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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

"Magic regulation..." Astral said to herself, looking away. "Honestly there's not much before levitation when it comes to the basics." She looked to the book and turned the pages to one entirely devoted to magic regulation. "Unicorns do it all the time you know. And if you want to anything else, you'll need to know it." She held the book and gently pulled it out of Chow's aura. "Taking magic off little by little though, is a smart idea." She was no psychic, but she was able to sense Chow concentrating less magic into the book, when she said that she had hoped Chow would have remembered she could do that. "Just keep practicing until you get the hang of it." She turned around and looked through the books. "I'll find the book talking about the basics." She paused for a moment, realizing she didn't answer Chow's question. "Oh my hoof? I was just checking if my dad was okay, since if he was watching us that'd mean he was okay." She cast the spell in her hoof as she lifted it up, but it was a red color. "If it's green it means he's checking in on us, which he does occasionally." She put her hoof down as the spell dissipated. "Although I had only designed it to work on my dad so it wouldn't change color if Warlock was looking." She said, rather casually at that, not even knowing if Chow would overlook the fact that she made a spell.


Warlock smirked at that. "Well then, the first riddle." He said, looking down as he thought over the riddle, giggling a little. "You were describing words." He said as he looked back up to the Sphinx. "Although, that second riddle, gets me thinking. About a horizon." He turned around, pacing now, trying to put on the act that he was struggling to think up an answer. "And the third, hm." He looked down. "A tree." He spun around in place as he smiled a little, looking to the Sphinx. "So do I need to guess again?"


Iron Wing's feather drew back into the arrangement, he stepped forward towards the door as they spoke, almost ignoring the question about cards. "Actually, he did open the door, but he locked it when he left." He said, looking to them. "And no, I didn't play cards in general."


Iron Star shook his head. "I don't really need anything answered. So you may check on the other patients if you need to."

  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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On 17/12/2017 at 0:14 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Slappy opened his muzzle to tell her off, but then remembered who it was he was about to talk back to, and what she could do. That managed to put quite the dampener on him, and he closed his muzzle without a word before wandering to the place he supposed she had hidden fish. He fished a plate of metal out of the container first that he dragged with him though. He didn't want to risk being infected by touching fish she had. He already had one vivid nightmare about what would happen. he did not need to see if this would happen in reality as well.

He managed to find a few and flop one of them up on the plate before dragging it back and putting the whole thing down a few hooves from Blood.

"I found them. There's enough here... R-Right?"

Blood looked up and nodded at the fish before going over to it and starting to eat it, she didn't say anything about Slappy's disobedience, since he was rather a good slave and would have to leave her soon. Though Nerzhi wouldn't like her keeping him against his will. She picked up the first fish that he had brought her on the plate and started to nibble on it, she frowned at his question.

"Yes its enough" she remarked to him, she glanced up at the sky, she hoped the dragon would come back soon, she wanted her armour to be completed. 

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“Mistletoe, huh? Does that mean whenever ponies are near you, they’re forced to kiss?” Watts grinned and idly looked inside the bag. Well, what showed of it anyway. “What’s in here? All I see is some pink stuff.”

@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


“My ... I don’t know. I don’t what he is to me,” Dawn admitted. “Although, him latching onto a wagon does sound humorous when you think about it,” she added slowly, unsure of what to say to Spicy’s statement. “Kaltrops! What are you to me!?” No point in beating around the bush and Dawn shuddered slightly when she spoke to him. Old habits die hard, she guessed.

@Moonlit@Seamore Sandwich@Blitz Boom


“I was told stories of Sirens,” Aurora began but stopped when noticed Last’s expression. “I’ll go clear the way,” she squeaked and raced off to the town. She acted like she was scared out of her wits with the way Last was looking at her.

Twilight, meanwhile, kept up her gaze and tried to find anything of note that may actually hide Serenade if the need called for it. Hearing a giant rolling thing come their way, Twilight stopped and then stared dumbly as a tarp-covered cart stopped by a bush near the river. “Maybe that could be of use?” Twilight questioned, pointing a hoof at the cart that had narrowly missed Aurora.

  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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“No, unless they ordered mistletoe. And as to your other question, it’s mostly herbs.” He says this while munching on his muffin(I forgot if that’s what he was eating or not lol)

@Blitz Boom

Amanita didn’t seem to be upset or angry with Jelly, rather, she seemed to not be bothered by it. “It’s fine! You didn’t know, and plus, it helps to let you get to know more about me and Mirage!” She says this happily. She continues looking in Jelly’s direction. “Would you mind telling me what Species of pony you two are?” She asks Jelly and Stargazer this question.

Mirage seemed glad that the question didn’t make Amanita sad. Now back to her question. “Well I’m glad to hear that nopony was to hurt, but what became of the shadow creature?” She asks Stargazer.

  • Brohoof 1

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Blitz Boom

Phoenix had blushed a bit when she heard Grim mention the situation from before. she didn't think anypony other than widdershins had seen or heard of the fact that Smokey and her had shared a kiss. it was bad enough that she was finally breaking out of her shell, and then it all got interrupted. she couldn't help but steam in anger at just the thought of it. a little bit of embarrassment as well, as she had allowed herself into that situation to begin with.

she had known quite well that the vermin, widdershins was still at a loss for his tail. what she didn't know, is that it was somehow inside her. this made her even more livid. "oh! no no no no..." she yelled out as she shook her head, backing away from grim and sorrow. "i am not helping that thing" she said, making her intentions rather clear. after what had just happened, as well as what had happened the other day at her camp, there was no way in the world that she'd want to lend widdershins a helping hoof. 

however, she had one other thing to consider. widdershins' tail, or what she would assume is the portal to his tail, was still inside of her, apparently. things might fare worse if she allowed it to remain. she sighed a bit, turning away from the other two as she pondered what to do. 

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@EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom

Discord chuckled slightly, tossing a pair of dice back and forth using his mismatched horns, "Ah Las Pegasus, home of Casinos, Money, Mistakes, and Madness!" He breathed in deeply, before coughing slightly, "Ugh, how.. Disappointing." the mismatched being looked around, waving a claw in front of his nose "I'd planned to say this was my kind of place, but... It's much too shabby, not to mention how cheap the insanity smells." Then a very mischievous grin stretched across his muzzle, "Oh, but I know how to spice up the place!"


Discord stopped himself just seconds away from snapping a paw, "Then again.. I imagine Fluttershy would be quite cross with me for messing with ponies overmuch, should she hear of it.." He sighed, "Ah well, I suppose even I must know when to pick my battles." The spirit of disharmony said with mock-sadness.

Edited by Storm Shine
  • Brohoof 1

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

"Cupcake Sprinkle's is the name, sprinkle cupcakes is my game,"

She still had her saddle pack on, though it looked considerably lighter than before, from this pack she took three cupcakes and almost threw them at the little trio. Victoria, lacking wings or a horn, was unable to easily catch the cupcake and instead put a hoof up to shield herself from the little missile. It smacked into the hoof and a little bit of icing splattered across her hoof and part of her mane. 

"Ugh! Cupcake Sprinkles!"

She shouted this with such rage as she shook the icing from her hoof and frantically smoothed out her mane, luckily it appeared to have caused little to know permanent mess.

"Why do you insist on this... nonsense!"

She looked like she was about to grab the pegasus out of the air and pummel her, but she hesitated for a moment before sighing and straightening out again, her face becoming rather neutral again.

"If you're going to give me one of your cupcakes, I'd prefer it if you didn't throw it at me..."

She picked the cupcake off the ground with her mouth and balanced it on an upturned hoof. It wasn't clear what she was going to do with it, throw it away, throw it at Sprinkles, it was almost certain she wouldn't eat it after it had touched the ground. However, despite its slightly dusty state Victoria did eat the cupcake, giving it a quick blow first she gobbled it down almost in one bite and smiled a little satisfied smile.

"You're lucky your cupcakes are so delicious Sprinkles."

Sprinkles smiled and swooped down to hug Victoria.

"Anything for my favourite earth pony."

Victoria accepted the hug for a moment but was quick to pull away from it.

"Don't push it."

She was clearly still not one for hugging though she was still smiling which was something.

"If there's one thing Victoria likes with no exceptions its cake! Easiest way to this pony's heart."

She gave Victoria a gentle nudge with her front hoof before ascending a couple of metres into the air again.

"Sorry Benny, we should get moving I don't want you two to be late for whatever you've got planned. I will gladly move while we talk, though I'd rather fly than walk! Lead the way Victoria!"



  • Brohoof 1




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@Blitz Boom

Balancing Agni on her head, Foxy continued on. "You alright Briar?" Foxy failed to noticed he had been "bleeding," focusing more on helping him back up. The were only a few minutes away from the town edge by then, with the forest in viewing distance.


"Not too far, though I hope you can help me navigate to forest. I've never explored much of it." Foxy was tired by then, but it wasn't too far. She stopped to rest for a minute, checking on Agni. Perhaps flying would have been a more quick solution, but Briar and Brittle lacked the ability, and Foxy wasn't skilled at it, especially with a giant bird on her. She would be surprised if she got off the ground at all.



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"If this was any other situation, I would have never suggested you did that. I know what happened when Discord got loose, and I don't trust their kind further than I can throw them.

However, if you have a piece of this creature inside of you, it could be seriously dangerous, and I do not want to see stubbornness be your downfall. Hence-"

Grim cleared his throat and took a step forward.

"- You will face this head on and get yourself cleansed, even if it is disgusting. The unpleasant method is not an excuse for not thinking about your health young lady."

His voice had gone more authoritarian as he had started to talk again, though it softened into a more concerned tone as he went on.

As a father, he had found that when he needed to put his hoof down about things like vaccinations, showers, etc. that foals didn't always find that interesting, it helped to get their attention to gain a more stern tone, then soften up to not seem like he were governing over them. Foals got rebellious and would defy orders, but if he could make them see that he just wanted to help them, he had found that it more often than not helped. At least with his own, and most of the more bratty ones who had made tantrums on the premise.

Worked as they got older sometimes as well. Especially Sorrow listened, and had looked like she were about to apologize for something even when she wasn't the one being spoken to.

Phoenix however, he didn't know how would react to a fatherly approach to this, which were also why he didn't go the full way and put a hoof on her shoulder just yet. Small steps here.



@Storm Shine @EQ_Theta


The mare the siblings had approached turned around, and showed off as being unexpected. At least it were for Omen who turned around after the one she had tried to speak with had taken off as well.


A large, bulky frame usually meant two things: Earth Pony stallion, or Bulk Biceps. A muscular Unicorn mare in a blazer and a metal goggle strapped in front of her eye didn't fit either, and Omen found herself wandering closer in curiosity.

The mare in the meantime, looked between the group members with a narrowing eye as it went from Omen to Sen, then Lin, and at last Discord.

"Great, the jigsaw lord of messing things up have stumbled into town. Consider me appropriately terrified and shaken."

Her voice was a little deep, and her wit pretty dry, as her sarcastic response to seeing the Draconequus came out.

Before she answered who had asked her a question before, her attention got taken by the mare who had come closer and were sniffing the air near her. She frowned a little, as this was beyond how most fans reacted when they saw her, but she allowed it for now. It was still within acceptable behavior as her only given rule were *No unwanted touching* unless it kept going on. Stalkers were not something she wanted to deal with more than once, and her career depended on her not even touching them that one time, unless they grabbed her or something similar.

"No touching, Sniffy. There's rules.

Now, you two said you were looking for Fiddler? What do you want with him? And why're you lobbing around the petshop without a leash?"

It wasn't said subtly that she didn't like Discord right now. He had done a lot of bad things, and some of said things had reached Las Pegasus. Anypony messing with her home like that wasn't any friend of hers, and his history before that already made him more of an enemy than anything else.

Only reason she wasn't tackling him right now was because she wasn't stupid enough to think that she could win that fight. She might be strong, but physical strength and sub-par magic wasn't going to do much against a demigod.

Omen didn't sniff the strange mare for long. Nothing special magically there it seemed, just a big one of them apparently.

Might change soon though, with how she looked at Discord. Her master didn't take well to others doing that when he ruled Equestria, but she wasn't sure now. He had just said he wasn't doing something because of the yellow mare, so would he stop because of her again?

Perhaps she should speak to Fluttershy one of these days and ask what she had done to her master specifically, since he had changed so much. It was curious, even if she did mean a lot to him, and Omen was if anything, a rather curious creature.




Jelly fluttered with glee when she was told that everything was okay. She didn't want to offend anypony, and thinking she did sometimes got her a little down. Now that was ony pony, fine and baloney, and she could move along insyead offeeling bad.

"Well, daddy is a bat pony, and my mommy is a pegasus. I look lots more like daddy though. Leathery wings, fangs and sleeping from the ceiling. I even got li- no wait, not important."

Jelly had almost talked about her light sensitive eyes, which were the reason for why she were wearing her colored glasses. It helped to filter the light and make things bearable for her, rather than make her head go ouchie.

Still, it was not something she thought she should speak about to a blind pony. Seemed pretty insensitive, right?

"There's not as many bat ponies as regular ponies, but hopefully there will be lots more now that Princess Luna have come back. Daddy says she used to have lots in the Night Guard before bad things happened.

You're Changelings, right? My math teacher said that you're scary, and take bad foals away, but you seem nice."

"Don't always listen to the teachers Jelly. Some of them have an issue with skewed opinions."

It was sad how it didn't surprise Stargazer to hear how a teacher had tried to indoctrinate the foals against the Changelings. Some ponies had a hard time to let go of grudges, and though he could understand it at times, he would've hoped that they would keep the next generation out of it.

Well, at least it sounded like it was just one teacher, and that not everypony had listened to it. Hopefully it would be better in Ponyville.

"As for your question ma'am, the monster was vanquished. I hope you understand that I would prefer to not share too many details with my daughter listening in -"


"- but I can assure you that it did not make it out of Ponyville."




Pop grabbed the tossed muffin in her muzzle. It splattered around her muzzle a little, but it wasn't something that couldn't just be licked away.

Benny instead decided to show off a little, and caught it with the tip of his right horn, straight in the bottom. Stretched the paper a bit, but his somewhat dulled horn (he really had to sharpen it one of these days) didn't get far in. A little tissue should be able to handle that. Speaking of which...

"Heh, look at you two go. Need a tissue for the hoof Victoria? And thanks for the treat Sprinkles, it looks delicious."

Benny grinned with a mouthful of cupcake and held a half package of tissues forth. They were usually only opened for when he had to take one to blow his nose in, but considering how Victoria had it with dirt and messes, he figured reaching for this instead of the cloth he used to clean his mouth in, was probably the better idea.

If she decided to take one or not, he'd wait a bit to see if she would bite before putting the remaining ones back in the saddleback again. They still had a way to go likely, though only Victoria knew how long to be exact. He just had a direction to go with for now.

"Please stop fighting you two. Ponies or Dragons are gonna start watching and it's gonna get all weird.

So Sprinkles, what brings you around here? Out for a fly, or have you been out doing deliveries? Can't imagine these things aren't sought after, that's for sure. Absolutely delicious."

Out of nowhere, Benny were above her and took a grip in her legs with his feet and hands,lifting her into the air so she were closer to Sprinkles' face.

"B-Benny, stop that. Earth Ponies aren't meant for air space."

She flailed around a little whilst her dragon mate just grinned and flew slowly onward with her, lifting the mare like it was nothing. He knew she liked it more than she wanted to admit, even if she didn't know what to do with her hooves when he got her like this.



@Dji @Widdershins

Marlowe smirked as he heard Dawn calling out her hubby.

"Oh, I think we all know."

"Alright Marlowe, put a sock in it. Let 'em sort this themselves."

He saw the smirk on his employers face as she said what was supposed to be a call off for him, and he grinned back at her. She was just as interested in seeing this circus unfold as he was, that was for sure. But he supposed he could get off her back for a bit and then let it unfold on its own. Would likely be funnier that way as well.



@Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit

Last narrowed her eye and went over to investigate the cart.

"Hmm... It looks safe, but showing up like that ain't normal. I don't trust coincidence.

Still, we don't have a lot of options for the doctor, and if Princess Twilight wishes to help you as well, this is our best option. I will deal with the potential backlash.

Get in, and I'll see if I can find somepony with a strong back to carry this."

Normally she would have herself, but her own mortality had been tested enough today.

As she startes to move, she heard something to her left, and turned sharply, with a sneer on her face.

"Show yourself!"

She was talking to the air to others, but she knew what she heard. A small, nervous coff, barely anything, but there had been something. And as the air flickered and revealed a small statured Pegasi, she was proven right.

"P-Please don't be angry."

"Are you a danger to the princess?"

The mare was surprised by the response by the mare with the icy eye. Most would have been more nervous about things than this, at least from her experience.

"Wha- No!"

"Are you useful then, or are you just wasting my time? We have a life to save."

"I-I... You..."

Not getting an answer by the stunned mare, Last started to walk towards town again.

"I can help move the cart!"

The forepony stopped and turned around, as Cherish focused and made the cart move closer to Serenade, and lifted the tarp.

"Very well. Siren, get into the cart along with the doctor and Charlie, then this one pulls it with her ghost mojo. I'll strap myself in to make it look like it's being dragged so we're not drawing attention. Do not leave me hanging with it, specter, or I will find a way to make you regret it.

Your majesty, would you wander with me then? We'll get to the hospital, and in case something happens with the actual puller, you can interject. When we have gotten the doctor there safely, we will transport your... Guest."

She glared at Cherish whom had given a nervous, apologetic wave to Serenade.

"Get out of sight, and stay quiet. I am not going to have anypony incite panic by having ghosts or Siren's being shown publicly."

Cherish did as she was told and flickered out, whilst Last started to strap herself in. She didn't like to put her trust in ghosts, but she didn't have many options beyond it right now if she wanted to get everypony through this, and not cause a panic. Something which were important, as Ponyville already were on a volatile state. It did not need more right now, or it might make things problematic for the princess.




There was some minutes of awkward silence before they heard the flapping of wings from Nerzhei. A sound that may as well be Celestia herself coming to save the day in Slappy's eyes, as he was getting increasingly nervous about Blood keeping him there.

The dragoness came down with a small bag in her left hand. Apparently, she had found something, though she wasn't pulling it out currently.

Glancing around, her eyes fell on the container, and she went over and popped the lid. It wasn't as good as she had hoped, but she could see some things that could be used that was just morphed slightly. A waste really, but she wouldn't spit a gift horse in the mouth.

"Alright, there is enough to get started. I'll have to use some of this to make an anvil though, and prepare a work space. I will need a half hour. Maybe a whole if I have to sort a lot through this. Can you two behave for that long?"




"Former hero? Haven't heard of anypony who had fallen down from grace that wasn't a flat out villain. I definitely think I will need to ask Berry about this later. If I can find a moment between her and Alonsus toying with one anotger. I swear, sometimes those two make me feel like tearing out hairs."

Honestly, he thought that the two of them should just stop the games and try to go out, as it was obvious to him that there was attraction between them, but his wife had made it clear that it wasn't his place to force it. He had to let it evolve on it's own, though one of these days, he might just snap anyway, if it kept on like this.

If there really was something between the two was debatable however. It just seemed like it to him when he saw the two of them interact.

"And yes, the dish is... An acquired taste. Personally I could not get anywhere near it, but for some reason the blacksmith can't get enough of it. Still, you sound like you got through it with your head held high.

Speaking of which, now that I have the signature, you can go have a break for a little while. Chop is preparing more orders to deliver to the tent area. It sounded like he would be done in around fifteen minutes."




So her daddy might be watching in then? Geez, talk about that being a tough crowd. And that was the good option. The other one was that Warlock were looking in and seeing Astral trying to teach him to fight back, as well as the fact that the mare had some of his literature.

"I'm gonna hope that the only one looking is is gonna be your dad. At least that way, the only thing I have to worry about is him poofing in and telling me not to lay any moves on his girl, instead of a fireball up where the sun don't shine."

Chow didn't even realize what he had said between the lines as he got back to the book and went on to follow the new instructions. It got a good deal better this time around as he got something cleared from his mind, and he even managed to get the magic out again with a big grin on his head. Sure, the book were currently lying on his head, as he had lost control for just a moment, but he was a newbie still. Mage lv1 trying to get up in the system and earn a staff or something like that.

So he kept on. Picking up the book, moving it around, and taking the magic back. Over and over, every time getting a small bit better at controlling the path and not go too heavy on the magic, until he finally felt like he had some degree of control and let it stay down.

"I don't know why, but I have the sudden urge to go *Ding!* while light shines on me and trumpets goes on in the background.

Anyway, what do you think teach? Think I'm getting the hang of it?"

He felt a little drained in it, but he was trying to keep on a energetic face. he didn't wanna seem like a wuss to Astral over something as little as this. Had to try and impress her after all. Because she was his teacher of course.




The Sphinx looked down on Warlock without as much as blinking until the stallion was over with talking.

"Your first answer is correct.

Your second answer is also correct, though I find theatrics lacking. I find a show amusing, and I can be forgiving of mistakes, but from what I have heard of you I expect perfection, and your voice needs work.

Sadly, I cannot make you work more on it now, as the third answer is also correct. You have passed your test."

The cloth around Athriel's beak vanished.

"I should still keep this out of your reach, but I am bound by my word. Your prize, Greed-wearer."

Enzo reached up and with a paw crushed the physical part of the wards around the element, releasing magic that Warlock would likely feast upon like the little energy vampire that he was, and then reached the seemingly innocent piece of mud-brown crystal down towards Warlock.

"And what're you going to do then?"

"I will find a new path, with less chains and none of these pesky protectors left to keep me tied down."

"You do know the dragons are still around, right?"

The Sphinx narrowed his eyes, and got closer to Athriel with a sneer, whilst she faced his gaze with a smirk.

"A blood curse can't be removed that easily. The old man is gone."

"Crackleback is still around. I've met him."

Enzo growled, and the hairs on his back stood up.

"I will not stand for this! I was trapped just because I could survive the task, and lies were spread of me because of him and his master. I will not tolerate his continued existence!"

Warlock should know that Athriel was lying. He had been with her almost constantly since she had been released less than a day ago, so there was no way that she had been able to see a dragon without his knowledge. However, as the carrier of Deceit, she were well able to sell a good lie under the right circumstances, and apparently, she had something in mind that she could gain now. Long as Warlock did not mess this up for them.

"He is still working to go against us in our collection of the elements. Sooner or later, he will find us, or we will find him."

"If your paths will cross, then I will follow. He needs to pay for his sins!"

The Sphinx might not be the most muscly of his kind, but he was still a large, powerful creature with some magic capabilities. He could be a strong ally until their paths crossed the dragon that Athriel had suspected might have had part in his imprisonment (considering the location). Which might never happen. But when that part would become obvious to the Sphinx, they would likely have all the elements and could deal with him themselves. For now, they could use any ally they could get their hooves and talons on, and especially one with a physical presence worth something.




"Well... I suppose that if you were there and saw it, he couldn't have done anything bad in there without being noticed."

"Yeah, you seem like you'd have a good look on that."

"Anyway, we gotta have to keep on watch here, and I bet you have some duties given to you by some of the higher ups."

"Things sure have gotten hectic today, that's for sure."

"Tell me about it. We're getting stretched all over the place because of that boasty attacker from before."

"Could be worse we suppose. I mean, what're your duty right now for example, Wind? Don't tell me it's getting metal to the forge to fix the broken armors. I mean, Benny's good and all, but when he's out, the brothers runs it, and those two are crazy."




"Alright, thank you for now sir. If there's anything I can do for either of you, just let the doctors know, and they'll let me know. And doctor? Let me know if anything changes with Go- The ambassador."

The main doctor nodded and went back to checking charts, whilst Shimmer returned to the other room, where it seemed like the elderly doctor were about done checking up on the two Changelings, and were scribbling some things down he had observed. Might be damages, or just the effects of love on their kind's regeneration of damage. Likely a combination of both.

"How are things going in here? Better than the other room I hope."




"Applejack. It is a beautiful name, and befitting of your expertise. A theme it seems when it comes to ponies, yes?"

She had pondered over this a few times before, and wondered how it might be that they all had names that fitted their lives one way or another. Were they destined to be like that, and those who named them could glance the future? Or did the name dictate who and what they'd be? Did they perhaps change it when they got their cutie marks? It fascinated her to think about, but now was not the time to ask further on that she supposed. She had graciously been granted a piece of land to use, and she would not squander this kindness.

Lyriel leaned down and put a hand down on the dirt.

"I know not if this is the most fertile soil in the land, but it is the richest I have yet to encounter in your land, that I have little doubt about. It should help the process well.

And please, do feel free to stay and watch if you'd prefer. This place seems important to you, and I would like to show you that there will be no harm done. Especially not to this beautiful tree."

She knew not the meaning behind it, but with the soil being as rich as it were, and how this place seemed to invoke quite the bunch of emotions in the pony, she would assume that it were perhaps a reminder. Of a loved one likely, though if it were one living or dead she could not tell, and she did not want to pry. It were not her place to do so.

Reaching up on her feet, Lyriel took a last glance on herself, and the Humanoid form that had carried her for this long. The last remnant of who she had been, and where she came from... But as she had said then, it were time for a change, and she had to let go of this as well, and embrace her new life, among beings that she overall believed that she could adore, in a forest that she kept finding new and fascinating things about every day,

With a happy smile on her lips, she made sure that she were far enough from the tree to not cause issues, and changed over into the willow shape. A pretty tree really, but it would not stand long. As the Rose had done earlier, it began to twist, wither and regrow in new patterns. Sometimes it would go into the shape of a bush, then on to another tree, sometimes a large flower, and so forth. All the while, the only constant being a pulsating acorn that would at times show itself in the middle of the shapes. Lyriel's core, and her weak spot if something would want to hurt her.

This was a process that could go on for hours depending on the soil, but in this rich environment, she were thankfully done in about 13 minutes. As the last form finally stood silent and no further twisting, in the shape of a flourishing oak, things would be calm. A few moments would pass from there, and the tree would switch around. Though this time, a tree would not stand there, but instead something mostly looking like a pony.


The hooves were roots growing a little up against the coat, until it hit tufts of grass growing from the fut, and flowers and vines seemed to be flourishing randomly on the body, but she still overall made for a rather convincing pony shape. She had even taken the average height of a pony female into consideration, after the sizes she had seen in town among the fully grown of their kind.

However, as she were not used to these four legs, Lyriel promptly wobbled and fell on her stomach, into a patch of grass that had grown beneath her during her regrowth. A fact which seemed to amuse the green-eyed Dryad.

"What a strange sensation, to be wandering on four hoofed legs. Being akin to a Pony will be a learning experience it would seem."



@Foxy Socks

Agni weren't one of the largest of her kind. Prior to meeting up with Foxy and the odd, magical colt that she had originally sat on, she had barely even left the nest, and birds were not known for being heavy at this size. Though of course, being clutched on her back like that was going to be a strain for anypony, considering what nerves and such the bird would be clutching to keep on. It was likely for the best to gain a harness of some kind down the line, to ease the pressure.

"Yes, I am quite okay, though thank you for the concern. I simply have an issue with sensing metals sometimes. Please, continue to lead us within the borders of the forest, and it should help. I can also overtake things from there, and lead us to our settlement. Hopefully it will be fascinating for you when you see it."

He was still a little disoriented over the smack from before, so he would need a bit of time to regain his composure. It should hopefully not take longer than them reaching a little way into the forest however, unless something more happened that were.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Astral smiled brightly at teaching a pony how to use magic. "You've caught on quite easily." She said, but for a moment Chow might be able to see her eyes turn a dirt brown color, the two of them could even hear Warlock laughing quietly. "Uh, oh." Chow's words quickly became irony with those two words, as even Chow could feel Warlock's presence, just by his magic alone, which was far reaching enough to leave even the sent of dark magic.

Warlock grinned, his eyes closed, as to him he was able to transport himself directly to Chow and Astral, the dust moving around him, even though he wasn't there, with this power he was able to see anything he wanted to, then he simply stepped over, as the world moved around him, transporting his mind to Iron Star, who looked directly to him. "Warlock." He thought, Warlock able to hear his thoughts as clear as speech. He looked to Warlock, who was standing to the right of his bed, but invisible to anypony. He was only seeing this, but Iron Star could sense his mind's presence there. "You won't win."

"I am glad this is the real deal, but I don't need to see if it is much longer." Warlock looked up to the Sphinx, but seeming to be looking at the ceiling, but Iron Star couldn't yet see this, Warlock disappeared as he went back to his body, no longer casting his omnipotence spell. "Now even if you did kill this dragon, I'd hope you don't turn against us." He said, grinning as he created a spark of magic next to himself, without even lifting a hoof. Having fed off the magic of the wards now, forming a necklace out of this crystal as he wore it around his neck. "Now, we search for the next element, yes?"

He shivered as he felt Warlock's presence leave, most ponies there might even get fur raising on their backs as if a dark entity passed through throughout the time Warlock was there. "Well Doctor, I have the slightest feeling you'll need me, instead of me needing you." He said, knowing he'd be able to heal his eyes entirely soon, and that Warlock may come with more power than before.


Francis shrugged, his wing more sparkly than before. "Not entirely sure how I feel." He said, looking to Nectar. "But I am doing better."

Nectar expressed a little bit of terror, feeling drained as she felt a wave of hatred stronger than before pass over, it felt eerily similar to... "Warlock, you need to warn the generals he may have just gotten a new element." She said, sure the doctor wouldn't know who that was, but saying it anyway.

"What makes you think that?" He said, smirking, not really believing her, since he wasn't fine tuned on his emotion sensing, but Nectar was.

"I felt his hatred, never felt anypony with that much hate since Chrysalis."

Well, now the two realized that was either Chrysalis or Warlock, and with Warlock, Chrysalis was the preferable one for it to be. "Well I sure hope it's just a fluke." He said, smiling and chuckling, although it only sounded fake, very fake.


Iron Wing snickered, turning away, knowing since Zhu only left a note, it'd be alright not to take it, and at the same time he was now done checking on the two ponies. "Well I'm pretty sure the Princesses are my higher ups now." He said as he walked off, but then paused to look back. "Since well, my current duty is being a General." He left them with that to think of as he walked away back to the throne room, giggling to himself. Since those two were so concerned with being punished by a General, admitting it to them after that worry wasn't relevant, was just teasing on his part. Although at the same time, he'd at least leave them with the fact he'd still joke about it even though he was a General.

  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

Lance nodded.

"Okie dokie! Just give me the word."

With that, he began to trot out of the office. I really don't know what to do. Maybe I'll just get a coffee and see why Berry like them so much...

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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“?” Amanita looked slightly confused at Jelly’s abrupt stop at one point, but she brushed it off after Jelly saying it wasn’t important. Her purple eyes closed for a moment as if she was puzzling over something. “Why isn’t there as many bat ponies as the regular ones??” She asks hoping it doesn’t offend anypony, but she’s like a curious foal so she would like to know why.

Mirage looked pleased that the creature had not gotten past Ponyville. “That is good to hear it didn’t get past your defenses.” She nods as she says this. “And I understand about the not wanting to talk about a few of the details.”

Amanita pipes up then. “I agree with Jelly! I think that would be boring!”

  • Brohoof 1

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

If something could get Sen riled up, it was hearing Omen being called or treated as anything but an equal. Just hearing that come from the stranger got his blood boiling and he was readying himself for a fight. At the very least, he'd demand an apology. His expertise in an obscure form of combat should prove sufficient for this encounter but he remembered his little spat with Lin earlier. Reckless actions could jeopardize their efforts and further complicate their existing problems. He really wanted to teach this stranger a lesson but Sen reluctantly had to rein in his anger. 

"Please excuse my friend. And you should know she is no pet," Sen firmly declared to the stranger. "I'm asking about File Fiddler because of an urgent message. Can you tell us where we can find him?"

If he could afford the time to do so, he'd be honestly confused by the strange looks the stranger had. Can some ponies be that conscious about their looks? Most of the time, they didn't seem to mind having the bare necessities of looking presentable and having an accessory or two. Those usually didn't detract from simple looks. Then there were the high society ponies who flaunt their extravagant wealth with nice clothes and well-kept manes, the same ones he frequently saw while living as a back-alley vagrant in Canterlot. Now, this is an example of not fitting with expectations, falling somewhere between the two extremes and out of the box at the same time. 

As for what Discord mentioned earlier, the sound of the word "casino" get both him and Lin thinking about what that is and why the word mistake was mentioned together with it. It was entirely new and foreign to them but it seemed like they wouldn't want to personally know what he meant. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

"I wasn't talking about Sniffy."

She hadn't a clue how they could think that her remarking about a pet shop would fit tgeir weird little friend instead of the one behind them, who were literally a collaboration of animals. Perhaps they were a bit thick in it?

"You say got an urgent message for Fiddler then? You seem fine enough for now. I'll show you were he is, but keep Discord on a leash. He's caused enough trouble in this area for a lifetime already, and I'm not keen on him being here to ruin the festival with his antics."

The signs were there, with banners and decorations being set up slowly in the part of town they could see, but the festival itself were still some days out. They just liked to get started so they didn't need to rush things and potentially block off parts of town for tourists. Considering their economy hinged on them, that was generally seen as a bad move.

"Follow me, whoever you are."

"I am Omen."

The whispering words rang through the large mare's head, as the so far silent part of the group had projected a reaponse.

"A telepath. Been a while since I've seen one of those around here."

She didn't say more, but instead started to lead the way to File Fiddler.  His office were on the other side of town, so they had some way to cross.

They'd get their fair share of weird looks basically instantly though. Discord were a well known figure that made most ponies veer away, whilst Sen and Lin mostly drew curious looks. Especially foals seemed to glare at them with fascination, wondering what sort of creatures they were.

There were also a guard that seemed to grimace when he saw Omen, but he kept on walking. He hadn't wanted any part in what was going on with that group, even if he had recognized Omen.

Their guide seemed to get some attention here and there as well. Some waved, some started to whisper to others near them and point, and a few seemed to want to approach, but stopped themselves when they saw the group in its entirety.

The mare waved and nodded back at those she took notice of, but she didn't approach any of them either. She had a group to lead, and with the amount of attention they were getting both individually and as a team, it wasn't going to be done quickly. Hopefully the others weren't squirmish from the attention.




"I don't know. Tried asking the teachers, and the ponies at the library, but they think we've just been really reclusive. I asked another Bat Pony that came by the school once, who said it wasn't a nice story, and that I should ask my daddy when I was older."

"I am not aware of things either though. I have my thoughts that the reclusive part is the reason though, along with it being hard to live and mingle with ponies when you're only active at night.

Circumstances required me to be more active in the day times, and to make sure Jelly got to school, her mother and I raised her to be around in the daytimes too. It have been mostly successful."

Stargazer's situation were that he needed to try and look awake for potential foster parents, though he tended to fall asleep or look like he was close to it anyway, at least to begin with. Years passing with being tossed around between the system and the few who tried to adopt him before returning him made him more day active, along with resentful and... Well, there had not been a lot to be proud of about his previous life, though he could understand why he had been that way. Being rejected or mistreated by parents not knowing how to deal with his kind, and reminded of it daily, took its toll.

"In any case, is there anything else you would want to learn about Ponyville? We still hace some way to go, so there is time enough to answer what questions you may have."

He wanted to ask some of his own, but he wanted to pick the right time. Old habit he supposed, but it wasn't pushy at least.



@Moonlit @Dji @Seamore Sandwich

The cart certainly looked full, but it was covered well, so as long as tge two of them just kept themselves quiet, this should hopefully work.

Last didn't flinch as she strapped in, but she certainly felt like she would do well giving off a sore moan. She might have followed this compulsion if she were alone, but with everypony around her - and Princess Twilight especially - she had to try and bite it in. She couldn't defend showing more weakness than she already had around royalty.

She took a trying step, to see if the spectre were pulling the weight,  and felt barely a tug herself as the cart moved behind her.

"Good control, the ghost seems to be resourceful. Let's go."

It was the closest to a compliment she had in her right now, as she were focussed on what they were going to do as they got to town. Perhaps later ahe would say something more, and try to figure out who the ghost were, but that was all for another time. Right now, they had a way to travel, and hopefully not more issues on said way.




Things seemed to be quiet outside, all things considered. Berry were standing and controlling the register with a big smile, peps in her step, and a large mug of coffee next to her. Alonsus on the other hoof, seemed to be helping with service, and was carrying a few things to a nearby table whilst humming.

Things would be peaceful. Sure, Long Stare would be following him again a little after he exited the room, but she were completely silent anyway, so it were still pretty peaceful.




Chow were feeling mighty proud about the compliment, but it didn't last long, as the sense of something dark and brooding got into the room. Something familiar.

He swung around, looking for the presence that had given off that laugh before so he could tackle him, but there wasn't anypony there, no matter how much he looked.

"Did you just feel that too? I could've sworn it was that two cent charlatan, brooding somewhere in here.

He didn't... Do something to you, right? Your eyes got all changed up before it. I swear, if he did' I'll find some way to... I don't know, energy beam him to the face? I don't know how these things work."




Enzo looked down on Warlock and snorted slightly.

"I follow you only as long as it serves my own interest, carrier of Greed. What you decide to do during thar time, will determine if I will stay when that have been resolved."

The Sphinx found the stories he had heard about Warlock interesting. But also troubling in some ways. The pony's convictions and his own were not alligned if the stories spoke true, and it would likely cause friction, but Enzo needed him and his follower for now.

That being said, he would not follow their rules.  He would deal with those who opposed him in his own way, and the others interference would be met with an appropriate response.

"Both of you, stop stroking your egos and flaunt dominance. We have elements to find, and with a new ally of some considerable physical strength, it should make it easier to get through without noticeable resistance."

Enzo did not find this follower as annoying as previously. Weak, lesser, and certainly not a likeable individual as she travelled with Warlock, but she were talking some degrees of sense. She had purpose that could be used, unless this other one had her mastered fully.

Unbeknownst to him, Athriel liked being seen that way. The less somepony thought of her, the easier it were to manipulate and control things, as they didn't expect her to be the threat. It was nothing that mattered in this situation, as they would be able to go far before he'd understand that she was not as stupid as the look he sent her gave her credit to be, but deceit worked in many ways, and she could pull threads without being weak. She just had to think on how to speak with him when things inevitably got tense, and make sure he was on board for as long as could be. She'd have to examine his behavior some more to know exactly what to say though, but she had at least hit on the nail when it came to the part about him being vengeful after being trapped here for so long, and guessed the one who trapped him.

Honestly, she were sure it was more likely it was Crackkeback's master who had done the deed, but the mention of the apprentice had still been enough. She couldn't remember what the fossil of a lizard he had followed were called either right now anyway.

"Fine, then let us start on equal paws then. I am Enzo, who are you?"

He pointed a paw towards the Griffon.

"I am Athriel. You seem to know who Warlock is, so let us skip along. We should leave this place and focus on where to look next.

Warlock, are you done toying with our adversaries, or do you need another moment to flat out let them know that you have power now? A detailed guide perhaps, or a map showing our exact location? I'm sure we can find the time for a postcard too if you prefer."

She were not thrilled that he had meddled with them now, and she had no doubt he had, considering how he had just behaved, and how boastful he had been thus far. His pride were starting to work against them again when he didn't keep down what he had gotten some tools to work with, which mean they had to move faster now. The element of surprise was out of their hooves, though at least now they had something so the stallion could fight back.

"Did you learn anything from them at least?"




Shimmer wouldn't have put much stock in a feeling like that normally, if it wasn't for two things.

1. Warlock's last attack had hurt a lot of ponies, and knowing that he would recklessly come at them like that made her concerned.

2. She felt something too. It was strange to think about, but it were as if something was briefly brushing her down the back with a cold comb.

"I don't know what may or may not have happened with Chrysalis, but something tells me that this feeling you have carries more with it than just a hunch. I'll let the generals know about it right away.

Doctor, are these two-"

"They appear fine to walk, and potentially fly, but I would not go high just in case their wings give up out of nowhere. Being fine doesn't mean nothing is wrong."

"Yes, well, would the two of you wish to come and let the generals know yourself? I can do so on my own too of course, but in case you want to say this personally, and get out of here. Not everypony likes being in the hispital for hat long."

She were almost going herself, but she had to ask. At least she think that she did, and it could be good if there were more questions. Like there were in the other room, where the doctors had felr a small shiver, and turned to face Iron after his little outburst. The head doctor moatly though, as it appeared to be him this were being spoken to.

"I'm afraid I don't follow. Is something coming you haven't informed the guards about?"




The two guards looked dumdfounded a second, before bursting into laughter and waving him off with a big grin on their muzzles, and words about how he almost got them there.

it was going to be interesting when all of this were over, and they could have a proper ceremony for his promotion. These two were not going to believe their own ears, but that was going to be entertainment for the future. For the time being, as the new general approached the room, he'd hear a large snort and growl, before Scorn spoke from the other side of the door.

"The element is reacting. Either she is close, or the presence of another active element is stirring it. We need to.... Rrrr.... C-Check the signs."

Scorn would be clutching his right shoulder, and with a sound of cracking tiles, would slump down on his right knee. Jolts seemed to shoot through him from underneath his hand, were something were faintly glowing. What was impossible to say with the meaty appendage in the way though, and Scorn wasn't talking. He looked worried though. A sharp contrast from the tough look he had borne thus far.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Foxy nodded and continued on silently, trotting outside of the town. It felt much more calm and quiet, following the path to the forest. Within a few minutes she was at the entrance. She stopped for a moment to wait for Briar, and wondered what was in wait for her. 

"You can take over now, and I'll try to be careful. Does Brittle become scared of the forest, or is she used to it? I know you are probably familiar with the surrounding areas, but I just want to make sure she's okay." Foxy knew Briar could deal with any problematic creature, but it still seemed risky even for Foxy. It certainly was exciting though. Foxy wondered if Agni had been in the forest before, though she had no idea where she came from.


The trees ahead cleared a medium path that could be followed, getting thicker until it was impossible to see ahead. Still waiting at the entrance, Foxy stared on. She couldn't see anything alive inside from where she was, though that was only the entrance. The trees seemed to be differently shaped than normal, giving them the creepy appearance. Not to mention all of the roots off the path that could make it a pain to cross.

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@EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom

Discord huffed, "A leash?" He said, sounding offended, "I'll have you know that leashes are dreadfully out of style!" He crossed his arms and petulantly looked away from the frankly insulting mare, 'accidentally' snapping his tail and causing a leash to appear draped over her back

  • Brohoof 2

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

She sighed for a moment, looking to Chow. "My eyes change color depending on magical presences. But I would normally transfer that to my necklace, but since I don't have it, it ends up being my eyes." She said, looking around. "That felt like a powerful omnipotence spell." She looked down, the dust revealing hoof prints, ones that were missing the front and back leg. "So powerful in fact anymore magic and he could project his body along with his mind." She said in a rather terrified tone. "We can continue with the magic lessons though." She looked back to him. "And about shooting magic lasers, that is just focusing massive amounts of magic into one object, so much of it it becomes visible, but it can destroy the object entirely." She said, in a rather serious tone. "But with Athriel, she can just hop from body to body if you destroyed it."


Warlock just rolled his eyes. "It's unlikely they could track my spell back to my location. and it seems Astral is teaching your prison how to use magic properly, although not very well." Even as he said that he was frustrated, this only added to the amount of enemies they had who could fight back. "But every other pony who could fight us is currently incapacitated." He said with a smirk. "So take those two out, and nopony could fight us, or dragon." He glanced up at the Sphinx, smiling as he looked to Athriel. "We attack now and we could potentially eliminate every threat against us."


Iron Star sighed. "I felt a presence here." He looked towards the space Warlock occupied moments earlier. "I believe Nectar may have felt it too." He looked ahead of himself, his ears turning as he took a brief peek into the doctor's mind, checking if they knew who Warlock was, before saying it. "It was similar to the presence I felt when a pony named Warlock was here." 

Nectar looked over to the other room, picking her name out for a moment. "Being able to warn them directly would be beneficial." She said, looking back to Shimmer. "Besides once we get out of here I belive he might be in need of a change." She said, looking to Francis.

"Haha, very funny." He said, his wings appearing to have more sparkles on them than before, that brief taste of love that was given intentionally, had felt more pure than what he had tasted before, so without even thinking he was sharing love with Nectar. "Although if I do end up transforming, being outside of these hospital conditions may help anyway." He said with a chuckle.


He looked to the dragon as he stepped in to the room. "Check what signs?" He asked, walking forward towards the dragon. "And did something happen?" He asked as he looked to Dew.

  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

"No, no leashes will be necessary. We're... mature individuals here. Even Discord."

Those words sounded a lot better in Sen's head as he walked over to Lin and helped her up. The sensory overload was wearing off now after some fresh air but she still required assistance from her brother. It was strange to hear that the stranger wasn't referring to Omen as the pet despite having certainty that anyone who hasn't seen her before might see her as one. At least she wasn't called an abomination. That would be even more disastrous. 

They would follow the stranger and pass by the crowds who would glance at their direction, curious as to what the hybrid creatures are. A half-dragon, half-pony creature was a sight not normally seen outside the longma village after all. Still, the two didn't mind and were somewhat amused by the looks but curiosity would keep them from thinking too much about the attention they were attracting.

"Who are you, if you don't mind me asking. And what do you do? Your appearance is very bizarre." 

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(@MiragetheChangeling had copied it and it won't let me delete it...)

@Blitz Boom


Amanita nodded and blinked her glazed eyes, seeming to understand. "Thank you for explaining that to me." She thanks them, smiling.

Mirage blinked and nodded at Stargazer. "Yeah, is there any hotels or a place that sells houses?" She asks seeming to want to find a place to stay until she and Amanita could find somewhere to call home.

  • Brohoof 1

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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On 23/12/2017 at 1:11 AM, Blitz Boom said:

There was some minutes of awkward silence before they heard the flapping of wings from Nerzhei. A sound that may as well be Celestia herself coming to save the day in Slappy's eyes, as he was getting increasingly nervous about Blood keeping him there.

The dragoness came down with a small bag in her left hand. Apparently, she had found something, though she wasn't pulling it out currently.

Glancing around, her eyes fell on the container, and she went over and popped the lid. It wasn't as good as she had hoped, but she could see some things that could be used that was just morphed slightly. A waste really, but she wouldn't spit a gift horse in the mouth.

"Alright, there is enough to get started. I'll have to use some of this to make an anvil though, and prepare a work space. I will need a half hour. Maybe a whole if I have to sort a lot through this. Can you two behave for that long?"

Blood blinked and looked at her "Last time you did that Blitz nearly got turned into a zombie and I nearly blew up a barn with fireworks, but sure I can entertain myself for a hour or so" I remarked to Nerzhei. Blood knew that the dragon had to do the work and not be interrupted otherwise it wouldn't be that good, and Blood wasn't very helpful or useful in making the equipment, she probably would end up falling in the furnace or something silly like that. 

I then turn and start staring at Slappy. "do that, 'clown hit in face by a pie trick'" I remarked to him staring at him. I then frown, there was no pies, though she had another great idea. She was full of great ideas today, was one of her days that she could do some half decent decision making. "Well how about you do some sort of magic trick since you don't want to be a guard anymore" I finish.

I then sit down and wait for him to perform not really giving him much choice in the matter, he could try but then he would probably get on the bad side of Blood, who might decide he should go and help Nerzhi by fetching tons more ore, nice hard manual labour. She blinked and snorted getting a itch that she couldn't scratch due to her armour, 

"I want a big scratching stick or pole too" I grumble. 

Edited by BloodDrops
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@Blitz Boom

Lance trotted over to the nearest empty table or booth and plopped down. Almost immediately, he began to silently have a conversation with himself. He had a habit to do so whenever he was bored or nervous.

So, how do I like this town so far?...

It's fine, I suppose. It's really, really weird.

Well, why is being weird bad?

I feel so... normal, I guess. Too normal, like I need to become more different to fit in.

He failed to notice Long Stare.


Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

The mare felt something suddenly weighing on her back and used her horn to get it into sight. She didn't need to guess who put it there, considering the previous outburst, though she'd frankly suspect him regardless. No Pony she knew about would do something like that. At least not unless it was by accident.

"You know why I don't trust you loose? Because the last time even a flicker of your presence got into town, the Ferris Wheel got to life and started to run rampant. We lost the entire north of town, including the hospital, which we needed after the seven dozen injuries that incident caused.

You want somepony to be nicer to you? Ask somepony who didn't have to hurt more ponies to stop your mess."

She had been responsible for the last two dozen injuries, after she had been forced to smash the Ferris Wheel to stop it from doing more damage. Normally she tried not to think about it, but seeing him here reminded her of it, and it made her almost as angry at herself as she were with Discord. It was just easier to project it all unto him.

"As for you two, I had thought you might have known, as you didn't ask. Not great fighting fans I take it?"

She glanced at Sen, and gave him a quick once over.

"Pity, you seems flexible. Might have been able to make a name for yourself with proper training.

I am Brute Force, and as of last month, I have become the Las Pegasus fighting champion. First Unicorn in our towns history to win that title."

It would explain the looks she got as well during this tour. She were a celebrity in the right circles, and the locals at least would be looking her way for a reason.

"Physical combat only, no magic. Wings allowed. That's the rules that have to be followed to enter, and any Unicorns trying are forced to remain in the lower tiers because of it.

Weak bodies, reliant on magic, they don't stand a chance against swooping wings and packed muscles. I dreamed bigger, even with this handicap."

Brute tightened her muscles, and felt the fruit of her hard labor ripple across her.

"Working hard enough can break down the barriers. Remember that.

Now, who are you two? And what is urgent enough to make you bring him, of all beings?"



@Foxy Socks

Briar took a deep breath, enjoying the tastes and smells of the forest ahead of them and meeting it with a bigger than normal smile on his muzzle.

"Ah, quiet nature, how I have missed you so."

He took steps into the forest, avoiding every root in his path whilst Brittle followed silently at his side. She didn't hit the roots either, but that was more because her eyes were pointed towards the ground, whereas Briar could feel them protude from the ground.

"Alas my friend, Brittle is still not feeling secure about the forest, but I am confident that it will come in time. I will do everything I can to make sure that she feels secure and grows in confidennce."

"I... W-Want to find w-what Zhu..."

Brittle tried to speak, but her voice were low and sentence broken. It pained her to think that she could not even get this out, but the feeling of the rough tentacle of her ward made her look up towards his smiling face, rather than downwards in shame.

"We will find answers Brittle, one way or another, but you need to be ready for our travels first. Whatever he meant, I doubt we can find many answers here. Although..."

He patted hia chin and turned towards Foxy.

"Dear friend, have you ever met Zecora? Such a lovely mare that one is, and wiser than you might think. Perhaps when we are more calm, we should visit her. To solve a riddle, perhaps it will be in order to visit one who speaks them herself.

But one thing at a time. I promised to show you our home, and that we shall do first. Please, follow me my friend, and have no fear. You are with an established predator already, and some of the forest creatures knows well to leave me alone."

Humming a little, Briar went on his way once more. His eyes were still closed, but out here in his elements, he did not need them either. He knew were he were going, as the forest became thicker and the odds of something jumping them increased.




"Athriel will use that to her advantage. She knows that we won't be smacking somepony to bits when their only crime's her tagging a ride. Doubly so when it wont stop her."

Warlock was more Astrals area, but he knew Athriel, and her using living shields like that would be just up her alley. He should know, considering she had done that with him the first time she had taken him over.

"Ain't there a way to trap her? Heck, both of them. How did it happen the last time? Perhaps we can do the same and then figure out how to make it more permanent after that.

If that ain't an option... Got any magic tricks that will allow me to smack Warlock in his face at least? I got a spear I'd love to smack into his face, sharp end first, but he keeps just tossing me about. If he's gonna show up, we should propably focus on-"

A light went off above his head, and the color started to drain from his face.

"Misty and Iron! If he got power he's gonna go after them first. We have to get back to the hospital!"




Athriel grinned as she heard that Chow was trying to learn magic.

"The last time he tried magic, he freed me. His feeble attempts at wielding magic this time might end up benefitting us again if we give it a little time. You aren't afraid of a novice, surely?

But we will deal with them later. They'll likely be headed to protect their friends now that they know you're ready for them, and the others can't fight back. I don't think being this direct helps often, but you're right. We should remove some pieces whilst we have the chance.

Enzo, can you distract them at the castle in the meantime?"

"Hrmph. I suppose I could do that."

"Then let's strike while we have the chance."




"Then we should get going. Doc, will you write them out?"

The doctor waved off Shimmer and went over towards a board in the corner, which held some papers.

"I'll handle it. You just get going whilst you have the chance."

The Lieutenant nodded and headed towards the exit, but waited on the changelings to follow her. If they could thatbwere. It was hard to say how they might react when they actually got on their hooves.

Meanwhile, in the hallway, a minor commotion was being caused by a female Griffon with a black beak, a male Pegasus in a custom set of armor, and in front of them, a Unicorn that seemed to have a pleased smile nearly glued to her face.


Scarcity had been informed of the additions to the hospital and believed that she would gain some benefits from bringing her entourage, and whatever was under the cloths on Blackbeak's and Brick's backs. An investment surely, but two of her current ones were in that room as it were already, and she prefered to keep her investments secure.

Her arrangement with Golden were mutually beneficial, and had been for a few years now, whereas her connection with Misty were lesser, but important in context with Astral and Chow. A fascinating pair for different reasons, and both some she had interest in keeping on her side and in her debt.

Iron were an unknown quantity to her. An elusive sort it seemed, or just one her information network needed time to dig up something about, but regardless, he could still prove useful to her in the future. Besides, keeping him safe could be interesting leverage on Astral, Misty and Chow, if it became necesary to have that.

She still needed to get past the guards riddling this top hall, but she didn't think of that as an issue. She had rarely found a situation she couldn't talk her way out of.

Inside Iron, Misty and Golden's room, the doctor raised an eyebrow at what was being told him.

"Sensory disturbances could be a side effect of your treatment. It's rare, but not unheard of."

Neither this doctor, nor the staff in this room, had any idea who Warlock were. They had been busy at the hospital for the last few days and had just beeen told these Ponies had been in a nasty attack. The details, names, and even the increased Royal Guard presence on the streets had passed them unnoticed, though they were unfortunately likely soon to be shown first hoof who the mentioned Pony were.




"We laid a plan for how to lure them in, but I don't know what's happening with Scorn.

The Dragon growled and removed his hand, showing one of the runes carved into his scales glowing like it was on fire. The orange glow were slowly diminishing, but the form of what seemed like a Salamander biting its own tail were still clearly visible, and would be for a time.

"A Salamander? What does this mean?"

Scorn clenched his teeth and tensed his muscles.

"It means that someone have desroyed the wards around the Element of Hatred, and I think we both know who that is. We need to be ready for his arrival. Now."

This were going to complicate things, and considering the troubled tone the normally gruff Dragon had said this in, that might end up being an understatement.

How they could use the necklace right now... Yet sadly, the train wasn't in Canterlot yet, on which both the amulet, and Null and Void were riding with Benny, so that security blanket wasn't there for them.

Another knew that, deep in the Canterlot prison. A strange creature who had willingly followed into the cells earlier, and now starred at a small, glowing amulet, that had been in his robes.

"The next step is proceeding as planned. Soon enough, they will turn to me."

If Zhu could draw any joy from knowing what was likely to happen now, he might have smiled smugly, but it had been a long time since he had a reason to be happy, and what was to come were not something he could find pleasant. Only necesary, for the greater picture.

There was of course the possibility for things to go in favor of Canterlot, but that wouldn't change much for him. The path would still mostly be the same, for better or for worse.




"We have a large tent area set up to tourists, outside workers and displaced locals. It won't be the best, but it will make sure you have a roof over your heads for the time being, until the town is remade and we can see how the housing situation looks like.

I know tgat some have decided to leave Ponyville, or already have, as they do not feel safe anymore. Personally I fell it prematurely, but it is not my duty to change their mind, only to guide and protect them if needed.

The forepony predicted the town would be rebuild before midnight, though I don't know the exact time, and I am aware that she will inspect the work herself afterwards to make sure it's good enough. Perhaps tomorrow when we know who is still here, you can start to find a place? If I am not occupied, I can try and help you."

He wasn't sure how his day would go. Basically it would depend on this night. With some luck. He could have some sleep, and then take Jelly to school, then help these two, but it was impossible to say right now.



 Nerzhei had to take another swig of the vial in her bag when she was confronted with the previous examples of what leaving Blood alone caused.

"What's that?"

Slappy asked the Dragoness mainly because he had heard stories about how some of them liked more spirited drinks, and that was why they were so angry and histile all the time. Sure it didn't fit when he had met Benny the first time and the blacksmith had hugged him, but Benny was a weird one to begin with from what he had heard, so he didn't think the stereotypes could really be used when it came to him.

"It's a serum against migraines. Idiocy hurts my head."

Nerzhei did drink, but it was rarely, and she tried not to go too far. She had done so once before, and the aftermath were an embarassment she did not think fondly off.

"You're both following me, so I can keep an eye on you. Blood is right, we shouldn't take any more risks. Hope you can handle the heat."

Methodically, Nerzhei removed her robe, and her bag. It felt weird to be without them, as if she were naked, even if how she would then stand would be how most of her kind stood.

Her scales were well preserved. A life of books and studying had left her little in the ways of scars, and she looked more delicate than her strength and robed would normally suggest.

This was a part she did not like of herself. She hated being seen as weak, and exposed, like she were little more than a beast, or a simpleton like most of her kind were in her eyes. Something which you could see in the way she clutched her arms and legs closer to her body, whilst the tail slithered closer to wrap slightly around her. As if she tried to shield herself, and cover her scales.

But she had little choice. The flames would scorch her clothes, smoulder her books... There was no other way.

She ignored the nervous glances of Slappy, who were still trapped in this situation, and plunged her hand into the ground. She winched as the rock clamped tightly around her fist, but she had little choice. She hadn't the time to look for tools now, so she had to make use of what she knew.

To think that her fathers lessons in armor crafting would turn out to carry her so often in life... If they ever met again, perhaps she would have to give him the credit he was due. He was not as useless and ignorant as she had always given him credit for, perhaps just practical and narrow-minded.

Her shoulder hung as she rose up from the ground, with a fist now covered in solid rock, flattened in angles and corners to provide what she needed for a hammering.

"I forgot how much this hurts... Slappy, find me metal in the container. Thick lumps, as closely as can be. I need to get to work."

He would follow orders and wander up to rummage through and find as big chunks of metal as he could. Some of them she sorted away, though most she took in and gathered up, then started to let loose the flames from deep within her being.

Both if them would be wise to not stand too close whilst she started to melt and hammer the iron to something resembling a working anvil. The sparks and heat would be harsh, and dangerous if they got into contact.

She did not seem to enjoy this though. Even if she tries to remain focussed on the task, she felt her arm and hand tremble with every strike, whilst the strong flames spread soot on her scales. She were not a fire-leaning dragon, she was of the earth, and though that made her sturdy, this work would take its toll on her. Hopefully she could at least get something productive done before that.




He'd sit there a good deal of time before somepony else would approach him, and Stare, who stood silently behind his seat.

"Heey, you look bored. Want coffee? We have aaaaal kinds of good stuff. What about you Stare-bear? The usual swill?"

"Honey-dew isn't swill."

"Uuuh, confrontational today are we? Hah! I love it."

Berry had a good little conversation going with the low-voiced Stare as she had approached Lance to see if she could sell him on the good stuff, but of course, she'd listen in to what he were interested in drinking or have to say. Especially since she had the feeling that he didn't know he had a follower before this, and it gave her her jollies to see Ponies react on figuring out that the quiet mare were suddenly there.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

A mare who fights is not exactly unheard of but stories of them are incredibly rare. To meet one face to face is considered lucky. But fighting for sport is very much a confusing thing. Combat is primarily for defense and only meant for the most dire of situations. Such things make ponies more strange in the eyes of the siblings.

"Congratulations on your achievement. I'm Sen and this here is my sister, Lin. We needed Discord to help us find our friend after she disappeared and now, we have a message to bring to Fiddler. After he helped us out earlier, we thought he might want to join us for a bit longer. We might need to turn to him for help later."

Today was an odd day indeed with Sen not expecting to talk of the positive things the draconequus did for them. He still harbored some resentment to him but perhaps he started to believe he has changed. Fluttershy's influence, no doubt. 

"I know it sounds strange because of your past experience with Discord but give him a chance. He isn't the villain he used to be."

Edited by EQ_Theta
  • Brohoof 1
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