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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by UnicornWolf

  1. I think this is the right place to ask this? I edit an arts and literary magazine (mostly emagazine but we do occasionally have a print on demand issue too) and am keen to include MLP fan fiction, but I do not know the legal status of such works? Is it allowed to create a publication using MLP stories? I saw a post somewhere about one being in the works here, so I assume it is LEGAL. But is it legal WITHIN a general interest publication? Does one need clearance from Hasbro? Have Hasbro issued a waiver, or is there precedent where they have announced they will not sue etc? Do they even have the right to sue? I also want to publish Dr Who fan fiction so the question works just as well in that world too. Regards
  2. The second picture is really cute Regards
  3. I love the music and the imagery in this episode, but not as much the story. But because it is such a beautiful audio-visual feast I can overlook that.
  4. Unbroken by Demi Lovato and 21 by Adele Regards
  5. The Nymph Complaining for the Death of Her Fawn by Andrew Marvell and I love Walter de la Mare and if I could remember what it was called would list one he wrote about a flying horse Regards
  6. Battle of The Planets Or if the film hadn't ruined it Avatar:The Last Airbender Regards
  7. The Joshua Tree by U2 Roll The Bones by Rush Anam by Clannad Most recent stuff I tend to rip the CD and listen to the tracks I like on the computer, or I only know the tracks I like and get them off Youtube Regards
  8. One Way Or Another by One Direction EEEEEEKKK... But I like the song...
  9. Space: Above and Beyond would be the classic here. It had a lot of good points, a lot of unique ideas or ideas done in new ways, and it was dramatic and exciting. But it died... Regards
  10. A bit odd, but for the magazine I edit I have been looking to find more people to interview and being a fan of Game of Thrones I searched them all out on Twitter. I decided not to approach Kerry Ingram (Shireen Baratheon) because she was only 15 but clearly the agonising over whether to do so or not caused me to dream that I was at a restaurant and she was sitting at the same table as I was, but spending all her time texting her boyfriend and just as I was about to ask her if I could interview her she went off to the toilets and I was left alone... Regards
  11. To me what defines worse is when you expect something good and what you get falls way way below that! I was a fan of the cartoon series Avatar:The Last Airbender but trying to watch the film was just so stunningly depressing, what a pile of donkey do! Similarly I had heard great things about Olympus Had Fallen. I had seen and really loved White House Down but from what I was reading everyone seemed to say OHF was even better. So I bought it, with real money for a real DVD ... and the next day I donated it to a charity shop! It was BAD. It made no sense. It was brutal. The main characters all looked the same. The intro seemed irrelevant. The kid was built up and then hardly did anything. What a piece of shrimpen waste! Jack Reacher; I really like Tom Cruise but throughout this film I could not but agree with the characters who kept saying "Who the f*** is Jack Reacher" because, really, I didn't know either, or understand. Regards
  12. The Dolorous Castle is a short story by Matthew W Quinn in his short story anthology 'Flashing Steel Flashing Swords' and apart from being very well written has an interesting back story, a fantasy universe that has suffered a meteor strike
  13. A documentary on the KC 135 tanker aircraft. Fascinating and amazing because until I found it I was uncertain whether anyone really would have made one!
  14. Lords of Midnight by Beyond for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum because it was the first adventure game where I felt that I the player was really in control of what I did, how I did it, when I did it and if I did it. Plus the graphics were amazing, simple and yet seeing the citadel looming in the distance was just awe inspiring Regards
  15. To me favourite songs is an idea like favourite films, there is a large body of them inside of me and at any given time when asked I can produce a selection that speaks to that moment. So at this moment:- Counting Stars by One Republic Wake Me Up by Avicii Your Love Alone by the Manic Street Preachers In God's Country by U2 The Lebanon by the Human League Regards
  16. Young Applejack was amazing! My favourite character. But young Twilight and young Pinkie were fantastic too!
  17. This was always one of my favourite episodes! To me it just has so many positive things about it I can never understand anyone not liking it! The train is fun, the scene with the joke is pure class, the young buffalo, the big ones at their camp, Spike being revered, Applejack and Braeburn, the battle scene, even Pinkie's song... Regards
  18. I bought 3 things at once from Amazon 1- Unbroken, CD by Demi Lovato 2- a book on Austro-Hungarian battleships of the First World War 3- an IDE to USB gadget to attach an old hard drive to the PC Regards
  19. I was talking to a friend and gesticulating with my arms when I whacked the side of my hand straight into the end of a shelf, dented it and got a nice big bruise for my trouble! He fell about laughing...
  20. I coped initially by creating the In Memoriam issue of the magazine I edit, then I felt empty because it was done and my Mum was still dead and my Dad was still upset. I just put out the next issue of the magazine and left the In Memoriam in, as it was too early to take it out. Thank you for your thoughts Regards
  21. I believe in situational magic, spirits, protector spells and charms. At the same time I don't think this is contrary to Christianity because I see what Christianity involves being very much the same, just formalised in a different way. Perhaps this is a trait of Deism - for example is saying the Hail Mary in danger any different from any other type of protection spell? Regards
  22. Countdown To Looking Glass - it was made in the early 1980s and based on a wargamed scenario, and basically is about US-Soviet tensions that lead to a clash at sea and the potential for nuclear war. It is notable for being largely based in a newsroom and featuring interviews (in the scenario but with the real people) with Newt Gingrich and Eugene McCarthy. And the end is just amazing, chilling and still very possible. Its out there on Youtube.
  23. I also fixed an old lady's computer who swore to me she never installed anything on it so couldn't have any malware. When I sat down with it, she pointed to a folder and said "That's my games". I had a look and all of them were from free sites and often came bundled with "helpful" programs which installed. Regards
  24. Music, and its odd but since my Mum died I sort of adopted some songs as songs In Memoriam to her although she never heard them and I didn't know them so well before Smokie "I'll Meet You At Midnight" Adele "Set Fire To The Rain" Manic Street Preachers "Your Love Alone" Regards
  25. Do you know, when I fix people's computers the most common reason for freezing and go-slows is having 2 anti-virus programs installed, both of which are fighting each other. Often they get one with the PC in trial version which expires and rather than buy it after this they get a free one, either without removing the other or with removing only part of it. Regards
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