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Everything posted by RockinRarity

  1. You will be old before you know it. It does get better when you are older, by the way, so in no way would I ever say anything like, "Enjoy the time you have before you have to start being responsible and paying bills and shit" because being a kid sucks. I know. I am 24 and my life is way better now than it was when I was 13 despite needing to pay bills and go to work. I have a little bit of control over the things that I want to do, like conventions (which I never would have been allowed to do while under my parents' authority) and other ways to spend money. At the same time, try to be happy with where you are... there is always something about your life as it is that could be better, so you have to learn how to find a balance between contentment/realistic expectations of life and a desire to move forward. That is a challenge that you will face for the rest of your life. As an added bonus, conventions are not going away anytime soon. The fact that Bronycon this year had more than 8000 attendees (double from 2012... it makes it one of the fastest-growing conventions in the world) pretty much proves that.
  2. Sadly, what you are saying is true. On the Catholic side of things, I cannot tell you how many parishes have closed and/or merged in the Archdiocese of Detroit alone. Church is becoming seemingly more "optional" among religious people and those people do not give money to support the work that people try to do to keep their churches going. People follow all sorts of things in ignorance, religious or not. There are all sorts of problems that lead up to churches closing... bottom line is that it all goes down to people being convinced that they don't have to attend. It is a lot of the progressive and "safe" churches that end up closing or merging. The ones that actually believe in being zealous for God - not zealous for stupidity like the people in the article - that end up thriving.
  3. All of my wut. This is their only reason for banning MLP? Because of something that isn't even in the show? There is no motif of transforming into a unicorn in this show. Nobody transforms into a unicorn, and only Twilight Sparkle has transformed into an alicorn. And you know how many times this has happened? Once. And you know what a motif means? "a motif is any recurring element that has symbolic significance in a story. Through its repetition, a motif can help produce other narrative (or literary) aspects such as theme or mood." How can it be a motif if there was no repetition??? Just... ugh. This stuff makes me angry. As a Catholic, I am appalled that people who share in my religion are willing to dive head-first into ignorance and paranoia when the whole point of being Catholic is to humbly accept the truth when people share it. What saddens me is that the people with these kinds of opinions and in their position of authority are rarely able to humble themselves and listen to what others have to say about the matter. They think that because they are in a position of authority, that must mean that every decision that they make must be the correct one. The truth is that Catholics are just as likely to make mistakes and sin as pretty much everyone else as long as we are willing to put our own pride above all else.
  4. This is fair. I think, though, that it is good to keep in mind that not everyone who says, "But Meghan said" is doing so because they want to tell the people who like Flash "I'm right and you're wrong, nya nya!" For me, I do want Flash to be in season 4. But unfortunately, given the evidence that we have from our head writer, it doesn't look like it will be happening. So I have decided not to put hope in something that seems unlikely and therefore set myself up for disappointment. I am no pessimist. In fact I am optimistic that he can return in a later season. At the same time, I am a pretty down-to-earth person and I like to keep things in that sort of perspective. Also, anyone who gives the "But Meghan said" explanation just to shove it in people's faces because he is a person who dislikes Flash, is acting like a jackass. lol
  5. And as an added note, I have no problem with people being skeptical of Meghan's tweets... the problem is not the skepticism. The problem is that Ultra-Violet is so... aggressive with his opinions. Question for UV: Do you feel like you are surrounded by Flash haters and you are simply trying to combat all the hate? I know how you feel but I just want to let you know that it is a pointless battle. If you read earlier about my comments about people's headcanons about him, you may understand why.
  6. Sorry dude, I agree with you that Flash Sentry should be in season 4, but there is literally no reason for you to be so rude to this person. I fail to see how "thinking for yourself" is going to make Meghan wrong and make Flash Sentry become a central character in season 4. That just doesn't make any sense. And evidence that he won't be in season 4? You mean besides the fact that 1. He is nowhere in any of the preview clips shown at San Diego Comic Con 2. Meghan deliberately stated that he will not be in season 4 3. Meghan also deliberately said that Equestria Girls does not need to be seen in order to understand season 4. You honestly believe that Meghan must be lying because she wouldn't blatantly give information regarding season 3, or when Sunset Shimmer was spoiled when her toy was released? There is a difference between saying that Flash isn't in season 4 and her withholding information: Meghan never LIED about anything. She simply played dumb or gave us hints... saying that Flash is not in season 4 is a concrete declaration. Besides, why should we provide you with evidence of absence when you cannot provide anyone with actual evidence of him being in season 4? And lastly... why the hell does it even matter? If Meghan lied about Flash, then she lied about Flash. Big fucking whoop. It's just a TV show, remember? No need to get your panties in a bunch. Dissing Meghan and insulting the people who are willing to trust her when she makes a concrete statement about a character not being present does not make Flash Sentry become a character in season 4.
  7. I enjoy both of the above scenarios and one is just as likely as the other. The first person claims that it could still be a peaceful society, perhaps with a democratically elected official ruling the different parts of Equestria. Makes me wonder, though, if men would become the main rulers and women, particularly the alicorns, would become the mysterious helpers. Having it happen this way could make Equestria look a little more like Lord of the Rings. The second interpretation is more dystopian, and generally sees the alicorns not being the rulers of Equestria as a bad thing. The alicorns would be feared and respected, but for the wrong reasons. Instead of being respected as the benevolent and wise rulers of Equestria who strive to hold harmony and love as the standard, they allow for chaos to happen and selfishly let the world around them die so long as their own little world does not die with it.
  8. I am in favor of this decision for the most part just because it seems silly to market with overtly pink and blue aisles when kids already know what kind of toys they like. The thing is that there are kinds of toys that boys tend to prefer and kinds of toys that girls tend to prefer. A lot of parents who try to make their kids gender-neutral find that those tactics don't really work. Boys will throw Barbies at each other and girls will dress up GI Joe. Not for every individual case, but generally speaking.That sort of behavior isn't going to change just because the marketing has changed. Men and women ARE different from one another. I do believe that making the marketing gender-neutral will allow kids to get whatever toys that they want and give them the freedom to play with those toys how they want, it doesn't automatically mean that boys and girls are the same.
  9. I know you think that Meghan is full of crap, but I doubt that Flash will be in season 4. Think about it. This movie was made to be a one-time dealio to sell dolls... the writers had already finished writing season 4 by the time Equestria Girls premiered in theaters, and they had no idea how Flash would be received. Why would they add a character to season 4 from this movie if they have no idea how he would be received by the audience? The writers were playing it safe with Flash. I mean why else was he in the movie for only like 10 minutes? If they wanted to be bolder, they would have involved him more in the plot. It is disappointing, really. It would be great if the love interest could be fleshed out a little (and NO, it does not "ruin the premise of the show" to add a little romantic subplot from time to time). I am not counting it on happening in season 4, though. Season 5 or beyond? That is still a possibility.
  10. I know that there are a lot of nerds that live in their parents' basement - or at least did at one point. That is how it became a stereotype. My point is that the joke is SO OLD. Do people even find it funny anymore or are people just ingrained to laugh at that joke because society tells us that it's supposed to be funny? The rest of the video was funny because it was specific to bronies, and giving the brony toys real jobs was a plus and very creative. The basement joke is just a cheap blow at nerd culture and not a real joke at this point.
  11. I thought this video was pretty funny for the most part. I wish that people making fun of nerds would stop using that basement joke. It is seriously so old, at least as old as Star Trek. Do people still think that basement joke is funny? Someone's gotta tell me.
  12. I have heard this claim before in some way before. I agree with it to a point. It depends on the brony, but I think that it's fair to say that your average brony would fall into that category. Masculinity and femininity have become so shallow in modern society... there are fundamental biological, psychological, and spiritual differences between men and women, yet all people can think about to differentiate between the two genders is to look at people's hobbies and interests? Sure these things can get a glimpse of a person's personality, but a man liking MLP doesn't cancel out all masculinity in a man. It is ridiculous how much weight a TV show holds in determining whether or not a man is masculine.
  13. I see, did you buy the card on ebay for more than that? How much would you want to sell it for? If it's for more than $300, then you might as well keep it. The cards are slightly more common than they were when you probably bought the card, so they are not as valuable as they once were, so people are not willing to pay the big bucks for that card anymore. As for your question... I looked up the card itself on ebay, and the prices right now range between $40-80. I found one signature card from Tabitha on ebay going for almost $300, lol. http://www.ebay.com/itm/My-Little-Pony-Rarity-Official-Autograph-Signed-Card-Sweepstakes-Tabitha-Germain-/171117672156?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27d76876dc You may want to try to find other opinions, and it's hard to gauge how much Tabitha's signature is worth because she's not as big of a name as Tara Strong, but I would start bidding at $200 for that card at most. People will pay more than that for the card if they feel that it is worth it.
  14. Holy crap so many. People wanna use ponies to gain Internet fame at similar rates as the people who want to make their pony convention the biggest and the best. Although after LPU failed hard there has been a bit less of that but the comparison between fan projects and starting cons seems similar to me. I look at the Nightly Roundup on EqD pretty regularly and almost every one has about 3-4 different projects being advertised. It's like stoooooooopppp srsly I look at them and they look like they are gonna be shit. Part of the problem in the first place is recruiting people on EqD. I feel like fan projects work better if you don't have to have auditions and if you have people already willing to work on the project long before you can start making announcements to the general public.
  15. I didn't understand Flufflepuff for a long time. I think that I am starting to understand what the big deal is... She is cute, but overrated. Overrated doesn't mean that she is bad, but best character ever is a bit of a stretch, dontcha think?
  16. Every time I see a fan project get advertised on Equestria Daily, I kinda ignore it. I will read it if it initially sounds interesting or it involves voice acting or singing, but then I remember that I don't trust that the project will be any good and I may not have time to be involved anyways. I have tried to be involved in a couple of other fan projects but eh, they never worked out.
  17. For what it's worth, I don't believe in the "there is someone out there for everyone" nonsense either, but for very practical reasons. First is that there are people who choose to be forever celibate for religious reasons. Paul in the New Testament spoke often about how it was better for him to be single and recommends it for people who can handle it. Secondly, that statement assumes that destiny or whatever has taken over and given us little say in who we marry - and that the choice that we make might be wrong. That isn't to say that you can marry whoever and it will go well no matter what, but that mindset can drive people to believe that they married "the wrong person" as soon as things get unsettling. However, you seem bitter. Just because you were in relationships that went sour it doesn't mean that you are "destined" to have bad relationships for the rest of your life. Seriously, why do people believe in destiny anyways? There are consequences to actions but those consequences do not need to burden us for the rest of our lives. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Learn from former lovers' mistakes and move on. Go listen to Carry On by FUN. I have one ex boyfriend and I gave my heart to several other guys that did not reciprocate my love (or infatuation, whatever). I have moved on from that and I am getting married in a month and a half. I learned from my own mistakes and made sure not to make most of the same mistakes. I made a point to change my behavior in order to have a fulfilling relationship with my soon-to-be husband. I made a point to watch out for behavior that was not healthy for me to be around, and found that my man does not behave the same way that my former guys did towards me. Life is full of choices. What happened in the past cannot be changed, but the past does not discern the entirety of your future.
  18. I belong to a religion where men and women have the choice to make vows to remain single for the rest of their lives. It makes people scratch their heads, and it makes people wonder how in the world they could ever choose to never be romantically involved with anyone ever again. But people choose to be that way, and that is a fine way of life. I do concur with those who are saying that you may change your mind. Maybe you're not wild about the physical affection that people give to one another, but perhaps you come to realize that you like it when someone can spend a lot of time with you. But that's just an example of how you can mature and change. But maybe you won't change your mind. Maybe you'll just not be in a relationship with anyone, and you'll be perfectly content with that. It's your life. No one can make you be in a relationship.
  19. I am inclined to agree with you, except that how is his character supposed to be established before an appearance in the TV show? I think that you mean to say that before he is considered a part of the mane cast and becomes Twilight's love interest, he should be established as a character? That seems to make more sense. Feel free to clarify. It seems to me that based off what we know in the movie, the characters retain their basic personalities in the human world, however, their lives in the different universes are laid out differently, therefore they are each being formed differently based off these different experiences. Complex stuff, this alternate world mumbo jumbo, isn't it?
  20. No problem! I'm the trading card guru apparently, lol. I have been taking a bit of a break from collecting them though. Just been busy with my wedding coming up that it's not exactly a priority. Eh, I have most of the cards anyways. I am missing 4 of the gold cards and 1 foil card from series 2, but I have been keeping up with the con promos and stuff. Speaking of, I wonder when the next one will be... I just got my Vinyl Scratch promo card in the mail on Saturday. They still need to do Rarity, Applejack, and I believe that they have Luna and Discord coming up as well. Should be fun.
  21. Spike was awesome in this movie. As a dog, he was definitely better than expected. Honestly, after Equestria Girls and The Crystal Empire, I am convinced that Meghan McCarthy writes Spike the best. Hands down.
  22. Therefore it would be even MORE pointless for them to have love interests. People complain that Flash himself was pointless, and while I don't totally agree, I sympathize with that opinion, and I could see why someone would feel that way. But giving the ones staying in the human world boys? Way more pointless than Flash. So? She's allowed to have flings~ ...how? What, do we need to have a TV series outside of the movie with all of the background information ever in order to disprove your claim? All of my wut. While it makes sense, it would still be more pointless than Flash. Besides, I thought people didn't WANT tons of romance in the show. Also, are you ever going to answer my "meddling" question, or are you blatantly ignoring posts that I make?
  23. Do not bid on that eBay auction. Go to Toywiz.com and buy the series 2 binder. These cards are in that binder. You can get single cards on that website as well. But I recommend checking eBay for individual cards first because shipping is cheaper. You can also try to trade at trade cards online.com
  24. What in the world do you mean by "meddling?" You mean the creators of the show doing things that you don't like? Heaven forbid that they ever do anything that you do not approve of.
  25. Interesting theory, but they are seniors and will be graduating and heading off to college, so no more princess titles for anyone to win. Flash may not even like someone just because they have the princess title. Even with Sunset being reformed he may not want to date her again. A horrible ex changing for the better does not always make it acceptable to get back together. But, as I said in another thread, this is all speculation and headcanon. None of this can be proven true or false. All I am here to do is tell you that your headcanon is just headcanon and should not be proclaimed as truth.
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