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Everything posted by cmarston1

  1. Well this was an interesting episode. This managed to be both a nice wrap up to Twilight's character arc over the course of the series and an episode that is clearly advancing the overall story of the season. I didn't expect going into the season to really like the dynamic between Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow, but episodes like this really show that they are a fun trio to watch. I am interested in seeing what happens next with them and what the cliffhanger at the end of the episode entails. This episode also did a good job at showing that Twilight really is getting ready to be the next ruler of Equestria. Overall I thought that this was a good episode.
  2. Steven Universe The Movie Toonami Trailer
  3. Aww the Griffon rank is really cute. I love it!
  4. I would have to go with changeling as being able to shapeshift is really cool. Also not really having to worry about eating as long as you have friends would be pretty nice as well.
  5. Yeah I am a fan of the new DC Superhero Girls cartoon. I was interested in it since it was first announced and I have yet to be disappointed. My favorite characters are Bumblebee and Zatanna and my favorite episode is #Beeline.
  6. Well this stinks. But then again it's Sony we are talking about, and we all know that they don't really have the best track record with handling Spider-Man, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised to see if he leaves the MCU.
  7. You know at this point I'm starting to get frustrated. With more and more of these shorts being released on Discovery Family Go, it becomes more and more baffling that Hasbro has yet to release any of these on their Youtube channels. Like there hasn't been an EQG short released in over a month at this point, and at this point I find it annoying to know that there are all these shorts yet to be released, yet Hasbro is not putting them up on Youtube for me to watch legally.
  8. Wow! This was a really good episode. Like I didn't expect much from this from the synopsis, but boy was I surprised. I found A Trivial Problem to be a really cute, silly, and charming episode with a good amount to like about it. I really enjoyed the competitive atmosphere in the episode, that of which allowed us to see some more of Applejack and Rainbow's rivalry in a fun way, Granny Smith was great here, so was Spike, I also always get a kick out of Twilight freaking out, there were some great facial expressions, and over all I found this episode to be a lot of fun.
  9. While the series is titled "Friendship is Magic" and reforming villains isn't a betrayal of the show's central message, I also believe that the show is not all that good at it. When it comes to all the major villains like Discord and Starlight Glimmer who get reformed it always comes across as being rushed. This is due to the show being mostly episodic and not serialized enough to deal with episodes long arcs that would be necessary to make it stick. They mostly get snap shot reformations which can be quite detrimental to getting the audience to care fo the character especially in the case of Starlight Glimmer. It is usually the more minor antagonists like Gilda and Diamond Tiara who get the best reformations given that they were just everyday jerks and as a result didn't really need a lot of time to spend on a reformation arc. However those are few and far between. Not only that but the other main issue with how many reformations we get in the show is that at some point it gets stale. Like what's the point of caring about how the characters are going to face off a villain if they are just going to reform them anyways? It takes away from the villains and overall becomes stale and predictable.
  10. Neat. I can't wait to see what the other new badges will be, as well as be able to change my rank as I see fit.
  11. No we don't really need a season 10. The show has already lasted a pretty long time. 9 seasons is enough for me.
  12. With the news of Holiday Unwrapped being a thing, I hope this means the Equestria Girls franchise actually wasn't cancelled and instead just shifted production to a different studio like I initially I hoped it was when we got the confirmation that Sunset's Backstage Pass was the last special DHX worked on.

    1. Sparklefan1234



      I've been wanting to see an Equestria Girls Hearth's Warming special for what feels like *forever*! :raritysillyhat:

  13. Probably Soarin. He has been portrayed as being the nicest of the bunch and I have to say that he is kinda cute ngl.
  14. I was pleasantly surprised to hear of this announcement when I was browsing Equestria Daily today. I was a bit concerned about the future of EQG after the announcement that Sunset's Backstage Pass was the last special the DXH crew worked on. However if this turns out to be real, I would be happy to see at least one more 44 minute special come out of the franchise. I also just had a thought about this. What if this isn't being produced by DHX or Boulder Media and is instead produced by another company. If that is the case EQG might be able to last a little bit longer. But that is just wishful thinking on my part, and I should just be happy to see that there is still at least one bit of substantial EQG content to look forward to.
  15. I don't really read a lot of comics, so I don't really know a lot of comic writers, but if I were to have a favorite comic book writer, I would have to go with G. Willow Wilson for her great work on Ms Marvel.
  16. While this wasn't one of the season's best, I did like it a bit more than I thought I was going to. But that's mostly due to the episode picking up steam near the end when Rainbow Dash finally got her act together and was a proper coach. If there was more of that, then I feel like I would have liked the episode more. I did get a kick out of the ending with Rainbow asking Twilight if this was all to teach her a lesson, that was pretty funny. I also really liked seeing Celestia being a passionate sports fan, and I found the actual cheer to be pretty entertaining. Outside of that, I don't really have a lot more to say about the episode.
  17. I finally got a chance to watch this episode and I have to say that I really liked it. Cheese Sandwich is a fun character and it was definitely nice to see him again. I also found Sans Smile to be a fun new character and I'm glad that he didn't turn out to be a villain or antagonist. This was definitely a pretty good outing for Pinkie and I rather liked her portrayal here. We got an entertaining new song which is something that is always a plus. I really got a kick out of how when talking about how she was looking for her purpose in life, Pinkie basically said Applejack had no real goal, I just found that to be pretty funny. Overall, I found this to be a positive feeling episode and one I would consider to be one of my favorites of the season.
  18. I loved Sunset's Backstage Pass. I would even go as far as say that this was definitely one of the better Equestria Girls specials. Sunset and Pinkie is a character dynamic that we don't usually get to see, so I found it nice that it got a spotlight here. It didn't really drag and in fact it felt like a quick watch. I feel like the whole time loop was handled pretty decently and I enjoyed seeing the different things Sunset did in order to try to break it. While the main 7 outside of Sunset, Pinkie, and Sci Twi didn't really do much, Rarity did have a few amusing lines that I appreciated. It was also nice to see the Dazzlings again and I found their banter here to also be pretty enjoyable. The True Original song was also pretty decent. Overall, I had a pretty great time watching it, and as the final special, I have to say that it let things end on a high note all things considered.
  19. Outside of maybe a villain or two, I really can't see any character dying in the series finale. It just really wouldn't fit with the type of show MLP FiM is to do that.
  20. MLP usually got Mcdondald's toys so I find it weird to see its major competitor have MLP toys instead.
  21. The last show I watched was Twelve Forever on Netfilx. It is so far off to a pretty good start and I am quite enjoying it.
  22. While it is disappointing that Sunset's Backstage Pass is the last EQG special, I am happy to know that there will be at least a few more shorts released after the whole music festival arc is completed. Actually now that I think about it, I got a funny idea. What if the last set of shorts actually provided some sort of conclusion for the series. Like it wouldn't be grand or epic, but there would be some sort of mini arc going through all of them, kinda like the whole school play thing, but instead would be dealing with like the end of the school year/graduation or something along those lines. Like I would find it a little funny despite being worried EQG wouldn't get a proper send off it turns out it actually did, just not in the way any of us would have expected. But even if that is not the case, I am still happy to know that there will be at least a little bit more content released after Sunset's Backstage Pass for me to enjoy.
  23. Okay so it was confirmed on Twitter by Nick Confalone that Sunset's Backstage Pass was the last special that the crew at DHX worked on and they didn't know it would be at the time they were making it. So with FiM ending this year as well, it looks likely that EQG was cancelled and this was the finale. If that is the case I am disappointed as I really enjoyed the franchise and wanted it to get a proper send off. I'm kinda hoping that this was just the last EQG piece of media produced by DHX and that we could get like a proper finale of sorts produced by Boulder studies (the company that produced the Rainbow Road Trip special), but I am not sure how likely that is. Well if this really is the end, than EQG had a nice run and I had a lot of fun with the franchise and hope to see more from it in Generation 5 of MLP.
  24. Given that the first episode of Infinity Train is up on Cartoon Network's website and On Demand, I decided to watch it. It was a pretty promising start and I have a feeling that Infinity Train is going to be a great series.
  25. There are so many good ones that I don't know where to start. But I would have to say that my favorites would be: The Infinity Train trailer and release date (August 5th) Steven Universe the Movie trailer and release date (September 2) The Marvel Cinematic Universe panel, but especially Thor: Love and Thunder And Young Justice season 4. My favorite out of all of these would be the announcement of Thor: Love and Thunder.
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