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Everything posted by weesh

  1. i went back to check something, and noticed that Ember changed colors. She must have painted her scales green to escape the notice of her dad, and the paint washed off when she was knocked into the water. I think that adds a bit of interest to her character.
  2. I like that they have made it VERY clear which are kids and which are young adults. Yes, there is a lot of important things about puberty and growing up, but by avoiding the mid-size ponies, they have kept the ages clear. I think this is important since the characters aren't human. we can look at a human of any age and have a general idea of how old they are, but we don't really have a basis for mid-ages on cartoon ponies created so recently.
  3. I'd have guessed that I wanted it to be a bit more lighthearted and to include relatable problems without delving into really difficult stuff... But then I read the Friendship is magic #40 issue, and was totally impressed with how they dealt with young un-wed students trying to deal with a baby while handling their education. It was extremely well done and has made me realize that I'm totally up for that sort of thing if it is handled so respectfully.
  4. Did she beat Garble? I thought Spike swung it with his interference. That seems a long time ago to me though, since I have seen like 4 season 5 episodes with my sister today. But well said with regard to her mental toughness. She was mentally capable during the crisis points. Edit: oh wow, you are right, she managed to judo him around and throw him after spike was knocked off the ledge. that was not the impression i got form the fight.
  5. Actually, the fact that she WASN'T tough was an important part of her character for me. Compared to the other dragons, she was much weaker. She wasn't able to maintain flight when she got hit, she wasn't able to swim in armor, she wasn't even able to overpower Garble! THAT is what made her an interesting character. She actually needed spike, or she couldn't have won. If she'd been super tough, it would have made spike worthless. Well, considering Twilight initiated positive contact, I certainly hope so! I'd love to see more...multi-dimensional dragons. Ember has that, but none of the other dragons do. I'd like them portrayed with a little depth.
  6. The writers just nailed Sunburst. It made the whole episode for me. That level of relatability is what I desire in every episode.
  7. heh, i like seeing them in non-crisis situations...even if only right before a crisis happens! Definitely sad their tea party was ruined. Must be tough to always be bouncing from one emergency to the next. : (
  8. This one was cute...even the bland-ish comics are better than most of the episodes. Also, I don't feel the need for high adventure, and a little kindness and relationship makes for a fine comic. I really enjoyed how kind pinkie as to granny, willing to help...and patient! granny was super ornery while she couldn't get around on her own. The plot doesn't feel contrived at all. Old people break bones, and become dependent on others, no matter how independent they WANT to be. The fact that Pinkie was a bastion of reliability and that it was GRANNY who learned a lesson was a pleasant way for this issue to go. I'd never recommend this to someone who wants high adventure, but I as very glad to have purchased it. Pinkie was just a joy to watch as she matched the pony granny needed her to be. Reminds me to call my grandma too...
  9. I really hope we do, if only because I really hope they develop Applebloom into a dancer. It would be really sad if they planted that seed and then forgot about it.
  10. i find it disappointing that her identity is so tied to it. She'd be an awesome party pony without it. It is within the realm of possibility that it could just randomly break one day. what then? ill she go into a spiral of depression? if the loss of one item that you own would destroy you, you are far too attached to that thing.
  11. Peoples, if you all are this shocked and thrilled about this level of spike ness, might I recommend checking out the friends forever: spike/celestia comic? Its incredible, and the best characterization of either of them. http://www.amazon.com/My-Little-Pony-Friends-Forever-ebook/dp/B00IX4E1JG/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1460920714&sr=8-16&keywords=friends+forever+my+little+pony
  12. I'm 31, and I have like 4 nightlights in my apartment.
  13. whoa there, it woudl be a lot easier to read that with some clearer paragraphs! My answer is Sombra, but this is HIGHLY contingent on the additional characterization he got in the comics that told his backstory, and showed him as a foal. If you only take the show, he's one of the shallowest! Not sure who my pick is dependent on the show only... Also, "complex" does not necessarily equate to the best. but in this case, I think Sombra is complex in realistic and interesting ways, so its a positive.
  14. We've seen him take his dragon-ness very seriously in the past... he chose to go on the pilgramage in the migration episode, and when applejack saved him, he was a pest about his code. The moment that actually surprised me was in the premier, when he refused to be drawn into the hype about his heroics. He tried to show humility and focused on Starlight, rather than on himself. The fact that he acted like that when he WASN'T trying to figure out what it means to be a dragon meant far more to me.
  15. lol. that was a big relief, but not screwing it up does not make an episode great. it was fine, and had some parts I really enjoyed, but so far I've liked the other episodes more. I'm really enjoying this season so far. probably the best 5 episode stretch in a very long time.
  16. The thing that scares me most is the apparent exodus of my tenacity. I used to have the most amazing focus, and now I get distracted when trying to complete important tasks.
  17. That seems unrealistic and jarring... what kind of story line can you imagine that would feel natural and believable? I work with kids all the time, and the areas they surprise me are in their capacity for understanding and learning. They do not impress me with any kind of realistic idea of how the world actually works. There is an experience gap that is getting filled as they go through life, but they just haven't lived long enough in the real world to "get" it. What motivations would you ascribe to them? how did they get their power? What are they trying to accomplish? if you answered those kinds of questions, maybe I could see it.
  18. it kinda bugs me that people see Celestia holding back and not just fixing everything with her monumental power and they see evil, rather than her helping others grow. its one of the cool aspects of her character that she challenges others and empowers them to solve the problems. I'd be completely horrified and feel a little betrayed if they did that to her.
  19. Why are you guys griping about Twilight not blasting away? I, for one, am glad that they held their power back. They shouldn't be actively interfering with dragon political business, and they shouldn't be lending physical assistance to spike. if he gets to the end of the gauntlet, it should be by his own power (of friendship) not with the help of ponies. I really liked that they were there for emotional support but that really seems like the logical limit of what they SHOULD do in this situation. The spike parts of the episode were strong, which is good because the dragon parts were pretty weak. They were one-dimensional and uninteresting. there really wasn't much to care about. but the hugs at the end were fantastic, and that made things better.
  20. yeah, they had to change him quite a bit, but not so much that it bugged me.
  21. I think its really sad that you look at a comic that deals with serious and emotional subject matter in an engaging and respectful way and your response is to critique the character that doesn't matter to the story. Celestia was just the setup to get to the interesting part.
  22. oh wow, I JUST noticed that this was written by a dude! mad props to Ted Anderson for tackling this subject matter so tastefully.
  23. Fluttershy: something simple: cheerios Applejack: something hardy: honey bunches of oats Pinkie Pie: something fun: lucky charms Twilight: something with healthy statistics: special K Rainbow Dash: something with celebrity endorsements: Wheaties Rarity: wouldn't touch the stuff. --- Edit: doh! forgot about applejacks?! i like yout twilight answer more as well.
  24. i don't really have any strong desire for little things... the things I care about would be pretty important relational events. but put my feet to the fire... I'll never say no to more angel bunny.
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