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Everything posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. *Boop* without mercy, remorse or hesitation.
  2. 8/10 Bangers and Mash, and a side of mushy peas.
  3. Spike, do my cuticles. And assassinate Flash Sentry again!
  4. I'm pretty sure this one can smell fear. Yeah, I'm screwed.
  5. I like the sister connection, that'll make a good dynamic in their story. And the name Selena does have a slick, almost feline quality about it that should suit the villainess well.
  6. Exactly this! There are tons of episodes that make me sad or emotional, but depression (and anger) are words I reserve for signs the show is going down the toilet. Flutter Brutter comes to mind.
  7. I guess I'm a Taurus. (Probably because I'm full of bull!) I don't know what my Chinese zodiac sign would be. I don't know much about this stuff but I'm told that Taurus is very representational of me. (I hope that's a good thing, I'll have to look it up)
  8. I feel that way often, and for me the best thing to alleviate it is a change of scenery. If I can alter my schedule and see something or someplace new, it always helps my perspective. If you can manage an all-out vacation, so much the better. Sometimes just doing the same things in a different order can help. Doing something ridiculously spontaneous that you'd never typically think of doing can also shake things up a bit. Give yourself a small goal to shoot for, with a fitting reward at the end of it. That can help you to focus your energies on something outward rather than inward, and give you an accomplishment to be proud of yourself for doing. These are my usual methods, and they've been reasonably successful.
  9. I think it sounds fine. Any similarities are well within the boundaries. The only thing that would make me think directly about MLP is the name Luna, but as you said, that's a real name already well-established so it should be fine. If you're concerned, you can use the Greek equivalent, which is something I've done when writing about mythical Greek and Roman figures. I've intermixed names from both cultures and it worked okay for me. It just depends on how closely you want to portray one cultures version over another. If your priority is for being accurate to the Roman version, stick with Luna and don't worry about it. If it doesn't matter, go with the Greek. Luna being sealed away in a cave would not necessarily bring thoughts of Princess Luna to mind. It's all in how it's presented in the writing. That, and the use of the names, should be easy to make your own. Sounds like a great story too!
  10. If it comes to convenience, I'll go canned food. If I can plop it on a plate or in a bowl and nuke it the microwave, that's good for me! If I have the time and inclination, I'll go the boxed route. Ultimately I like fresh stuff that I can combine with the other categories. That gives me both ease and presentation, and covers the most options. One thing I must have though is the proper garnish. I'm not a gourmet exactly, but I do like it to look pretty.
  11. I almost drowned when I was a teenager. I'm an exceptional swimmer but I was playing at the beach, not even going very deep in the water, when a huge wave came out of nowhere and wiped me out. That's no big deal typically, but when it started rolling back out to sea again it took me with it and nothing I could do would stop the outward momentum or even slow it down. It just kept going and I thought I'd never get back. I was sure I'd just disappear, but then a little side wave just appeared and knocked me out of the outgoing tide's trajectory and I was able to swim back to shore. I was pretty scared and had nightmares about drowning for quite a while after that. But it's settled now, thank God. No more bad dreams.
  12. When I was very little, my family and I lived in Virginia and went for a walk in the woods. Off the beaten track we stumbled across the grave of a 15 year old boy from the civil war. This wasn't in a cemetery, just off in the woods by itself. My mom, who has a very strong maternal instinct, was really affected by the tragedy of someone dying so young, and later that night, after we returned home, she felt a presence there that she was certain was the boy from the grave. There was nothing negative, but he may have picked up on her sympathetic energy. My brother had an encounter at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, AR when he was staying in the Governor's Suite there. When he tried to open a door, it was like someone was holding it shut from the other side. When he finally pushed his way in, he heard a loud sound like someone clearing his throat in one corner of the room. The Crescent is famous for its hauntings and now we can see why. As for myself personally, I've had two minor encounters. When I lived in the midwest I worked in an 1890s Village comprised of vintage buildings assembled into a village over a cave attraction. It was reputed to be haunted and some EVPs were even collected. I heard footsteps once and went to investigate only to find there was no one there. This is minor and could be explained in many ways besides the supernatural so I don't want to jump to conclusions, but it's interesting to consider. My other experience was in Alamos, Sonora Mexico, staying at a hacienda that was rumored to be haunted by it's original owner. This was another instance of disembodied footsteps, this time in the middle of the night. Animals were also said to react to him when no one else could see anyone there, but I didn't experience that aspect directly. All things considered, the footsteps were enough for me!
  13. I love fish in almost any form. I must say though that I haven't had these tasty little snacks since before Easter (I eat most of my year's intake of fish during Lent), so I'm due for a review. Now I've gotta have 'em!
  14. I read the first post so I 'm certain of what I'm responding to. And I take a look at the other posts as well. I don't always read them all if there are zillions of them, but I like to know who is saying what, especially the last couple pages (if it's really going the distance) and add my two cents to that.
  15. My first was the Matterhorn at Disneyland. It may be tame by most standards nowadays, but when I rode it at age six, I was terrified (in a good way). My dad was seated behind me with his arm wrapped around me and I didn't realize I was digging my fingernails into his arm until after the ride when he showed me the marks. I think he still has them.
  16. There are so many talented ponies here with a gift for language! It's so impressive! I desperately want to resume learning German, but my computer's sound chip is faulty so I can't use my Rosetta Stone program anymore. I have Duolingo in my iPod, but it's not nearly as good.
  17. I would want the movie to keep focused on whatever story it's trying to tell. If they give a nod to backstory that would be fine as long as they don't bog down the story too much or try to fit in too many plot lines. There are things I'd love to have explained from the backstory, but I'd happily sacrifice those things if they just make the movie good on its own terms. This would be great just as its own separate movie! I'd be camping out in front of the theater right now!
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