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Everything posted by Invincible

  1. I can see why some wouldn't wanna be in a relationship, but I grew increasingly lonely and desolate over time and decided to seek one out. Now I'm married to a great wife and definitely not lonely anymore.
  2. In 7th grade, I got into a fight with a fat kid and knocked him down with a cool trick I learned in martial arts... Except I messed up the correct movements and he ended crashing down on my right hand instead of the floor. It broke my pinky finger.
  3. Actually, everyone i meet always say I look like an Alex (that's not my name), sometimes even people who learned my first name.
  4. Look, I'm not gonna try and propagate violence here but unfortunately, sometimes might makes right. I had a guy who picked on me back in highschool. Didn't even pick on others, he just had it in for me in particular. I once knocked him down a flight of stairs after having been sick of it. He never bothered me again. It's just that sometimes people like picking on those who wouldn't react to them. Ignoring them isn't going to work. Sometimes you will just have to stand up for yourself because nobody else will.
  5. I think the ideas is that growing up in the 90s you've had some fond memories of the decade and can relate to some of them when discussed. I was born in 1990, so I'd say I'm a 90s kid in that regard. It really depends on how much you have memories of that era.
  6. Can't remember when they ever embarrassed me in public, so no. Besides, I'm an adult now anyway - I'll be looking forward to embarrassing my own kids one of these days lol.
  7. 10:14 AM here, slow day at the office so I'm burning some cellular data
  8. I hated school, but I think almost all kids hate school. I started appreciating education and learning, as well as taking in academic atmosphere only in college. Though admittedly, by college I was a changed man.
  9. I have a different condition. Technical information like formulas or definitions I would usually keep easily, but memories of events taking place in my life sometimes go haywire - I start remembering people talking in a different voice, or a place appearing larger than it is, or an object colored differently. I think that it happens if some of my memory fades, my brain would try to auto complete it rather then leave it fuzzy.
  10. Well, if it's at all possible, I'd say with teleportation you pretty much get flight as well. You could just teleport over and over, a near infinite amount of times per second, so the change in position, on the outside would look exactly like flying.
  11. I don't. Might sound kind of bleak, but I think that when you die, this is it. Instead, I just focus on giving my life meaning so that death gives me a feeling of closure instead of depression by the end, and so that by extension of my accomplishments I'll still exist in this world, in a way.
  12. Most afraid of? Having outlived all important people in my life and dying alone without anyone remembering I ever existed. This scenario is what scares me most.
  13. Taking a piss while standing. This is nature's equivalent of a cup holder in cars to male anatomy
  14. I'm only disappointed in people unwilling to better themselves. That's just a recipe for destroying relationships if you ask me.
  15. There's plenty of reasons of why. Lust for power? The desire to reform society the way you see fit?
  16. Honestly? It would sound cliche but just being happy and content. The problem is there are many prerequisites to this happiness and I don't think i know what will ever satisfy me.
  17. I lived in Israel all my life, though I might move out if I can seize a good opportunity.
  18. I'd love to play a villain. A (good) villain, in my opinion, is ambitious, resourceful, and presents a real challenge the hero must overcome. In order for a hero to gain the growth necessary to triumph over them, the villain must then be equally as great as the hero (maybe even more so). Besides, I'm sure most villains view themselves as the heroes of their own stories. So sometimes what you want is irrelevant. You are what you are.
  19. Hmm, I might as well (re) introduce myself. Honestly, I don't update my status or my about page too often, so here goes. I've become enamoured with ponies back in 2014 when I discovered a fanfic which I really liked. Back then, I was a student working for a fast food joint. Today I've moved up in the world. Finished my BSc, landed a job for a tech firm and got married. Back then I was climbing out of a low of depression exclamating a really bad period in my life. Look at it this way - you'll never know how much you can accomplish if you surrender to despair and inactivity.
  20. In terms of species, no they won't be alien because their ancestry is Terran, so they are basically a lifeform that originated from Earth. In terms of nationality, they would be alien to Terrestrial nations, except those permitting Jus Sanguinis if the parents are of such nations.
  21. As males, it's generally known that we live shorter lives due to various health issues that females don't have as bad. Oh and having to protect our privates is up there on the list.
  22. I have a great control over my mood (low to high moods, as in feelings ranging from sadness and despair to joy and happiness). Usually, it takes me a mental effort equivalent to flipping a switch. But when I'm in a really abysmal mood, I keep myself busy working or enjoying a hobby. The less I dwell on cold sadness, the easier I'll be able to stoke a fire in me.
  23. Probably Philadelphia or Pennsylvania, as i got relatives there. I don't know where exactly though, but at least i'd have somewhere to go off of.
  24. Probably is. I live in Israel, and yeah i don't think Atheists are really common in here, statistically speaking.
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