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Everything posted by BastementSparkle

  1. Well, what'd they do in "Between Dark and Dawn"? Luna wants to relax and enjoy the simple things in life, Celestia wants to explore and go on crazy adventures and do all sorts of exciting things, and apparently they both want to do the stuff Twilight and pals do, get in on the action and save the day. So I imagine that's what they'll do, they'll spend time together as sisters and some time apart to pursue their unique interests, and maybe they'll actually get to save the day or stop villains themselves now that they aren't Princesses who need to be taken out for plot reasons. Can we get a spin-off series of them please? I'd kill for just a season or two of Royal Sister adventures.
  2. It's possible, the writers were sort of hinting at that, though many of them have said they decided to leave it ambiguous for fans to make up their own minds. Just cause Discord brings her doesn't have to mean they live together though, it could just mean she was visiting him before showing up to the Friendship Council, or maybe just hitching a ride because having a friend who can take you anywhere in seconds, who wouldn't want to use that? So, they could be a couple or just a pair of very close friends, up to you to decide.
  3. At least in the case of Big Mac, I'd like to point out that O&O nights also involve Discord. There is no need for "Travelling" when one of your game players can warp you to the other side of the universe with a mere snap if he feels like it. Other than that, this is a pretty good point. Spike is leaving behind all of his friends just as much as Twilight is, though at least from what we saw it wasn't affecting him the same way it was Twilight, maybe because Twilight and her friends tend to always be around each other, while Spike is a bit more used to not always being around his friends? The Mane Six are a bit more of a tightly-knit group, where as all of Spike's other friends are more mostly one-on-one relationships he has.
  4. It looked to me like a combination of spellcraft and technology, she had to have the technical know how to put together that machine, not just know how magic works. It's not necessarily human tech, but if she can build that I don't think it's too far-fetched for her to figure out how a gun or something works fairly easily. The more complex stuff would certainly be harder though. That brings up another point though...they can probably combine spells with technology too, which opens up plenty of possibilities.
  5. Just gonna point out, Twilight was smart enough to successfully build a device to take the magic from that journal and use it to open the portal again and did so pretty dang quickly. If they got their hooves on some of our tech I wouldn't put it past her or some other brainy unicorns to figure out how our technology works pretty fast. I wouldn't be shocked at all if they could reverse engineer that technology to work for other ponies too, of course it'd take time to train in their use and get used to them, but it's not at all beyond their scope. The thing is, one reason we humans dominated other species so much was because of our advanced intelligence, which is a trait ponies actually share with us. We've never had to deal with another species that has the same level of intelligence, and outcompetes us physically in nearly every way and some of them can control the forces of nature or even bend reality to an extent.
  6. The way some people talk about Discord in the Season 2 premiere, you'd swear he was the most evil cartoon character they'd ever seen. A lot of people seem to have this exaggeratedly evil view of him where they interpret his as some being of pure evil who brings fire and brimstone and not a lunatic who makes it rain sweet liquids and turns reality into a surrealist painting.

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    2. BastementSparkle


      @Kiryu-Chan I think to an extent it's because what better option is there really? Lock him up in stone seems good, but eventually he'll just break out again and probably go on another rampage, and what happens when he eventually wins? He's invulnerable to pretty much anything that isn't the Elements or having his magic stolen. Equestrians don't seem too enthused about killing, so that's probably off the table, and even draining his magic might be a concern taking that into account, because if he isn't chaotic enough he'll eventually fade away. With his "Reformation" he's at least restrained, he'll generally try not to do anything too terrible out of fear of losing his friends, and he's shown to be able to care about others and feel remorse for doing something wrong, so there's some improvement there, no matter how small.

       You're right that it's kind of a bad situation, but in-universe from all we've seen of the show, having him free but restrained and maybe eventually being...if not a good, at least a tolerable person might actually be the best outcome here.

    3. Megas



      Fair enough, but then again, I'm of the opinion that Discord's reformation retroactively got worse as the series went on, to the point where I honestly think it was one of the worst things to happen to the series, with the movie, and S8-9 being the breaking point

    4. BastementSparkle


      @Kiryu-Chan I like his reformation for the most part, but I tend to find Discord just fascinating as a character, mostly because I just like how much of a contradictory mess he is, I wanna know what the heck is going on in his brain and why he does the weird stuff he does, sometimes it's obvious, other times it feels like what he wants and what he's doing are conflicting. His later appearances are a mixed bag, because sometimes you can see the improvement, like in the season 6 finale or Discordant Harmony, or certain other parts of episodes, and sometimes it seems like he's either backsliding or hasn't changed that much.

       I do feel like there's some parts the writer's could have done a better job with though, I don't want him to be a saint but I think they could have done more to show him trying to be genuine friends with the 5 outside of Flutters. I actually think some of the early comics did a better job with making him sympathetic without necessarily making him a goody-goody two shoes.

  7. I like to think that no, not every pony has a human counterpart, there are some beings who are unique to the worlds. Some humans exist on their own and some ponies do too. Even if the universes were more similar worlds at the start, the Sirens or Sunset coming into their world would probably throw their natural history a bit off course and move things around a bit. Princess Luna was banished to the moon for a thousand years, so here's a better question...how old are Principal Celestia and Luna? Because if they're ordinary humans, there's no way they're that old. As we've seen with Sci-Twi though, the humans and ponies lives might not match up perfectly, or else Sci-Twi would have already been at CHS and friends with the others like our Princess Twi. So, the characters are definitely not always in the same place.
  8. Don't forget earth ponies with their absolutely absurd strength. Think of AJ somehow sending that massive boulder flying in the Season 7 finale or Maud Pie breaking a boulder down with her bare hooves. Rainbow can break the sound barrier and even slam into the ground with enough force to create a small rainbow colored mushroom explosion and get up perfectly fine, and we constantly see ponies taking extreme amounts of damage like crashing into walls or Twilight getting crushed under all sorts of things and getting up just fine. Not to mention weirdo's like Pinkie or Cheese have precognitive abilities and can just casually break physics. I'm mostly talking about exceptional cases here, but in general ponies have been shown to be extremely durable with earth ponies being very, very strong, the toughest being way, way above the strongest of humans. Even the least trained unicorns still seem to be able to at least lift things with telekinesis and shoot small blasts, and higher level unicorns have all sorts of crazy abilities and magical hacks. Pegasi can fly and control the weather by nature and the more athletically inclined ones are crazy fast, and you have the few who have weird or special abilities, like Pinkie and her cartoony nonsense or Fluttershy's stare, who knows what other weird powers certain ponies might have? In terms of natural abilities, ponies have us heavily outclassed in a lot of ways.
  9. Or it could just be that Yona and Sandbar are her employees? The thing about her opening more shops is that even if she doesn't move away from Ponyville, it still means she has to spend more time away from Ponyville to deal with all of them, and considering Ponyville is housing a lot more than just ponies in the epilogue, I'd imagine it's grown and so there's probably more customers. It makes sense she might hire others to help manage her boutique while she's gone. I think that makes a bit more sense than her moving, personally. That said, I share your feelings on mostly ignoring the epilogue, since I'm not the biggest fan either. I mostly like to just think of it as a "Potential future" one of many possibilities that might happen, not anything concrete.
  10. In the flashback, Rarity actually talks about opening up boutiques for non-ponies, so to me it seems like she followed through on that and probably just opened up a boutique in Yak-Yakistan. I kind of doubt Rarity would move away from Ponyville and if she did, Yak-Yakistan doesn't seem like the place she'd go.
  11. Pinkie's used to Maud and seems to be able to understand her better than most, despite her lack of facial expression or outward emotion. Remember in her first episode where Pinkie says she's never seen Maud so excited when Maud isn't showing any outward difference? Pinkie can read whatever subtle changes are there to tell how Maud is feeling usually, she can't do that with Mud Briar who she's only just getting to know, and he's also kind of annoying in a way Maud really isn't with his whole "Technically" shtick. In a way, Pinkie is reacting to Mud the same way a lot of ponies might react to Maud herself, again, back to the first Maud Pie episode where most of the ponies were pretty put off by Maud, Pinkie likely would have been among them too if she wasn't already so familiar with Maud as it was. She takes it even more to an extreme though because Mud isn't just a new friend Maud is introducing, he's her boyfriend, she's dating this guy, and Pinkie is so used to being able to read Maud in a way, it's almost like she's blind to just how similar the two really are.
  12. Granny Smith says no. Considering she's literally been around since the founding of Ponyville which was at least a hundred years ago, probably even more than that. I don't know how typical Granny is, but Grand Pear seems to be of similar age and he's still kicking too. Honestly, I think it's possible ponies might even have naturally longer life spans than humans.
  13. We don't know if Grogar's still alive though, he could easily be dead, or already imprisoned somewhere, or any number of things. For all we know the guy's reformed and retired to focus on his gardening hobby. If he's still around, wherever he is or whatever he's doing, he hasn't posed a threat to Equestria for a long time, so why would they go hunting him down?
  14. Okay, I'm definitely glad they didn't do this. Confirming ships between characters we already know with little to no previous build-up feels kind of annoying as is, doing it with characters we've literally never even met before? That's even worse. If you can't think of a good relationship for them involving existing characters, maybe they just don't need a canon relationship.
  15. You ever dropped something and it just disappears? I just dropped like half of a cookie I was eating and the thing seems to be totally gone, it wasn't even a small cookie either so it should be noticeable but I've just spent minutes looking around for it and it really seems to have just poofed out of existence the moment it left my hand.

    1. ShadOBabe


      The gnomes got it, dude. It’s their cookie now.

  16. It's even kind of depressing when you think about it. The Princess could still be immortal or have a rather long life-span ahead of them, and they go to a retirement community that's probably going to be full of old ponies who from their perspective are going to be dying very quickly? They're probably used to others dying around them but there's no need to speed that process up. Even if you headcanon they've been made mortal or given normal life-spans through some means, still feels odd for them to go there while in their prime.
  17. In the finale though, Luna says to Twilight "I hope you'll visit us in Silver Shoals" which does seem to imply they'll be staying there for a while at least. I can't really imagine them staying for long, but it just feels like a weird idea to put in at all.
  18. According to Big Jim on Twitter, Silver Shoals is apparently a retirement community near Silver Shores. https://twitter.com/TheBiggestJim/status/1183449825565495296 I don't really take twitter statements as confirmed canon, but can I just say the idea of Celestia and Luna just going to an retirement community is kind...really kind of dumb? Like, they might be over a thousand years old but both of them still seem to be perfectly in their physical prime, there's thousands of things they could do, go anywhere and do anything and they just...go to a retirement community.
  19. I'm not sure he actually intended for the Elements/Tree to be destroyed like it was, but he definitely wanted the Mane Six to learn how to use their Friendship powers without them. He specifically told Twilight that she didn't need the Elements to defeat Sombra the first time and he didn't think using them was "Handling things on their own", so he definitely always planned for them to win without the Elements.
  20. Discord as Grogar explained in Frenemies that he was defeated by "Gusty the Great" who took his bewitching bell and hid it atop Mount Everhoof. So, it wasn't the Princesses who defeated him. Tirek apparently heard tales of Grogar's tyranny even when he was small, and mentions that he ruled over the land that "Would become Equestria". All of this leads me to believe that like Hardway above me says, Grogar is before the Princesses time and they very well might never have even met him, but only heard of him.
  21. Even if she's not enough of a threat at that time to hatch any grand schemes, I don't think having her running around and potentially draining ponies of love or hurting them is very good. Just because she doesn't pose a threat to the kingdom at the time doesn't mean she can't still pose a threat to individuals, and most individuals are not Starlight Glimmer. Not to mention, as a changeling she has a natural advantage to stealth. Starlight might be able to take her in a direct fight but if Chryssy decides to get stealthy she or somepony else could be blasted in the back before she even realizes something is wrong.
  22. I really think this just depends on how good his support group is. A lot of his other friends are probably going to be dying around the same time-frame, so he'll be stuck mostly just with any other immortals or long-lived creatures to keep him company. Celestia and Luna, Spike, possibly Twilight and Cadance. One thing to keep in mind is that, considering Discord has never even had friends before Fluttershy, this is going to likely be his first time dealing with real major loss and Discord's already rather immature and not prone to handling emotions well. If his relationship with the others is still solid and he has enough support, I could see him maybe pulling through with minimal damage. If not...things might get very bad, very quick.
  23. Pretty sad. More because of how it ended than anything else though, I know a lot of people really like the Last Problem, but I really didn't. I thought it was a really terrible way to end the show and it left things off on a really depressing note for me. I'd be feeling more bittersweet about things if I enjoyed the episode, but instead I'm just feeling bitter and disappointed.
  24. What would be the moral though? It kind of defeats the purpose if there's no moral, if the CMC get a grown-up to take them and don't get changed into adults themselves, what's there to learn? The rest of the episode can't really play out the same because the CMC aren't going to be thinking they know everything as adults or pretending to be ones and they'll probably take the right train because of Pinkie and her presence pretty much defeats the whole episode. The episode would need a massive rewrite for this to work.
  25. The thing is, Celestia lived and ruled all of Equestria for over a thousand years, and Twilight in the finale is basically a big Celestia recolor. It's not exactly concrete, but that certainly seems to be trying to imply that yes, Twilight is like the royal sisters and will outlive her friends. The problem is that Alicorn's are still just so darn vague though, we really don't know much about how they work. Are they immortal or do they just have really long life-spans? Is the source of that immortality/increased life span something biological or magical? Is there a difference between natural alicorns and ascended ones, what exactly causes the increase in size and flowing mane, does Cadance have that too now and if not, then why not? Really, there's enough of a lack of concrete info in canon that I do think you can just headcanon what you want, despite it seemingly being implied that Twilight will live on. Plus, you know...there's no saying she can't somehow die some other way, as tragic as it might be. Alicorns, if they are immortal at all, only seem to be that way in the sense of eternal youth or being unaging. They aren't invincible.
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