thing as an adult either... The beauty is, as an adult you are (hopefully) mature enough to recognize and admit you were brainless as a kid and are brainless now. The beauty is that you are mature and get to adventure like crazy (if you're bold enough to do so) and when you do you learn life and find every day a new adventure if you aren't so cocky to think you know it all That's why I don't put much stock in debates...it;s people who think they know the best for others... So long story short...did I enjoy my childhood? yeah I had responsibility-free and carefree days to tool around...but I wouldn't trade it for the adventuring I do today Be bold (in your adulthood)....and mighty forces will come to your aid - loosely taken from Basil King grow up...and have a good time doing it - Me!
  9. other than my medications, as little as possible. When I went to Nepal I pretty much backpacked it...and it was absolutely wonderful not worrying about all the stuff I "needed"
  10. This was so good I had to bold AND underline it...well done. I admit I have done it many times but the point is you are so very right on this
  11. I am currently on book 5 of Hawk and Fisher - Guard Against dishonor although currently I am waiting on books to arrive (specifically more Dresden Files books (my favorite series)
  12. Simple as pie... Vice City the 80's station...I mean come on...it's like they made this station for us children of the 80's Hall and Oates - check MJ - Check Joe Jackson, Lionel! - check and check best station in the game
  13. well thank you for the backhanded semi-personal attack Fortunately for me I could care less and shall continue to use the word as I see fit
  14. My favorite types of anime are Shoujo, harem (if it's good) and comedy...and sometimes mech or romantic My top five anime are as follows 1. Angel Beats 2. Ichigo 100% 3. Cowboy Bebop 4. Burst Angel 5. Princess Tutu
  15. I can agree with this. I find myself picking off 3-5 enemies then moving tactical position. That's partially why my KDR stays above 1.00 because I use such tactics
  16. So whilst trolling through the things that annoy you thread a fantastic member posted that campers piss them off...so it got me to thinking I can see both sides of this issue As a veteran I am familiar with tactics and it got me to thinking..so let me present both sides as I understand them and then finish with my personal belief Pro - Camping gives you a good K/D ration if you do it right. All the rushers will walk into your well-covered area and find themselves staring down your gun Con - Camping deflates the fun of the game and the purpose is to charge in or move around to tactical positions to find your kill. The only campers should allowed should have a sniper rifle on them Now I am sure it's pretty clear where I stand In the game I have done both. I've camped and have been a rusher...so here is my side of it My Belief - Camping is natural and important. I understand there are calculated attacks in real life war that involve storming a compound but I also know from the real world military life that there is such a thing as tactical position and allowing an enemy to come to you to meet their demise. So yes I believe camping is just fine...unless you're that one guy who camps in some location and doesn't do anything...then I don't understand Personally I think people just get irate over the game and their deaths and look for someone to blame...I know I've done it So what say you? Is camping ok in any situation outside of sniper locations or is it all bad? Yes I realize this is a video game btw...but my position is still the same
  17. I obviously can't speak for you and so I won't ;-) The reason however that this thread irritates is thus (I may have said this already...sorry if I did) And here is my unpopular opinion I believe that certain people love this thread because they just want to piss other members off...yup... So I guess it's my turn to add some more People who think sex is overrated are not doing it right However...people who choose to abstain or are asexual are fantastic as well Socialism (if done right with fair process) would be incredible The dumbest movie I have ever seen was Step Brothers...sorry Will...I love your other movies...but this was awful
  18. I am not gonna go back and search for it...but I have changed my mind I don't clop and probably never will...but I have discovered a few ponies I find attractive ie - Applejack and Cloud Kicker but still I don't clop...oh well...I am not upset by this revelation and could care less what a bunch of other folks here think of me...opinions are what they are
  19. three things 1. My fan - The white noise and the feel is wonderful 2. Spirituality - a mild mediation and relaxation 3. My wife - do I need to explain more?
  20. as a person born in the late 70's...I salute this post. Just the fact that you put Dirty Dancing in there gives you a win But then you go on to mention Dire Straits and the king of pop...well done friend...keep the faith
  21. I'll make a rating...first let me say two things 1. I do not clop (but am totally ok with others doing so) 2. I am finally admitting it...I looked again and find a couple ponies attractive My number 1 is Applejack...she is attractive! The accent, the color scheme, the mane...all of it So here is my list 1. Applejack 2. Cloudchaser (dat mane) 3. Luna 4. Rarity
  22. Amen...my wife and I are poly's...with some rules of course...but it is wonderful if done right. I think it's actually quite natural...imo Also...no offense Sam...Dolan is the most unfunny/forced meme ever
  23. The video game that brings out my nostalgic side... good question...honestly my favorite video game ever brings out my nostalgia Burger King for Atari 2600...greatest game EVER
  24. My favorite movie is Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back - IMO the king of movies My least favorite is Step Brothers: I finally got talked into watching it and it was awful...terribly unfunny
  25. I adore my cafe lattes and mochas...i just learned about them and tried them a couple months ago and now I am hooked! ambrosia of the gods!
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