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Cupcake Ice Cream

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Everything posted by Cupcake Ice Cream

  1. First if like to personally thank you for the smart alec tone of your response Second... No it does not put her above anyone... Not a bit actually I am a PP fan an if she were all those things I still wouldn't want PP being an alicorn It's about equality to me... All these huge adventures were undertaken by the mane six...
  2. How much have you traveled before? How? I used to travel a lot more, but now I am low on cash. I've done Europe, Mexico, Canada and Nepal (Mt Nagarkot is absolutely the most beautiful place I have ever been) Are there places which you wanted to visit in the future? Egypt and Okinawa...probably New Zealand And what you main reason to travel? To experience life...simple as that Everything you want to tell. Travel everywhere! Experience life...broken record....but I stand by that
  3. I'm too lazy to post the pic...but I showed up far left which is no surprise being a socialist and all and to answer the above question, I did say NO to the cutting taxes by 50%
  4. Didn't like it, don't like it, and I probably won't like it if they keep this BS up. I think it rises TS above the rest and that isn't what the show is for me...my opinion hasn't changed and won't likely change unless they ditch her wings
  5. I hope so...I didn't want this anyway...but a sacrifice would make me very happy. I think that would be a beautiful way for Hasbro to make up for this ugly mistake
  6. well my story isn't so interesting anyway where I used to live there was an amazing ice cream store...it had a home made flavor called Cupcake Ice Cream It is vanilla ice cream with cupcake batter and chunks of baked cupcake in it...then it's topped with sprinkles...oh yeah well anyway I love to please people and love to make stuff for people so my OC took on the flavor of an ice cream maker...and bam CIC was born
  7. I've helped out on countless occasions at animal shelters, performed therapy for patients for free and traveled to Nepal to help build houses for the KRMEF and I am going to keep helping every chance I get
  8. then I would say the Marines would be your best bet to be honest. This isn't meant to be an insult...but are you prepared mentally and physically for the Marines? It's never ending...once you are in you are in. Just make sure this is what you really want...I give that advice to everyone
  9. Photoshop CS4 for everything...I love my CS4 and am sticking with it! I tried GIMP but I just could never make the cross over. I guess it's tradition...I was taught on Ps and will stick with it
  10. I will have to caution you...the Navy has a history for treating its enlisted men and women poorly...it's mostly an officers' club The Air Force (which I was in for several years) is a great option though not as combat proficient (obviously) as the Marines or Army. Believe it or not, the Coast Guard's boot camp is reputed to be harder than even the Marines and you will see action with enforcement. My suggestions to you would be the Coast Guard or the Marines just my suggestion
  11. It's sad...but yes...I really do...I don't want to but I really do. I feel like if I could just get over it I would feel much better about myself. oh well...we aren't perfect right? One day I will get there
  12. Rose Tyler and Harley Quinn tough call for me...Rose Tyler is simply amazing. She is smart, loving, loyal and just a firecracker of a woman Harley Quinn on the other hand...sexy and psychotic...what else do I need?
  13. I'm pretty stellar at all my clinical psychology courses. I had a 3.9 in all of graduate school. It comes down to what I excel at which is applied medical...I did great in paramedic school way back when too me and medicine and the mind get along well
  14. I would go back to The Peaceful Cottage and Cafe du Mont in Mt. Nagarkot, Nepal...waking up early and watching the sun come up right behind Mt. Everest...most peaceful place on Earth imo
  15. she's ridiculously beautiful in design but her personality in Nightmare Night was awesome. So sweet once she relaxed a bit and she was vulnerable...I love her best princess ever
  16. Magical Mystery Cure....Well...I guess it had some good songs. That is about all I can come up with Family Appreciation Day - It had some Apple Bloom in it...that's good I guess
  17. it's rough...but you start with a foot...usually I go with the right foot...then left and so on...then you walk in and realize that you have no reason to care about what people think...and you go buy your scootaloo merchandise
  18. my first word ever was kitty and it stuck with me because I love animals and can't stand children...love my three cats and will have others when the sad day comes and they pass
  19. creme brulee....period...end of thread lol...but seriously CB is the best dessert in the history of Earth IMO..crunchy top, smooth center, maybe add some sliced and carmalized pears on top...i've made creme brulee many time...always love it
  20. Met my wife of ten years online at a Sailor Moon forum...we've been together over 11 and married about 10.5 now. I will say though that our relationship is a bit rare for online relationships. A lot fizzle quickly due to some of the common problems like learning everything about each other too quickly and losing the mystery. I only have two real problems with online dating...and I am not saying this because I think your online sweetheart is doing this...just making the points 1. It is ridiculously easy to lie online. Frankly most people I meet online I think are probably full of BS in some manner or another however...number 2 is the harder part for me 2. Lack of nonverbals...picture hanging with a friend or date and watching a movie at home. You sit there, comfortably silent and chill...maybe breaking the silence to laugh or talk or whatever...you don't have that online at all. You have to be non=stop talking or it can be very awkward real quick. And I think I have seen many times couples online divulge their entire too quickly and end up losing all mystery of the other TL;DR - no you aren't stupid...just be cautious
  21. i will brohoof and salute this. I am for the progress of science and health. And although dev bio will tell me that the embryo is alive...i still don't consider it a viable human being...that's just me though
  22. i think it happens to most people I've been singing a song, turn on the radio and it's the same song in the same place I was at....freaked me out I also used to love when you'd pick up the phone and someone was already there
  23. i am proud to say it doesn't work for me...yes the Kate Upton video was sexy...blah blah...but I haven't eaten a Carl's Jr or Hardees burger from it. I don't lay the blame on the companies...i lay the blame on the people who get pulled in because of these ads
  24. pretty much Scotch...and in the Scotch world I only drink The McCallan 12 or 18 years. The smooth intensity...the lack of bite, it's just an amazing experience to me
  25. Worst - Wendy's is nasty. Even when they are cooked to 'perfection' they are bland and tasteless. Soggy and nasty Best - Meatheads. They are so tasty and crisp but not just crunchy...and of course their cajun fries are to die for
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