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Everything posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. I'm allergic to kitty cats which really sucks because I absolutely love them! I'm also allergic to pretty much anything that's green. It used to be fresh cut grass and little else, but after I lived in the Midwest (where it seems every living thing was toxic) during some of my teen years I developed a sensitivity to a lot of plant life. If I even look at poison ivy I swell up like a balloon.
  2. I haven't heard much about the movie so far. For a while I was hearing rumors that it would be about an older Dash, which I thought would be a bad idea because making the story about the grown-up offspring of the main characters never seems to work. However, if this is going to focus on Elastigirl I'm all for it. I just hope they're not making it about the female character because of some silly PC agenda, but because they actually have a compelling story to tell about her. The first movie had well balanced roles for all its characters so I hope they'll manage to do that again. Elastigirl is such a cool character and I'm glad to see the movie taking place on the heels of the last one, which is one of my favorite movies ever. I hope they can live up to the original, at least to some degree.
  3. Aquamarine. A fun mermaid movie, and I stacked it with two episodes of Mako Mermaids just to round it out.
  4. Absolutes are a pretty narrow way to classify anything. No matter what your take is on anything, there are always grey areas. When people take the time and interest to know what those grey areas are and why, they'll start to understand more clearly what each side of any given subject is saying. All the real information is in the 'why' of it and the subtleties applying thereto. People would realize they have a lot more common ground when they look at things with a more open mind than just declaring everything black and white and butting heads over it all the time.
  5. I had a scone dipped in whipped cream for dessert.
  6. I like cars as far as wanting something that gets me around. If it can do so with some style, all the better, but I doubt I'll ever be able to afford anything fancy. I drive a Jeep Cherokee right now and it has a pretty solar yellow paint job, but I'm looking for something a little more economical (especially if I can get it in a similarly nice color). My favorite car ever is a 1966 Jaguar XKE, but that would be just a tad outside of my wildest dreams so I don't think I'll be buzzing down the freeway in one of those at any time in the foreseeable future.
  7. I guess I celebrate my birthday, but it would be more accurate to say that other people celebrate it and I just kind of go along with it. I'm not all that sentimental about birthdays and I don't like to get extravagant, but if family or friends want to throw a little get together I'm okay with it. I just don't like anything that makes a spectacle in public. I'm not that much into elaborate gifts either. On my last birthday I got a nice pair of earrings and a can of Play Doh and that was perfect.
  8. I like spicy southwest chicken salad. It has spicy seasoned chicken, iceberg lettuce, red onions, avocados, tomatoes, jalapenos, yellow bell peppers, black olives and grated Monterrey jack cheese. Sometimes I add some hard boiled egg and maybe a sprinkling of seasoned toasted onions. I don't put corn in it though, I dislike it immensely.
  9. I only joined MLP Forums a little over a year ago so I haven't changed much in that amount of time. I used to be into the show a lot more back in 2013 when I first discovered it, but a lot of that settled into a more relaxed and less fanatical sort of thing before I ever came here. I still love MLP but I spent my initial forays into the fandom on EqF and left a lot of my enthusiasm there. Now I just kind of relax and take each episode as it comes without counting every intervening minute. The honeymoon is over and now It's just nice to have MLP as a stable and enjoyable factor in my life.
  10. Among shows from the 2010s I'd easily rank it in the top three or four, along with Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels and Dragons: Riders of Berk (which changed its name every season). I love Miraculous Ladybug and Monsters vs Aliens (the series) but MLP still gets higher ranks overall. Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse is an online micro-series with only two-to-three minute long episodes so I don't know if it would fit in the same category, but it would be way up on the list.
  11. Yeah, same here! I talk to everything. I don't usually think of it as weird...unless my car or dishwasher ever talks back, then I'll know something's wrong!! Aside from that, I often trace things with my eyes, meaning I draw an imaginary outline around objects in front of me by following the edges with my peepers. I also count things like beans on my plate, pictures on tablecloths or wallpaper, just about anything really. It doesn't make any sense, but that's me.
  12. I go to the gym a lot just to keep my weight where I want it and to keep generally toned, but I'm not a weightlifter by any stretch of the imagination! I do mostly cardio and aerobic stuff and sometimes use very light weights. I do wear my MLP shirts on occasion but it doesn't turn a lot of heads I guess because I'm a girl, so no big deal. Not that it should matter. But there's certainly no Bulk Biceps kind of thing going on where I'm concerned! I'd look seriously weird with that kind of mass on me!
  13. I may be late posting on this thread but I just finished watching all the episodes. I must say I really thought this show was great! It was so much fun! At first I didn't really know what to expect and wasn't sure it would have the legs to go the distance, but it really surprised me. It's story lines were consistently interesting and never dragged out too long just to fill out the season. New characters, new plots and fun revelations kept me wanting to know what would come next and soon (by episode four or five) I was hooked. The characters were loads of fun and there was quite a bit of clever, funny and sassy humor. Toby was more than just the typical best friend/sidekick; he brought a lot of humor and played a major part in every story. Clair brought some fun romantic tension into the story for Jim, and once she was finally onboard had some good moves with the shadow staff and played a good part as the team's resident riddle solver. I'm glad they weren't afraid to make her pretty. It's hard to say which of the trolls I liked best. Obviously Blinky had a prime role, but I also liked the rotten little changeling NotEnrique (I can't believe I actually ended up liking that little creep!). Strickler was a really well-written character and had me wanting to see him victorious one minute and steamrolled the next. He was just so interesting! I thought Namura was sleek and cool as a somewhat fleeting villainess (I always like a good female baddy), but I LOVED Angor Rot! He was such a capable and genuinely nasty threat. I want to say more but I don't want to put too many spoilers out there. The plots were tight and didn't rely on too many conveniences to resolve them, and it managed a good storytelling pace all season long. I sincerely hope Netflix continues this series; I'm dying to know what comes next! I'm glad I found this thread here on the forums because otherwise I'd never had even heard of this awesome show. So thanks Lunarpalette for the head's up!
  14. My mom showed me a painting she just finished today and it floored me. She has such an amazing talent, and it put me in a good mood all day.
  15. I live in California. Southern California to be more precise, in the little concrete hamlet known as Anaheim.
  16. Wow that is some insane art!!! I love the shading and detail! Yoda is my favorite of the bunch (I'm also biased cuz I love Star Wars and Yoda is my favorite character). I can't believe you got such beautiful detailing with ink. I could never do ink, it's so unforgiving when it comes to mistakes. You really slam dunked it! Thanks for sharing, I hope to see lots more!
  17. Hi Planetaria! What a great intro! I noticed your post under the Best Friends thread and there's some really interesting stuff going on there. Sooo, welcome to the forums, you're gonna be a great addition to the place! Nice to meet you and I'm sure we'll be crossing paths quite often!
  18. In all the time I've been here on the forums I've only had maybe one annoying run-in (which is amazing, considering the track record of other forums I've been on). But that's just the way life is. No matter where you go there will be nice people and not-nice people. The only thing to do is to avoid the areas you expect might lead to unwanted confrontations. As mentioned in several posts already, it's a good idea to avoid the Debate Pit. People in there get a bit passionate and, unless you're into that, it could lead to a less enjoyable experience. I avoid it like the plague and I'm much happier for it. The vast majority of the ponies here are extremely friendly and welcoming. In many instances, if something gets me down I can rely on an incredible outpouring of love and support from the community here. It's astonishing how sweet they all are! My advice is to relax, kick off your shoes and settle right in here. Don't worry and I know you'll have a great time and make lots of friends. Welcome to the MLP Forums!
  19. I heard this earlier today and it's been going though my mind ever since. It's such a stirring, beautiful and well-rendered song. I'm glad it's stuck in my head. I absolutely love it.
  20. I'm reading 'The Princess Diarist' by Carrie Fisher. She certainly has a way with words! So much fun to read.
  21. I like the variety of ways one can enjoy movies, besides forking out the money at the theater. VHS got things started, and that's what I consider one of the greatest inventions ever. From there it went to dvd and online sources as well of course. Now you can watch a movie anywhere at any time. I watch movies on the treadmill at the gym. That's just awesome. I've never been a huge fan of technology, but this is one area I can certainly embrace it! I can certainly agree with this! As much as I don't always like the way the medical community works, I still have to acknowledge the advancements and innovations that have come so far over the years. I can't wait to see what breakthroughs they might make in years to come.
  22. For me it's Star Wars. It's been the focus of my life for as far back as I can remember. I couldn't live without it and wouldn't especially want to. I'm the second generation of Star Wars fan in my family. It all started out with my dad. "I am a Jedi, like my father before me."
  23. Actually I'm more pleased with my older posts than my newer ones. When I first started out here I guess I was trying harder and taking more time to word my posts just right, to watch my grammar and to make my posts mean something. Nowadays I get lazy and often post when I'm dead-tired and I just riff with whatever ambles through my mind, so a lot of my more recent posts seem disjointed, stupid, meaningless and lame. Kinda like this one.
  24. I can be really slow getting started, and I procrastinate a lot. But when I finally get down to it, I work as hard as I can until the job is done. I actually enjoy the productivity of good hard work, especially if it's some task I have a personal investment in.
  25. Oooh! What an amazing tail! You could make a bundle selling those on Etsy!
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