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Dusty Soul

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Everything posted by Dusty Soul

  1. Bed of roses: Bon Jovi (8/10) Call My Name: Maxos (7.9/10) Faithfully: Journey (9/10) Hole in The Sky: Black Sabbath (9/10) Minus: Summon The Ancients (8/10) pretty good (9/10)
  2. Applejack, she seems like the pony the others go to when they have problems, and she's good at fixing them. She'd probably be the most helpful.
  3. just found my extremely complicated graphing calculator. How fun.

  4. 34 is best number

  5. Incredibles is my pick. The humor is top notch and I consider it one of the funniest I've seen. It also balances loads of dark content, and for these reasons it is my favorite. Comic Book superhero movie: The Dark Night because, well it's the Dark Night. Heath Ledgers performance is amazing. It is one of my favorite films.
  6. Pink Floyd is awesome. The Wall is one of my favorite albums of all time. It's also an awesome movie. Another Brick in the Wall pt 2 is my favorite song.
  7. That is very cool. It takes a person that looks at EVERY detail in a show to spot something like that. I'm glad they did. Pretty clever way of putting a meme in an episode.
  8. It looks like it was thrown together in 2 seconds in the pony creator. I say not real, it's probably something put on for Halloween. I highly doubt this would be a villain. Doesn't look like something that would be put into the show.
  9. Jessi Nowack. She seems to be the more fitting voice for the character. I pictured Vinyl as having more of a tomboyish sound then rainbow dash, so Nowrack is the best choice.
  10. I think it may be a little of her real feelings, but i think most of it came from just getting out of control with Iron Will's advice.
  11. Raise your weapon is my favorite and is the only song that I listen to by Deadmou5. I really love everything about it, it's a great track. It was the first song I was shown by him and it still is the only one I can sit through. I love electronic music, I just don't like Deadmou5 all that much.
  12. We don't hear things, all we hear is what is touching her. The reverb from the impact of something hitting her is what we are hearing. You can't hear anything she's not touching. Honestly I loved the movie. It was very intense and beautifully done. Some angles amazed me. It was probably the most realistic space movie I've seen.
  13. Animation errors happen, and it could be argued hand fit better then hoof in that song. Someone and somebody have been said before in the show.
  14. She's not underrated, she's just not used that often. I hope we get some more of her in S4. She is a good character that has helped the mane 6 before.
  15. I actually had a nightmare not too long ago. I was walking across my yard and I noticed a wheel-barrel. I went over and started pushing it. The sky was getting dark, so I was trying to run faster. As the dark came closer I started hearing a very high pitched screeching noise behind me. I woke up and started breathing rather heavily.
  16. Applejack's voice was very high pitched in S1, like Rainbow's in the 1st clip. They were probably trying to find the right voices for the characters. I'm glad they brought the pitch down, it makes it easier to watch for me.
  17. I don't know I never really thought about and, you're right, it does seem very strange. I think there may have been a rumor that escalated to a full on defense effort.
  18. I really wish he wasn't dead, but he is. I don't think I'd regard Sombra as a the 3rd best villain if it wasn't for him dying. He was basically Obliterated by the Crystal Heart.
  19. I'm pretty sure most if not all Run DMC songs are free of profanity. It's probably the cleanest rap you could have. I can't think of any others.
  20. Losing smell. It's the lesser of all of them, and wouldn't effect my life. The only downside I won't be able to smell fresh bread or walk into Olive Garden and smell good things.
  21. Octavia gets my vote. I think it's because I know a cellist and she has almost the exact same hair-style. Rainbow Dash gets second in my book.
  22. I bite my nails and shake my knees back and forth or tap my toes. (Though i seem to do the second all the time, I'm still saying it's a nervous habit. ) These don't hurt anyone, so I don't bother trying to correct them.
  23. My biggest fear is to get stuck in a job that I hate and to never amount to anything. Basically my biggest fear is wasting my life. I can't run or hide from it because it's my life.
  24. I had braces from 5th to 8th grade. I played the trombone, and aside from hurting a little the first time you play with them they don't impair ones playing. I had very troublesome teeth back then. I had nearly all my baby teeth pulled and had surgery on my mouth 3 times.
  25. I actually was never a fan of Flim and Flam. I wouldn't want to see them again, because they were good as a one-shot antagonisst.
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