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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. It depends. If I'm feeling a little down I can generally ignore it. But if I'm sad AND feeling lethargic, it becomes almost impossible to do anything but just sit/stand/lie down and just stare blankly into space. Also in some cases I just walk around if I am able to do so, never helps. Eventually I find the energy to get up and do something.
  2. I've encountered plenty of disturbing fics from various other fandoms in the past. So there hasn't been anything I've seen created by the Herd that has given me mental scars. Although I never read Sweet Apple Massacre, and quite frankly I don't intend on doing so from what I've been told about it.
  3. I would probably go with several weapons rather than just one. A hand gun of some type, a rifle, a sword for close range combat, and a trench knife for general use. I like to be prepared for nearly any situation in a practical manner.
  4. Ah World of Warcraft... what can I say? Been playing since 2009 and still not sure if I'm glad I started playing or if I regret it. Pandaria is well constructed and I give Blizzard props for that at the very least, even though Emerald Dream should have been the next expansion but they don't seem to want to do that anymore. The raids so far have been pretty good. I enjoyed Mogu'shan Vaults and I can't wait to check out Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring. Also I do like what they've done for the Legendary item so far.... but I don't like what they are doing for Patch 5.1. Having to do PvP in order to eventually build what will be the most powerful PvE weapon in the expansion seems a little ass backwards. The dungeons were fun for the first run or two, but once you are trying to gear up via heroics they quickly loose their appeal and I don't intend to set foot in them ever again. They were even more boring than Wrath of the Lich King heroics and THAT is an accomplishment. Time will tell, but I think this will probably be my last expansion for awhile. I may come back if they ever decide to have Sargeras come into the picture.
  5. Yeah I can see Trixie having a group of followers like that. Given how easily she won Snips and Snails over, I'm sure that she would be able to get quite the crowd to follow her if she puts on a believable act.... just nopony from Ponyville will fall for it. I'm really curious if Trixie will hold some hard feelings after that little incident with the Ursa Minor or if she will somehow have learned from it and become a better pony.
  6. Honestly I'd prefer to dress as a somewhat humanized Discord, as that would be far more fun. There aren't really many male ponies that I'd be able to pull off. I sure as hell can't be Big Mac or Shining Armor, I don't have the physique to make it look good.
  7. It is difficult to pin down what secret the Cutie Mark Crusaders revealed. I have contacts whom tell me that the Great and Powerful Trixie has many secrets that few ponies know. I am told that Trixie can bake a mean pumpkin pie, was the mastermind behind the changeling invasion during the royal wedding, actually has a white mane and dyes it light blue, was Derpy's former room mate back in college, is a professional poker player in Las Pegasus, and owns three pent house suites located in Baltimare, Vanhoover, and Fillydelphia. But seriously though, I feel like that line about Trixie was mostly meant as a reference to the character and not intended to be a foreshadowing of things to come. Time will tell I suppose, but of course I am looking forward to seeing Trixie return and how she's changed as a character since season 1(if at all).
  8. I'm currently a senior in college, but once I graduate I really want to get involved in game design. As far as what I would do, I'd like to be a level designer or something on the lines of that.
  9. I'd say light blue for me or maybe a dark blue. I would say black, but I doubt that a black aura would look particularly good on it's own. Maybe a mix of blue and black would work...I wonder if multi-colored auras are possible in FiM?
  10. I am flabbergasted that people would actually disregard common sense and play the game online before it's release date. Game companies keep a very tight list of who does and does not get access to the game early (IE reviewers and QA team mostly). Ban them, get rid of them, keep fighting the good fight 343 and Microsoft. My problem with the leak is that people will then start posting spoilers everywhere. Fortunately I haven't accidentally stumbled upon any spoilers for Halo 4 yet and I intend to keep it that way.
  11. It depends. If I only need to have a few words in caps I will just hold shift. But if I need to make a point and it requires a sentence or two of Royal Canterlot Voice, I just turn on Caps Lock, type my stuff, and then turn it off.
  12. There is no way in hell Hasbro would let Friendship is Magic end when they can still make money from it. I can see the show lasting for at least 6 seasons. Equestria is a fairly big country, so there is room for all kinds of adventures for the Mane 6 to find themselves on long before the show becomes even slightly stale.
  13. Reese's Peanut Butter cups are my absolute favorite. Although I do generally like anything that is chocolate. Also, I do enjoy Smarties.
  14. WHAT?! What did you say?! I can't hear you! All joking aside, I do tend to play music without headphones when I'm on my own. When I'm around others or at college I use headphones and generally play my music at medium volume. Without headphones I listen to my music slightly louder than medium.
  15. I don't suppose you could use a unicorn whom is a traveling chef, could you? That's the OC I just created a few minutes ago. Take a look: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/hawk-r1748
  16. I'm currently playing World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. Mostly because my Xbox 360 is dead and I'm planning on pre-ordering the Halo 4 edition of the console since it comes with the game I want anyway. Only downside is I have to wait until November 6th, but oh well.
  17. Nah I'm pretty much the same as I am in RL. I've never seen the need to be someone else on the internet, especially when I'm perfectly fine with who I am. Although I do have less of a tendency to start randomly spouting situational one liners online than I do in RL.
  18. It's hard to say, because it's in the show's nature to do crazy and silly stuff (AKA basically everything Pinkie Pie does). Personally I know a jumping the shark moment for me would be one of the following: - Inclusion of a human character. - The loss of any of the Mane 6. Even Applejack, the best background pony (I'm joking about the background pony part, please don't kill me). - ? Ehhh, I don't know I'll keep thinking and if I come up with anything else worth mentioning I'll edit this post.
  19. Yeah I wasn't even remotely angry about the whole t-shirt fiasco. In fact I found it hilarious. They need to hire better research people because that is kind of an embarrassing fail haha. Also, Haters are gonna hate. It is in their nature. To quote Fallout: Nuka Break: "They are like a puppy, just too dumb to know any better."
  20. I wrote it down as "Equestria Day" in my calendar, but Brony Day works too I suppose. Man I can't believe it's been two years already, time sure does fly. In about two months or so, give or take a few days, it will have been a full year since I became a Brony. But yeah, happy birthday to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! May the show bring more awesomely awesome episodes for years to come. Also shout out to everyone involved with the creation of the show... even though they won't see this shout out. XD
  21. RIP my Xbox 360 (2008 - 2012). You were a good console and you shall be missed. :(

    1. Jokuc
    2. Samurshy


      Xbox? I have had a couple. They all got red rings or the laser eye died, I finally got sick of it and switched to ps3


  22. I mostly voted on the ones that I preferred, being cleansed by the Elements would be like being reborn... assuming one can survive that much magical energy entering their body of course. I'd happily protect Equestria, assist ponyville in my full capacity for 5 years, risk my life in the Everfree Forest, etc. Also becoming a Unicorn and marrying Twilight doesn't sound too bad, but I assume I'd have to survive everything else first and the Everefree Forest and the Elements of Harmony are a big IF on the survival part.
  23. Equestria is a country in another world. I doubt it has any connection with Earth in any way. I'm okay with this honestly, I'd rather see an original world rather than one based off of Earth any day.
  24. Currently in college, no relationship. Honestly I'm okay with that. Right now a relationship would be too much of a burden and I want to graduate from college with as few attachments and as little baggage as possible. Once I am out in the world and have a job... who knows?
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