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Blitz Boom

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@MaryxMelody @Midnight_Aurora

"Alright, lead the way!" she said as she started to follow her. "You know, You're a really nice Mary, I bet you and me are gonna be good friends.

She wants to know more about me I know it She thought well I best wait until we get to her house as somepony had eavesdropped on us already.

Some of the things Cosmic had said to Maple really stuck inside her brain "Goddess of destruction" and "Children of the Night" stuck out in particular. I remember hearing about the children of the night before so that nothing new however Maple knew her father's chaos magic slept deep within her but she couldn't use magic as she had no proper horn or artifact to channel her energy through but the energy it's self was still in there waiting for its chance to be unleashed.


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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On 5/6/2017 at 5:24 PM, Foxy Socks said:

@Blitz Boom @Twilight-Shimmer

Foxy said, "Same as Star. I travel often, so I have quite a variety experiences. Honestly, I prefer something simple though. "

Foxy then looked toward Stardust. True, he probably wasn't what they considered an average pony, but she was surprised to her them say that they had consumed meat before. "You had fish before? I didn't think we ponies could... handle it. I did hope one day...." Foxy stopped before she sounded disturbing. She wasn't normal either, but this was something that she imagined others would not like to hear. The truth is, she hoped one day she would be able to try it, even though it seems impossible with her kind. Then again, Star did, but she wasn't sure. Foxy was quiet a while, before finally reaching the open area. "Here it is... I think."

Stardust nodded "Yeah it wasn't too bad" he admitted as he continued to follow Foxy. "I hear that Pegasi actually can consume some meats, though I am unsure if that is actually true. Then Again if I can eat fish with no ill effects I suppose it is possible" he mused then giggled "I heard a rumor actually that Princess Luna has a weakness for Bacon" he said before glancing back to check on his Phoenix friend

  • Brohoof 1

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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     "Will do~" Mary smiled and headed off to her home. It was pretty close to the park so, they shouldnt have to walk to far

     "Ya! Thanks, I am pretty sure, that we will too!" Mary said happily. They came up to a small house a little ways from the actual village. 

     "We're here! Make yourself at home!" Mary welcomed Maple to her home.

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@CentipedeGhoul @Blitz Boom

Satin leaned back and pouted a little. The stallion hadn't fallen for her jest as she'd wanted and now she was disappointed.  In fact, he'd almost completely ignored it. Nobody had ever just ignored a jest of hers. She gazed at the stallion for a few moment before sighing. "You should most likely get package delivered to whomever is expecting it, but before you do, I do believe I have yet to get your name."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Twilight-Shimmer @Blitz Boom

"Perhaps, though I have cut my last trip a bit short, I should have time..." Foxy replied to Amazon.

Slowly they continued the line, which she obviously could see was to a single place. Only a few minutes before they would be inside...

When Stardust spoke up, Foxy said "Really? I never thought that Pegasi could... maybe it is just a rumor." Foxy looked toward Stardust in surprise when they mentioned Luna. Though it was only a rumor, Foxy was surprised she never heard of it before, considering she has taken a lot of interest in the Princess. Though she would probably never meet her in person, she was her favorite Princess, and often daydreamed of meeting her. Such was only wishful thinking of course.

For a small town, the line was a decent length. It must be a new place, since they can get a lot of new visitors if they are good enough. Only five ponies ahead, then four, then three, two, and one...

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12 hours ago, MaryxMelody said:

     "Will do~" Mary smiled and headed off to her home. It was pretty close to the park so, they shouldnt have to walk to far

     "Ya! Thanks, I am pretty sure, that we will too!" Mary said happily. They came up to a small house a little ways from the actual village. 

     "We're here! Make yourself at home!" Mary welcomed Maple to her home.

"Thank you again." She said as she walked into her home "I imagine you have tons of questions so please ask away and I'll be as honest as I can be"


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Alright, so the regular, down to earth things, though I'm surprised she mentioned the changelings. Usually she doesn't go on about those. Then again, with Captain Creeper over there, I suppose the subject was gonna present itself sooner or later."

Null made a glance towards the weird thing that was talking with another pony, and who had drawn quite a number of stares towards him by the workers that had shown up to eat. Apparently this wasn't something they saw regularly here either, though he didn't seem too focused on them. She didn't trust that really, changelings were devious creatures after all.

"And yeah, Void's a pretty good glass blower. Haven't been easy to do for her, but we haven't had anypony else to count on for things like that, so we made due.

Y'know, when we got a place set up near town, you should try and visit her and see what she can do, since she seem to get better 'round you. Fair warning though, you hurt her, and I'll break you like a twig."



@Lloyd @Midnight_Aurora

Athriel looked annoyed as first random spells, then targeted protection spells went in and shielded Chow from harm. Part of her had looked forward to hearing him slam against the wall, but as the chaos unfolded right now, she didn't have much time to think about it as she flew inside the room and dodged the spells targeting her. Except for a few that she couldn't dodge, where she instead mumbled a spell that made her blood-red talons glow slightly and almost burst into a small, semi-transparent shield that misdirected the blast before the shield dissipating into a fine, red dust. A simple blood magic protection spell, but this hadn't been a focused effort, so it wasn't as hard to do something about. Though quite frankly, as the wild magic spun upwards and made stones fall from the ceiling, that now had a couple of fashionable holes in it, it was still a hassle as she flew around the room to not get hit by debris and the occasional old bird nest.

Unfocused as it had been, it had still been strong magic the source had come from though. She could feel a ripple through the webs of magic that usually wasn't to feel unless some fool began to mess around with time and space magic, and even then, this was different. Less like someone was trying to rip through the barriers, and more like there had been an attempt at flaying the fabric. Peculiar, but there wasn't time to think over this either as she looked down to see Warlock doing an effort against the little witches. Something which carried a certain brutal beauty in her eyes, and made it appear as almost an art, no matter how horrid it might seem to the witches themselves as some were nearly killed, some thrown about, and the pesky little voyeur got a slash over his peepers that would give them some peace from the sound of it. Not indefinitely, but she'd take what she could get.

She took a good sniff as the scent of various sources of blood filled the air, making her hungry for the first time in... Well, she had no idea really. She knew how long she had been trapped inside her meat prison, but not about how long it had been before that. Might have been a while, but they would see sooner or later. Sooner it seemed, as she were invited by Warlock to join him in a portal that would get them out of here. How convenient to have one around with these kinds of spells in his arsenal.

Raising a talon and waving at the witches whilst she swooped down into the gate, a wicked grin spread on her face.

"Goodbye, pesky vermin, and tell Chow that I hope he falls down into a canyon."

With that, she went through the portal, which she would assume would close behind her. Though to be on the safe side, she cast a minor blood spell again. Nothing fancy, as she couldn't do that just yet, but it would work as a good little pushing force, in case one of them tried to follow.

On the other side, Athriel started to look around the place they were in, which seemed to be an overgrown ruin. Not the best place she had spend time, but not the worst either.

"What an annoying bunch those witches are. Perhaps the next time we see them, we should try to poison them? I know my way around a few blood-born diseases that could come in handy, if it will affect them. Their wards seems effective. Nothing magical or physical touched them until that ripple from before, which leaves little to really do. Unless we nullified it."

Athriel raised a talon, reaching her arm out and inspect it, then the rest of her with a small grunt of slight approval.

"An anti.magic object in hand, and this body should be able to tear into them. Nothing like what I once were, but at least I have something resembling hands. Hooves would take time to get used to."

Putting her talon down, she chuckled a little to herself and took a look around again, before ending on Warlock once more. Her *noble* savior, that had rescued the damsel in distress from the evil witches. What a fairy-tale... Heh.

"Let's get to the point then. You kept your end of the bargain, so I will keep mine. Now that we don't have onlookers it will be easier as well. The first one I know where is, resides in a temple off the eastern cost of Equestria. Used to host a shrine for a siren of some kind, back when a cult worshiped the three sisters, but it eventually sank to the ocean. It seemed like a good place to hide one of the elements back in the days as noone went there, though there is the matter of the guard. The statue I mentioned earlier. Nothing we can't handle.

Remember though, this is just one element, and I don't know which one. We were not told names in case some of us turned traitors, just given some magically sealed boxes, put in teams, and then sent to put them in the right places. It's almost like they thought that one of us might deceit them or something."

A crazed grin went over her beak for a moment at the little stab she had made to herself. How she was enjoying to finally be able to do things like this, and around one who didn't have the moral high ground to judge her, at least according to the stories and what she had seen herself.




"The town will know of this misadventure and this Warlock pony in time, and I don't care about that. I refer to what you might see of my side business."

Scarcity went into the room, whilst Golden slowed down momentarily and looked at the others with an awkward look over his eyes.

"She is ah, how do I put this gently... A prominent part of a system fencing stolen or illegal goods."

He didn't like to directly say that she were one of the big players in the Equestrian Black Market, even if the way he had put were more or less pointing the finger directly at that. There was just something wrong in his mind about saying that one of his associates were part of that place, considering his position and how after he found out, he should have had her tossed in jail. Granted, it would be little more than accusations and loose threads not hanging together, but there had been enough a few times now that probable doubt could come in and he could get a raid on her entire business arranged, to scout for more things.

Yet, sometimes it was about choosing between the lesser evils, and in this case, after a long time thinking it over, he had decided to keep this for himself and then instead make sure she were an asset more often than a hindrance. A troublesome thing at times, but they had a mutual understanding of where they had eachother in all of this.




Last had been pretty much unfazed by anything the dragon had said up until this point, but as soon as he went over exactly how many they were going to get here to help them rebuild the town, her jaw slacked a little and she stood still, shocked at the amount of help this were whilst her brain tried to get back on track. This were a lot more than she had expected, and with this degree of help.. They could have the town rebuild and fortified within six to ten hours when they showed up. That was a great improvement over her own timetable and would get everypony that had lost their house back again far faster than she had expected.

Whilst the pony tried to think on what to say over this, and find some order in what way she needed to prep the town for this influx, Nerzhei took the chance to respond to what had been a question to her, though not one she had expected. It seemed Ancalagon were more aware of small signs than she had thought.

"If I may, then yes, I do have one, and if there is any being who could answer it that still lives, I would think it you, Lord Ancalagon.

Some years ago in dragon land, I found a book locked in a container in the sea. It is taking time to decipher, but the pictures written in there does show what seems like an ancient kingdom where dragons and ponies lived in harmony. To a point where I see depictions of half-bloods in there, following draconian and equine adults.

So if I am allowed one question, I humbly ask you if you know if this place was real? I have no issues researching almost everything about this personally in the tome, but knowing if it was nothing but an elaborate hoax from long ago is one answer I could use in advance."

If Ancalagon had been part of it or not were hard to say, though considering his age he'd be a prime candidate to ask really. Might be he had been there, or only heard stories, or nothing at all really, but she might as well ask. unbeknownst to her, the place had excited at least, though what brought along its downfall and the dragon and pony separation were hard to tell currently. Might be it was somewhere in the book, but trying to decipher the mixed equine and draconian from that long ago took time.



@Midnight_Aurora @Shineling

"Help? Oh, I love to help!"

Anomaly landed next to Cacora, which would make it easier for not only Pinkie to see her, but also most other ponies there, which seemed to wince at the sight of her. Might be she didn't look like a regular draconequus, but any being who was several parts to one made them a bit iffy.

And no Anomaly, that doesn't mean they're bad, just that they had some unfortunate experiences with Discord. Leave 'em alone.

"Boo, hairless monkey man is no fun at all. Peh."

Are you pulling your tongue at me again? You do know the rest can't see me or hear me, right? Makes them think you're crazy.

...Okay, I'm not sure if Pinkie can to be honest. She practically breaks the fourth wall so often I'm amazed it haven't caused a rift between worlds.

Anomaly's eyes lit up at the mention that Pinkie could perhaps hear and see the weird world this strange looking creature came from, and with a big grin on her pumpkin face, looked excitedly at the mare.

"Strange creature says you can see his kind too?"

Perhaps start with something less invasive, like telling who you are and giving her the present on your back?

"Shush, I was getting to that. Hello Pinkie Pie. I'm Anomaly. Cacora said you'd be fun to meet, and since you are a party pony, I brought you a gift!"

A hand grew out of her back and handed the box towards Pinkie, whom hopefully didn't mind the fact that it was moving, or growling slightly.

If she'd open it, she would find a porcelain figurine of a dancing crocodile with sun glasses on, and in case she'd wonder where the growling came from... Well, the box did have teeth and were moving, so the gift wasn't so much the issue as the wrapping, though the teeth seemed to be made from styrofoam.



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"The smell is still there? Jeez, how long does this kind of thing stick around?"

Ziggy had known Serenade for about three weeks now, and that magic had been something she mentioned all the way back then too. To think that still was a major factor in things were crazy for her. Then again, this were old time siren magic after all, and it was hard to say what might stick around with those things for her. Might be it was a permanent smell thing.

"And I think any kind of book will work if the stories about her are true. Huuuuge bookworm, and those sorts tend to like originals. Looks nice in the collection and all, and they tend to smell better than paperbacks. That's what my sister says anyway. She likes libraries, I just go there to look up stuff for medical purposes. Guess I could check that out when we get there, but one thing at a time. First off we really should try and figure out when we're going. How long do you think Princess Luna will take to prepare things?"




"Being a protector and provider is a good thing, Sen. It shows how much you care for those closest to you, but in being a hunter, you should know something else that could help you onward: That you need to practice and keep training.

Lin had been with magic for some time from what I can gather, and when she returned, did she not mention it had been years? Magic is not just something that happens out of nothing my child, it needs to be practiced, perfected, and expanded upon. It will show meager results to begin with, but in the end, you can end up doing great things.

Some advice I can give you though, is that you need to first find what sort of magic you are capable off, then either focus on using it as a force, or if it is some degree of external control, like with geomancy, that you feel out your power, then learn to let if flow from you, and into the ground, as if it were extra limbs you used to grasp on to things. The better you get, the less need to have direct contact, but that is but one example. What you might end up being able to do is hard to say.

But we are moving ahead too far I think. Let us start with something simpler. I noticed how the first time you grazed our home, that you meditated to gather your thoughts. Try to do that once more, and focus on searching for your magical source. It will be a good start for you, and you would need the focus and calm to really do something controlled with it."

Mother wasn't really the best magical teacher, she unfortunately had to admit, but she had learned a few things here and there over the eons that could help get some started at least. Finding the center of a magical source and exploring it tended to be a good start, as well as a way to learn how to grasp it instead of just letting minor *brain farts* out, as Sen had shown before when he had done his first manifestation of magic. Something which she didn't think was a bad first attempt really, as she knew some had trouble getting anything done for a while beyond just feeling the magic. Might be this had not been stable, but it was a manifestation at least.

"Also, you must remember Sen, that Lin is part of this realm in body. This essence allows for the gates that we creates, even if portals can be made in other parts of magic. It might be that you simply just aren't meant to open gates, but have something else that lurks underneath your skin. Considering what this legion is, I wouldn't be too surprised if perhaps some soul magic were part of you now. Tricky thing to master, but can be rather helpful in protecting others and keeping them safe."

She didn't address Omen in this because... Well, she had left as Sen had started to try and do magic, by wandering through the gate that Mother had made in search of Lin. Since Sen were safe in their shadowy home with their patriarch, she figured it was best to make sure Lin were not alone again, especially in case some villagers wanted to be mean to her again.

She she had stepped through at the location Mother had set up, then on arrival, lifted her muzzle towards the sky and sniffed the air, before walking in the direction where Lin were. The life energy was pretty distinctive to her, more so than most other beings Omen knew the smell of, so it wasn't an issue to track.



@Foxy Socks @Twilight-Shimmer

As the neared the front of the line in the outside, open area where the food stalls rapidly made sure to feed the ponies that showed up via the two servers that would hand over what food the ponies coming around would ask for, the phoenix on Stardust's head opened an eye and looked grumpily at the noisy ponies around it, then let out a squawk and lifted it's wings, seemingly prepared to threaten whoever would get near it... And then put them down again. Turned out Agni just needed to stretch a bit, though she were still none too happy about he company regardless.

The pony at the front line looked pretty surprised at the bird when it came around, that was for sure. Even though the black mare with the silvery mane and eyes had been many places and seen a lot of things in the hasty retreats, Void had still never seen a phoenix before. And seeing it ride on some foals head? Never how she had imagined it would be.

"H-Hello, what would you want to e-eat?"

Amazon looked at the nervous mare with a bit of sympathy. Couldn't be an easy gig for her to stay like this considering it didn't seem like she were one of the most social sorts, but it seemed rude to mention it, so she kept quiet for now and stepped a little backwards.

"You two find something first, I can wait a bit."




Back at the office the generals of the two royal guards used - the Coast Guard General tended to join them at times too when she were in town, but it wasn't that often - Midnight Screecher and Morning Dew went over their approach to how to track down, apprehend, and jail the four ponies that had made a magical mess in Canterlot, with the first approach being how they were scouring the city for them and fortifying their defenses, just in case these four were in any way here for either of the princesses. Might be they were not here currently, but that didn't mean that anypony looking for them wasn't a considerable threat to the kingdom.

They had already sent couriers to track down and inform the princesses of the situation whilst they were handling things, and as they looked at the agreed upon plan, they both nodded in unison.

"A simple approach to start with, but it will suffice whilst we get the word spread out across Equestria. One way or another, we will find the witches."

"Unfortunately, we won't."

Screecher raised an eyebrow in surprise at what Dew had said. usually he were the first to push on with these things, so hearing him say this carried a somewhat ominous tone to it.

"Is something wrong Dew?"

The Solar Guard general let out a sigh and slowly took his helmet off, showing the grey-haired stallion with the stony eyes beneath it more clearly. The years had been kind to him, but you could still see that age had left a mark.

"Kind of. It's why i called for our meeting before the ambassador and his entourage showed up."

"It's not like you to beat around the bush like this. You know you tell me what's nagging at you at any point, even during crisis, right?"

The veteran let out a small sigh and put his helmet down on the table.

"Aye, I know kiddo, but this one I had to tackle myself until I had answers. Some things are just not meant to share until you're sure."

Dew and Screecher had known eachother for about ten years now. Ten years from when the bat pony had first entered the guards and was taught up by the highly decorated general of the Solar Guard, despite her being a member of the Night Guards. Under his tutelage, she blossomed well in the ranks and were eventually given the reigns of the Night Guards by the former general, and ended on equal standing with the pony that had taught her.

It had been somewhat awkward for a few days, but the two of them worked things out well and since they had known eachother for so long, worked well too, which were a benefit when Luna returned and the two branches of guards needed to begin to work even more closely together.

They were friends, equals, and after all they had been through, trusted eachother to the point where even Dew's wife joked that Screecher knew about him than she did. Something which had brought a smile on their faces as it had been tossed out there, which were one of the memories that popped up when she had gotten the gist that something was wrong with him.

"Spit it out already, would you."

"I turned in my resignation letter this morning. I'm officially retired Screecher."

She didn't know what she had expected, but it certainly wasn't this.

"I've been with the guard forty years now, and lead them for twenty. I've been through what this body could handle,  but I'm not that young anymore. and I'm not as quick in my reflexes as I used to be. It's time for me to hang up the mantle and spend some more time with the family before I end up getting somepony hurt because I stubbornly kept on long after it was safe to do so."

"I never thought I'd actually hear you say that my friend, and I wish I could change your mind, but I know you. I know this will have been something you've weighed for a while now, and nothing I would say would change that, even if I don't see the end of your prowess just yet."

She considered giving him the honorable goodbye and salute him, but this wasn't her saying goodbye to a superior or equal. This was her seeing a close friend hang up his mantle for good, so after a moment she went over and embraced the old idiot.

"I'm going to miss having you around Dew. It's not going to be the same without you here, breathing down my neck all the time."

"Hah, as if I could reach."

The two laughed a little between themselves before they let go of one another and got a more serious look over their faces.

"I ain't completely gone you know. I might hang up the mantle, but I'll still be around to advise and help if things goes poorly. You're just not going to see me every day."

"Saves me excuses for *accidentally* flying around your place just to check if the area is safe then, old timer.

Knowing you and your following of tradition, I guess you have a replacement sorted for you as well? Anypony I know?"

"Hard to say. His name's Iron Wing. He's pretty easy to spot when you see him."

"I've heard about him, but never seen him. Good soldier I hear."

"He's got a good head on his shoulders, muscle where he needs it and a heart in the right place. I know I had candidates among the older officers, but I know a leader when I see one, and this kid oozes it. He just needs me to let him get on with it, instead of standing in the way.

I ain't gonna lie, you two are likely gonna butt heads for a while, but I trust you will be good, and show him the ropes like I did to you. He's good kid that can use somepony with experience to guide him along the path. Sounds like somepony you know?"

A minor laugh again later, and Screecher nodded slowly.

"I will make sure he gets nudged the right direction Dew, I promise you that, and to give him a chance. If he's picked by the best general this town have had in centuries, he can't be all that bad."

"Good to hear you have my back on this. I admit, it ain't easy to go away from all of this, but we must remember to always do what's best for the kingdom, and right now, taking a step back and letting some fresh blood in is the best I can do for everypony.

The kid should be around soon, so let's go over the notes again before he shows up, just to make sure, and then we can explain things to him when he shows up. Alright?"

"I don't know. Usually we're not allowed to let civilians read these."

A snide little comment that earned her a small punch from Dew, but it was all in good faith. Always had been between them, and always would be, uniform or not.

Edited by Blitz Boom
Had to account for some falling debris
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Trixie .

Sorrow blinked a few times, then started to giggle.

"Oh I get it, you wanna show off your skills. Should've thought of that.

If we wanna make sure you get a crowd for this sort of thing, we'd likely have to look for a place that attracts some this time of night. Perhaps there's a small area near a food place that'll do as a sort of stage? Likely can't be inside if you really wanna show off your fire, or things will just get all sorts of messy.

Hehe, yeah, that's an idea. Come on, let's look around and find you a place where you can get the late-night crowd cheering your name."

For some reason, it hadn't crossed her mind that he were the showy-offy type, but it made a good deal of sense thinking over it now really. Especially if you compared her him to the only other one that referred to themselves as *The great and invincible* anything, Trixie. She liked to hog the spotlight too.

Hehe, these two together could be a fun sight, both boasting about who was the greatest with the ego's just getting bigger and bigger. It'd end with one of them exploding. Not literally though, hopefully.

Spreading her wings, she looked down on Keeneye, waiting for him to soar too so they could start their search for a place to host his gig. Bet there had to be some sort of outdoor stage that could be used in a pinch somewhere.




"It's a pretty good spread that's up for us all tonight. Gotta be something for everypony's taste."

A tired mare had heard the outsider talk to herself and figured she'd be friendly, even though she felt like collapsing soon were a pretty good idea. It had been a long, hard shift after all, but it had been very productive as well, that was for sure. The forepony knew how to keep things rolling and done right, and point out if anypony tried to cut corners and do a sloppy job about it. Might be she only had one eye open, but she hadn't missed anything yet, and it kept them all at the tip of their hooves since they didn't want her to put them down verbally. A few had needed to be set in place, and it had been quite the show.

But that wasn't important now. Her work for the time being were done, and she had come around here for a well deserved meal. Chili more specifically, which wasn't something she allowed herself too often, but she figured she deserved a treat that'd burn a hole through her.

"If you don't like too strong things, I would stay away from the chili though. I can practically see it trying to melt the bowl from here, and that's gonna end up testing a lot of stomachs not prepared for it.

I'd really recommend the honey-roasted root vegetables. Never a bad choice around these parts of Equestria."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Lance nodded.

"I couldn't hurt her, even if I wanted to. Which I don't. And yeah, I'll be sure to come by soon, you and Void are pretty nice."

He hated to think this, but he was also deeply interested in the backstory behind these two. 

It's like when you're reading a mystery book, and it gets to the good part and you can't stop reading.

He frowned slightly.

I can't believe I just thought that.

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich Serenade nods, "It depends really" Serenade smirks then selects an old worn book from her bookcase, she nods and trots over to Ziggy. She places it down in front of her, written with flowing script is the words Codex Medico - Da Brinci. "The more powerful the magic the longer the smell remains. So the average pony's magic lingers for about a day, Alicorn and other more powerful magic users last longer. The Garden at Canterlot Castle still smells of Banana's and Oil" Serenade shivers at the mere thought of Discord. "As for when, Princess Luna understands  I hope, the need for our meeting to happen sooner rather then later."

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@Blitz Boom

Dawn's ears perked up when she heard somepony direct their attention her way. She stopped in her tracks and looked for the pony before spotting them. It turned out to be a mare. A very tired mare. Who was not recommending chilli. She coughed a lot and covered her mouth with a hoof when she felt some sort of magical tingle go through her. 'That was weird. Who was casting a spell on me?' Dawn thought to herself while she looked around quickly for the magical pony but after seeing nothing, redirected her gaze to the tired mare.

"The chilli is usually eaten as a contest item, and not to keep ponies awake," Dawn told the mare, walking up to her before stopping a few feet away. "I don't like talking with others so why am I finding myself talking with you?"

Edited by Dji
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What else am I meant to put here?


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@Midnight_Aurora @Blitz Boom

Pinkie giggled and took the gift box, "Aww, cute little purring boxy~" She said with a smile, petting the box a bit before putting it on the counter. "Thanks for the gift, and it's nice to meet you Anomaly! I'm Pinkie Pie, but you obviously already know that, where'd you get the cute box by the way, oh and you can see humans too? Stormy and I thought we were the only ones! At first I thought they were monkeys, but Stormy said that they call themselves humans sometimes so that's what I call them now too, well mostly sometimes I still call them monkeys, but that's okay I think because they must be related right? Then again some of them look kinda like Minotaurs but scrawnier most of the time and without the horns or hooves, so oh well..." Pinkie breathed in a huge gasp of air after her rambley-railroad and gave Anomaly a giant smile.. Literally, a really big smile made of candy. "Here's a treat by the way, one of my favorites to make! I think it's probably one of the sweetest smiles in the world :)." She said with a silly grin on her own muzzle.


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Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

It had only been a few minutes that had passed after they finished reading the notes before Iron Wing entered the room, shuffling his metal wings making a clattering sound when he saw Midnight Screecher, he had seen her before but only recognized her appearance. "Uh, hey."  He walked up to her. "Have we met before? you seem familiar." He had only seen her once while walking down a hall, passing by. Having not exchanged names yet neither of them would recognize each other beyond looks. But his metal wings would give the fact his name was Iron Wing away. "Oh right, you're Midnight Screecher, Dew mentioned you before. Nice to meet a friend of mine." He shuffled his wings again, looking to them. "I'm Iron Wind, usually called Iron Wing because of these." He explained extending his metal wings, then retracting them. "Nice to meet you."


"Nullification, wouldn't that affect you and me too?" Warlock asked tilting his head. "That cancels out all magic and if you thought there'd be an exception to our magic there isn't." He explained as he walked to a window, pulling away vines. "Oh, Do you know how to teleport? if you do then you can take me to the location of the Elements, or at least the original location if they were moved while I was... out."  He said with a pause. "And it doesn't matter if the one we find is the wrong one, we need to make sure our enemy can't use them against us." He turned to her. "Besides, I can already wield most of them." He smirked.


Iron Star laid on a bed, feeling Astral sitting next to the bed. He was listening to Warlock, but without sight he had no idea where they were. Sure he knew their plans but if they didn't say out loud were they were heading they couldn't stop him. Warlock was smart to remove his eyes... "Astral, your mother had that Astral plane ability. She used it against Warlock."

She looked to Chow. "I know that, but I had no idea I inherited it." She grasped her necklace. "What else could she do?"

"She could sense magic." Astral snickered a bit. "You picked up all of her abilities, they are usually genetic after all." He rolled over and looked up. "Sometimes you can earn abilities to, like how I earned omnipotence."

Her eyes widened. "I feel like you are suggesting I will pick that up from you." She said sounding slightly worried.

"Well, I wouldn't know. Magic is strange, maybe Chow will earn a magic ability from this." She looked to him raising an eye brow. "Who knows?" She walked over to Chow. "You could tell him when he wakes." He suggested, Astral getting the idea.e

She turned to look to Iron. "No, It's not even that important." He let out a sigh to her response. "I don't even know how old he is, but if he's any amount over 5 years older than me it would be awkward."

"It's already awkward with you being 16." He said, the two of them giggling. Unable to see Iron Star wouldn't know if Chow had woken up at any point during that, which would be unfortunate if he did.

Either way, Astral walked over to Misty. "I got to be honest." Misty looked up from her plush. Which Misty had snatched using some teleportation and invisibility. "You can't help, my father can't help either being blind now. So it's just me now..." She looked down.  "He will look after you while I deal with Warlock."

Misty put a hoof on her shoulder. "Find Scarcity, she'll likely be with the ponies who are dealing with this."

"Actually she is, they are talking with Golden right now." Iron Star said looking over to them. "Scarcity has convinced Golden that we don't have bad intentions, they won't know about me though. But I'd have to be here anyways to look after Misty."

Astral grave one nod. "After talking to them personally, hopefully I'll have an army on our sides, hopefully." She hit her leg, the warding spell showing. "But I have this to help, so I can just stand there if they throw anything at me which would definitely show I am good." She looked to Chow, and whether or not he was awake... "Oh, you need to help him recover after what Warlock did." She walked to the other side of the room, opening a portal to the front of Scarcity's shop, knowing that guards would be hunting her if they spotted her, she saw a broken window on the top floor, she knew Warlock was here earlier. Warlock having been there would mean they weren't prepared for another magic user like him to enter the building. So she just floated up. Gently landing inside, trying to make herself look good with her calm entrance.


Nectar found herself rather shocked to find that fact out, she turned around, hearing the sound of hoof steps following them. "Someone is here..." She caught a glimpse of Astral down the hall. "It's one of the ponies!" She yelled back to Golden. "The good one, I think."

Francis looked to, Astral was approaching them, and then he saw Astral's face. "AHHHH!!" He hid behind Nectar. "Don't let her hurt me!"

She looked around. "I'm not here to hurt anypony, even though you are a changeling." She looked to Golden. "I am here to request assistance with stopping Warlock." She let out a sigh. "I'm Astral Star, I'd understand if you don't trust me after what just happened at the gardens."

"Well the fact you threatened my life makes me trust you very little." Francis said still hiding behind Nectar, she nudged him. "Right, I'll only trust you if they do."

Nectar shrugged. "Good enough." She looked at Astral, her eyes flashing. "Ah good." She said quietly, having scanned Astral just to make sure no disguise was in place. She turned to Golden. "So since she's right there, what do we do now?" She asked pointing to Astral.

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You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom @Twilight-Shimmer

Finally at the front of the line, Foxy came up to a dark colored pony, who seemed as nervous as Foxy was. "Oh, um hello..." Foxy then realized she probably should say what she wanted, but she wasn't familiar with the place. 

"Well, what do you... recommend?" Foxy nervously squeaked out. "Sorry, we are new to this place... and don't mind the bird." Foxy hoped they wouldn't pay notice to the Phoenix, or even recognize it was one (hence why she referred them as a nonspecific 'bird') , but alas, it was quite obvious with her bright crimson feathers. 

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@Shineling, @Blitz Boom,

*Cacora chuckles.* "Pinkie you are so random sometimes."


*She then gives pinkie one of her rare serious looks.* "On a different note, I am going away for a while. It feels as if something within the Everfree is calling to me. I need a message delivered if you can manage. It goes to Thorax, the new King of the changelings. I have an offer for him that can help with relations to Equestria. But I also have more personal matters to talk with him about. I will be near the Castle of the Regal Sisters. He should be able to find me easily near there. Also, think you can find a place for Anomaly? She had a run in with a cult a while back and well, while they only wanted her destructive powers, she only wants to create things. I will let her tell ya more. I had planed on taking her to Twilight, but it looks like she is either not home or asleep. Think ya can find a place for her. Also, watch out for her random creation bouts. She scared the Tartarus out of Honey at the Orphanage. Also, the Orphanage wards are active right now. So any Orphan not accounted for already is probably out here. Little Scoots included."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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On 5/8/2017 at 4:13 PM, Maple Bat said:

"Thank you again." She said as she walked into her home "I imagine you have tons of questions so please ask away and I'll be as honest as I can be"

 Mary smiled as she guided Maple to her living room and Mary sat in a small chair near the entrance. "Some yes! Why are you here? What drove you out? I am a little confused.

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10 minutes ago, MaryxMelody said:

 Mary smiled as she guided Maple to her living room and Mary sat in a small chair near the entrance. "Some yes! Why are you here? What drove you out? I am a little confused.

"Why I'm here I have no idea." She answered What drove me out? All I remember is it being a normal day in my universe then a rift opened up in the sky... well and then I woke up here and found you."

She looked around the house a little. "Nice place you got here." She commented "also I think cosmic was onto something about me being here balancing stuff out."

She doesnt go into detail on this she didn't want to worry mary with her problems at the moment she wanted to be sure she could trust her first. At this rate though it wouldn't take long for May to earn Maple's Trust

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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3 minutes ago, Maple Bat said:

"Why I'm here I have no idea." She answered What drove me out? All I remember is it being a normal day in my universe then a rift opened up in the sky... well and then I woke up here and found you."

She looked around the house a little. "Nice place you got here." She commented "also I think cosmic was onto something about me being here balancing stuff out."

She doesnt go into detail on this she didn't want to worry mary with her problems at the moment she wanted to be sure she could trust her first. At this rate though it wouldn't take long for May to earn Maple's Trust


     Mary was a little alarmed but clammed down by getting distracted. "Ah, thanks! My sister bought it but I help with the bills." 

     "Need anything? Water, food?" Mary started to get up. Mary tried to not to alarm herself over a silly statement. She shook her head but looked at Maple.

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3 minutes ago, MaryxMelody said:


     Mary was a little alarmed but clammed down by getting distracted. "Ah, thanks! My sister bought it but I help with the bills." 

     "Need anything? Water, food?" Mary started to get up. Mary tried to not to alarm herself over a silly statement. She shook her head but looked at Maple.

"Sister? Who might that be?" She asked "Oh and just an apple would be fine. Thank you."

Hmm that changes things a bit she thought Secrets aren't kept well between siblings

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Just now, Maple Bat said:

"Sister? Who might that be?" She asked "Oh and just an apple would be fine. Thank you."

Hmm that changes things a bit she thought Secrets aren't kept well between siblings

          Mary looked on her counter for the food bowl and there was one apple and a note. Mary read it real quick. Hey, Mary! I'll have to go to the doctor tonight. I was bitten by a Squirrel, I hope you can forgive me! ~ Pinkie Diamond  

          Mary sighed and grabbed an apple and handed to Maple. " Here, Pinkie Diamond is my sister! She works at a small shop in Ponyville. She sells banners and paint!" Mary smiled and sat back down playing with her cross charm a bit. 

     "Do you have any siblings?" Mary ask, trying to put her worries aside, she knew deep inside Diamond would be just fine.

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5 minutes ago, MaryxMelody said:

          Mary looked on her counter for the food bowl and there was one apple and a note. Mary read it real quick. Hey, Mary! I'll have to go to the doctor tonight. I was bitten by a Squirrel, I hope you can forgive me! ~ Pinkie Diamond  

          Mary sighed and grabbed an apple and handed to Maple. " Here, Pinkie Diamond is my sister! She works at a small shop in Ponyville. She sells banners and paint!" Mary smiled and sat back down playing with her cross charm a bit. 

     "Do you have any siblings?" Mary ask, trying to put her worries aside, she knew deep inside Diamond would be just fine.

"That nice of her to help you out, and no I don't." She said "Sometimes I wish I did but other times I'm perfectly fine." She said that and then began to get lost in thoughts again.

Maple Sighed "Now that I think about it no one will notice I'm gone expect my parents, and Luna... I... I didn't make friends as easily in my world." Maple looked upset after she said that.

"Sorry about that little depressing bit there." She said snapping out of it "That necklace of yours is it an heirloom or did you find it?"

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Just now, Maple Bat said:

"That nice of her to help you out, and no I don't." She said "Sometimes I wish I did but other times I'm perfectly fine." She said that and then began to get lost in thoughts again.

Maple Sighed "Now that I think about it no one will notice I'm gone expect my parents, and Luna... I... I didn't make friends as easily in my world." Maple looked upset after she said that.

"Sorry about that little depressing bit there." She said snapping out of it "That necklace of yours is it an heirloom or did you find it?"

 "Yea! I found it, long story!" Mary felt empathy for the mare. She has felt this was so much before. She didnt want to say anything, Maple obviously dropped it for a reason. Mary smiled anyway. You're making friends with me! Mary thought, wanting to say it out loud the comfort her.

     Mary looked at her necklace with love and hatred. "Its a blessing" Mary smiled. "And a curse" Mary then frowned.

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2 minutes ago, MaryxMelody said:

 "Yea! I found it, long story!" Mary felt empathy for the mare. She has felt this was so much before. She didnt want to say anything, Maple obviously dropped it for a reason. Mary smiled anyway. You're making friends with me! Mary thought, wanting to say it out loud the comfort her.

     Mary looked at her necklace with love and hatred. "Its a blessing" Mary smiled. "And a curse" Mary then frowned.

"Blessing? Curse?" She asked "I thought it was just a nice necklace. Is it enchanted?" Maple had been "Drinking" the apple Mary had given her she thought she knew how that work since she was also part vampire.

Maple quickly realized she was now asking a whole bunch of questions to her in her own home "Oh you uhh... don't have to tell me... if you don't want to." she said apologetically.

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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     "Hey, its fine." Mary smiles. "Yes, its enchanted. Its lets me morph to two animals and back. It carries a soul inside of it so. "She" is my darkside" Mary looked at her necklace. Mary looked at it with both hatred and love. @Maple Bat

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3 minutes ago, MaryxMelody said:

     "Hey, its fine." Mary smiles. "Yes, its enchanted. Its lets me morph to two animals and back. It carries a soul inside of it so. "She" is my darkside" Mary looked at her necklace. Mary looked at it with both hatred and love. @Maple Bat

"That must be so cool!" She said "Well besides the whole trapped soul darkside thing. You must be really adaptable to changing situations!"

Wow that's quite the cool relic ,but you've got to keep your cool She thought I know Twilight would love this but I'll keep it secret for now


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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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