I hate the fandoms perceptions of Pinkamena being a psycho and Celestia being a troll or sexual deviant, i wish it would just die out already
Rarity used to be my least favourite...Untill i bought the Equestria Girls doll, she is now my 3rd favourite pony
I actually like Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara (Silver a bit more, though)
I hate Trixie, she is worst pony.
I don't get the appeal of Gravity Falls
Sonic.exe is an awful creepypasta.
Yellow is a disgusting colour
The Pokemon fanbase is god awful, thanks to them i now hate Pokemon.
Iv'e been a long time PPG fan, i even watched the anime adaptation as well. I don't have cable, though, so i'll just watch it online as soon as it comes out.
It seems i have been not the only one to notice this.
She's also growing a bit taller each episode.
Does this mean she's turning into a full fledged Alicorn?
There was this fanfic where Diamond Tiaras tiara was broken and the CMC had to solve it Ace Attonery style. I can't remember what it was called though.
Umm, hi there! I'm Iron Defender, a 15 year old Australian pegasister
I am a multifandomed person with a variety of interests, MLP, Sonic, Mario, Doctor Who, Hetalia, Homestuck (slowly getting into it ) Star Trek and more!
I would like to be a voice actress, if that doesn't work out, a DJ, if THAT doesn't work out, Psychologist!
I LOVE drawing and computers.
My favourite of the mane 6 is Pinkie (Twilight being a close second), Bg ponies are Vinyl and Roseluck, favourite princess is Celestia, and my favourite oc is Fluffle Puff.
Any questions? raise your hand if you would like to ask!