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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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There's always one thing that I dislike about one character favorite or not. Some have more reasons than others.


Twilight- becoming and Alicorn, what happened?Did the staff read to many Twilacorn fanfics? (Don't get your damn boxers in a bunch, thinking I'm accusing them of pandering, I was being sarcastic,)


Fluttershy- one step forward one-thousand steps back.


RD- Egomaniac from season 1-2


Pinkie- her happiness is disturbing, when someone is so happy about everything we know their in denial.


Rarity- Character destroyed in season 3.


Applejack- while I like her she's very bland.


Cadence- should have let her as unicorn (same goes for TS)

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I would have to say snips and snails (which has bee done over sooo many times)

To me they were put in soley to make things annoying in Boust Busters.


I also don't like the teenage dragons. They were your Steryotypical teenage boys. Also the voices for to me were too much. They were just annoying in my opinion.


Dimond Tiara- I hate her, but for a good reason. She reminded me Of that Princess Morbucks character from the Powerpuff Girls. God how I hated that character. She was soooooo annoying.

Edited by Phoenix237
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It seems to me like a lot of people are giving their list of characters they dislike... because they're mean in the show, like Diamond Tiara, but wouldn't it be more interesting to talk about the characters that we feel are not very well written or things like that?


Anyways I really despise Gilda, her dialogues all sounded extremely cheesy, like a bully you'd see in a kid's movie and that's not exactly the kind of quality we are used to with MLP.

Griffon The Brush Off is still a very good episode thanks to a lot of very funny Pinkie Pie moments but it was the first thing that ever made me cringe in a My Little Pony episode...  

  • Brohoof 3



Thanks a lot to ShyForever for the great signature!

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While I'm kind of depressed by all the votes for Dashie, this thread has given me a chance to bust out one of the Stellafera memes, so it's not all bad.




XD, I don't particularly dislike any characters that I'm not obviously intended to dislike. Sure I like some a lot more than others but unless they're flat and obnoxious I'm completely fine with pretty much everyone :).

  • Brohoof 5
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I think I'll just post a list. I just posted a 7k characters post and I don't feel like typing much.

Edit: I see that the reasons are requested. Ok, just a few lines.


Rarity. - Freakin' annoying, useless, wannabe, golddigger, would trade her friends for fame.


"Wannabe" what?  Golddigger?  You *are* talking about the self made mare who opened up and runs her own business, right?  And did you even *watch* Sweet and Elite?


I'm discounting characters that are antagonists that you're *supposed* to hate, like Gilda, Blueblood, Diamond Tiara, etc.  I would say I like Rainbow Dash the least. She has redeeming qualities, but she's also so cocky, in-your-face, and abrasive.  She softens up during the course of the series, but still not my favorite.


Sig by Thunderstorm

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The only character I dislike, for reasons I'm not supposed to dislike her (Diamond Tiara and Trixie bashers take heed), is Princess Celestia.


Who is she? What's she doing all day? She's barely a character. She's more of a figurehead, and a significantly flawed one at that. She's rarely around to help resolve dire crises in her own kingdom, and when she is there she's not much help. Her oddly childish sense of humor also bugs me, but I could forgive that if I knew more about her and saw her actually doing stuff. Until then, I don't trust her at all and I question many of her decisions and actions.


The biggest problem I have with her, though, is her deeply problematic relationship with Twilight Sparkle. When you think about it, Celestia is actually teaching her very little. She's pretty much leaving Twilight to her own devices and depending on daily status reports. I would be okay with that, if that was the kind of "education" Twilight needs--but it isn't. Not at all. Twilight is finicky, compulsive and insecure. She's dealt with emotional distance for much of her life; she doesn't need more of it. She looks up to Celestia religiously and yearns for a close, healthy student-teacher bond, even a surrogate mother bond, which the princess doesn't seem interested in sharing with her--assuming she is emotionally capable. "Party of One" had nothing on the disturbing implications of "Lesson Zero." I have a laundry list of problems with that episode, from Celestia's complete lack of understanding or sympathy for Twilight's deep-seated issues, to the way the show made a joke out of those issues instead of really exploring them to the benefit of her character.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 2

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I love Snip's laugh. It's goofy as fuck.


As for characters I hate, I'd have to say Silver Spoon. At least Diamond Tiara has a personality. Also I hate Fancypants. I don't know why, I just don't like Fancypants.



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I really can't think of any pony in the show that I want removed at all.. Like I don't hate any of the characters that much, infact I really don't dislike any pony or any character in the show at all that much.


I guess if I really had to pick a character then I'd pick Gilda, just because shes a jerk. :P I don't really like her at all to be honest, but I have no feelings that she should be removed, besides she only showed in 1 episode :P.


But like I said, I really don't have any deep dislike or even really light dislike for any character, sure theres qualities I don't like about certain characters, but theres also ones I like about them aswell.


I honestly find it hard to dislike any of the characters in a show filled with adorable ponies, which I guess is why the only charactor I could try to dislike is Gilda.


And I certainly don't feel like I need to condemn anyones favorite characters and say they shouldn't exist in my opinion, not only because I don't dislike any of them because of what they add to the show and how they all have their ups and downs, but because I dunno I feel mean kinda.


Maybe I'm just soft, oh well who cares :P. I feel like all the characters have qualities that some people may like and others dislike, but I find that theres always something I like in the characters, even if they're an antagonist whos being a jerk it still adds something to the show. And there isn't anything that I can find that I see as something that I feel makes them so unlikeable to me that they need to be removed from the show in my opinion. Then again I can really dislike any of the characters either that much so.. yeah :P.


Anyways, thats my mini ramble rant about characters and stuff. Sorry about that :P.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Oh, I hope my opinion of this next character is founded enough. I really disliked Cherry Jubilee, from The Last Roundup. I didn't like her voice, nor her manner and total dismissal aura. I don't think she looked appealing, either. Generally one of my least favourites, I couldn't find anything significantly redeeming about Cherry Jubilee worth mentioning.

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Like nearly everyone else has said, Snips and Snails. They were only created to make annoyance In Boast Busters.

....OH and that shining Amour guy, Shoulda just stayed as the captain of the gaurd on MATA NUI  (1000+ points for you if you get that reference.)

Rarity. - Freakin' annoying, useless, wannabe, golddigger, would trade her friends for fame.

Well I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep tonight.


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Snips and Snails, absolutely. Honestly, I think those are the only two characters I really hate in the show. Not only they don't have anything to add, but they aren't funny and in fact, are just very disruptive and annoying, both because of how they look and how they speak. The Derpy affair made it even worse for me, because is Derpy is offensive and making fun of people with mental illnesses, then what the hell are those two still doing there?


Spike - well, I don't hate him, I'm just not particularly fond of him in most situations. He often acts way too naive or stupid and, erm, doesn't really have any consistency as far as character goes.  The latest episodes weren't very helpful in that regard either. Plus I always thought of him as a kind of a slave kid, which makes me shrug a little.


Opal - again, far from hate, but I really love cats and Opal just hurts my mind because of that.


Diamond Dogs - Something about them really creeps me out.


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I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, huh?




Fluttershy: Look, she does have redeeming qualities. I'll get that out of the way. I like her voice, design and some of the moments she's given but...


1. All of her episodes thus far except Keep Calm and Flutter On have been about her crippling social anxiety. This is annoying. Look, we get it, she's shy. Something about this makes me think that the writers have trouble coming up with other synopses that would work with Fluttershy as the main character, and I understand that. Still, it's getting old. 


Her episodes are her overcoming her major flaw, somewhat. Just like Applejack overcame her personal trust problem in the Applebuck Season. Unfortunately, there isn't much left to her character, but that goes for the other Mane 6 except Twilight, it seems.







Princess Celestia:

1. The only thing I really dislike about her is her overall uselessness. I know that she can't use the elements of harmony, and that only the Mane 6 can, but why does she never even attempt to help? (Except in that one wedding episode?) She always is like: "Oh there's this huge problem, so Twilight and gang, could you fix it? I'm going to chill at the castle, and not even try to help." 

Or maybe it's just me.

Other than that she's pretty bucking awesome :)


She's lucky no villain turned up in that 1,000 year gap prior to the show. Otherwise she might've had to do something.

Edited by New Moon

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I dislike Diamond Tiara, the male pegasai trio in Sonic Rainboom and the dragons from Dragon Quest, unlike most people I don't have much problems with antagonists simply being jerks, but these guys are so dull and uninteresting on top of being painfully unlikeable that they could be bisected with a chainsaw in the show and I wouldn't give a damn, little shits would deserve it.


I dislike Blueblood because he is the exact opposite of what a prince should be(in context of the show) and was disrespectful to Rarity


I also dislike Trixie and Snips and Snails for reasons already stated


And lastly I dislike the Flim Flam Brothers, but this time I don't really have a good reason, I just don't like them and their  dumb song

Edited by Megas75
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There are many characters I don't really like in the show (mainly Diamond Tiara), but those characters have a purpose, so I wouldn't say they shouldn't be in the show at all, instead I will say I just hate bitchy people, and bullies, so, you, know, the pig. (a.k.a. Diamond Tiara). There are however some characters that I just think are useless in the show:


Babs Seed - never felt needed, just felt like a plot device (irony lol)

Every pet aside from Fluttershy's and Tank - contributes less than nothing to the show

Zecora - rarely does she even get a role, and when she DOES appear, always, always, always a plot device. Hell she doesn't even have any character, have you seen any fanon characteristics of Zecora? No, you know why? Because she's boring, and she has no potential beyond being a witch.

Twist - she's just horrible. She abandoned Apple Bloom, she has no character, and in all honesty I'm sorry she was even in the one episode she was in.


That's all I have. Once again, there are more characters that I don't really like, but they have purpose.

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Um, Twist didn't abandon AB. AB just more or less ditched her for the CMC. I don't particularly like Twist, but wrong reason is still wrong.

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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I REALLY REALLY dislike Snips and Snails. They look stupid. They don't even resemble ponies at all. They're an anomaly and they annoy me every time I see them.

Edited by Goose
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As much as some people on here love her, my least favorite character is......Rarity.

It's nothing against her character, hell I think she is probably one of the most complicated on the show. It's just that I see my sister in her whenever she comes on the screen, and it just makes me cringe.

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I hate Pinkie Pie completely

I understand that people think that she's random and funny

When almost everything that comes out of her mouth is just stupid and annoying

Holy crap every single time she opens her mouth I wanna shove razorblades up my ears


....well okay maybe she's not THAT bad, but I think you guys get the point now


Another pony that I hate is Applejack

I'm just not digging that whole "country gal" thing

Seriously, she's everything that I hate


And finally Fluttershy

Well I don't exactly hate her

But I still think she deserves to be on my list here

....she's literally nothing at all

She's just some shy little pony

Nothing more to her

Nothing more at all

Except she likes to take care of little animals

That's all she has that makes her more distinct

From the rest of the...well I wouldn't compare her to the civilians

Because she's just an outsider

Lives outside with nothing but cute and fuzzy little animals

Not that I have anything wrong with cute and fuzzy animals

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I don't really dislike any character in FiM in the way I feel they removal would benefit the show, or dislike them to say I'd like them to be removed from the show. All the characters play their parts beautifully, and form an incredible story-arch and build a dynamic world. The being said, I do maintain a lot of grienvces with characters:


The Worst: Ponies I really don't like that much:


Gilda: I suppose Gilda would be my most disliked character, but then again, I can't stand in full with that statement. GIlda's a terrible person and an awful gryphon, making the sweetest of all cry in tears of agonizing pain makes Gilda a despiseable character, but I'm more disliking of Rainbow Dash for that than Gilda. Gilda's a tough-biker gang leather-coat who would keep away from anything that's not cool enough for her. It's not like Gilda rolled up into town and started tormenting the place; she rolled into town to see her friend Rainbow Dash. Gilda might be a bitter-spirited person with a mean-streak, but it's only because of Rainbow Dash's connection to her that she was with people. Left to her own devices, we could hope Gilda would at least serve to stay out of town, and never come in.

Diamond Tiara: I could continue the obvious, but Diamond Tiara just isn't a nice filly. Maybe she has her own demons (being the little brat of a mutli-generation old money family does have it's down-sides), but Diamond Tiara's just a spoiled little twerp who needs to learn her lessons and try to become a better little filly.

Prince Blueblood: Of all characters, I dislike Blueblood the most. Blueblood is all the worst of everything every character I have issues with is, and that exemplified hundreds of times over. Blueblood has all the arrogance of every other character combined, with nothing to back his self-centered desires. Blueblood's in love with himself, and views every other pony with contempt, treating everyone as a sub-pony species.


Blueblood takes advantage of pony weakened by her desire for love, and proceeds grant her only his cold-heartless shoulder as she bends over backwards trying to get to know him. Blueblood's a self-centered misanthrope who concerns himself only with nothing but himself, expecting his privileges without the slightest though of any pony else. Blueblood probably did nothing to obtain his royal privileges, and continues to usurp everything he can get his greedy hands on. In fact, usurp isn't even the word, because Blueblood is so worthless, he couldn't even bother to steal anything.


Blueblood is a miserable pony who cares nothing about what he does to others, and would gladly throw anyone under the bus, perhaps literally, just to get more for his miserable little existence.


The silver lining to Blueblood is that he's a one-time character, and only served as a plot device to make Rarity see she really needs to re-consider just what she wants.




I Don't Quite Understand These:  There are some ponies that I just don't tend to feel any of the grievances the consensus feels about them:



Spike: Yes, Spike can be that way sometimes, and he really does need to work on being friendlier and a more kind individual; but he's a baby, a boy going through an awkward stage in his life. He's surrounded by adults all the time, and frustrated he's not like the others; all Spike wants, at his heart, to be loved, and disliking him isn't going to make him any better a character; all he wants is love.


Trixie: I know she's arrogant and dislikable, but that's her show presence; the only way she makes money. Trixie's not the best position in her life when she's met, and she's only trying to make her living the only way she knows how. It's seen when she talks to Snips and Snails that she really does have problems, and that's only topped by the tiny little house that she has to call home because she has nothing else in the world. Trixie's just in a bad position, and, while she's a jerk on stage, it's not as if a little compassion for her would go astray in helping to see what's really wrong with her.


Snips and Snails: Alright, honesty here: I had no idea Snips and Snails were this prevalently disliked anywhere, but apparently they are here. I never had any problem with either of them; they severed as problems in Boast Busters, but every other appearance, they're comic relief played to keep the plots nice. In fact, in Magic Duel, I really like them, and love their appearances; perhaps that's subconscious for I really dislike them, as they were being tormented by Corrupted Trixie.



The Mane Grievances: These are my Mane grievances with characters in the show, but not characters I specifically dislike:



Cherry Jubilee: I really dislike Cherry. She's just not that interesting a character, and her personality's one that I can do without; I just don't like her that much.


Luna: I like Luna a good bit, and her appearance guarding Canterlot in Season 2's finale is my favorite part of the Season; this is a recent development. Luna's been acting considerably distant to her sister lately, which, while with reason, Luna's been acting up and being cold and distant just because she doesn't get her way. In addition, I wish Luna could break away from a bit of her good girl traditionalist self, and really showcase her dynamic personality.


Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash is, in large part, a jock. She's heavily into sports, devotes her life to athletics, and generally doesn't associate outside hyper-athletic crowds. Rainbow Dash associate's herself in shady crowds, and, while she's faced adversity that's built her personality, it's not as if Rainbow Dash isn't a major cause of her own problems, I.E. Dash Academy.


All of Dash Academy showcases the major dislikeable aspects of Rainbow's personality, that have been exemplified through-out Season 2. Rainbow Dash often acts in sole care of her own wants, rejecting her friends and the needs of those around her that she could help , but instead chooses her own cares over their needs, which is not very loyal of her. Rainbow Dash is arrogant and jockish, with a one-track mind concerning herself, and I really don't like that Rainbow Dash.


This being said, I do really like Dashie; the fun, cheerful, often lazy and unmotivated, competitive pony, who puts her friends above her own desires. I really like Rainbow Dash in the pilots and through-out Season 1, even in the Sonic Rainboom when she's trying to get something for her own wants. While I couldn't find this Dash for most of Season 2, Rainbow Dash's adorability, love, and loyalty found their way back in Dragon's Quest. In Season 3, while it was more of Rainbow's personal desires, I love her in Just For Sidekicks when she's being adorable around Tank; maybe he and Daring Do have cut back on Dashie's arrogance and selfishness.


Rairty: Of all the members of the Mane Cast, Rarity tends to be the pony I most hold grievances with. Rarity's the element of genorosity, right? Arguably, she's the least generous of all the Mane Cast. Rarity perpetually dumps her friends to hang out with the upper-crust of Equestria  disregarding the people who love her for upper-class twits who could care less about Rarity.Rarity's episodes center around either her love of high fashion, her desire to be more than she is now in society, or about building her fashion career.


While I can't in good knowledge say that Rarity's wrong for trying to capture her dreams and live her life, her episodes just don't have that much to do with friendship, generosity, or her beautiful heart; they're all about her and her own wishes.


Rarity spends her first episode spending her time making dresses for her friends, spending all her love and effort to make sure her friends have the perfect gowns to go to the Galla with. After that, Rarity proceeds to spend every episode she gets collecting materials for her business, using her sister as a tool to live lavishly, subtly asking an emotional kid with a gnarwling crush on her for the gem he really loved, and generally basking in her own self-interest. Heck, her second song was all about her saying she wanted to be in the upper-crust of society, with everyone gawping over Rarity, and she wants exactly what her best friend had, going as far to wallow in self-pitty because she wasn't fortune enough to get what Fluttershy was able to get.


 With a few gasps of air from her generosity and heart, Rarity spends her entire time after her initial few acts of generosity concerning only with herself and her life, which, regardless of good it makes episodes, just isn't that fitting for Friendship is Magic.


Rarity's grown me, and I love a lot about her, from her fashionista esch, to her elegance, when she is loving and generous, and her contrast into the show, she's just really not the best pony. I really wish Rarity was little more generously beautifully-hearted.



So, those are my grievences.

Oh wait, I forgot one, because I want badly to forget about her:


Princess Cadance: ​There are a number of bronies that detest Candace, calling her a Princess Wanna-be, a fake, worthless, alicorn poser, OC, and generally want her out of the show. I tend to relate heavily with these feelings of dislike; I want Cadance out. Cadance was handed down in sole part by Hasbro; her entire existence, her timeline for entering the plot, and everything about her has Hasbro Corporate Office written on. Candace is nothing more than a device; she's a tool used to carry on the story archs of the show, of which she's thusly recieved 3, without any reason to.


Cadance is a bland and increasingly dislikable character; she offers little to the show, and commandeers a massive amount of the show's precious life-force. Cadance is a royal princess alicorn without any reason to be one; she doesn't deserve any credit, and she's done nothing to earn her credit she's gotten since she's been forcibly implanted at the end of 2 seasons of the show. Cadance was Twilight's foalsitter, and she was nice in the flash-backs, but she's not important any more than any of the characters she's taking time away from. Cadance isn't interesting, and has no significance less to be some heir to the thrown of a misplaced historical Empire that she has no relation in importance to the Empire.


Cadance is a marketing tool of the worst kind; a malignant tumor that just keeps growing because of Hasbro's radiation on the show.  There are so many better characters to see, and even a new good character would be much more appreciated than anything Cadance can be to the show.


Also, she's ruined alicorns; only Luna and Celestia can be alicorns, along with other major players in the world; even Princesses don't get to be alicorns, and it needs to stay that way.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 4 weeks later...

Mane 6: Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy
Secondary: Sweetie Belle and Prince Blueblood
Background: Bon Bon

I only dislike Blueblood and Bon Bon, though. My #1 least favourite is Cadence, though she's not on the list because this thread was made before her debut.

Edited by Twilie Sparkle
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Man, thats a hard one.


I would probably choose Snips and Snails. They are just so annoying! And Snip's voice is from Johnny Test, which is a cartoon I loathe.


Thanks and bro hoof /)



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