My passions would be:
To end the wars between all of our countries. I just don't see how all of us are basically fighting over NOTHING. I want to stop it all,.Maybe not completely, but I would love to help other people with war torn countries.
The other thing:
I would love to be an artist! I want to express my feelings into canvas/paper and use paints, crayons, pencils and all that stuff to express how i am feeling at the time! (Please don 't laugh)
I would also like to become a lawyer, because there are a lot of people out there that have had their family/friends killed/raped/hurt and all the judges do is send them to jail for a few years. I want to change that. I want to help those families that have lost their friends/family, have lost custody battles and cannot see their children, and all those things. I want to be able to make a difference.
Last one (I think):
The last thing my passion would be is to make human rights more... erm, how can i put this... more strong, i guess. There are alot of places that don't have as equal rights as we do, so I want to change that. I want those types of people to be able to vote, be ablew to CHOOSE a better future for them and their family.
Thankyou for listening to my rant on my passions, I bet i killed you of boredom, but the things I just wrote were true, and I hope I can accomplish them. :3