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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by irondefender

  1. Pewdiepie, Markiplier, Game Grumps, VanossGaming, H20Delirious, Alltime10s, Bins Toy Bin, Filthy Frank, IMMATOONLINK, TMZ, UKFDubstep, Onision, GameTheory, Whoisthisgit, MentalFloss, CutiePieMarzia, MaxMoeFoe.
  2. I hate the fandoms perceptions of Pinkamena being a psycho and Celestia being a troll or sexual deviant, i wish it would just die out already Rarity used to be my least favourite...Untill i bought the Equestria Girls doll, she is now my 3rd favourite pony I actually like Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara (Silver a bit more, though)
  3. Message in a bottle by The Police.
  4. I hate Trixie, she is worst pony. I don't get the appeal of Gravity Falls Sonic.exe is an awful creepypasta. Yellow is a disgusting colour The Pokemon fanbase is god awful, thanks to them i now hate Pokemon.
  5. I'm the operator with my pocket calculator.

  6. Iv'e been a long time PPG fan, i even watched the anime adaptation as well. I don't have cable, though, so i'll just watch it online as soon as it comes out.
  7. Welcome to the forums! don't worry, your English is just fine WOULD YOU LIKE SOME TEA?!
  8. Where's my profile pic gone? where's my about me gone? SOME EXPLAIN.

  9. It seems i have been not the only one to notice this. She's also growing a bit taller each episode. Does this mean she's turning into a full fledged Alicorn?
  10. Welcome to the forums! I myself am also new here. WOULD YOU LIKE SOME TEA?!
  11. It is, it was (and i think still is) popular in the /mlp/ 4chan board
  12. Princess Luna and her abacus WUT IF GUMMY WUZ A MEME Gak And Twilight spilling chocolate milk
  13. <---- This is the only pony pic i have right now :/
  14. How many of you guys are Kraftwerk and/or DEVO fans?

    1. Yamato


      DEVO's okay, I guess.



      I seriously want one of their hats...

  15. There was this fanfic where Diamond Tiaras tiara was broken and the CMC had to solve it Ace Attonery style. I can't remember what it was called though.
  16. Hello there, sir/madame! Welcome to the forums, I myself am also new here! WOULD YOU LIKE SOME TEA?!
  17. What's with everypony and these cat avatars? o.o

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Personally I am waiting for the window cleaner avatar fad myself. It'll happen.

    3. GabenDash
    4. Fluffy The Dragon

      Fluffy The Dragon


  18. MLP Doctor Who Star Trek TOS Supernatural
  19. Does anypony have any mane ideas for a Cheeriliee/Fluttershy foal?

    1. Princess Periwinkle

      Princess Periwinkle

      Fluttershy pink with Cheeriliee's frizzy 80's style?

    2. irondefender
    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Puffy on the top, and long? :3

      Oh, and it's a darkish pink, and the coat can be yellow! Like Flutters! :D

  20. I used to watch Winx Club when i was younger, still kind of do, I also love watching an Aussie childrens show called Giggle and Hoot.
  21. Umm, hi there! I'm Iron Defender, a 15 year old Australian pegasister I am a multifandomed person with a variety of interests, MLP, Sonic, Mario, Doctor Who, Hetalia, Homestuck (slowly getting into it ) Star Trek and more! I would like to be a voice actress, if that doesn't work out, a DJ, if THAT doesn't work out, Psychologist! I LOVE drawing and computers. My favourite of the mane 6 is Pinkie (Twilight being a close second), Bg ponies are Vinyl and Roseluck, favourite princess is Celestia, and my favourite oc is Fluffle Puff. Any questions? raise your hand if you would like to ask!
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