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Everything posted by Warbalist

  1. Oh, it'll be interesting. I just hope it'll be good! Told you I'd do it! http://mlpforums.com/topic/11116-everypony-loves-tara-strong-a-twilightlicious-remix/
  2. Thanks! I love doing that super saw; it's NASTY! The trick is some serious frequency modulation on at least one of the saws and then blasting it with a bit of duckable slapback delay. This isn't even my nastiest! Gotta keep workin' on that complextro style, it still doesn't sound as full as when I do my metal/shred stuff...curiouser and curiouser... J00 only laugh be-k0ss joo can't handle de Twilightlicious! But seriously, thanks, and keep dancin'!
  3. "What's wrong?" Why are you assuming something's wrong? You know what? You're wrong! GTFO!
  4. Hey everypony, Because supreme commander Tara Strong orders it, I just made a version of Twilightlicious. Now, get out there and work it, girl! YouTube: SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/warbalist/everypony-loves-tara-strong Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?cj4269jdv7vdhu7
  5. The only two stereotypes I know of the Dutch: 1. Dairy farmers living in an iconic and ideal setting. 2. The most discerning tastes when it comes to metal music. Every time one of my friends comes back from over there (he has family there), he brings pictures and stories. If it weren't for the fact that it gets cold there, I might've learned Dutch a long time ago.
  6. I agree with a few of you. Basically anything Akira Yamaoka writes is the creepiest. He's the guy who can make your stomach lurch. Ambient industrial FTW!
  7. I don't know about you, but I learned more and more quickly in a community college than I did in the conservatory. Then I learned WAY a lot on my own when I started composing, considering I could then, finally, study more popular music styles (soundtracks and stuff). How goes the degree, so far? Yeah! GuitarGuru007 and I are coming out with a new neo-classical album, Cacophony-style! ... Though, this is the first either of us have heard of it...
  8. My wife and I were singing along and the lyrics fit! XD
  9. "Dude, I can't frickin' believe it, either! Come watch an episode!" "Have you SEEN the show yet? I'm seriously, you guys!" I've always been a quiet person with very specific tastes, so when my friends heard about my little obsession, they had to see what got me so worked up. We all still can't believe we now like the franchise we once spurned.
  10. 1. Everything by Valve, but really Half-Life 2... 2. Mass Effect series 3. Age of Empires 4. Ecco the Dolphin 5. Sam and Max series 6. Silent Hill 2<---Fine art... 7. Sonic the Hedgehog series (2d only) 8. Mortal Kombat 2 9. Grim Fandango 10. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind<---Best book I ever played and a Jeremy Soule soundtrack, to boot! There are so many other good games. Watch, I'll go look at my collection and change my mind... Did anyone else play Nights: Into Dreams? I miss that game... Halo's are all super fun! ODST=my fav. Wish they'd make another one of those. Oh, I forgot Worms! Noooooooo!!!
  11. Ain't no us versus them in the herd, brah. One year difference ain't no thang.
  12. It's interesting, making fans out of my metal/goth friends, especially if they grew up in the 80's and remember those seriously annoying commercials (right in the middle of Transformers, no less, my, times have changed). Anyway, get anybody who likes Star Trek to watch the Discord episodes and you'll have them singing Flutterguy lickety-split!
  13. Goat's milk is Milk Drinker Level: Advanced. On the up side, they're way easier to milk! Yay? You haven't had rice milk? Even horchata? You poor, poor dear...
  14. The Bimbo bread company makes some awesome confections. Anypony who lives close to the Mexican border knows about Bimbonuelos! Hope I'm spelling that right...
  15. I've had plenty of broken bone and harrowing escape stories, but the most recent, and worst one, is my new best friend, recurrent corneal erosion. Basically, the two layers of my cornea occasionally want to separate, causing searing pain and other bad things in the morning. This makes me unable to work on computer stuff, drive and makes me not want to fall asleep. It also forces me to take 15 extra minutes to prepare my eye for sleep any time I want to sleep. Take care of your eyes!
  16. One right here. Gotta thank one of my students for that.
  17. I'm right there with you on Baby Cakes. I'm super-happy they made that episode, because it shows how difficult babies are to deal with, but unfortunately, it just reminds me of the bad parts of dealing with my younger siblings, growing up. (The oldest of 5 right here...) I may be completely wrong on this, as I frequently am, especially when talking to people about whom I know little, BUT...give this episode time. I would have hated Sisterhooves Social when I was still at home dealing with my younger siblings, but now that they're moving on to college, getting jobs and things like that, this episode hit a certain part of my heart pretty hard. Then you go back and look at their childhood drawing and, GOOD LORD!
  18. The consensus seems to be more Luna and Celestia, and I completely agree. It would also be cool to have two episode that tell the same story from two different perspectives. Why not? They already put in a temporal paradox!
  19. Pencils, gotta hand it to you. Stick to your beliefs no matter what, and don't worry about what others think? Sounds good to me.
  20. You're time's not being wasted; you're continuously improving your skills. And keep your name, it reminds me of Phony Bone from Bone, which everyone should read!!!!
  21. What? You mean people will use a religious facade to get what they want? That would never happen! http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png
  22. Oh, ok. Doesn't understand the source material. I get it now! Good luck with that, GAH!
  23. Not sure if über-religious bother you, or self-aggrandizing hypocrites bother you... But seriously, I'm fairly religious, but telling people that you know God is going to do something to them is kind of blasphemous to their own religion, if it's Christian, anyway. This guy has obviously never read the source material. One of the hardest things to tolerate is stupidity; just promise not to get into an argument. You can't win people over with arguments.<---Law of power.
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