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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. Been roughly a year since I first became a Brony. What a year it has been. I will probably put together a blog post to talk about that... or something else that has come to mind.

  2. Sadly I have yet to do so. But since I'm getting out of college for Winter Break on Friday... I'm gonna have about a month of free time to try and finally get lucid dreaming down to a science. Because I'd love to visit Equestria in my dreams.
  3. The real problem is that the concept of Love & Tolerance can only go so far. While some haters can be reasoned with, many are beyond that. Even if a brony follows the ideas behind the show, they have every right to defend themselves and the show against people whom are so lost in their hatred and archaic values that they are beyond reason. A brony must know when showing kindness is appropriate and when it is not. One can fight back against a hater, turn their own hatred, arrogance, ignorance, (and stupidity in some cases) against them while still being civil about it. Being a good person does not mean that that you shouldn't take a stand and lay the smack down on a dumbass who can't see the world from another perspective and refuses to even try. Take "Putting Your Hoof Down" for example, the message behind that episode was to know when you need to say "enough is enough" and stand up to something. It's one thing to explain the love of this show to others. It's another thing to take up arms and defend it. Because there are people out there who will continue to hate it and attack it no matter what (Fox News anyone?). Of course, people like that will eventually get what is coming to them so in the end they will always lose.
  4. Hawk

    movies/tv The Hobbit

    @Jokuc Nice, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the movie. I can't wait to see it myself. I'm not too surprised about the movie being less dark than the previous three, as this one is more about a journey where as the other movies were about the war to determine the fate of Middle Earth.
  5. Honestly I've got mixed feelings about this. Part of me believes it, but then a part of me doesn't. The image of Twilight with wings does have me a little worried. Remember all that promotional crap we saw for the royal wedding several months before the season finale? That all ended up being accurate, and that is why I can't decide if I can dismiss that reddit post entirely. Hell, don't get me wrong. Twilight Sparkle has been and always will be best pony in my oppinion. But turning her into an alicorn smells strongly of jumping the shark, which worries me greatly.
  6. Hawk

    movies/tv The Hobbit

    Oooh nice, let me know what you think of the movie! As for spoilers... I'm not too worried. I've read the book multiple times so there really isn't much that can be spoiled beyond scenes that are not in the book.
  7. Frankly I find most grimdark distasteful. I didn't become a brony out of some bizarre desire to take a world devoid of many darker elements and then corrupt the shit out of it in fan fiction that makes one wonder if the writer ever bothered to take an english course. And honestly, I personally think that most writers/artists of grim dark take it way too far. I can accept the stuff that uses grimdark with a great deal of subtlety mixed with the occasional positive moment, those kinds of stories are good as it is a far more believable and interesting. But once it goes to nothing but negative after negative after negative event happening for the sake of being a grimdark story is when it becomes bland and uinteresting. Some of my favorite stories have used grimdark in subtle and possibly unintentional ways to the point where it could be more how one views the story than anything else. Best example would be Friendship is Optimal. Even though it could be considered that all the characters involved had happy endings, the second to last chapter (SPOILER WARNING BTW) basically depicts what could be considred the end of the human race brought upon us by our own creations and the extinction of all other life forms on the planet. That kind of subtle grim dark is the only type I remotely like.
  8. I put Lego Lord of the Rings (the video game) on my christmas list that I sent out to relatives. Supposedly my Aunt asked my Mom: "Isn't he a bit old for a lego video game?" True story. I don't see what is wrong with it. I love Lord of the Rings, and I used to spend hours playing with legos when I ws younger.
  9. Oddly enough, this is one of the episodes that I had no problem with and had no idea why everyone was complaining about it. Sure it wasn't one of Dash's prouder moments but nobody (nopony in this case) is perfect, and the Mane 6 certainly are not. It is what makes them compelling characters. As for Canterlot Wedding... I enjoyed the hell out of that finale. Most common complaints are just the lamentation of whiney neighsayers who are looking for something to bitch and nitpick about. I mean really? Complaining about the singing? Did they suddenly forget that songs are common place in this series so that they could validate a reason to cry like a bunch of babies? That's like someone bitching about Ursula singing in the Little Mermaid... -_- Only legitamit criticism would be about pacing, and even then that one is immiediately shot down llike the crappy burning fighter jet it is by the simple fact that you can only cover so much ground in a show that takes up 22 minutes on the air per episode.
  10. I am not afraid of death. It is simply just another stage of life. Also, while I am not particiularly religious I do believe in an afterlife. I suppose that might have something to do with my lack of fear.
  11. Yeah, just read some of the text in the preview images. It sounds they need to go through the mountain to get the Changeling Kingdom quickly and the carved architecture is merely the entrance of the cave that goes through the mountain. So no, the ruins tell us nothing about the Changelings or their culture. Honestly the architecutre seems more diamond dog than changeling. Building temples into rock walls doesn't really seem like something a race of bug like creatures would do.
  12. Hawk

    movies/tv The Hobbit

    So am I looking forward to the Hobbit? Hell yes. Words do not describe how excited I am about that movie. But to answer your questions: Yes I have seen the other Lord of the Rings Movies, fell in love with the series after seeing them. The Hobbit was read to me back in 5th grade, I read it once, and now I'm reading it again. My expectations are that the movie will be so awesome I will go out and watch it in theaters several times, which is something I almost never do. So the next question is moot as I plan on seeing it anyway. Honestly, I don't care about how many movies they are giving me. I just want more middle earth, that is all. HFR? Eh... I don't know. I'll have to see the movie first. Even then I will probably not even notice it. Also not sure if I will be seeing it in 3D or 2D. I think that covers everything.
  13. Last movie I watched was Fight Club. Great movie by the way, it was one of those films that has been on this list of movies I plan on watching for ages... it and a bazillion other films since I don't watch movies very often.
  14. Honestly, I've changed quite a bit when I became a Brony. Overtime I've gained a far more positive look on life. I'm generally happier and far less volatile and angry. Most importantly, becoming a Brony gave me back something I had lost years ago. Hope. I eat better than I used to, I live a much more healthy life style than I used to.
  15. The best thing to do is to ignore the haters, which is easy in theory as in many cases people never bother to do so. Of course, if the haters resort to physical violence then all bets are off. I am a firm believer in Love & Tolerance and will be so to my death bed and beyond. But it does not mean being a pacifist. Love & Tolerance is the ability to acknowledge and respect those who do not see things the way you do. It is the ability to embrace those who share your interests and believes. It is the wisdom to know when the situation calls for putting your foot down and saying "enough is enough". It is difficult to understand why the haters go out of their way at times, are their lives so miserable that they need to do everything in their power to feed on negative reactions? My curiosity will find no answers though. In time, the haters will be consumed by their own hatred and they will have no one to blame but themselves.
  16. Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  17. I had heard rumors of a group of guys who liked My Little Pony over the summer of 2011. I shrugged and moved on, people are free to like whatever they want to like. However, it wasn't until late November 2011 that I made first contact with the show when I was hanging out with a new friend of mine whom drew ponies. First episode I watched with my friend was Winter Wrap Up. Unexpectedly, I found myself enjoying the show. However, I didn't offciailly become a Brony until a few weeks later during December 2011 when I started the series from Episode 1.
  18. Obviously Bronies are not pedophiles. Sure we have some Bronies who thrive on the... dark aspects of the fandom, however any portion of the fanbase that is actually pedophiles would be so small it could be seen as non-existent. People fear what they do not understand, they fear people and things that are different. From that fear comes this petty game of slinging around false stereotypes and insults, the byproducts of an insecure species that, in many cases, is too damn scared to accept things that are not the norm of the mindless masses. But I wouldn't say I feel any ill will toward people whom look at subcultures like ours with as much hatred and vitriol as they do. It just in their nature and they are too stupid to know any better. That is why there reasons for their insults lack any logic. Anyone with half a brain could see that the media and entertainment we consume has nothing to do with who we are. Watching a show does not make you gay, playing video games does not make you violent (that is just a person who lacks the ability to descern the difference between virtual and reality), and a show intended for younger audiences does not make you a sexul predator.
  19. Swear words are fine in my oppinion as long as it is not excessive. Use of them does not make one unsophisticated or dumb and especially does not mean that they lack vocabulary. If anything, it is a valuable tool when used in the right places and the right situaitons in order to prove a point. And anyone who looks down upon others for cursing, in my oppinion, is a hypocrite because everyone has cursed at one point in their lives be it in public or private. In one of my favorite plays, Inherit the Wind, a character by the name of Drummond said this about cursing: “I don't swear just for the hell of it. Language is a poor enough means of communication. I think we should use all the words we've got. Besides, there are damn few words that everybody understands." So yeah, if the stiuation calls for the use of a swear word then by all means go right ahead. Just not... every other word like so many people I see at my college have the tendency to do. THAT is the only situation where a "Lack of Vocabulary" ever applies.
  20. I won't lie, sometimes I wish the same thing too. Equestria seems like a pretty awesome place to live. How do I deal with it? Quite simple, really. I acknowledge the fact that even if by some chance there was an alternate dimension where Equestria exists... there is nothing I can do to get there. But what I can do is take the message of the show itself and live by it, and I find contentment in that. I remember hearing this theory once that the ideas we come up with when we create fictional worlds are based on worlds in a parallel dimension or something on the lines of that. Granted, there really is no evidence to support a theory like that so take from that what you will.
  21. Yeah I'll give the show a try when I'm not half dead and in need of sleep. I twill be easier to approach it with an open mind when I'm not completely exhausted. Thanks for the link, Zeno.
  22. I wasn't planning on going originally. But since it is at the Baltimore convention center, I am reconsidering. Not sure where I will be in August 2013, but if I can go I will.
  23. wOOt season 3! Now if only iTunes would post it in HD so I could buy it....

    1. Nas


      They will in time. They put up the wedding episodes the evening of the premiere.

  24. As good as this opening to Season 3 was, I will have to say that yeah... Sombra is probably the worst villain in the show so far. Barely any dialogue, not much interaction with the protagonists, and he had a life span shorter than that of a redshirt. Also I was really hoping King Sombra would have a song, we could use more villain songs. *prays for a solo by Discord* But I am looking forward to seeing how the rest of the season goes, some of the stuff in the previews looks interesting.
  25. Going dark for the next 10 days. I am fucking sick of stumbling into some season 3 spoiler EVERYWHERE I go. Hell, I can't even go on Facebook without seeing something. This is worse than avoiding video game spoilers.... <_<

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