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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. I figured folks like you would especially appreciate that part of Pinkie Pie's character they developed in this episode. What's more it was a brilliant choice that only makes her all the better in the end. Hmm, that is a good angle for how the moral of the episode can be applied to everyday life. Nice work, Starshine wonder.
  2. The IDW comics does alot to explain on the power differences for the Alicorn princesses. For Nightmare Moon, it actually showed that not only was Nightmare Moon an external force rather than something Luna can summon at will, but that Nightmare Moon power boost is pretty massive considering Rarity turned Nightmare Rarity was able to beat a depowered Luna pretty handily. Also, in the Reflections arc, Celestia actually has her own 'power form' similar to say Nightmare Moon where she used it and was fighting all out seriously against her AU counterpart. That also implies a couple of things. 1. Nightmare Moon is an external force and not something Luna can summon at will anymore. 2. the gap between Luna and Celestia normally is actually larger in Celestia's favor than we believe. 3. Celestia has her own power up mode that shows that she may have used that form against Nightmare Moon if she had wanted to but didn't. Whether this is because she didn't wanted to waste anytime and used the elements of harmony to stop her immediately, she believed she was still below Nightmare Moon, possibly both. Luna's mist is her intangible form so she should be able to dodge conventional attacks with it as Sombra did with Shining Armor's magic lasers. As for Twilight, while she may hold the biggest potential out of the bunch and may be the most powerful when all is said and done and I believe her stronger in combat than Cadance, but against the two Alicorn sisters, I believe she is below them still.
  3. It's not to say Cadance's ability to force people to fall in love with whatever object she desires isn't powerful as it is and she's an Alicorn who has impressive feats like transmutating water to crystals, holding a city wide shield spell for who knows how long, magic lasers, and her trump card in mind control does show she's a forced to be reckoned with.
  4. Celestia is likely the strongest out of the bunch due to her 1000 years and to compound it more, according to the Journal of the two sisters, Luna was annoyed at how Celestia studied magic all the time and how she was actually comparable to Starswirl in abilities along with Celestia's love of flight, implying that out of the two sisters, Celestia was the fighter while Luna was more passive in comparison. What if they have resistance to mind control?
  5. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-17238-fim-party-pooped-episode-review/ Another MLP episode, another review by me. Now to make note here, I would like for anyone to voice their agreement and most especially what they disagree with the episode or my review. I want to hear both sides for what they think about my thoughts in an episode as I always wish to improve upon my craft however I can.
    1. Nuke87654


      As always, any opinions you wish to voice is welcome at my reviews.

  6. Dang I need to look to MGS with such intelligent predictions like that coming true.
  7. Please don't give up, Pinkiponi. There are those like Chikoritabrony who cares you especially, and I especially do not wish for anything terrible to befall upon you. Stay strong girl: https://derpiboo.ru/919114?scope=scpebda50745245854c803818e51bdee21468b7cee20

  8. What do you thought of Twilight's behavior in the episode. Personally, I thought she was also splendid in it as well with her nervousness, showing it's development, and other stuff. Another thing was I thought that Party cave scene is great because it further developed Pinkie's party life style and her element of laughter by showing how dedicated she is to ensuring each party goes according to each pony's specifications. There's a reason why RD remarked that Pinkie may be more organized than Twilight is in the episode.
  9. Hmm, while I can agree EA rushing them prevented them from thinking the ending over more, however that first link did mentioned that Casey and Ray approved of the ending. While EA may have rushed them and they deserve blame in that regard for not giving Bioware more time to think and develop that last portion more, Bioware was still the one that decided on the ending and approved of it so the fault still lays on Bioware for choosing that ending over the original dark matter ending that was leaked a while before.
  10. They also wouldn't have the funds necessary to be able to do these high end stuff in their games without EA essentially footing the bill. Also, could you link something that shows EA being responsible for Bioware's decision for that ending?
  11. Did watched the episode today. I did liked Pinkie Pie's characterization in the episode (to the point I consider this her best characterization since Pinkie Pride), Twilight's nervousness showed her development through many things, but pacing and the yaks are especially problematic in this episode.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jeremiah


      Yaks = Anti christ of Equestria

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Yaks = Illuminati

    4. Jeremiah


      I know rite?

  12. What do you guys think of me? What have I done wrong or good?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nuke87654


      @Hypno and Fawkes. Ty, but I must feel there is something more about me and my rep on this forum, another side that views me negatively as I feel without that side to argue with me, I worry about how it would impact me.

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Why are you suddenly so worried about that Nuke?

    4. Nuke87654


      It's because II'm feeling a sense of unease that has led to my concern. It could just be my paranoia however.

  13. Ah, you scared me, Megas. Ah, have fun on your vacation, Megas you troll
  14. So I missed the episode, how you think it was it?

    1. The Coffee Pony

      The Coffee Pony

      Well let me put it this way. I REALLY hate Yaks!

    2. Vertigo_95


      You no like Yaks? Yak Smash!!

    3. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      You'll have to decide for yourself.

  15. I'm an octopus because I have 4 tentacles on fries and 4 tentacles on onion rings. I love them both <3
  16. Now I'll agree with many stuff on here, mainly on the tonal issues this episode presented. These points I'll present are ones I believe on the other hand differently. 1. Alright, first point I want to contest is your point on Fancy Pants. You assert that Fancy Pants is ooc because he reacted hastily and harshly to how things have happened at the Equestrian Summit among other things. Here's one issue I'm arguing against, why is Fancy Pants asking Princess Twilight to see if she'll grant him VIP passes for himself and whomever he chooses a bad thing? Especially considering how he reacted to Spike's refusal in Twilight's name with an appeased attitude despite not getting what he wanted and that Twilight is the one heading the summit and was the one he scheduled to meet with to discuss on getting those passes. His anger is also more understandable in the form of these points: A. It was he who ordered the the trees to be trimmed but yet finds that not only they weren't but the reason why his order was disobeyed was according to the tree cutter Twilight's orders them not to have them cut down. This is further built upon with a possible implication that he may have ordered the water pipe to be fixed only for it to be disobeyed in favor of Twilight's orders as well. B. Fancy Pants: "I'll not let Princess Twilight give Canterlot a bad name in the eyes of Equestria! Come on, everypony! Let's go give her a piece of our minds!" Here, we're presented his motivation and reason to be angry, his home city's name is degraded by Twilight's poor decisions in front of a summit where representatives from across Equestria are seeing right before their eyes. How do you think those representatives are going to look at Canterlot that had a water pipe burst, trees falling down, and their meeting hall drenched in water from the water pipe on the day of the meeting? Not very highly I'm afraid. To make matters more personal for him, because his orders were disobeyed to have them fixed only for Twilight to say nope don't fix them, how do you think anyone's going to react knowing that not only were their orders superseded by someone but that person's decisions led to a disaster for everyone involved? Understandably peeved. That's not including whatever is going on behind the scenes with the upper class in Equestria that again are not going to look Canterlot favorably after what had happened and thus he's likely going to suffer a hit to his reputation and especially the city he represents unfairly. C. He finds that there were many ponies who were also not pleased with Twilight's decisions as well who are just as ticked at their own results and how the meeting turned out. Thus of course he'll be leading an angry mob of ponies who share their disappointment in Twilight's decision making that has caused many bad outcomes on that day, even if he didn't called for it, I'm sure many would follow him to the tower regardless. 2. On another matter, your criticism on the ponies meeting solely with Twilight instead of the other princesses suffers a couple of issues in my opinion in the form of: A. We have no proof other than Cadance later in the day of the Princesses being available. For all we know, Luna and Celestia are probably working their butts off handling another group of ponies or other things to keep the delegation and day well at Canterlot and Equestria. To assume that Luna and Celestia should be at fault because they're not there in the episode after the prologue is to me unfair for them. None of them received any advance warning that their meeting is called off so why should they change their schedule to meet with someone else instead? Cadance has a bigger fault for it because she actually was the one who not only tells her sister in law to sleep for the day, but rather than tell Spike what he should do should any of Twilight's delegations come or even tell the meetings to be postponed at a later time she doesn't do any of that, and to a lesser degree, Twilight because she should've planned better than to spend three whole days without sleep dealing with the meeting. B. Why should they not expect their princesses to give them answers they seek in their meeting? Not only is it shown to be a responsibility for the princesses to do but it is something they've come to expect with good results after how long Celestia has been in charge handling those delegates and how Twilight has handled with various situations in Ponyville and Equestria as well. 3. About the issue with the two worker ponies who were busy working with important assignments, they were explicitly ordered from Spike representing Twilight who had wanted to keep things quiet for Twilight under Cadance's orders to stop their work. You can critique about how they should've thought with initiative like Spike did when put on his own, but considering how they were ordered by Twilight to not to do their work for at least a few hours. A thing is that when you're ordered by your leader to not do this at their request, you probably have to obey or so lest you face discipline for disobeying orders most likely even if you believe it is the most idiotic order imagined. 4. I believe he did closed the windows considering we see Spike through a closed window looking to see the polo (one thing I know I'll need to edit in my review) playing ponies that were actually shown disturbing Twilight's Sleep as she was moving annoyed by the noise. Thus he had every right to act on that situation. As for asking Celestia for a sound proof barrier, that's assuming such a thing exists, she actually knows doing such a spell, and she wasn't busy elsewhere that he can reach her. Other than that, many of your thoughts in your excellent review I agree with on many points. This is merely something that I wanted to add below this comment section with what I consider wrong in the review. It is my personal opinion of course.
  17. Hmm, perhaps that may convince me that Nightmare Moon is worst villain in the series. Nj, Coffee Pony.
  18. I agree that Nightmare Moon and Sunset Shimmer are my two weakest villains on the show and I won't mind which of the two is preferred. Nightmare Moon for being utterly stupid and not quashing the mane 6 as quickly as she could and should have. Her idea of impeding the mane 6 were just a bunch of contrived plot points rather than effective traps is especially damning. Sunset Shimmer needed tons of plot induced stupidity and contrivances for her plan to even get as far as she did, which was fitting that her plan was stopped via deus ex machina.
  19. DQ, may I post a counter to some of your points please? It would take some time of course to write a case but I'd like to rebuttal some of your points.
  20. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-17140-fim-princess-spike-episode-review/ Here's my review for Princess Spike. Come and discuss what you guys thought about my review and offer your thoughts in agreement and disagreement. Either one, I'll welcome it and wish to hear it.
  21. I'm in agreement with Phineas and Ferb as while I thought the rather formulaic plot can wear a person down, but I did liked the characters and I especially loved the musics these guys do, even getting freaking Slash to guest star on their show (that's probably just as good as getting Weird Al on our show). Still, I definitely consider this one of the few genuine good shows from the mid 2000's and I'm happy to end on a rather good note and avoid becoming Disney's Spongebob as I feared it was going to be.
  22. Awesome to hear those guys return
  23. I should've clarified that I mean if he ever combined SSJ with Kaioken.
  24. Fallout New Vegas Ultimate edition, Freedom Planet, and dlcs for Space Hulk
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