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Yellow Diamond

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Everything posted by Yellow Diamond

  1. Gave blood and then get caught in the rain. It's a net positive.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PiratePony


      Was it run by New York Blood Center? If they didn't supply Lorna Doones, I'm very disappointed.

    3. PiratePony


      PS You got to me check out blood drives again, so thanks. I haven't donated in too long :( I'm in the O Negative club even, so I should every opportunity.

    4. Yellow Diamond

      Yellow Diamond

      It was indeed the New York Blood Center. To be fair to them, I wasn't scouring the cookie types they had available.


      I'm O+ myself, so whenever 60 days elapses from when I last gave blood, I start getting emails from them.

  2. If I remember correctly, the prevailing wisdom in the 90s was that cell phones were essentially limited to people with expendable incomes. Granted, at the time they were, and their utility remained extremely limited in comparison to the modern smartphone. I don't think most people (including myself) could have foreseen phones making the jump from clunky trinkets to essential commodities, though. The same holds true for high speed internet service. Like everyone else, I had dial-up; if you knew somebody with cable internet, that was a big deal. Now dial-up is essentially dead, and it's assume most everyone who has home internet has service in terms of megabytes per second rather than kilobytes. CDs were also going to supplant cassettes and floppy disks. In many ways, they did -- but the essential properties of a floppy disk (that is, a read/write data device with no moving parts) were then ported to flash drives. ZIP disks ended up as the awkward middle child between CDs (which were limited in terms of space and customization) and flash drives. Now very few people rely on CDs, thanks to the aforementioned availability of high speed internet. Seriously, a service like Steam keeps all of your data stored so that you won't ever have to worry about losing the CD (or the jewel case with the security code!) or your hard drive. Downloading music was a faux pas of sorts toward the end of the 90s. Remember Metallica taking Napster to court? I do. Plus, malware and viruses festered on downloading sites like Morpheus. Fast forward to today and just about everyone safely downloads and purchases music online. Music CDs are something of a novelty (not to mention expensive). That's an enormous change from the 1990s.
  3. It was sort of a weird, uneven movie period for me this past weekend. I began with Drive (excellent film), followed by S.W.A.T. (mediocre film), then Exit Wounds (terrible film), and finally The Aviator (excellent film). All in all, it was sort of like having garbage pressed between two delicious loaves of focaccia bread.
  4. "Tick of the Clock" by The Chromatics, which plays in the opening sequence of Drive. Also, "My Name On a Car". Just about every track from Drive could get stuck in my head at a given time.
  5. If EqD wants to open a forum, more power to them. They're at liberty to run their site as they see fit. Their success, moreover, isn't mutually exclusive to ours, and vice versa.
  6. "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

  7. Well, looks like it's time for me to jump ship! It was good knowing you losers while it lasted! Seriously speaking, I wish the EqD staff the best of luck. Managing online forums isn't easy. Besides, it's all in the name of the same fandom; if they do well, we're all going to benefit as a whole.
  8. Welcome to the forums, RealDeadpool! Since you already have a thread open about this topic in Show Discussion, I'm going to close this one. Please remember that the Welcome Plaza is for introducing yourself to the community, not asking questions about the show. Thanks!
  9. "It almost looked like strategy."

  10. The stars would have to align perfectly for an MLP movie to be even a quarter as successful as Frozen. That said, word of mouth was Frozen's greatest strength in terms of advertising; if anybody else recalls, the official Disney ad campaigns (including the trailers) were radically different from what the film delivered. (Remember how hard Olaf was pushed in the initial promotions?) Frozen got hyped because of the extraordinary combination of strong writing, music, and characters. Plus, there was crossover appeal between kids who would enjoy characters like Olaf and adults who could appreciate the film's complexity. "Let It Go" and Elsa's breakout role were double exclamation marks on an already potent set of forces at work. Given its track record, MLP won't possess that level of commercial and social impact. I'm not even certain if it will have a full theatrical release (that is, whether or not it will open in hundreds of theaters across the US). Strong reviews are certainly possible, but dominating the media like Frozen did is out of the question. MLP's general appeal is too circumscribed.
  11. Having worked alongside Feld0 for a few years now (years!), it's admittedly been pretty easy to assume he would always be the man in charge. Poniverse wouldn't have succeeded without him sticking around a lot longer than I think most people in his position would have otherwise. His continued presence and drive have made all the difference; still, it's incredible that we've gotten to the point where the organization can thrive even if/when Feld0 or any of his successors move on. Feld0 and a handful of others sank a lot of hours into making and reviewing the paperwork responsible for turning Poniverse into a nonprofit. Again, I think most anyone else would've asked "Why bother?" and given up the pursuit. It's been an incredible privilege to be part of a community which has taken a big, bold step forward, as opposed to playing it safe and hoping everything holds together. I hope the technical titles won't strike members as tacked on and imposing. We're still all of us really engaged with things like chatting and watching MLP. It's not like we're collectively donning our serious hats and hiding behind bureaucratic walls. That just isn't our style, despite that being the occasional impression people have gotten from our branding and organizing. Feld0, Simon, Stitch, and the rest of us are all fans at heart; otherwise we wouldn't be here. So again, I'm tremendously proud of the members of the community and the staff responsible keeping everything running smoothly. Each person in their own way has contributed to Poniverse attaining ever greater heights. There'd be no dream without you guys. You're all Diamond Dogs awesome.
  12. "Someone to claim us, someone to follow / Someone to shame us, some brave Apollo / Someone to fool us, someone like you"

  13. Happy birthday, man! And congrats on your graduation. :)


  15. Rapunzel returns to her rightful place. :)

  16. Not braces, no. I did, however, have my teeth corrected with Invisalign retainers. They were inconvenient (and occasionally painful) to wear for most of the day, save for eating. Now I just wear night retainers to keep my teeth in place and protect against grinding.
  17. It's saddening to see someone like Prince Fielder forced into retirement due to injuries.

  18. I need more Diamond Authority in my life. <3

  19. Happy Days. It was really popular back in the 1970s. At one point, though, they had an episode (it might've even been a two-parter) dedicated to one of the characters, the Fonz, getting on water skis and jumping over shark-infested waters. The whole concept was asinine for a show about people living in the 1950s, and with a character whose shtick was wearing leather jackets and being the cool yet down-to-earth tough guy. Now it's used a benchmark for when a show goes over the top and breaks with its core style in order to remain relevant and attract more viewers. So, in order to gauge whether or not MLP has jumped the shark, you'd have to find an episode which radically broke from the core premise and ultimately changed the landscape of the show. Jumping the shark shouldn't be confused with a show naturally evolving and gaining newfound depth. Rather, if someone can name an episode in which MLP effectively ceased to be MLP, then that's probably where it jumped the shark.
  20. "Either this is part of some sort of convoluted attempt at 12-dimensional chess... or... he's an idiot."

  21. "Success has many fathers; failure is an orphan."

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