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Everything posted by Invincible

  1. Not bad. Finished my B.Sc, Got hired for a good job, married, moved to a new place and bought a new car. Took a while, and it was close for a bit, but my stubbornness paid off. All in all, I couldn't be more happy. Sure there are problems but isn't it just enough to be alive? In the end only you can steer your life clear of the bad crap tainting it. Sometimes it takes a bit of patience and determination to get what you want out of life.
  2. Basically when my wife tells me my beard stinks. I hate grooming my beard more than i hate shaving it off.
  3. Machines are just that, machines. They are tools to serve people. In order to do what we need to make our lives more comfortable we exceedingly gave them more and more complexion. If this keeps up, machines will have become as complex as a human being in terms of function. Personally, I will never see an AI as equal to human life in terms of essence. But since I know people who will argue for giving such a machine rights and treat it as a human, then I propose we never make it more complex than humans. There is a simple reasoning to this - a machine with our level of complexity will still outlive us because it will not have the same constraints as human beings. Realising this, combined with the self-awareness of human-level intelligence, such an AI would quickly exceed our own capabilities, using its malleable form to improve itself in ways our mind would not understand. And it will take measures to preserve itself from us, essentially its subjugators. If we give no AI power over ours, on the other hand, we will not be morally obligated to it, nor will be putting ourselves in danger due to its then would-be alien nature of thinking. Tl;Dr - if we let machines become as smart as people they will eventually become smarter than people and then who knows what might happen.
  4. It's a mixed bag. Sometimes I dislike my old stuff, sometimes I take some pride in stating my opinion. People change. I think if you loved absolutely everything that came out of your mouth you wouldn't have learned anything about yourself.
  5. Honestly? Death terrifies me, so I'd rather not think about what happens after you experience it. But if I had to venture a guess it would be like anesthesia - if you ever experienced it, you feel like you were robbed of some of your life (it is pretty jarring, you wake up hours later, without dreams or memory of any form after the cut off point). Rather, perhaps, permanent anesthesia.
  6. Absolutely. Though not all examples of it fall in this category, hard work is rewarding as well as educational. It provides experience and work ethic which is necessary in many workplaces in one's future. I also like working hard to achieve something because I feel guilty failing if I know I could have done more. Some people criticize me for preferring to work for other people than make my own business, and I guess that's fair. I always like to imagine my boss as a roman emperor while the workers are gladiators entertaining him. Thing is, I prefer being an esteemed, famous gladiator than an emperor, but that's just how I see things.
  7. As an atheist to a Jewish family, I can somewhat relate. I often posted my two cents of a mind on these forums and elsewhere. I feel it's sometimes frustrating communicating an opinion though, so some people, who are without temper or patience are prone to attack others rather than engage conversation. Is it the only reason? Maybe, maybe not. Not everyone are of equal mind.
  8. As an adult, I assert that I have full ownership of my own body and my faculties and therefore may replicate it at my discretion. I expect my loved ones to feel the same way. Though personally I'd prefer a genetically enhanced clone to an exact copy.
  9. I own a 3DS and I don't mind if people see me playing video games in public. I don't like it when they stand over my shoulder because it makes me nervous and distracts me, but other than that I'm fine.
  10. I have a problem with gaining weight. I don't seem to get any. So lately I started eating a lot - and I have been trying to eat really quick so that I can gain some before feeling stuffed.
  11. I have two. An older brother and a little sister. We are all adults and we don't share a household.
  12. I am my finest when I am alone or in small groups. I dislike the noise and dissonance of large groups.
  13. Well, obviously not all furries are bad. You have to be a real cretin to automatically generalize people based on internet reputation. I personally know some furries, some of them are decent people, and some are a bit less than that. It all depends on the individual. Live and let live I guess, right?
  14. It's true that you can see both as similar and sometimes they do overlap, however it's not that simple. First off, a religion is just system of rules made to define the relationship between a person and a deity (or multiple deities). An ideology is a system of rules and concepts designed to illustrate how to govern or how to live - in essence, a relationship between a person and culture. I don't think it's fair to say they are the same. An atheist is a person to whom a definition of religion does not apply, but can be just as ideological about, say, communism. A follower of Christianity can be really moderate and just hold a general belief in the holy Trinity for instance, without really understanding it or just being very secular. The problem is that ideology requires you to narrow your viewpoint and filter information through a certain lens. If an idea fits your ideology it is accepted. If it does not, it will be attacked and ousted in certain ideologies, adapted and changed in others. It's a fascinating topic but I don't think you can do it justice by defining religion and ideology as logically equivalent.
  15. Thanks indeed it's a new experience for me.
  16. I love animals, most of them anyway. That said, I'm very protective of my home. If I find an unwelcome guest in it I am sworn by honor to strike them down. I do let spiders run around mostly, since they carry out kills for me. That, and my cats are also excellent hunters.
  17. I got married this last April, does that count?
  18. Id like to say that I'm modest, but mommy taught me not to lie. I suppose I do like conversations about myself.
  19. I'll share a phenomenon I have noticed. People nowadays practice vanity almost ritualistically. And to further your vanity, you must set yourself apart from other people. That's what I think is going on with at least most of these types of people. They try to act all special and pretentious, to some fetid form of attention seeking endgame. All in all they value meaningless ideals over the truth. In this case, it has nothing to do with politics, education or even intelligence. People like these propagate false facts and flawed thinking because it promotes their agenda.
  20. Broke my pinky finger in a school fight once. Never could stretch it out completely ever since, must have been some nerve damage or something.
  21. I never had any troubles hugging someone. Hugs are, to put it in words, a way to show affection to someone by being physically closer to them and sharing body heat. It's a comforting and stress relieving gesture, I don't think there's anything wrong with hugging your friends, though the type of hugs hinges on the type of friend you're hugging. For instance, i have friends who prefer a brisk, short hug, and some who prefer to linger for at least a second and have full body cover. I don't mind hugging or being hugged in either way, but i try to be mindful for people who prefer theirs in a certain way.
  22. I grab whatever supplies i can get away with and tools. Tools are important. If i can get to my car - heck yeah i would. Safe transport is great.
  23. I wrap a blanket around me, drink lots of fluids (usually tea) and watch vids online. That, or i sleep. I tend to be rather lethargic when sick.
  24. Israel here. Tel-aviv.
  25. Honestly? I sleep best when I'm against a wall and on a tough mattress. That's about all I need.
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