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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@Dji & @Blitz Boom

    Still mostly passed out from the exhaustion of having to deal with so much in one day; a deep, quiet, appreciative rumble comes through Kaltrop's long throat where it lies nuzzled over her shoulder, not unlike that of a large cat. Seemingly comfortable after a great long while of having spent most of his growing life alone, it doesn't seem as if the teen drake is inclined to move for a while. He does, however, shift his weight off Dawn Streak and to her scarred  side where his muzzle lays. From this position Dawn ought have enough room to get up when ready and respond to their small crowd without much trouble. Though too much prodding and Kaltrop might groggily awaken from his reverie of feelings he long since lost.


  B.B, Soxy Sneks, Phooey Nix:

   Startled by the sudden intrusion of the fledgling Phoenix, Rarity had ducked her head out the door for a moment to call out after the retreating stranger. And in the kerfuffle, Opalescence had quietly backed away closer to the wall next to the entry door, eyes narrowed at the sudden, loud intrusion of this rather rude, but potentially pre-cooked fowl dinner. How much narrower than a cat's usually is with a temperment like Opal's could be debated, but it was clear to anypony paying attention that the cat surely didn't like this new member and was too cautious to try anything as of yet.

  "Do feel free to use the downstairs lavatories to clean up those wounds, good sir! You may find a few good liniments to ease those wounds and I'll be down in a few to see what I may get for you as recompense for your troubles!"

 Turning back into the room and towards Briar once more; Rarity casts a brief smile on her friend and newer friend, glad to see Rainbow & Foxy getting along well. Attempting to catch up with him, she addresses Briar again.

 "Now where were we...? Oh... uh, yes!"

 A slight twinge comes to the seamstress's diverted eye as she recollects the inadvertent reference to her age. No doubt a more elemental pony as this lived a much longer lifespan and it was something she could easily mentally waive away. Without missing a beat from her thoughts, Rarity responds clearly back to Briar as if nothing had happened in the prior moments.

  "Kind of you to ask, Darling! Sweetie is my sister several years younger than I, and I just happen to be taking care of her and supplying her some local schooling as our parents are about on their across-Equestria trip their taking in celebration of their retirement years! They... do seem to be enjoying their vacation, but I'm glad to hear from them when they get in touch! You do know how the older generations can be sometimes!"

Rarity ends with a chuckle.


To Blitz Boom:

 "Well... I do theorize that it might not be all for the best to count too heavily on some sorts all of the time. A sort of... like, balance, I guess? Nopony wants to be treated like some sort of mindless drone, right?...Heh, well, guess you'll know them when you see my parents.

  ...Well, No. Descriptive colloquialisms are oft viewed as a language tool of the lower classes in Canterlot. Can't say I've met too many of them... still don't get how that would help you see better. Higher vision only minorly helps aid vision... and as bright as it is out now..."

  Ambie mumbles in thought as the pair of stallions walk onward; slight streaks of blue and green trailing down his chest. After a while, Ambie looks back up after Happy Hour.

  "Shouldn't be long now, right? That's the edge of the Everfree up ahead, right?"


  • Brohoof 2

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Widdershins & @Blitz Boom


Dawn hissed when she felt the dragon move his head onto her scarred side. She did notice that she had enough room to wriggle out of his grasp though. She tried to do so, and winced as her scar brushed against Kaltrops. It took a bit, but Dawn finally managed to get out from under Kaltrops and stand up. She shook herself off and looked at the small crowd that had gathered around them. She slowly walked away from Kaltrops to stand by Spicy and Pop only to turn to tone rest of the crowd. “What is it with you ponies!? Some privacy please!”

  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

"After you..."

Victoria grumpily held the door open for the couple, impatiently tapping her hoof while she waited for them to exit.


Battenberg gave her sister a stern look which was returned with an eye roll and a huff, it was good to see Victoria obeying her sister rather than kicking up a fuss, even if she was incredibly unenthusiastic about it.


"It's been a pleasure to meet you too, I hope you return some day! If you ever need something baked, you know where to find me. Oh and drop in on Sprinkles if you're ever in Fillydelphia!"

"Indeed, a little trip to visit my little cousin turned into quite the pleasant gathering, I'm sure Royal and Angel are just as pleased to meet you."

"Oh certainly, may our paths cross again"

Royal gave Benny a subtle wink, fully aware the crossing of their paths in the new future was already determined.

  • Brohoof 1




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@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

Some pretty weird sound came out of omen as her sound was adjusted that were best left unspoken. In parts because some of them were literally impossible to say, even for her kind, whose native language sounded like several mouths whispering incoherently at the same time.


It had taken a little, but Discord had managed to fix her up nice and properly, after whatever had happened before had split her internal connections around. She could likely expect a repairman's bill within the next 3 to 4 workdays, give or take the postal service in whatever dimension Chaosville laid in.

Behind them, the sound of the second to last miner being freed  caught her attention, but she didn't say anything about it. Just observed as he went to the rest of the group, and the Refraction let off another light-shoe into the sky. Something which she followed with her eyes until it vanished, though that didn't stop her from looking upwards, as if she expected something more to happen.

"...Not fire?"

There was w hole lot of things right now she hadn't a clue about, and it was causing her limited ability to grasp things to focus on small things and then waiting to see what would be told to her. Sen and Lin should hopefully be used enough to it by now to realize this, and not think that she was just ignoring them for no reason.




Smokey chuckled some as she showed her reluctance to take his offer, but didn't answer at first, as he pushed his remaining stew a little towards her and went for the fridge. She seemed like she needed the remaining half a great deal more than he did currently, and it would give him the chance to fetch them some desert.

"I can think of nothing I would rather spend some bits on, than to make everypony who looks at you in a well crafted attire green with envy, and sorrowful of their lack of a companion of your caliber. If you look even half as impressive as I think you would, it would be worth every bit they would ask, though it will not be so many that I really feel a loss. I have a rather impressive amount to my name..

Besides, the best places tends to have a dress code. I even have to suit up in a more formal manner as well, which I must admit that I do not find comfortable for most occasions. Though if it were to escort a certain somepony to an evening that would be hard to forget, I would welcome it with open hooves."

He came back from the fridge, hovering two desert glasses full of sorbet ice, topped with orange slices and waffles. Simple things, but sometimes you didn't need to try and make everything fancy when it was perfect already.

"I realize this may be somewhat strange of me to offer all of this Phoenix, but after all the dragging you around that I have done, I want to treat you to a night which you would be unlikely to forget, if you would allow me to."

The glasses and a couple of spoons hit the table, and he smiles at her joyfully. Not the goofy way he had before, but more lighthearted and friendly in it, as he awaited her response to something which might test her boundaries a little too much, yet he felt like he had to try to sell this regardless. He had not been able to treat a mare to an extravagant night for quite some time, and back then, it had been Grim's daughter, as a thank you for saving his life. That had been meant as a sincere thank you to one whom he owed greatly, and done with friendship in mind. Phoenix... He would lie if he said that was where his line of thought stopped, though he was sure it was simply because of the image he had in his head earlier. Which stallion's mind could not be enticed by seeing somepony who already shone above the rest, encapsulated even further?

But, it was time to see if it would even be a thing before he got his hopes too high he supposed. Among the several things that was an issue for Phoenix, crowds seemed to be one of them, and they would need to go out there to get her a dress, as well as getting to the restaurant. Hopefully if he were there, she might feel somewhat more comfortable to wander the streets. Sometimes helped with a friendly face, yes?



@Foxy Socks @~Phoenix~ @Widdershins

Agni didn't care much for the ponies who were here. Not Briar, or Brittle, who seemed to have calmed down enough after the initial outburst to revert to her odd base form again, as the phoenix knew them somewhat, and didn't consider them much of a threat, and not Rainbow and Rarity, who seemed to reat with caution on one part, to another mostly ignoring her as well. Thankfully for all of them, the ponies were not overly pushy with wanting to make physical contact as the first response.

She did lock eyes with the cat though, and narrowed her own, red eyes, and rose her wings slightly in a threatening stance. The sounds that came for her then would to the others just sound as annoyed chirping, but to Opalescence, it should be understandable as words. Specifically "Stay out of my way, pet." which were mentioned in a manner that didn't lie about how little the Phoenix cared for domesticated collar-wearers. It was a think with pride and integrity, and she certainly didn't consider her a pet. If anything, Foxy was her pet. At least in her mind. A thought which kept as constant as her gaze on the feline, even as she was literally getting petted by Foxy.

"...It is good to hear that that are enjoying their trip. As a traveler myself, I can understand the pleasure in experiencing new frontiers."

Briar did not find Rarity's explanation to carry too much water, though he tried to dismiss the worry. Even with the slight pause in her reply, as well as the odd way he found that she talked about her parents, he couldn't be certain that there was something more permanent about their departure. Quite frankly, there likely wasn't, and he was simply overthinking things after a rather weird day,of which the for example draconequus previously in their midst had made him slightly paranoid about things going on around him.

"It is commemorative of you to watch out for your younger sister in their absence too, if I may say so. A strong family bond such as that is a thing worth of envy by many, not to mention the responsibility you have taken upon yourself at what I assume is a somewhat young age for ponies. You are a rather strong individual, Miss Rarity."

He considered responding to Rainbow as well, after the bird had seemingly made her jump back a little, but he didn't know what to say to her, other than come with more reassurances that the bird was unlikely to cause her harm, and the fact that he couldn't be certain, would make the sentiment somewhat hollow to repeat. Hopefully Foxy knew of something more fitting to express in the this situation.



@The Resident Brony

The general's eyes narrowed, and she snorted at Invictus.

"I will chose to ignore you threatening an officer of the law, or the wild accusations that we're attempting to set you up."

"I honestly don't know where he got that part from. I just said that the note was a hoax."

Vivid wandered through the portal and closed it behind her. The general saw her, and gave a slight nod in her direction.


The mare responded in kind, with a slight nod and a neutral tone as well.


Now Invictus, as mentioned, I just said the note was spinning false tales, not that it included you being set up for treason. You really need to work on your attention to details."

"The deal was made clear. You left the army with honors, and we left out the truth from the public about your unjust, rash actions. Now show me this message that you think allegedly attempts to lure you into a trap. And make it quick. I have work to do today, and I'm not keen on spending too much time on defending myself against baseless accusations."

Screecher was not a fan of Invictus after what he had done. before that, she had stood with Dew in appointing him as a public figurehead in the times of unrest, whilst they did the work for him, as it was beneficial for the people to see an Alicorn in the middle of things. Afterwards though, she had been disgusted by his rash actions, and honestly, some of that hostility cam from how she blamed herself too. Had she not sent him to deal with that rebellion leader on his own, and had listened to Tidal Wave, none of that would have happened. He wasn't mature enough for the job, and both Dew and her had to live with the guilt of putting him in situation that cost others their lives.




You could hear the dragoness gnashing her teeth,a nd her hand was trembling under the dirt as she fought every instinct in her body with the logic that were in this. The guard needed help, and annoying as it were, the disease fountain was the only one who knew exactly how to do so.

it took a lot of her strength to push through it, but eventually, she would lift herself from the ground, and let her geomancy rest. Her last bit were used to topple over the rocks around Blood so that she could get out of there, though it had been oh so tempting to instead have them fall inwards, and make a satisfying crushing sound on top of the zombie.

"Help him, now."

Her words were cold as ice, as her brain began to think further on things, rationalizing things that wouldn't take her anger away, but gave her a perspective that directed some of it towards herself.

Specifically, it was about how she had tried to help, but then just left. After going to the forge and completing the base idea of an amulet with some degree of harmony magic that she hoped would keep the infection in check on the sickly mare, she hadn't gone out to look for her again. instead, she had just stashed it, and gone on about her business, thinking that she would send word on how those who met her should deal with her, rather than track her down and finish what she started.

It might be that Blood was a monster, who had more lives on her consciousness than any other being she had ever met, but that were exactly why she shouldn't have been so dismissive of this. Dulling her edge, could cause that safety risk to be kept better in check, and save countless lives. Her own aggressive stance on how to deal with the pony did not warrant her negligence, and especially not considering she still needed to find that island that Blood had seemingly made a horrid mess of, and might end up needing a sample of the toxic mare's blood to make at least an attempt of fixing things.

If the isle wasn't thought of, and she just demolished the pony right here and now... The dragoness would be to blame if it spread, and she did not want this on her, though right now, she were still pretty on edge, and logic could only get her so far. Getting pushed to much would make her instinct react instead, and her instinct were not suggesting her pleasant things.

As for Slappy, he were still in the same position, and whimpering. He would be pretty easy to get near and do something to without any issue. He didn't even take notice of what was going on around him.




"Hah, only what I've been told. Soon as the giant, dark monster showed up, I was out of here.

Short of the long that I got was that it was some kind of ancient evil, that was going to make a mess of Equestria, but really, we run into stuff like that all the time, so not sure how this one was different. Well, except that when it went away, a bunch of ponies from the past showed up instead. That one was new.

Then there was the whole wind dome which haven't been explained, Changelings, Kitsune, an actual air ship, and so on and so forth. A pretty big mess honestly. I think if you want to really know stuff, you should ask the forepony. She was smack down int he middle of things when it went on, and were one of the ponies giving the final blow to the creature. She'd likely know some of the juicy details."



@Seamore Sandwich

Scarcity frowned ever so slightly.

"I will need to tell my workers to cancel the carriage I had prepared if that is, but is suppose a teleportation would be quicker. Will the thing we are delivering fit with us however? We have made a deal with Mr. Tock after all, and I intend to keep it."

She assumed it might be with the chocolates, but until she were told, she frankly couldn't be sure. And even then, she wasn't sure what might be possible to transport with you if it were. If there were transport opportunities, it would be even more impressive, though she would not think that too early. It seemed unrealistic to her, even if this were new territory, though she welcomed the chance to be wrong on this occasion.

Teleportation were of course, the quicker way to go things in general, and she had a certain degree of a network to us via her storage facility, but that was for her, and a few trusted workers, not somepony like Penny. She were a sweet mare, truly, but she was neither a confidant, nor somepony that Scarcity had something severely incriminating on, so she would be kept at some length from the more shady side of Scarcity's life.



@Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit @Dji

"As you wish, princess."

After hearing her order, and seeing the pale aura stop tugging in her blade, Last put her sword back in the scabbard slowly, though she wasn't sure if this was such a good idea. It may be an order from a princess, but still, trusting a Siren? It might be that the princess had dealt with some before - which honestly, made her question even more how she could remain unbiased in this - but who was to say hat this one wasn't just more cunning? Being stabbed in the back was an issue, but... Grrr, no, she had her orders. She would follow them for now, though she had to remain aware of every... Oddity...

It was at that point when Charlie's voice came floating around, and greeted the lot of them, which made her curse a little under her breath.

"Charlie. What in the night sky are you doing here? And I am not a Dusk Guard, Siren. I am... Was, a shrine maiden."

Dusk Guard were not even a description she had heard before, but it sounded like something you would call a Night Guard if you didn't know better. Unless that were what Twilight's guards were called? She had barely seen any of them, so she frankly wasn't sure on that, but it didn't matter right now anyway. What did, was what she had been told to do, which were frankly going to cause issues in the town.

*sigh* Just another way that Ponyville was going to end up attempting to put her in an early grave from pure annoyance.

She didn't wait for Charlie to answer, and just prepared to wander along the river bank with the weird group of the spirit stick, the Zegasus, the Alicorn, the Siren, and the weird squirrel-creature who had stopped making faces, and currently sat on top of Ziggy like a tiny, furry protector. Odd to think about how she was the normal one here.

She'd signal for the to follow, though she would not go far on ahead. IN case the princess needed her quickly, she had to stay near them, which also meant that Charlie for example would be well able to communicate with her if he so chose to, and she wouldn't be too far away to hear it.



@Seamore Sandwich

"Very well, let's proceed then."

Zhu got to his paws and stretched himself out, ending with a large yawn before looking at the pony, awaiting her to lead the way to where the thieves may be.

"I know my methods may seem harsh to ponies. Unreasonable, perhaps even evil, but morals are only a burden when it comes to balance. I can't stay neutral if I keep thinking that nopony needs to be harmed, and a bias will end up causing irreparable damage.

It is doubtful that will be the only time you will have issue with my suggestions, but know that I won't feel bad about what needs to be done if it comes down to what is required. I lost the ability to do so a long, long time ago."

It was not entirely correct. He sometimes felt bad for what he did, and would sympathize, but when he could simply shrug it off and still do something without hesitation, it may as well be something he had lost. An occupational hazard, that came from being a sacrifice for the world., which were essentially what he were. One life, forever bound to roam the lands and keep things in check, in return for a life that actually mattered, along with everypony who stood with her. It was a small price to pay, if one looked at it neutrally.



@Seamore Sandwich

"Sadly, I can say little about what is being planned. I know simply that the great one have returned, and that he wishes to pick an adventure that will make his name known again, and protect the nation."

"Long as he focuses on the hero part before making a name, it sounds fine."

Sugar heard a gruff, female voice to his side, and turned around to look at the bulkiest unicorn he had ever laid eyes upon.


Brute Force had come here via a second hoof invitation, after a message had come for one of her associates in Las Pegasus about the quest. Yet the pony had mostly retired from this life, to spend it with his family, and had instead asked her if she would be interested, seeing as there was a downtime in the wrestling season currently.

Usually she would have just spend the time on training, but this seemed important, so she had accepted to go in his stead, which so far had given her quite the few weird looks from the smaller ponies around her. They weren't used to see a unicorn more muscly than most of their earth ponies they knew it appeared.

She cast a glance at the both of them. Another pony that were looking like his coat was prematurely going white, and some other one whom she didn't know who were, but considering the invitations and how he didn't look like for example Sugar here, she would guess he was an invited one as well.

"Name's Brute Force. Who're you two?"

Honey shook out of his surprise and tried to clear his throat to cover for him trying to find his voice again after this embarrassment of a meeting.

"Yes... My name is Sugar Lime, and I don't believe I got your name sir?"

Brute gave a slight nod after getting Sugar's name, and took her focus to Hunter more exclusively. A fairly neutral look was in the eye that could be seen, though the one beneath the darkened glass and frame would follow troop, if he had been able to see it. She were curious as to this one, but it didn't seem like a place where she had to fight anypony yet, so there wasn't a point in being on edge around him she'd think, no matter how weird this place were.



@Dji @Widdershins

"Alright, you heard the lady. Get on your way already. Nothing to see here."

Spicy had was lying out of her flank snce frankly, she were sure that there was still a show that was about to begin when the dragon and Dawn would start talking with one another again, but it seemed the crowd was getting to the mare, so she would help out a bit. Something Pop were happy about, though perhaps she wouldn't be as much if she knew the ulterior motives of the poker player.

The crowd - egged on by both the mares, and the guards who started to nod between one another and spread the word a little as well - would begin to dissipate and be on their way shortly, though there was quite a story to tell around this place now for a good deal of them. Might be this wasn't the first pony they had seen kiss a dragon, but it was far more action-packed than what usually happened with those two.

"It's good to see you've calmed down Dawn, but uhm... What happened?"

Pop was more concerned with the real deal in her mind, and asked into that.

In the meantime, Marley would look down on Kaltrops, and spread a grin on his beak whilst half-mumbling "Know how to grab the ladies' attention, eh? Why, you sly dog."

It would depend on how well Kaltrops listened in if he heard this or not.




Man this stallion had mastered the art of talking without getting anywhere.

Happy looked all nice and stuff about things when Ambie talked, but he really wasn't sure where the hybrid was going with this. Perhaps he was just starting to tune so much of what the stallion said out that nothing really registered properly right now? Something told him it might be that, but that wasn't too important. So far it didn't appear that he had anything else to focus on here than the last part, when the edge of the Everfree came into view, and the stallion - who had been toying with colors again it seemed - were asking into whatever or not they were getting near.

"The edge is there alright, but you still have to guide us towards the cart, Ambie. I still ain't sure exactly where you might've put down that thing, or whatever or not it's still there. Never sure with the creatures you got in this wonky forest."




The two of them ignored the last little spat between the sisters, and just waved them off with grins on their faces. Pop first, and Benny right after, letting out a small yawn and looking around when they got outside at the busy streets. Wasn't exactly a slow town this place, to put it mildly, but he sorta liked that. It reminded him of where he grew up, just with more ponies, buildings and delicious stuff. Speaking of which...

Pop noticed as he rose his nose into the air and sniffed in with a somewhat blessed look going over his face, and she knew well what this were. He had done the same thing earlier, before they had gone into the baker to begin with.

"Benny, no more caramelized apples right now. Your parents are waiting, remember?"

it was still not the top thing she looked forward to, but she would look even less forward to it if they showed up late with dry cake, so they might as well get it over with.

The dragon lowered his head with a slight blush and laughed sheepishly.

"Sorry, it just smells real good, but you're right. Follow me, my loyal troops."

He chuckled a little as he led the way towards the one place in the directions he had gotten that he were sure of. A statue that they had passed earlier, though from there, he'd likely have to stop up and ask for directions. Or hey, he could ask Victoria. She was a local, and if she kept following them until they were done like Battenberg said, that was going to be a good source for information about the area.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Vic snarled, enraged

"Thats some serious nerve. Defending my life is RASH in this day and age? Damn, I should've left you all to those rebels."

Vic looked out, away from Vivid and Screecher

"General, Do you happen to have any idea of the burden i've been living with since that day 4 years ago? I've had the blood of those ponies on my hooves, and I knew i can't redeem myself for those actions. I've spent the past 4 years asking the same exact damned question of 'what did I do wrong?' Perhaps you know the answer."

Edited by The Resident Brony
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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich @Dji "I just assume that the Princess had finally listened to some of the Canterlot Nobles and established a Guard.Serenade rolls her eyes, "Every other Alicorn has Guards♪" Serenade slowly floats back down into the river before making her way toward the hospital, making sure Last could see her. "So...Shrine Maiden...what do you intend to do after I drop Ziggy off? hrmm♪"

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Aurora, meanwhile, had made it to the river and was unaware of the spectacle that took place in the group she had departed. She took a quick look around and once no one was watching, asked along the river and into the Everfree to see where it lead. While the Everfree was fearful, and there were big scary monsters about, Aurora knew she could fly back to Ponyville using the river if needed. She just wasn’t sure how long it would take for her to fly there.

@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


“I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about,” Dawn shrugged at Pop before the crowd cleared. When it did dissipate, she let out a heavy sigh and practically collapsed to the ground. “Tension ... idiot dragons ... scar hurts ... kiss was good,” she rambled on, not exactly caring if Spicy or Pop heard her.

@Blitz Boom & @Seamore Sandwich & @Moonlit


“I don’t really have a guard,” Twilight admitted to herself as much as to Last Stand and the Siren. “I can’t exactly keep calling you Siren. Do you have a name?” She asked curiously while filing the shrine maiden business for further research later.

Edited by Dji
  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

"...okay, then."

It baffled Lance that somepony could talk about getting the town destroyed in such a casual manner, as if it happened every day. Ponyville sure is weird. He finished up his apple and tossed the core in the nearest trashcan, his hoodie pockets still stuffed with fruits.

"Alright, I'm ready to go whenever you are!"

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom 

Phoenix couldn't help but blush a tiny bit as Smokey so kindly offered her all of these things. although, at one point or two during his little pitch, it almost sounded as though he were bragging about his lifestyle a bit, which felt a tad unwelcome in her mind. she was more than happy that Smokey was willing to share it all, but such was only a sore reminder of the poverty she had to live through in her recent years. however, she felt too timid to let him know that. after all, his intentions didn't seem corrupt. 

she was a bit concerned about all of this fancy stuff, though. she pondered it as the sorbet was placed in front of her. unsurprisingly at this point, it tasted delicious. just like the fruit and the stew. however, this was on a different end of the spectrum. a creamy sweet substance, which she found herself going back to bite after bite. 

all of this seemed good enough to her. she wasn't entirely sure that anything like this could be topped. a nice hearty meal was the best kind to her, and smokey had done enough to provide one already. she didn't know if she wanted to go through so much work, simply for a bit of food. besides, she was more than positive that this "attire" would most likely be comprised of a dress, which she wasn't too keen on. perhaps some day when she was more comfortable with things. 

she decided to pipe up "really though... i think all of this that you've already given me is good enough. i'd be fine with staying here for our meals" she said, hoping to shake this idea from Smokey's head. at least for the time being. she was more than grateful for the meal she just had, and would be a hundred percent happy with them in the future. 

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@Blitz Boom

She chuckled a little. "There's spells that can be used like that, but I was just going off instinct." She stopped walking when she saw the guards. "Oh dear I hope they're okay." She said, continuing to walk to the door, looking to the flock of guards. "Will they be alright?" She asked, looking to the pegasi.


Warlock grinned as he watched the flock of Scrabs move towards them, the illusion fell apart for him. He saw ponies wield this type of ability when holding the element of deceit, which much like Greed, entirely embodied it's name by creating illusions so convincing, that it could fool nearly anypony, even alicorns, although he figured it was entirely possible that a pony could wield this type of deceit magic without the element. He ignited a sword of fire in his hoof, walking forward, knowing the pony or creature causing this would be the real threat looking around the temple, now looking for the source of the illusions. "This'll be fun~" He said to himself, with a grin across his muzzle.


He sighed and looked to the dragon. "Zhu had hurt some guards on his way to the Princesses room, so I had to take him in for harming them." He said, raising a hoof to his chest, putting it back down shortly after. "Hopefully this won't cause too many problems." He said, looking to Dew after.


"Rather well, I'm glad my leg will be alright though." She said with a little bit of a smile. "The doctors are nice too." She said, glancing at the ones working on her leg.

  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

The two siblings were overcome with joy hearing their friend and being able to respond in kind was the first step they needed at the moment. Perhaps now was when they could let their guard down a little but they certainly knew Omen would have a lot on her mind. Sen and Lin walked up to her and embraced her tightly before letting go and answering. 

"That stuff grazed me a little bit but it isn't exactly like fire. It's hot and it distorts vision on contact but I'd still recommend you watch yourself when you see it. And the Refraction, our little drake friend over there, might be able to talk though it has some trouble getting words out. You can thank Discord for helping us find out more about the creature and for helping us get you out of there." Lin chuckled at the last part but mostly found it cute when she first noticed it. 

"How are you feeling, Omen? Are you alright?" Sen followed but despite being relieved, still showed concern.

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@Dji, @Blitz Boom:

  Blinking back awake from the prodding, Kaltrop shifts his weight back over the still-warm spot where Dawn had been, arising to a stretched-out, perched position. Groggily looking up towards the griffon and only half remembering who he was, the bronze drake retorts.

 "...hmn?... I don... don't know what you're talking about. She's the one that grabbed me! What happened...?..."

Looking around him with a few quick motions, Kaltrop finds the direction Dawn had left. Having been too far away and not paying attention at the time, he had not caught her explanation, nor could he likely proffer his own. One could argue that their relationship status, at best, counted as "complicated." Expression somewhat alarmed, he motions to get up after her to follow and calls out after her in a tone rather more soft than his usual harsh words.

  "H-hey... where do you think you're going...?"


 Blitz Boom (Well, looks like I have a limit on how many mentions I can do...)

   Looking up as the other, more-or-less-a pony brought his attention to it; Ambie intones what he so far knows, albeit with a notion to his voice that he might just be thinking outloud.

 "Ah... well as I said, there ought still be some logs near it. Think I must have left it in that direction on the border of the forest and where the town starts up."

 Ambie points a hoof somewhere in the general direction of the right of the direction the two had came. It should be fairly obvious that Ambie weren't one you wanted to get lost in the wilderness with too often.


@Foxy Socks , @~Phoenix~ and B.B


   It had been enough for Opalescence to get used to the mare the arrogant, feathered treat had roosted on, but this was yet another rude interruption in her territory. One the pampered cat had no need to feel any more respect for than the other small wild birds that it hunted around the house on the time Rarity had let her out to patrol the area during the day. Bristling at the challenge to its domain, Opal let loose a low rumble that clearly denoted her displeasure at the impertinence of laying claim on her territory. Though, this would sound like the usual grumpy rumblings the cat was known for to most anypony. Unless, of course, one was used to animal handling.

   Reaching down to soothe her cat's anger, Rarity dismissively carries on.

 "Oh, do behave like a good kitty for our guests; won't you, Opalescence? Mommy will get to your treatums in a bit!

  Oh, you do so flatter me Mr. Briar! Perhap sometime a gentlecolt such as yourself may make the time to come back to commission an item for your own use? If you do not mind me saying so, It's most certainly rare to find a stallion who works so well with a flowery Spring theme!"

  • Brohoof 3

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom

"Let's move quickly. The sooner this is over the better. I also intend to avoid running into Cupcake Sprinkles, I know she's out here somewhere just waiting to mess up my mane with her constant fluttering."

Victoria hooved the ground impatiently.

"I trust you know where you are going?"

  • Brohoof 1




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@The Resident Brony

"We would have handled them ourselves. Or have you forgotten how we only put you as a front figure for the sake of the public? You did not control the guards, we did. What happens with every guard is and were our responsibility, just like it were to allow you to speak with their leader rather than step in ourselves, when Tidal Wave warned us how you might react in an ambush..No matter how improper your actions were for a negotiator, it ultimately lies on us for sending you there when we should have known better."

Perhaps Invictus were strong, but Screecher did not care. She were a direct sort, and especially when it came to situations which cut into herself as well, such as the topic of the failure of the Alicorn, which had ultimately been hers and Dew's fault. They were the ones who had allowed him to go, even though there had been doubts.

"The answer to what you did wrong, is the same that we did: Overestimating your ability to keep your calm. You reacted instinctively, and it saved your life via an offense, rather than fall back and pacify the target. Understandable for a civilian, but not for somepony who wanted to prove he could lead an army.

Believe me, if we had thought this was done with malicious intent, you would still be locked up Invictus, but we knew it was an accident, so we let you leave with your honor and freedom intact, and the clause that you may only try and return to the guards when we could say for certain that you had grown past this, and become more rational."

During her talk, the general had tensed her muscles, prepared to react to some kind of an attack. If Invictus were still emotional, irrational and impulsive, he would attempt something, and she had to prepared to answer it with something more than a comment about how that would only prove how he still hadn't learned anything.

Vivid also prepared, though her response would be more magical in it, and would include pulling the two of them apart if something happened. There seemed to be some history here she didn't know too much about, but were rather volatile.

"Again, show me the paper that was sent,a nd let us be done with this. I believe I know who would have interest in pranking you out of spite."



@Moonlit @Dji @Seamore Sandwich

"I will do what I am ordered to do, by Princess Sparkle. If she says to let you go, against my better judgement, I will."

Last Stand was somepony who had a rather narrow look on things, but trumping her own views were that of a royal, and if she were given the order to let the Siren go, just as she had about leading the way toward the Ponyville hospital, she would reluctantly do so. And speaking about the princess and bad decisions...

As for the lack of your own branch of guards, Princess Sparkle, get to work establishing one when you have the time. This town is dangerous, and both you and the civilians could use some protection when the next monster attacks. The longer you wait, the greater the chance somepony will get seriously hurt, including yourself."

A small thought briefly grazed Last's mind as she said that, but she dismissed it. It seemed unrealistic, and she needed to remain focused as they neared Ponyville, or things would devolve into panic at the sight of the Siren. Although...

Last eyed a pony in the distance and gave a sign for the group to halt.

"I'll get the path near the river cleared for everypony in the vicinity. Keep moving, but stay low and move slowly. The less that sees you the better. I will return soon."

With that, the mare would gallop over towards the pony, whom she would use to get the word out with. She might not be able to really do anything to make the Couriers listen right now, but they were working inside the town for the time being, not on the edge where the river were. It should be possible to clear the path of most, and then make anypony potentially still looking on stay quiet. The last thing she needed right now was panic.



@Dji @Widdershins

Whilst Spicy was a little disappointed with how little things had taken off after the kiss, Pop at least was thankful for it.

As much as things seemed to have calmed down at least from Dawn's side though, there were still plenty of things that she could bring up right now to her friend. Mostly in regards to how it was okay to be in a relationship with a dragon, asking how Dawn felt considering it sounded like she begrudgingly liked what had happened, and a few minor comment about how things could have gone worse, and yada yada.

However, it seemed like everything she could think about at the start would just cause some kind of bad response, so she had to hold back and really scrounge her mind before she could think of one thing that might be okay to say.

"Should I uhm... Get you an ice pack? For the pain of course."

Meanwhile, Marley was looking down on Kaltrops and waggled his eyebrows at the comment about Dawn grabbing him, instead of how it had actually gone down.

"Hehe, sure she did player. Sure she did."

Honestly, Marley was leaning up a well deserved beating with how he laid it on Kaltrops, but he just didn't see any way the dragon was going to be an issue. The griffon was likely stronger, and he was a seasoned bodyguard. What could a Dragon that didn't seem to have combat training do to him? Pull him in for a kiss? Heh.

...Urgh, the thought alone actually left a bad taste in his beak. He'd rather marry a Changeling, and honestly, that might end up happening anyway, since every single Griffon he found interesting ended up being a bloody bug pony to begin with! Great sky above that one was starting to get old.




Berry attempted to toss her leftovers as well, but she missed the trash can, meaning she had to go over and pick it up with a slight grumble. She had wanted to show off as well, but with that out the window, she supposed they might as well just be on their way, soon as she had tossed this properly.

"Yeah, we might as well pop on back before the ship sinks. I could use some more coffee anyway."

She cemented this by giving off quite a yawn and shaking her head, before wandering back towards work. Hopefully everything were still fine there after their departure earlier.




Smokey stood and looked at Phoenix as she rejected his offer, neutral and trying to think about what had just happened.

Then, he started to laugh. A low chuckle to begin with, but it went up into a regular laugh a little after, and going on for about seven seconds before he leaned back with a relaxed look on his face, as well as a slight blush from the feeling of stuffing his own hoof a long way down his throat.

"Heh, I really went too far there, didn't I? I'm sorry Phoenix, I didn't mean to be so pushy about it, it's just..."

He went silent for a moment and looked up into the ceiling, trying to figure out how to put it.

"...I don't really have anypony to share all of this with...

I wanted this house and all that it entails because I wanted to be able to secure a good place for a family, have room for my friends, and even my parents, if they so chose to join me. I didn't want anypony I cared for missing anything like I had. But alas, my real friends are far apart, my parents prefer to stay in Dodge Junction, and with no siblings, I really only have Rose to relate to, and she doesn't take up that much space, nor resources.

The few that I do invite, or who comes to visit, I try to cater to, but when it came to you... I guess I got carried away because I wanted to impress you, and show you a side of life rarely gotten by those who starts at the bottom. It's been so long since I last had somepony here whom I had the chance to do so with, and back then it was mostly as a a way of thanking somepony who saved my life.

I hope you can believe me when I say that I'm truly sorry Phoenix. I didn't mean to make you embarrassed, or try and push something you don't feel comfortable with, I just wanted to make a memorable night for you. Something which, if you decided to leave, you would always have to look back on fondly."

This was a good deal more frank than he usually were with ponies. Where it came from he wasn't sure, but it honestly felt good to get it off his chest, and it didn't directly say all of the reasons why he wished to have her with him to dinner. Truth be told, he still wasn't sure himself, but he did know that it would just make it worse if he openly went *I think I like you, and I wanted us to have a fabulous date*. It just sounded sleazy, and if she did react well on it and it turned out that he didn't like her in such a way, things would just get really awkward, and she'd most certainly leave. Something which he'd mourn, as he enjoyed her company.

Outside the door, silent as could be, Grim shook his head a little at what he heard. Crazy foals in there were dancing around the subject like ferrets around bunnies, but it seemed like a small step had been taken by his employer at least. Hopefully it wouldn't be the last. The two of them seemed like they'd make for a cute couple, even if they both had bags of issues to bring along with them.




"Yeah, he'll be fine ma'am. It happens sometimes."

The guards helped their companion to his hooves, and had him lean of them so he could wander off towards the hospital, just to make sure that everything was fine.

"Sometimes you think Pegasi is just carefree and floating through the air like it was nothing, and then stuff like this happens... Guess nopony is without some flaws, huh?

Anyway, we're here. Shall we go in? I assume you got the key at least? I don't wanna guess what might happen if i try to break in before you."

CHow wasn't sure that she had put some sort of spell to make sure nopony would be snooping around, but since it was a distinct possibility, he wasn't too keen on taking the chance with this, and ed up smacking himself into the building on the other side of the road. His spine would probably very much appreciate not going through that.




Athriel had started swatting as many of the beetles away from her as she could, but was soon about to be overtaken. Even with using some of the magic she had to use off, there was simply too many of them.

If it were not for her noticing how they just seemed to pass through Warlock, who wholly ignored them, this could well have ended up extremely poorly for her. Yet as she did, she too figured out that this was just an illusion, and with a hesitant mind, stopped fighting the beetles.

She seemed covered, before rising up through them like the mirages hat they were, and sporting quite the angry face. Something which seemed to amuse whatever creature was in here as a bellowing laughter echoed through the halls.

"Ahaha! So you made it through the first defense, albeit one of you only barely. Perhaps I should try something of my own?"

Strips of cloth appeared out of nowhere and covered the floor for the next five meters or so, and the sound of rocks cracking from the floor and falling down could be heard beneath. It would still seem level, but one wrong step, and down you went.

"Pff, unimpressive. There's enough space in here to just go above it."

Athriel spread her wings, went up and prepared to grab hold of Warlock, but she barely got off the floor before she felt something push her straight down again.

"Ah ah ah, no flying. And no floating either, pretty boy."

The grounding spell would keep Warlock down too, where he had to put physical legs on the floor to get through. Or well, it would have, if his specialty wasn't to eat magic, which should keep him safe at least, and  the voice from within annoyed.




Scorn didn't seem pleased by the message.

"We're going to need the Serpanther for this."

"In due time. Let him simmer some down there until we do, so he can think about what he have done."

Attacking guards could get you days, or even weeks in prison normally, but in tough situations, decisions sometimes had to be made. As long as the guards were not severely injured, this could be tolerated somewhat, for the sake of a greater purpose, though a repeat offense wouldn't be tolerated. There would be ways without Zhu, regardless of what the dragon had told him.

"Are the guards in good health, or was it a brutal assault? And in such case, have you sent them to the infirmary?

And as for our plans, they are going to need him eventually, sadly, so he can't be made to serve a full sentence, unless it was severe."




"That's good to hear. hopefully they can help fix up your friend as well, as nasty as his wound seemed to be."

"We've treated worse Lieutenant. Just don't disturb them. Takes a good deal of concentration to not make it worse."

"Of course doctor. I just wanted to see how everypony was doing in here. Ah, and whilst I remember it... I'm sorry, I don't know your name ."

She looked at Misty as she said this, a nd not the doctor whom had answered her before. The same one who were fixing up the last parts of the cast as she spoke.

"Regardless, your parents have left for the time being. Something about having to do something at home quickly. I can make sure you're brought to them when you're ready, if you want me to."

Not knowing better, and seeing how well they got along, Shimmer had assumed that Astral and Chow were Misty's parents. Not birth parents obviously, as Astral seemed too young and neither of them were Zebras, but foster parents didn't seem out of the realm of possibility, and she hadn't the chance to ask into that earlier.



@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

Omen stood like an awkward puppet as she was embraced by Sen and Lin. The concept of hugging others were still weird to her, and didn't really feel natural to somepony like her, who usually sniffed an outstretched hoof before tentatively shaking it most of the time. She didn't say anything to it though. She was too focused on looking behind the two, at where the remaining statue was being gnawed on by the Refraction. Strange sight.


She glanced back at Sen as he asked her this, and tilted her head to the left, trying to think about how to answer this. Usually she didn't really feel anything, or at least not that strong. Usually it was the bad warmth she had taken notice off a few times after meeting the Longma siblings, and right now, that wasn't there.


It was the only answer she could give that made sense to her. The only things that seemed to rumble under the surface were some of the emotions she didn't know how what to call or how to describe, so surely, it was just nothing, right?

"Something happened here?"

She understood the part with the fire, the same way that she understood magic. Basically, don't think about it, and don't let it hit you in the face. Seemed simple enough. What didn't were everything going on here, especially behind them. Did Discord do something again? Was that why there were ponies in crystal? Perhaps. Her master did many strange things.




"Do you know the expression *he'd forget his head if it weren't screwed on*? I've never met a pony that fits better than you."

Happy said it with a grin and a jolly tone, but in his mind, he was rolling his eyes and imagining a better scenario, where he just grabbed hold in Ambie, shook him, and shouted at him *How have you survived for this long?* over and over again. Because that really seemed to be one of the seven wonders of the world, with everything that had gone n so far.

Okay, there might well be... Oh , who was he kidding? This world had more wonders than he could fill a book with, so that expression weren't worth much here, but the sentiment surely still worked, if only for him.

Getting to the forest, he was still mentally shaking down Ambie, when he took notice of some tracks in the dirt, leading into the forest. Deep ones too. Not the sort you got going from just pulling an empty cart around.

"Seems like we might have a trail to work with. Bless the Weather Unit that it didn't rain during the night."

Horses controlling the weather... There was another wonder to the list.



@Widdershins @Foxy Socks @~Phoenix~

Agni was not pleased with the cat's defiance, but she didn't demean herself with reacting to the furry distraction anymore. She just snorted demonstratively, and turned her head away from Opalescence in a way that made it clear how much more superior to the cat that she felt.

"I thank you ever so much for the kind words, but I am afraid that I am not much for clothes Miss Rarity, as it unfortunately interferes with my vines. Yet... Ah, perhaps I do have an idea for another time, when it is more prudent."

Using said vine, he gently unbuttoned the cape around his neck and lifted it up, showing more of the piece of cloth which had honestly seen better days. It was frayed, the pattern was fading, and it seemed like something that was a few steps away from either getting holes in it, or just unraveling for little reason.

It also showed his back off better, on where the grass were a little paler from the lack of as much sunlight as the rest of him got when he were within city limits, and showed off the base where the two vines would slide one. One side were it already were, and the vine seemed to fit rather tightly - Though this were mainly because the rubbery bark he had in place of a regular pony hide were somewhat flexible when it came to this. The other side however, simply had a patch of dirt stuffed into a hole there, like somepony had put a potted plant within his body. A sprout poked out of the dirt, which might seem weird, but was a good sign. It meant that the wound he suffered during the attack on town were healing, and his vine slowly growing back again.

Penny had done irreparable damage to it during the chaotic event, so what little that had clung on had to be cut off, and the ends of the remaining pieces of the vine needed to be planted in fertile soil. He had been lucky that there had been a doctor who knew of his kind, who could help with this, though the past was the past. He was just happy that his wound were healing again, though it would likely take weeks, or even months before his vine would be functional again.

"This have carried with me for years now, and it truly helps to shield the general populace from what I am for a time, so that there is no panic or worried glances when I pass into your settlements, but everything comes to an end. If you can think of a suitable design at some point, I would be honored to have you craft a replacement. I hear nothing but great things about your work, so I have no doubts about your abilities, or your judgement.

A flowery theme may well be an interesting choice. As an Evergrown, I already am quite a natural being, and building on such a concept sounds like it could be quite fitting. Perhaps something befitting the flower which resides in my mane?"

The flower growing in the front of his mane started to move like the wind was gently blowing past it, and the edges of his cape got lifted with a faint, green aura at the edges. It was a kind of telekinesis that his kind possessed, however, compared to the regular magic variant, it was weak. The Lotus elders were able to match it to some degree, but somepony like him? Whatever he held like this could easily be taken over by a regular unicorn, such as Rarity, which were why he didn't use it much. Mainly he just used his vines, but he figured it did not hurt to use it a little now, to spread out the cape so it was easier to have a look at it, rather than just have it dangle from a single point like a jacket.




"Hehe, you're right daddy, this was a great idea!"

The pegasus/bat pony hybrid filly was laughing as she flew up and jumped around in the tree-crowns, whilst below, a bulky bat pony in his forties look on, with a tired smile spread on his muzzle.

"Be careful up there, okay? This forest haves a lot of strange creatures."

Whilst it did were meant as a word of caution, it was a little undermined by how he seemed to say so with joy in his voice, and a warm look in his eyes. Certainly, this forest were dangerous,a nd most parents would likely never let their foals in here voluntarily, but Stargazer wasn't just a regular father. As the helmet denoted, he was a member of the Night Guard. And a decorated one from the look of the belt of medals he had around his waist. He didn't have any armor on though, but he had been told that the blacksmith in Canterlot had been backed up recently, so it would take a few more days, but it should show eventually. Problematic to be larger than the standard issue armors could handle, but he wasn't complaining currently. If something bit him he would, but that was another deal entirely, and he was on guard.

A few creatures had approached out here so far actually, but they weren't too hard to chase away or fly away from, so things were going great, and quite honestly, it was good to be away from town like this. even if he had gotten some sleep last night, it was but one time in a hoofful of days where he had gotten little or none, and with all the crazy going on in Ponyville... Well, it wasn't just Jelly that had needed a long walk away from everypony, and where to better do that than in this forest? Long as they kept on their hooves they would be safe, and Jelly had been raised well. being the daughter of two Night Guards had given her plenty of advise, and from his side, some defensive training. Her mother had not approved of that, but he would rather be bickered at than let his daughter be a victim.

He had been meant to work in Ponyville today, but with the influx of Couriers, it had become less important for the locals to help out, and considering all the other guards there, he had eyed the opportunity to get away a little, and just have a nice father and daughter trip. It had ben a while since he had a chance for that, and frankly, it felt good. They were a few flying hours away from Ponyville, and had found a small lake clearing whee they landed, and he could see a lake not too far away from the direction they were headed. Everything seemed great.

Hopefully nothing would ruin it this time.




"Who me? Of course I do. We're just needing to got to the statue of Cloudstriker, and then uhm... A left? It was towards some kind of main street at least, and then I had to find a hobby shop with a doll in the forefront, and then turn right until I find Pepper Street, and then somewhere on that stretch should be Glitter Ridge Alley."

As a local, this should likely make Victoria cringe, as this was the worst, possible way to get there. Essentially they would either get lost, or wander in circles four times before finding the right street, which in this case were one of the *Dragons Only* territories. Might be this town were with both Dragons and Ponies, but some preferred to be segregated into their own communities, rather than having to mingle right off the bat. Usually the kind who didn't get along with the other race, though few lived in those places permanently. To most it was more of a transition situation.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 4


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Widdershins @~Phoenix~

"Agni, behave yourself. You're a much too pretty phoenix to act like that." 


Foxy made sure Agni wouldn't do anything rash, and stepped away from Opal. Cats and birds don't usually get along, and this were no exception. Foxy held a hoof up at the warm feathers of Agni to keep her in place. Foxy did not fear retaliation of Agni, and hoped to keep her behave and feel comfortable.


Foxy noticed when Briar had taken his cape of the injury he had gotten. While it may not look any more out of the ordinary to some, it did look like where one of his vines would be if he had any on that side. "I hope you don't mind me asking Briar, but were you injured there? I don't think I've noticed it before."


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@Dji @Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich Serenade faces Twilight "I do your Highness but...Her ears flatten and her eyes dart from side to side, "I must assurances to a patron that I would never divulge that without them present♪." She looked up at the Alicorn, "You have questions, and I am willing to answer those questions but...not here, not now♪"

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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta

Discord floated around the trio as if lounging on a couch, chuckling slightly at the thoughts he knew must have been going through Omen's mind. "Wasn't me" He assured, "To think, all of this because of a crazy pony." Discord made some dramatic 'woe is me' motions, "What is the world coming to? Oh to think one of Celestia and Luna's little lam-err... Ponies could cause so many problems." He continued on that way for a few moments before laughing at his own acting, "Oh, I just crack myself up." The chaos spirit said mirthfully, just before shattering into a hundred pieces, all of which then slithered over and reformed Discord standing next to the trio. Giving the two ponies and the one... whatever Omen is.. a hug, he chuckled again, "I'm sorry, I'm just in such a good mood. You've gotta love reunions!"

  • Brohoof 2

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

*two voices float towards Jelly and Stargazer*

???: AMANITA WATCH OUT! *seems to be a feminine voice*

???: for what?? Mirage!? Where’d you go!?

*a hissing sound is also heard along with frightened shouting*

Edited by MiragetheChangeling
  • Brohoof 1

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Blitz Boom

that was quite the loaded response to what Phoenix had assumed was a simple request. however, it gave her a great deal of insight about what sort of pony Smokey was. in any case, she was grateful that Smokey had snapped out of it and realized his errors. 

how could she possibly hope to respond to what Smokey had said, though? on one hoof, she was absolutely flattered that somepony would even want to share their wealth with somepony like her. on the other, she was terrified. she wasn't terrified of the house, the money, or even Smokey. rather, she was terrified by the implications that his loaded response had hidden within. she was relieved to find that his boastfulness wasn't out of blind arrogance, but rather, because he wanted somepony to share it with. he went through all this trouble to get himself such a large house, yet he himself was a lonely stallion, longing only for companionship. but what did that mean for Phoenix?

something had caused Phoenix to suddenly drop her spoon as she released it from her magical grip. *CLANG* it rang out as hit the floor. there was this strange feeling in her stomach, and she had no idea what it meant. it almost felt like some fuzzy entities putting pressure on the inside of her stomach, and such a feeling was rather nauseating. she would curse to her own body for giving her something like this at such a bad time, but it seemed as though all of this was beyond her influence. 

the symptoms were easy to see on her face, as she grew a bit pale. Phoenix couldn't tell if she was simply nervous, or if she truly was about to be sick. however, she decided to err on the side of caution, and she knew she needed to seek out a bathroom, immediately. and after she was done puking or whatever, she would need some time to herself to process all of this heavy information that was just given to her.

she pushed herself out of her chair, as she stood, refusing to look into smokey's eyes. not because she didn't want to, but simply because her own body refused to let her. only a moment later, she turned tail and bolted out of the dining room, as she made her way back to the very same bathroom she had used before. no pony would have a chance to object as she shut the door with her magic as soon as her last hoof made its way across the threshold.

she sat herself down against the far left wall, and tried to calm her own breathing. her heart was pounding harder than she had ever felt before, and the strange fuzzy feeling in her stomach continued. she put her head in her hooves as she tried to figure out what was going on. all of these foreign emotions were starting to drive her mad, and she wasn't sure how long she could go without knowing exactly what they were. 

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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

As Discord embraced Omen and the siblings, Sen could feel that kind of warmth familiar to him from years earlier. The kind that puts him at ease that strangely didn't feel off with Discord in their presence. It was a very reassuring kind that he would agree with him; a reunion like this just makes him all fuzzy. But there were still questions and those needed answers. 

"Discord's right about that," Lin replied while looking at the miners who were just freed from their immobile state. "These parasitic crystals are the work of somepony who messed around with that kind of magic and trapped those miners. They've been encased in crystal for years and you nearly shared their fate. It's a good thing you weren't completely encased yet because your tail was still visible. Which reminds me..."

"Why did you come here?" 

Sen quickly interjected but Lin didn't mind it despite their animosity. That was exactly the question she intended to ask despite thinking she should hold off on asking Omen questions. This one was still pretty important to get out of their system while still in their heads.

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@Blitz Boom

"Isn't too much coffee unhealthy? I'm sure they're only supposed to be drunken, like, a mug a day."

Lance had tried not to sound rude, but the amount Berry talked about coffee and lack of sleep surely wasn't very healthful and he couldn't help himself. He was curious to what her answer would be, anyways.

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You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Moonlit & @Seamore Sandwich & @Blitz Boom


“So, for now, Siren is fine?” Twilight asked confusedly and began walking in time with the siren’s paddling along the river until Last told them to stop. She sat by the river bank and waited for her impromptu guard to return. “I understand your concerns and secrecy. I’ll abide by your wishes until we are able to speak freely.”

Aurora stopped in her tracks, blinking at the sight of a pony approaching her. She spotted a couple of ponies in the distance but didn’t give them much thought beyond ‘there are others in the Everfree?’. She stood silently and went to greet the pony only to stop when she realised that the mare made an effort to get her leave. “Why should I leave? I’m perfectly fine walking along the bank. It’s not like there are Sirens or anything,” Aurora chuckled.

@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


“Yeah, an ice pack would be great,” Dawn was grateful to Pop but her gaze was centred solely on Kaltrops. Why did he kiss her. Why did her scar hurt so much when his muzzle touched it. She winced when she clamped her wing over it and if anypony looked her way, they’d notice a slight tremble to her body from the effort of keeping the pain hidden. “I’m just ... thinking while standing around, Kaltrops,” Dawn managed to speak without a tremor to her tone and she was slightly proud of that fact. 

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What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom 




So I guess you’ll be STICKing around?”  Charlie joked with the newcomer, possibly drawing unwanted attention toward the siren.  Well, Charlie was oblivious, as always.  Something was definitely off though, as time seemed to be distorted.  It was as if Charlie were moving much slower than the rest of the others.  What could this possibly be?  Their speech seemed to be normal, but time seemed to be skipping ahead.  What Charlie didn’t realize is that this was the effect of being tied to somepony who left their own timeline.  Would the effects be permanent?  What else could happen?  Would time be able to repair itself after this?  Only time would tell... wait... time is the very problem here! Time would only make things worse!  Who could stop the very fabric of time from being torn apart?  Luckily, someone was already working on it...


Stay tuned for the return of The Traveler!

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@Blitz Boom

She chuckled and just pulled out a set of keys and opened the door. "I wouldn't do that." She walked inside and breathed deeply, finally she was back in a location where she could relax. She walked into the living room and sat down. "Okay now to remember where we put the books."


Warlock smirked as he ate up the spell, feeling the magic of it pour into him. "Impressive magic, too bad you can't be our ally." He floated over, consuming the spell attempting to keep him down, floating right over the cloth. Landing on the other side of it, and striking his sword into the ground, a igniting a spell that burned up the cloth, and created a permanent flame that lit up the walls of the temple, surely revealing the thing behind the spells, if not, Warlock would go to more extreme methods, especially since what was being used on him was magic, he could go to more extremes without issue. "Now show yourself, peasant." He said, putting great emphasis on his words, wanting to rile them up.


He lowered his head at that, realizing he had forgotten to check on them. "They were only knocked out, but still at the princess's room, I can send a guard to check on them if needed." He said turning away a little, ready to leave to get a guard to check on them.


She chuckled a little. "Technically only the mare is my parent, although she's more of a friend and caretaker. The other is just a friend we met." She said with a giggle. "Oh and my name is Misty."

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You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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