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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom

The shadowy presence was disappointed, yet impressed. Many times before, visitors to the cave would wander about aimlessly until it followed, usually coughing up dust as they moved right along the darkened pathways. There was a point when they simply couldn't remember what they were doing there in the first place. They all eventually found their way out with someone else's help. Not this time. "Sen" walked forward in a hunched gait with still unnatural movements towards his friend, glowing eyes half-open but focused. The other presence would wait in the darkest corner it could find while "Sen" would try to distract Omen. If conventional methods won't work, brute force was an always an option.

"Why do you not proceed? Is there a problem?"

The voice is distinctly Sen's but it seemed off. It sounded like it was attempting to help or emulate concern but it was forced. Body movements didn't seem to portray that tone as well. Instead of giving Omen room to move, "Sen" was inching himself closer and trying to back his friend into a corner. "Sen" seemed to know more than he lets on and the other, shadowy presence is thinking the same.  

"Do you not recognize us?" 

Back in Omen's home realm, "Lin" found the path forward curious and proceeded slowly, observing the siblings as they parted and made a way forward. It might have some use for them later but given they don't appear to be much, she ignored them until she met with the dominant presence. She approached slowly, still unfamiliar with the environment and walking but learning about how it works. Nothing here was like what it saw before and eventually, she will learn to master it from whoever rules this realm. That knowledge will be put to far greater use in a much grander scheme. Several minutes passed and she grew tired of the bleakness and uncertainty of this realm before stopping just as she reached the pillar.

"Is the dominant presence here?" "Lin" raised her voice and asked. "We demand an audience. We wish to communicate."

Just like "Sen" in the real world, "Lin" would attempt to catch her target by surprise but as she was alone, the few moments of silence provided the opportunity to learn Lin's patterns of speech, including tone and accent. How much she could hide and how much she reveals will tell whether or not the attempt will be successful. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

Astral giggled at what Chow said. "I just want to go there for the fun of it, I haven't gone there myself yet." She stopped walking, feeling off, sensing a strangely powerful source of magic from the gardens wafted over her. she turned to them. "Hm..." She started to feel this wasn't a good idea to do, but she now wanted to find out the source of that power. Her gem glowed a darker shade of blue, she lifted it up as she started to follow Chow again, realizing it was dark magic. She knew magic was banned, if she could defeat this power assuming it was a pony, she might be able to reverse that fact, with that thought she smiled mischievously.


"I'm am actually unsure how important it is. My subject made it evident that some witchcraft users were around in Canterlot." She explained as she sat down on the pillows. "But we are unsure if they plan to do evil with it. I'd suggest keeping an eye on them until they show other intentions." Francis nodded his head to this explanation. "And some tea would be nice as we discuss this."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

Starburst wasn't expecting to dragged in by the scruff inside the modest inn, but he was. 

A deep rumbling shook the earth, followed by a large yapping sound that shook Starburst to his very core. That sound... it sounded similar to a... 

Dragon. It's a dragon that's invading Ponyville.

Then he quite possibly had one of the most pessismistic thoughts in his entire life:

Where's the Mane Six when you need them?

He shook off the owner's hoof that was still over his mane, and unstrapped the box from his back.

He nudged the owner of the inn, "It's okay if I head outside and check out the dragon, right?"

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@Blitz Boom 


Phoenix tilted her head slightly at smokey "my... input?" she asked. "what sort of input would you like?". 

just  then, she heard a loud roaring noise as the ground began to shake. looking off into the distance, she could see what looked like an impossibly large dragon. although she certainly was shocked, being unaware of the dragons intentions, her face certainly didn't show it. she had been in many dangerous situations before, and showing any sort of loss of focus could be a weakness to be exploited. she simply looked upon the dragon with a stone cold glare. 

her horn began to glow with a light blue aura. she had no intention to cast anything, but she was certainly preparing herself to do so if she would find herself suddenly needing to. although. 

Phoenix payed no attention to Smokey's dazzling display with Last, but she certainly heard his words and they rang true. as she realized this, she stopped revving up her horn. perhaps she was being too defensive, and if the dragon were to see, it might get angry and go for her instead. best to lay low and not do anything. 

she gave no verbal response to Smokey, but rather showed she was paying attention to his words by backing down a bit. 

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@Blitz Boom , @Widdershins , @Trixie .,

Ancalagon looked at the mad pony. He then flicked away the jester of the Courier guild. He sighed as he looked at the large bat pony ans blew black smoke into the stallion's face as he shrunk down to the size of a large horse. He stood on his back legs. He walked past afew ponies one was holding a pony's mouth shut with a gray aura. Ancalagon raised an scaly eyebrow. "Let me guess that one has a foul mouth?" he asked.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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On 4/11/2017 at 6:30 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Ooooh, that's so cool."

Jelly looked with big eyes at the *friendship crystals* as she thought about them, and looked as one apparently representing Gary and her were added to the pile of friends. Some of them were oddly dim in it for some reason though, which seemed strange to her, but perhaps it was just an age thing. Like those were old friends of hers for example, and it just lost the glare over time. Or perhaps they just needed to be polished? She had never seen something like that, so she had no idea.

"Why are some of them pale Cacora? Are they old or dirty or something like that?"

Cacora would have about a minute to answer before the floor rumbled and the sound of foals screeching emanated through the halls. Along with two others, which were Honey Dew Desperately calling for any and all caretakers - including Cacora - to come and help with the scared foals, and a pearly, half-mad cackling from what one could only assume were Anomaly.

"Ehehehe, who's doing this? It's fun!"

"Are you absolutely crazy? This is horrible. We just had one attack, we shouldn't be hit again this soon. Everypony, gather up! Please..."

Honey Dew were starting to go desperate after somepony that could help get things calmed down again, and/or tell them what in the world was going on. If there was a window in her room, Cacora and Jelly would have an easy time saying what caused the rumblings outside, as well as the booming voice, but otherwise they'd have to find another place to gaze out from. Regardless, there was a need for them somewhere deeper inside to help with the foals that feared that there was another attack. Best that they made their way further in before it got chaotic, or before Honey Dew snapped even more at Anomaly, who were apparently having a great time with whatever was going on right now.

*Cacora says,* "To be honest, I don't fully understand their glow either. But some of the dim ones represent the ones who have died during attacks or by natural means some time ago."

*As Cacora says her words she hears what's going on. She steps up to the window in her room that looks out on to the front lawn.* "Oh my. That's one big being."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@Blitz Boom@Seamore Sandwich


Serenade's ear's flatten against her head, and her left eye twitches. She lets out a whimper "ooooowwww". She drops to the floor and covers her head. "Please don't take this the wrong way Ziggy, but it's times like this that I truly wonder what Pony tastes like"

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@Blitz Boom

Satin stood up in shock. She looked over at Vivid. "I'm inclined to believe you. There was some monster attack yesterday, was there not?" She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Okay. Okay. What to do? I don't think talking to Ms. Tea about my room would be the right thing to do. I fell like it would be rude. I shall wait until whatever is making that racket outside has gone." She looked around the room. "Right now, the best thing to do is keep these ponies calm, as you said." Satin walked over to Bubble Tea and gently tapped her shoulder. "Ms. Tea," she whispered to the mare, "How should we go about trying to calm down these ponies?" Suddenly an idea popped into her head, but she didn't quite like it. "Could you get me some water please? Not too cold if you wouldn't mind."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Blitz Boom

-There was originally a post here, but it was really bad. I have to deal with life things, but I will make this post ASAP, sorry!-


Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom & @Shineling     (F.Y.I. Blitz, whole thing is for you too to boot. One Mention per post, per member!)

   As Ambie works his way up the line for food (I'm assuming here there's a line, heh) He looks up startled as his server launches herself onto the counter and starts providing  projectile party propellants and purposefully pointing them at the sky behind him. After blinking to catch up a few times, being the sort of stallion always a few steps behind other ponies, he turns his head around at the last moment to see some dark shape ascending into the sky. Ignoring for now the low rumble echoing through the ground, assuming it had something to do with the commotion currently occurring around him, Ambie responds hesitantly as he looks around to piece together what he's missed.

   "What just... what hap-... Did I... miss something?...

His head whipping around in confusion, Ambie finally takes in his surroundings and more than before when he was mostly just focused on the concept of food being available.

       ...I, uh... I thought we were indoors...

                                      ...whatever happened to Happy?"



jk-;p90n ]iuyt3ftg yu.n(Hah! How's that for a paragraph-border-seperation-line-design!)

{No! Bad OC! No more facerolling! You nearly deleted the entire page!!}


@dragon4111 & @~Phoenix~

           Continuing his desperate ravings And paying the flashback cost of three mana to draw two & discard another at random! Hoh! Reference! ...Kozaky had fluttered his way upwards in his fervor to just a bit short of his Master's mid-chest height. After being accosted by the incoming, larger, and clearly healthier batpony the smaller, purple horse began to fume only more, most likely due to his massive disdain for authority and the little respect he has for the many guardponies he's been arrested by.

   Calm?!!? This IS me being calm! Scaring? Scaring?!!? Oh, oh, am I SCARING the little FILLIES!??! I'll tell you what you can- Hey! Get back here when I'm berating you, you mindless governmental pawn!!

   Fuming ineffectually after the guardsbatpony & completely unaware of his Master even entertaining the idea of listening to a pony, Kozaky continues shaking a hoof pointedly upwards, his voice getting noticeably hoarse from all his yelling.

     I'm warning you! I'm warning you AAAALL! YOU! *wheeze*

  WILL ALL DROWN!! *long, rattling, sharp intake of breath*

  IN RIVERS! OF Y-YOUR O-o-own... *Gurk*

  With a final gurgle, Kozaky finally chokes on his own bile & spittle and begins flailing his way awkwardly back down to ground, frantically rummaging in his tattered lab coat to pull out an incredibly moist, used hankerchief that one can only hope is damp from his own intentions. Just before he touches down on the final two feet above ground he's met with a rather quick & large


    from an unseen claw and sent flying through a nearby wall.


        Moments later as his master begins shrinking and walking past a grey unicorn stallion holding a larger, black earth pony mare; Kozaky pops out of the wreckage and flutters erratically after his Master. With his jerky flight shaking loose bits of plaster and debris, not to mention the intermittent coughing, he looks even more like the tattered, flying rodent then the pony part of his species.

    "Did-*Gack!* Did you see that, Master? That corrupt law official completely swatted me into that wall! Guard Brutality! Pawns of the Establishment! He-...

         ...Wait, why are you smaller, Master? How are you going to devour & demolish this unworthy village if you are not of suitable, intimidating size? How will we get my-, I mean your entirely righteous retribution?"



(Uhp! Another post-pagebreak! Guess that calls for another- Ack! No! Get off the keyboard! Geez! I swear, you're like a cat!!)

@Foxy Socks, @Twilight-Shimmer & the Rest!

      Shrinking midair in size, but not length, to roughly the height of a medium sized dog, Widdershins gets intercepted mid-leap by Foxy. As in turn, Briar steps in front of her protectively and begins his own pleas. Whisking past his outstretched tendril as the Evergrown talks, like a blur of a leaping wildcat between his words of Being and  Go Widdershins then hooks around Foxy Socks's outstretched neck and ricochets off to a nearby pole to revolve a few times at blinding speed while Briar finishes. Flinging off as his sentence ends, the long form of the draconequus careens straight at Briar, roaring with glee.




      A mere foot away from colliding with Briar, Widdershins immediately shrinks down further to the same size, length & thickness as the plant-stallion's other outstretched tendril. In a move quick enough, that, were this somehow a show, it would appear as if a frame of animation had been removed. As the draconequus makes contact with the tendril, he quickly chutes down it in a spiral manner, like a snake down a ladder, and disappears down into Briar's flowering "Cloak." As suddenly quiet as the confrontation ended, Briar, in not enough shock to not take advantage of this silence, quickly turns back to tend to his companion. As he does so, a small voice can be heard under his cloak.

   Nyooo~ you so fuzzy~*

   Moments later, Widdershin's small, inch-long head pokes out from underneath the cloak of flowers looking almost like a white-headed tiny garden snake.

     Mew! Call me Widduh Snake! Hith!

  Wondering now what's been going on and likely either oblivious as his attention had been diverted or simply having not cared until then, Widdershins withdraws his head back under the cloak to wriggle over to Briar's other side to poke out again to look at Brittle.

   What's with her? She's acting like she just got tackled by a deathless inter-dimensional being right before being underfoot of a five-story dragon being heralded by a mad-scientist bat-horse.

...... Does... does it occur to anybeing else, that our lives are, like, really weird?


  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Happy hears the cannon goes off and hears the nets fly through the air, whilst he gnashes his teeth. Not only did he have to flee and potentially not be able to get his pricey wagon back again - including the sleep poisons and prepared letter for his hive - but now he were also attempted to be caught like some kind of dog?!

Grabbing hold of the golden scythes on his belt, he swings around and cuts into the confetti nets with a forceful, precise swing that tended to slice through rope like it were butter. Surely this wouldn't be an issue either, even if it was magical as his blades could cut through that as long as it wasn't too strong.

However, the blades cut into the thin ribbons and instead of going through like they should have, just got stopped like he had hit a rubber line with a stick. He didn't have the time to think on how this was possible though - an answer which most knew were *Because it's Pinkie* and a shrug of the shoulders - before the two nets swung around him, slamming his wings to his body and packing him up like a roast before sending him hurling to the ground, where he landed with a small groan of pain. It wasn't too hard, but still, falling on your wings and sliding forwards through the dirt weren't good.

And that's when he opened his eyes and looked directly up at the now-shrunken dragon and the very confused Night Guard.

"...I hate my life..."



@dragon4111 @~Phoenix~ @Shineling @Widdershins

Whilst the guard looked at the... Let's just go with changeling for now, Smokey went over closer to the now shrunken dragon and gave a deep bow before the ancient one.

"It is a great honor to meet you, Ancalagon, leader of the Couriers Guild. I am Billowing Smoke, though Smokey is to prefer if you would please, and I am afraid that yes, my companion here does have a bit of a foul muzzle. I hope you can forgive her though, she's had a long day trying to work through the issues of the rebuilding of this town, and her cup were flowing over, so to speak. A few minutes and I'm sure the steam will be out of her system."

He took note of a barely audible flapping of wings somewhat nearby, and saw the shadow of another dragons up on a roof, looking over them. Likely another follower or one from his guild, but worth keeping in mind, just in case. Smokey didn't let it show that he had seen or heard something beyond a small vibration of his right ear, and his eyes briefly going an inch to the side after he had straightened up post-bow.

At least he didn't have to say something about Phoenix, who were acting exemplary in the presence of Ancalagon thus far. No visible hostility or angry words, she wasn't preparing to attack - He had missed the situation where she prepared for it, as he had been taunting Last - and even though she wasn't bowing, she did act with respect from his perspective at least. The way anypony cautious would, which would be just about anypony who didn't know the guild leader frankly... As well as a good deal who did he would assume. The dragon lord were rather intimidating when he wanted to be after all.

"The guild leader? I heard stories, but didn't think they were real. Then again, I've seen enough things today to break my beliefs a few times already, so I'll take his words for it. Welcome to Ponyville sir."

Stargazer started talking whilst he sent a weird gaze towards Happy on the ground as he spoke about seeing things that tested his beliefs, though the human changeling stayed quiet after his small outburst and didn't try to move, as he knew that trying to escape right now would likely end rather poorly for him. Even more so than what were going on right now that were.

Thankfully, he couldn't remember getting in the way of this Couriers Guild that the bearded chap had mentioned, so perhaps the dragon wouldn't have that much of a reason to burn him to a crisp, but he might have accidentally though. He had been through a good deal of countries at this point, though likely he hadn't caused an attack anywhere the guild were operating if they send this guy to find those who were too harsh on them. Conversion seemed like the sort that'd get him hunted down.

"As to your inquiry, it sounds as if the one you were looking for is gone I'm afraid. I assume this have something to do with him moving materials earlier today, which caused a heated argument between the alicorn and whom I assume will be one of yours?"



@Trixie .

"Wait wait wait, you were trapped on the sun?! Holy moly, you're looking fantastic considering that. I would've been ash after like, three seconds or something like that. And you were there for 15 years? Dang, no wonder you call yourself great and invincible."

Sorrow heard his sort of warning, but she didn't appear to want to take off, especially not after the dragon shrunk down to a more manageable size. She did however, bash to the skull around her neck with a couple of weak pats a few times.

"Oh hush Legion, you're not starting too. It's fine here. Nopony's dead and the nice guard and feater-hat is talking to him. Now be nice whilst I speak to Keeneye.

Sorry about that. You'd think the dead wouldn't care about physical harm anymore, but man do they get angsty sometimes.

Anyway, your horn. It's pretty cool. Does it mean you can make magic? Are you some kind of alicorn perhaps? Well that or you're strong like one at least. No being I know of could handle being on the sun, except perhaps Princess Celestia, but that's pretty understandable all things considered."

She might not be falling into the dust and worshiping him like Keeneye might want, considering his ego, but she were giving him praise instead of feeling pity or giggling at him, so it should be a tad more tolerable. Unless he didn't like questions, in which case she were likely getting annoying. Better hope he didn't blast her away then, but who knew? Wouldn't be the first time, and surely wouldn't be the last.



@Twilight-Shimmer @Foxy Socks @Widdershins

The phoenix pecked a little to Stardust's hoof as it got up near it, then pressed it's cheek up against it and letting out a pleased little tweep. Apparently the little bundle liked him, which would show even more as he'd let down his hoof, only to find that the bird were clinging to his leg sideways, and not really looking like it was a bother to it.

It's talons were like most of it, rather warm. not in a sense that it would accidentally burn him, but more as the feeling you'd get from handling a heated blanket, just with feathers that might light you on fire if you irritated it.

The position seemed to bore it fast though, and it flapped up on Stardust's head again, where it rearranged his mane around a little before sitting in it and observing what went on from it's new nest.

Meanwhile, Amazon Lily looked between the shrinking dragon lord, Stardust and his new companion, and the scene with the others, including Briar whom were slightly shaking Brittle and trying to get some life back into her. The vine had gone back under his cape for now, but knowing that it was there, and how fast it could appear, would certainly make her more hesitant towards annoying him or try anything with Brittle.

"I think we're all okay, as long as we don't try to go after his friend. Seems like he is pretty protective of her."

Turning her back on them - hopefully not something that would bite her in the flank - and sending a nervous glance to where she had seen Ancalagon before, she moved a little closer to Stardust and the phoenix.

"So uhm... Your new friend seems interesting. Didn't think their kind would be so friendly."

She tried to get a hoof slowly closer to it, but about a half meter before, it opened its beak and let out a small warning squawk and flame into the air, which made her withdraw her hoof rather quickly. It had made its point about her keeping her hooves to herself rather well.

"Okay, I'll take that back, not so friendly. Except for towards you for some reason. Do you normally have random animals follow you around?"




"Heh, tourists and their goals, but that's fine too. Perhaps they've set up a replica statue since then that we can have a glance at, eh? Or you know, there might be others. Hopefully not anything with any ancient evils hidden inside 'em. Ain't nothing but bad news today either if that comes 'round."

Chow had been pretty new in town when Discord had first escaped, and was out on a trip to get his stuff here at the time, so he hadn't personally seen anything with the lord of chaos or his antics, but he sure heard a lot of talking going through the streets when he got back. Some of it were likely pretty overstated, like the castle being briefly made into a huge statue of him or the princesses being melted and shoved into the sun, but a few of the lesser things that still sounded pretty nuts did seem true, considering the state some places had been in.

Ponyville had been hit the worst from what he knew, so it could've gone a lot worse, but that was just another reason he actually admired the ponies from there. Crazy buggers actively lived right on top of a bed of crazy, and they just dealt with it and went on with their lives. He had nearly run off a few times and not looked back at the sight of the first few catastrophes that happened there after he moved, but he had always just figured that if they could do it, he could to. He hated to admit though, that given a few more times of wacko stuff happening, he'd likely have run, and not looked back, even if it meant leaving his things behind.

But eh, moot point by now. He was back in Canterlot, had a couple of mares who'd actually listen to him without hitting him over the head (yet) and he was only going back to Ponyville eventually to get hold of his few belongings. The pot of crazy and how it affected him was behind him, and all that was left was this town. A place where the worst he had to endure were annoying nobles and general snobs. He could live with that.




Golden got a surprised look on his face as witchcraft was mentioned, before it went over into a slightly saddened one before he let out a small sigh.

"I was wondering how long before this prohibition would be broken."

Using his horn, he wrote a small note with some papers and a pen in the corner, then teleported it away, sending for some tea and assorted biscuits, fruits  and cakes. He would have asked his guests more on whatever or not they would wish for this, but they had a conversation piece at hoof that were rather important, so he would simply provide a spread, and then they could take what was not used from this and put it to good use elsewhere later.

"I do apologies if it seems pessimistic to think like that, but when it comes to sources of power, eventually somepony will attempt to harness it, regardless of the outcome or rules around it.

usually we would have to follow the law and have the users arrested , and the sources of their knowledge removed, but your approach is one that I agree with. The rules have been up for a long time because one individual made a horrible series of events unfold, and perhaps it is not wise to be too hasty in judging these new practitioners just yet. Much like it were with Lord Discord, something used for evil might be possible to reform to good, and with the recent monster attacks throughout Equestria, this could prove a boon.

But that is getting too far ahead, I apologize. I tend to have a need to think several steps ahead rather than focus on the here and now, and a bad habit of rambling at times. For now there are more pressing concerns, like finding out if those you have found are the only ones, or if a spread coven are rising. We need more information before a decisive action is taken.

Please, could you tell me what you know of these you have seen using this witchcraft, and what you have observed them to be able to do? Any details might end up being helpful in knowing how to approach this from here on out."

The princesses might have been more reactive in their response to how to handle the witches - Princess Luna would at least, as she acted rather headstrong at times - but he was a diplomat, and had to think on many things before taking decisive action against anypony. If handled wrong, it might lead too several others being hurt, or a coven going from somewhat passive to actively seeking vengeance for their members, without them having any knowledge about who they were, innocents being incarcerated from half-examined evidence, etc.

Preparations would need to be made to be sure that they could react swiftly if something did go wrong, of course, but unless somepony got hurt, he did best in handling this delicately for now, and then present the princesses with the situation when they returned. Hopefully at that time, he would also be able to give them a preliminary plan and a worst case scenario solution, but one thing at a time. For now, there were still things to learn from the changeling queen and her underling about the witches in town, and he did best in keeping focus on that. It would be important when it came to deciding how best to proceed, and how worried they would have to be at this point in time.





Omen stopped up as she heard the voice of Sen, though even she could tell that it wasn't really him when he started to talk. His eyes glowing could be something unimportant, but the way he talked wasn't. There was a strange tone over it, yes, but she focused more on what it were that he were saying, which wasn't something that Sen would have. Especially when he started to ask if she didn't recognize them. Sen hadn't called himself more than one being at a time before. Not as far as she remembered anyway.

"I don't know you."

A gate would open out of thin air behind Sen, and along the walls so that he couldn't get away. Omen wanted to protect her friend, but she couldn't if this being that had taken hold of Sen were going to leave. She might be able to find him, but it would take time that she didn't want to spend. Not when it was easier to just do this.

She hadn't the faintest clue that there was somepony else here anymore, thinking that it was a trick made by whoever were controlling her friend since she couldn't really sense anypony right now, which could end up giving the one who resided here an advantage if used correctly. But yet again, that wasn't something that even grazed Omen's mind as she took a few steps closer to *Sen* and tilted her head questioningly.

"Who are you, and what have you done to Sen? Did you do something to Lin too? Mother won't like hearing that."

It likely wouldn't make much sense to this one unless it could read Sen's memories, but in the shadowy home world she came from, *Lin* were about to find out what she alluded to as the siblings led her towards one of the pillars shortly after her outburst, which had not been answered by anything other than the siblings whispering *Athahu* once in awhile, along with incomprehensible nonsense to anypony other than their own kin.

The pillar was as usual, nothing special. A clock made of translucent bones that ticked slowly over the delicately written symbols where numbers usually sat.

What were something however, was that the air suddenly got sliced in half and revealed part of a simplistic room made of slightly less darkness than this place behind it, as well as the resident of this room: Mother.

With a nimble, silent movement, she floated out of the tear who stitched together instantly, and landed gently on her clawed feet a short distance from Lin. Around them, the siblings gathered in a large circle, barring the two of them into this minor enclosure, and looking with eager anticipation as to what were going to happen.

Opposed to how friendly and open she had been the other times when Lin, Sen and Omen had been there the previous times, she did not look pleased this time around to say the least. The anthropomorphized bat towered over the impostor with a cold flare flickering in her eyes, and pale light going over her teeth, claws and fangs.

"You dare to enter my home and throw demands around? Especially after taking hold of one of my children? Give me a good reason why I should not flay your presence out of her and destroy you."

The light in her eyes flared up and a vibration went through the immediate area that wasn't going to hurt any being here. However, *Lin* should be able to feel something. Namely that creating gates and teleporting away wasn't possible anymore.

Lin was not truly born of this place like the others, but she still carried their essence. It made her one of Mother's children as much as any of the siblings, and Sen to their adopted kin, even if he carried none of their essence. The two were family, and whoever had entered this world riding along with Lin, were going to learn that she did not tolerate others harming her family.

Out there she could do nothing, as she were bound to this world, but in here? This was her domain, and her reality. Formed by the glow of her essence and maintained by her soul. In here, she were everything, and this insignificant speck of dust that dared to go after her family were going to learn that one way or another.




"Bomb-pillow? Awesome!!!"

Blitz didn't stop as she threw herself at the offered pillow and grabbed it in her hoof, holding it tightly and hearing the small explosive sounds that popped out of it with a giant giggle going over her face. Depending on if Storm had kept good enough hold of said pillow, she might have tumbled over the ground with it in her grip, or were just clinging to it where he put it. Regardless, she'd be no worse for the wear.

Several seconds later, Molotov finally got there on his metallic wings, flapped down and folded them back in again. Not manually or through some kind of magic, but by thought, working with the implant in the back of his neck.

Being able to make wings clearly didn't make one too quick though, as had been evident when Blitz could outrun him as easily as she had, but that was a physiology issue. Pegasi had lighter bones, so depending on whatever or not they were placed on a unicorn or an earth pony, the speed would be reduced in its current form. He's need some kind of rockets or something on them to make up for the lack of speed, but his design hadn't gotten that far yet. For now he were more focused on making sure the power were stable and efficient, and then later on, smaller things like speed could come in over. It beat not being able to fly at all in it's current form regardless.

"Dang it you're fast. Remind me to never challenge you to a race."

To say that Storm was fast was an understatement, as the bugger literally just broke the sound barrier, which had taken Molotov by surprise. He knew that there were ponies who could do that, and they did have one back in Center Zero, but Storm just hadn't seen the type. Usually the ones who could do that were... Well, kinda of a bunch of show-offs. Storm hadn't gone to that thus far, though he were thankful that it had turned out that he could do this regardless of what stereotypes he didn't fit. Blitz had gone directly for that big, crazy dragon with... Some... Speed?

"Wait, where did the dragon go?"

He looked confused at the place where there had been this massive dragon just seconds ago, and now... Nothing? What the hay was going on here? Something that size couldn't just disappear into thin air... Right?



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"Hay, copper, and garlic butter."

Ziggy answered Serenade's inquiry like if she had just asked her what the weather were, and went over to help her friend get back on her hooves, if she were ready for it that were.

It didn't strike her for some time actually that there might be an issue with her knowing the answer to what ponies taste like, but as Fah'lina gave her a pretty well emoted *What the hay?* look, she just shrugged at it.

"What? I was a bitey foal. It helped with the growth pains.

Anyway, are you okay Serenade? No inner ear bleeding, right?"

Ziggy knew that sound made quite a bit more of an impact on Serenade at times than somepony llike her, which made her concerned when situations like this arose, where a loud one had yapped off and she lost her footing, since that could be anything from slight disorientation, to the vibrations shattering her inner ear. It was likely not the last one since Serenade wasn't, you know, rolling in a pile on the floor and screaming like somepony had force-fed her an entire bucket of chili, but she had to be sure.




Jelly were sad to hear what it was the dim one represented. Having friends die wasn't something she had tried, and she frankly couldn't imagine what it was like. Sure she had lost contact with some friends that had left Canterlot over the years, but she could always find them another time if it were and see how it went with them. Dead ones though? That had to hurt Cacora.

There wasn't a chance to say something about that though, before the rumbling and the voice went on, which cause Jelly to jump back in surprise and Gary to let out a hiss and bury himself as far into her mane as he could in an attempt to stay safe.

When Cacora went on about there being a large being outside, Jelly was a bit hesitant to go over and look herself, but she wanted to be brave here, so she went over to the window and just managed to get a good look on the massive dragon that was on the outskirts of town, when all of a sudden, it started to shrink down and her jaw fell.

"Whablargh... Guh?"

It seemed a fuse had shortened in her brain for a bit as she tried to get that she had just seen a dragon shrink. Something which they had never taught her in school, and though it seemed like a small thing, it for some reasons amazed her greatly. In a good or a bad way were hard to say yet, as she were still hard resetting if you would.

Elsewhere, an innocent laughter and the sound of somepony letting out a small shriek seemed to indicate that Anomaly were either messing with the caretakers, or trying to cheer up the kids and missing the mark. Seemed like both the outside and inside of this building were going crazy in one form or another.



@Lil' Lovebug @CentipedeGhoul

Bubble Tea looked between the two talking to her, trying to decide who to answer first, before she were interrupted in her line of thought by Vivid who wandered close to them and cleared her throat to get her attention.

"Innkeeper first, defender second. I'll handle this one."

She seemed like she wished to argue with the demonic mare, but eventually Bubble just nodded and with a smile turned her full attention to Satin.

"Very well. I will bring you your water miss, and then we can try to think of ways to help the atmosphere after that. Celestia knows that I could use some ideas."

Vivid waited until the innkeeper were out of earshot before speaking to the one she had placed herself at, though she did keep her narrow eyes on him since after she had talked with Bubble.

"So you want to go outside? Pray tell, why do you have interest in running towards danger? Might be that it is a dragon, which is familiar thing, but at least in my days, something with that much volume and capability to make the earth rumble were usually dragon lords, and we knew to stay clear of them."

An amused look went over her face, and a small, mischievous glimmer seemed to flare up in her eyes.

"Then again, I could always just tie you to a stick and poke you outside to test the waters. Worst case, we'd still get some of you back inside to bury."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@dragon4111 @Blitz Boom @Shineling


Phoenix noticed all of the ponies appearing around her, as well as the dragon, which had shrunk itself down and approached them. and quite frankly, the crowd was beginning to make her uncomfortable. there were too many ponies to keep track of, and if even one with bad intention were to escape her vision for even a moment, it could spell disaster. she backed up a bit, in attempt to remove herself from the situation. through all this, however, she managed to keep her composure. but she could feel her heart beginning to beat, and the adrenaline beginning to pump through her system. her flight or fight system was highly on edge. 

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@Blitz Boom @Widdershins

"Um, a little help? Oh-" Foxy barely had time to reply between her getting tied up and Widdershins jumping towards Briar. It happened swiftly, with Widdershins seemingly shrinking before disappearing. Foxy couldn't really tell what was going on. They were there one second, then half a second later they were gone.

Foxy struggled, before she realized she was accidentally bound by Briar, which again she had little time to realize. Not wanting to harm them, she waited, turning to the others, where a phoenix seemed to be nested in a colt's mane. This must have been the tiny pony and colorful blur she saw moments ago, before this all happened. A phoenix! I have never been so close to one, if only... Foxy had seen a phoenix before, a young one while in a forest, but it was only for a brief second, before being scared off by her. She wanted to go see them, but unfortunately she was a bit tied up.


Quickly looking back at Briar's side, she noticed that a tiny Draconequus poke out. As upset about the situation she was, she has giggled a bit when Widdershins said to call him 'Widduh Snake.' She liked snakes, and she found Widdershins cute when the poked out, despite being a bit cruel. Foxy wondered if she should give them a second chance, before the 'Serpentequus' wiggled back inside.

Edited by Foxy Socks
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@Blitz Boom

Astral giggled at him, she knew the truth about it, but knew the statement would end up jinxing the trip. "Maybe they did, if there are other mystical beings, I'm sure we could stop them before disaster strikes."

Misty noticed the gem and it's strange dark blue glow, she had seen it before. Way back when Astral was using dark magic, so she could assume dark magic was the reason it was changing colors now, but what was the source of it... "Astral, are you sure you can't sense it?"

She turned to Misty, she stopped walking. "I don't sense any magical source but mine." She lied rather bluntly and resumed walking. It could've been that Warlock figure from the book she was sensing, but nothing about this seemed like it, he probably used dark magic sure. But she couldn't know until she saw him, and by that point she'd give up thinking about defeating a pony of that power.


Nectar looked to Francis. "You should have a say on the matter, considering you met them."

Francis nodded. "I saw them use sheilds and magic swords. But considering I was in my changeling form at the time." He explained changing into it. "They would've saw me as a threat." He explained changing back. "And one of them let me go, his name was Chow. I do believe he knew of their magic abilities, or possibly used them himself. But as far as I know, they are only a threat when threatened."

Nectar tilted her head. "Do you remember the others names?"

"I never met or saw them before." He said shaking his head. "But I can discribe their appearance. One was a earth pony, brown fur and a blue mane with white tips, the other was a young zebra with braided hair." He paused a bit, realizing he could change into them. "Oh actually I can show you what they look like!" He changed into Astral. "The first looked like this." And then turned into Misty. "The zebra looked like this." He then changed back to his original form.

"And the Chow figure?"

He changed into him. "Looked like this." He said then changing back. "I don't know of the extent of their powers other than swords and shields though."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

Demands met with threats... unusual to the presence who has taken over Lin but it was to be expected. The process hasn't been completed unlike before. It loved the quiet and it loved the isolation of the cave where it could do what it needs to do without drawing attention. This time, it was placed in a situation where it was ripe to harvest new bodies and join them into a much larger collective. "Lin" stood up straight and stared down Omen's mother in defiance despite feeling the surge of... something, a vibration or a pulse, rendering it incapable of opening a gate to escape.

"We are in the process of melding with the host vessel. Sever us and the vessel's mind will be destroyed and it will remain a husk of flesh and bone. We understand you care for the individual inhabiting it and it would be unfortunate if your actions will place it in a vegetative state. Your spawn named Omen made a mistake sending us here and she will pay a terrible price for it. We will take hold of her the same way we have taken hold of this vessel, and you will follow suit. We desire knowledge through assimilation. Observe."

"Lin" raised one claw and manipulated air around it, creating a mist that shaped itself into a sphere. The center grew and cleared up to show the real Lin waking up with a headache trapped in what appeared to be a transparent cell. After realizing where she was, she desperately slams her clenched claws against the cell's walls before clutching her head in pain. She then sees something that terrified her, tearfully pleading and yelling for it to stop. There was no way to tell what it is that Lin saw because the view was focused on her head and there was no voice emanating from the gaseous sphere.

"Even now we learn from the vessel. Fears, motivations, everything that makes this vessel an individual. We do the same to you now; we will study you as we are studying your spawn. How does it feel when your adopted kin turns to you for help and you cannot respond?"

Demands are what it knows well but melding would give it a much wider range of emotion and articulation. It will eventually learn how to speak and act like the vessel it is inhabiting to the point where both become indistinguishable, save for what goals it has in mind. It was familiar enough with Lin's ability to open gates at will but it was frustrated at its current inability to do so. And should this vessel be destroyed anyway, Sen's body was still active and viable, a fallback plan when things didn't go the way they were intended. 

"Sen" grew angry and charged straight at Omen, attempting to restrain her for the other presence in the area to possess Omen but to no avail. Being recently introduced into a new body means it hasn't acclimatised to it yet and it cannot efficiently function like the host. Movements were preferably slower until the melding process was completed but it didn't have the time to take things slow. Coordination between various body parts was lacking but the being possessing Sen only bothered with moving and grabbing, hence why the eyes were still half-open. 

"You know us. We are Sen. You made a mistake sending us to the other realm," "Sen" droned as he recovered after colliding with the wall next to Omen. "The other vessel sent us here and it will soon claim your mother. You will soon join us like your friends and the villagers of their clan. We were content to simply command them but the knowledge your friends possess makes us envious. We will claim them, and your friends, as ours!" 

The pain Sen would normally feel right about now is irrelevant as whatever is controlling him does not experience it, but the real Sen might be experiencing it at that moment. It was an advantage and without a way for Omen to physically separate the two, it was only a matter of time before Sen would return permanently changed, at least that was what the entity possessing Sen was relying on.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom


"I cannot say I have had a Phoenix follow me around before let along sit on my head" he began cheerfully "But it's very cute" he added as he slowly reached up an gently pet the little bird, idly wondering if the little phoenix was a boy or girl bird. He then turned his attention back to Amazon Lily, Widdershins and the others around them. As much as he tried to hold his attention on their conversation his child like mind was slowly  coming back to teh foreground, and thus he was getting a little antsy and bored. "Hmm now that I think about it, this place looks like a great place to go exploring.." he mused aloud his tail swishing from side to side at the thought. "I will bet there's all kind treasures around" he then added with a childish giggle

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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@Blitz Boom

Satin walked over to Vivid and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "I understand fear can be good at times, but right now I think I have a better idea," she whispered to the demon mare. "Please tell Ms. Tea to bring my water here and enjoy the show." She started to take a step away, but turned back to the mare. "And whatever happens in the next few minutes, please don't do anything rash."

Satin walked to the middle of the room, fluttered onto a table, and cleared her throat. "Fillies and Gentlecolts! I understand that a lot of you are nervous and scared right now, but please stay calm. If this creature can make the earth shake like this, I can only assume that it merely walking would cause tremors and noise enough to hear it coming. We do not seem to be in any imminent danger. I would recommend that everyone stay inside just in case. Now if you all will excuse me, I shall return in a moment with a drink and a treat for you all." She fluttered back off the table and awaited the water. 'Hopefully this will be enough to start calming these ponies down,' she thought to herself, panicking slightly at what might happen once she starts.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Blitz Boom , @Widdershins

Ancalagon looked at Kozaky with annoyance. as he proceeded to shove a dozen apples into the fools mouth. He huffed slightly as he wiped his hand onto a handkerchief. "I'm looking for the alicorn so he could pay his fine. If he doesn't he burns in my black fire," he said simply and plainly. "If not the one who authorized it will be fined but to a lesser degree," Ancalagon said as he had his whip like tail around Kozaky's neck to choke him out. He sniffed the air noticing a female scent a draconic one. "Come out dragoness!" he ordered punctuating it with a roar.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Blitz Boom


Pinkie hopped over to the downed Happy and grabbed one side of the net. "Sorry about this!" She chirped at him conversationally, "But I can't let you leave until after the 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!" the excitable pink pony smiled as she reached the stand again. "It's gonna be the biggerest one yet! I'll need a new word for how big it'll be! like.." She pulled the hybrid from the net as if it weren't even there, plopping him down on the nearest seat. "Gigantimeganormous!" She grinned widely, shoving a cupcake in front of him. "Here you go! Don't try to leave again until after the party." Her grin dropped into a serious expression as she deadpanned in a somewhat whispery scary voice. "I'll know if you do." Her expression brightened up again, "Enjoy the cupcake! It's made with plenty of love!" She winked conspiratorially at him and then bounced away humming a silly tune.



"What can I get ya?" Pinkie asked cheerfully, once she'd bounced over and retaken her spot at the counter.


@Blitz Boom


Storm smiled, somewhat relieved, as Blitz hugged the pillow he was holding. He gently lowered the pillow tot he ground with Blitz attached. Storm chuckled as Molotov mentioned the race, "Well I was offered a position on the Wonderbolts and I can do zero to sound in about a second, but.." He glanced at his own wings for a second, "I'll never be able to increase my top flight speed any further and I'm nowhere near as maneuverable in the air as my brother is." The blue pegasus admitted with a small smile. "As for the dragon.." Storm glanced around and shrugged before looking at a piece of paper that appeared in his hoof from... somwhere (Storm! Stop taking the script! I was still reading that..), "Maybe it shrank?" He offered, "At least, that's what the script says... I think. If I'm reading this right. I might be reading it inside out though."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

He put on a placid look as he shrugged in the demonic mare's direction, both unsure if that was the right course of action.

And another thing came to my mind: an image of him strapped to a stick and put outside as the dragon was rampaging about.

"I don't know. It's piqued my interest." His horn glowed faintly with a pale tan at that.

"You sure?" He heard a voice call out inside his head, a voice that he had grown to both love and hate at the same time, his human subconscious deeply rooted within his mind, Chris Hale.

"I haven't been more positive of anything in my life." Starburst murmured back in a hushed tone, "This is a dragon, a being of legend that I've only read!"

"You might get incinerated, worse case scenario, it grabs you with its talons, and flies away." Chris replied tersely.

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@Widdershins @~Phoenix~ @Twilight-Shimmer

Briar felt somewhat icky over having the draconequus flow down his vine the way that he had, but he wasn't shocked about it in the slightest. he had tried weirder things in his life than that, and quite honestly, he were too concerned about Brittle to really care about something strange happening to his vine.

Widdershins would get an interesting view under the cape though, with there on one side being the vine that slid into his body and parted ways into the smaller vines that tied tigether when he shot it out of his back, down until there was only the *flower petal* showing. And on the other side of him, still covered by the cape, there was... Well, not much really. After he had lost some of his other vine yesterday, a doctor had helped him by cutting off the scorched ends, slowly pushed it back into his body until the ends were barely visible, and then filled the hole with dirt. For ponies, filling a wound like that were dangerous, but for him, it were actually part of the healing process, as he needed the lost part of him to grow, which thus far amounted to a small, barely noticeable sprout.

After examining Brittle's breathing and heartbeat for a little, Briar let out a small sigh and *looked* around him at where he could sense the others.

"She's okay, regardless of how her appearance might be currently. She's thankfully just passed out, which might end up being the best for her currently actually. She can't get scared when she's not conscious, and with the roar from before..."

He didn't finish the sentence as his vine slid out and he gently lifted Brittle into a tent, waiting until he could feel something akin to a pillow in the empty tent and sat her down. After this, and returning his vine, he finally got a bit of a smile back on his face and turned his head a little towards the invader on his back so he could send him especially a big, razor-sharp grin.

"Mmmm, a tasty snake. How delicious."

A few snapping movements were made before he started to chuckle and ended hid little teasing. He wasn't going to eat Widdershins. Rule were simple after all: If you understood what it was saying, it wasn't food.

"As for the state of Brittle... She have been through much int he life that she can remember, most of it bad, and by the hooves of ponies without scruples. It have broken her spirit, and made her rather unprepared to handle potential danger. To give you an example of what I mean, you might have noticed how she tend to bow her neck to near the ground, yes? It's because she doesn't just fear being attacked, she outright expects it."

Another sigh left his muzzle.

"And yes, things are rather... Unnatural right now for our gathered group, and Ponyville in general. Also, whilst I remember it, please be so kind as to keep your feathered companion away from me. I'm highly flammable and not ready to return to the earth yet."




Void weakly raises a shaky hoof from her half-flanked attempt at hiding behind Lance and points over towards the thing that Happy turned out to be, had just been placed on a chair.

"T-That's him. Illusion m-magic. H-Horrifying thing..."

It wasn't much, but it was likely all he'd get from Void at this point as she ducked down again.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Widdershins

"Ahh!" Foxy exclaimed as she hit the ground. Briar had retracted his vines that somehow tied around her, and she had fallen into the ground. Luckily it was just grass, but she took a minute to recover. "Thanks Briar..."

Foxy wandered over to Brair first, to see if they were okay. She wanted to see the other two (plus a phoenix), but she thought it was best to check on Briar and Brittle first. Thankfully, they seemed unharmed, not that she expected much from a skilled pony. She looked around to find Brittle, whom was out of her view for the minute she was trapped in vines. "Brittle?" Foxy asked before jumping back at her bizarre appearance. She seemed to have transformed into an unrecognizable form, and Foxy was horrified, worried that she was seriously harmed. Foxy turned to Briar.

"What happened?! Will she be okay?" Foxy had not heard his earlier explanation to Widdershins of what happened, as she was too surprised at the current situation to pay attention to them.

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On 09/04/2017 at 1:47 AM, dragon4111 said:

@Blitz Boom , @Widdershins

Ancalagon arrived at the town he was huge. His wings blotted out the sun as he looked down. He growled slightly as he looked around. "Where is this Senvilous?" he asked his voice was rumbling like a boulder rolling down the mountain. His crimson eyes scanned slowly for the pony and for his dear son Draco O'Malley who sent the letter. He roared loudly as he let his black flames through his nostrils into the air to get the ponies attention.



On 11/04/2017 at 11:30 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"You'll need to wear it until there's found a cure for whatever's wrong with you. Tempted to bolt it on, just to make sure that you'll not loose it once I got it calibrated."

Nerzhei were rummaging through the fire with a slab of metal ready to the side that were roughly a size she could use. She had to take some of it off, but she'd rather have too big a piece to work with than too small and having to redo it all over again when she were done.

She were still not happy though, regardless of how much Lotus were cutely jumping bored on her head and shoulders. The whole situation where she had lost to this pony had her infuriated, as she considered herself of a greater intellect than Blood, and therefore didn't enjoy loosing a battle of wits against her. It wasn't just that though, as it also brought in that she literally had to help a murderer because it was the lesser of two evils, but the first part were the sting that mostly went on in her mind as she grabbed for the metal, then froze in place as she felt the ground rumble and looked up to see an all too familiar being landing near town and take the last few steps in there.

"No... Nonononono, he can't be here. Not Ancalagon."

A look of genuine fear actually passed ofer Nerzhei's face as she heard the voice of the essential king of dragons. Not a title that he had accepted, but when you broke down the dragon lord as easily as he had done - which he had even done in a diminished size just to make it more evenly than him staying at his full size and stomp the dragon lord to mush - there wasn't any question to the general dragon population who the highest power amongst them were.

Most she knew admired him and a few even worshipped him in a way you would a god, but her personally, had never seen him as anything short of horrifying. The eldest and most powerful of them all, able to break down the dragon lord and potentially have a chance against the combined forces of Equestria all by himself, and he were somewhere unknown, acting as a leader for this *Courier's Guild* he had made.

It would be easy enough to keep track of him isf he couldn't change size, but as he could, you never knew if perhaps he would wander in the size of a dog, and in the next would rise above and eat an entire town in one gulp. That much power in a potentially deceiving form were frightening to her, but she had never thought she'd ever actually see him. There wasn't any doubt though. Not from the tales she had heard and images she had seen, which frankly didn't do him justice now that she aw him.

"I need to go to him. Perhaps a dragon presence can calm him down, or... No, I need to try, or we can all end up dead. You should hide Blood, and pray to whatever higher power you might believe in that this can pass."

She didn't say more to Blood before she rose to the sky and flew over the tree tops towards the dragon lord, hoping that whatever brought him here wouldn't end up causing something akin to judgement day.

Near Blood, a voice suddenly popped out of nowhere before a pair of eyes opened on a tree, gazing towards to direction of the large dragon.

"Great mother Gaea, protect us in this dark hour."

It seems like they had been spied on, though considering the massive dragon, Blood might have a larger interest than a talking tree right now.

Blood Drops blinked at the tree and then back at Nerzhei's as she began fretting over another dragon. She blinked as she flew away and towards the other dragon, who was very large indeed. She blinked at the tree with eyes and trotted closer to it before giving it a lick. It definitely tasted like a tree, she must have thought it had spoken, must have just eyes on it or something. Blood Drops didn't really pray to anything bigger then her, since most things were, if that happened she would have found the first nearest tree and still be praying to it. But did Nerzhei mean to pray to the dragon thing? wouldn't that involve touching it. Better not do any touching things till she was cured, though that dragon was causing her not to be cured. That was bad.

She then thought of something else, that big dragon had alot of blood. probably a whole life worth of it. She decided to go over to him, though he was quite far away, no matter. She would trot towards him and pause several hundred meters from him. He should be able to see her, she wasn't scared of the big dragon, it was possible for him to step on her or eat her, though then he would be full of her disease, so that was his problem, after all she would just be mush. She also didn't fear anything, she was too stupid to really know about fear.

Another good idea had popped into her head during her thinking, and she followed it out, she 'borrowed' one of blitz's fireworks boxes and set it up on the nearby hill just outside of the forest, she blinked at the tree with eyes and pointed the firework at the large dragon, and then set it off. That would definitely get his attention, then she could do the whole 'pray to the greater power' thing, or just tell him to go away, depending on her mood. She smiled as the firework exploded 20 meters away from the larger dragons face, making lots of pretty green colours. She smiled, she liked fireworks.

"tree, this dragon can come talk to us now. He knows where we are" she remarked, she got ready with a second firework if he ignored her first signal. 






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     Kozaky slips down out of his stranglehold to the ground, either from his Master losing grip & patience or from his natural greasiness. He begins frantically clawing upwards, not to assuage the pain of being strangled but in a desperate attempt to get the healthy snacks out of his mouth.

      "Fleh! Blech! Pah! Pah! Ack, the freshness! It burns us!!"

 Kozaky is quickly left behind by his Master in his bid to find the being he seeks out.



@Shineling & @Blitz Boom

   Still confused, Ambie's head is still trying to whisk around to figure out what had happened in the previous few minutes.

     "What just... What did you just, I guess literally, haul in?... Oh, and ah, my name's Ambie nice to-"

Only now becoming aware of what Pinkie's question was refering to, Ambies eye's light back up and his muzzle goes back to watering again as he excitedly goes back to pointing at the food.

   "Oh! Ooh! Right! I'll take a few muffins, some of that cheesecake, the soup, some of that hash, the green stuff, the brown stuff, was going to ask what was in the cupcakes but I'll take about five anyway, a bit out of each of those three potato dishes, the pie and... Hmm. 

Ambie stops to put his hoof up to the end of his muzzle for a moment to think.

Well, maybe I should stop at four dishes & see where I am after that.  ... can I come back for seconds? I tend top out at about six plates."




@Blitz Boom, @Foxy Socks & @Widdershins   (Hah! I can mention myself!)


      Looking up at Briar with big, shiny eyes Widdershins chirrups back up at him.

     Cool! Beans! It's been, what, decades since somebeing has eaten me! Far as I can remember, the past eight times that's happened I got to share a portion of their conciousness for a while! And that was always hilarious! Don't think I've been a part of a collective herbal hivemind yet!

As Briar turns his head to check once more on his fallen compatriot, Widdershins turns the opposite direction to address Foxy Socks.

   Ah, don't worry about it , Soxxy. Like our Bud-dy said, it's mostly a case of nerves. Emotions tend to run deep in  essence-feeding species like Changermalings. Especially in the hybrids that aren't aware of what they are. Hmmm.

  Hey, Shiny Trapinch! Think She need a cuddle buddy?

After a moment  where it seems Widdershins loses track of what he was saying, he starts over again with another question before ducking his head back under the flower coat covering.

Sorry, lag. Hey, what was that earlier?Feathers make you flammed? Think  there's a part of me with feathers on it...

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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